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Unannounced Family members.....

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Do you think standard games with two or more unanounced family members:

Should be private game
Let the other players in the standard game know you are family
Total votes : 80

Postby Kugelblitz22 on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:57 am

I concur with some of the above sentiments. My wife, brother and sister all play. I have been approached for secret alliances but never from my family, only from newbs and idiots. Yet I am always fearfull the CC KGB is going to come to my house in the middle of the night if we accidentally end up in a public game togethor. 8-[
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:07 am

what it comes down to is a mojority do feel cheated when they play against family, they feel as though people cannot be completely unbiased when one of the members is their daughter or son....with friends its different...attacking a guy whose avatar you know is a little easier than taking your daughter out of the game...its just human nature...

Evil semp and I played a game with mrs. semper that was supposed to be was standard by accident....i had to focus as much on making sure it didnt look like i was favoring cd as much as i did on the game...and this is a guy that knows me and knows i wont cheat, but i didnt want him to even have to suspect it for a minute, because i knew it would ruin his game and mrs sempers game

im not suggesting that people can accuse families of cheating per se, but i dont blame them for not feeling that it isnt completely fair....

also, there really are plenty of families in here, and people that dont mind playing family members that joining privates shouldnt be that hard...and doubles and triples are a lot of fun....not to say devoid of an occasional disagreement, and against other couples, they are even more fun

it really is unfortunate that not everyone can be trusting, and be trustworthy, but it is that way...i myself would rather lose than have someone feel cheated during the game....

the cheaters ruin it for everyone, which is why they are harassed as much as they are
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Postby gav88111 on Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:05 pm

My daughter and I both play out of the same house and on the same computer. However, we both make it a point to only play together as doubles partners...We have been thrown against eachother in tournament games and we make it very clear that we are family. To be quite honest, it actually hurts our games because we go out of our way to attack one another in order to avoid any possible alliance/multi accusations. (though, I must admit, it was funny getting Rebecca's name in the assasination tourney...)
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:11 pm

I know that makes you a target for some...however If you declared this in game, a reasonable person would not...I would not attack you simply because of this(thats just me). As for can't help that your matched up in same game, and It's not like you planned it out...
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:07 pm

LGST it seems that you've designated yourself as CC witchhunter. You really need to see about getting a life, or at least a role model of sorts. But if you insist on being the bane of cheaters sobeit - just try to learn how to do research - LIKE CHECKING THE FREAKIN GAME LOG YOU PATHETIC LOSER!! Family and friends can't play in games together according to you. You must have a helluva family, and your mother failed miserably in your case.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:10 pm

b.k. barunt wrote:bla...bla...bla
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:14 pm

Your mammy loved my bla bla bla.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:19 pm

At least my mother was not my brothers sister like yours...I hear the banjo in your background getting louder...hurry up jethro vittles are ready
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:20 pm

LetGodSortThem wrote:At least my mother was not my brothers sister like yours...I hear the banjo in your background getting louder...hurry up jethro vittles are ready

His mother is your brother's sister!!! That makes him your nephew!!!

Family can't play games, don't forget!
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:20 pm

you guys are out of control....

lgsto has helped crush a lot of multis and cheaters...hes done research thats helped others know who to avoid....there are less cheaters here because of him simple as that

now as far as the personal attacks between you two...i dont know who started it, but carrying on is on both of you

there is nothing wrong with lgsto feeling family shouldnt play together, and nothing wrong with you feeling its fine...but you both have to drop the personal attacks....both of your opinions are well known...why carry on???

cheaters ruin this game for this exact reason....
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:23 pm

AAFitz wrote:you guys are out of control....

lgsto has helped crush a lot of multis and cheaters...hes done research thats helped others know who to avoid....there are less cheaters here because of him simple as that

now as far as the personal attacks between you two...i dont know who started it, but carrying on is on both of you

there is nothing wrong with lgsto feeling family shouldnt play together, and nothing wrong with you feeling its fine...but you both have to drop the personal attacks....both of your opinions are well known...why carry on???

cheaters ruin this game for this exact reason....

AGREED!!! That is why I threw a joke in there... try to make everyone chill out a bit and lighten the hell up... This is a game on the internet guys!! Chill out!
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Postby AlbroShlo on Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:14 pm

Well lot's of response to the poll. Good to see, good idea LGST. I really don't know where Paulus finds the time to write all these essays in the Forum (nice life lol). For my part i will try to keep it short.

Should family members be allowed in the same standard game without announcing their relationship?

In a perfect world where everyone is honest and sunshine and lollipops and all that crap, yes.

In the world we live in, no. Why don't you try coming back to the real world guys.

As far as the comment "now as far as the personal attacks between you two...i dont know who started it, but carrying on is on both of you".

I filled out the multi form and left NF for Paulus and b.k.barunt to warn others of the relationship.

That was as far as i was going to go untill Paulus starts his selfrighteous comments and b.k. says i should be Bitch Slapped. That kinda pissed me i responded.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:25 pm

Why carry on? Because this cowardly wanker has accused me and my nephew of cheating simply because we were in the same game. He has cited no evidence in that game that would back up his accusation, in fact i don't think that he has even looked at the game log. Fitz, you evidently encourage him because he does some of your work. I say it's time you put a leash on him - you've evidently made him feel important and it's gone to his head. Hell he didn't even make the initial complaint, but picked up on it when his "significant other" made the accusation. Like i said he has never even looked at the game log. And albro you do need to be bitch slapped for your whining.
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Postby Paulus on Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:39 pm

In response to Albro:

It was perfectly reasonable for me to respond to your accusations of cheating against me and b.k. barunt. Can you honestly say that you would be completely silent if you were wrongly accused by someone else of cheating and left negative feedback by the accuser? Oh, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings when I decided to post a defense for myself. Did you really expect me to not say anything in my defense of your lame accusations?

How can the fact that we don't live in a perfect world mean that family members shouldn't play in standard games together? Sore losers like you would still probably accuse family members of cheating even if they did announce their relationship at the start of a game.

The point is that two or more related players in a game cannot be considered cheaters simply because they are related. As in any case, there must be evidence to prove their guilt. You have failed miserably in this, Albro. Related players should also not have to restrict their standard game play with each other to private games or be required to announce their relationship at the start of a game just because babies like yourself, Albro :cry: , think that they might cheat. If you are going to accuse someone of cheating, make sure it's because you have great reason to believe this and not just because they are related because that doesn't prove a damn thing.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:04 pm

Well the subject is closed now. I know it will be hard for you to except since you won't be able to continue with your verbal diarrhea. the multihunter suggested leaving feedback if i thought you were cheating, which i allready did and it will stay there.

By the way the offer still stands if you want to come to Nova Scotia and Bitch Slap me Uncle Feltcher, don't let fear and common sense hold you back lmao.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:29 pm

No baby albro it is not hard for me to "except" (try accept). And as far as bitch slapping you up in Nova Scotia, i'll have to pass since you've scared me half to death with tales of your karate lessons. I would imagine you get bitch slapped enough up there - someone with your tendency to shoot off the mouth usually does. First time i ever heard someone boast about being a roofer though - down here in Louisiana that's on a par with sanitation engineers (garbage pickeruppers). And 14 years of it? Hell that must be enough time to qualify you as a skilled laborer in an unskilled field. Does explain your problem with a keyboard though. And the subject is not closed until we're cleared - is that hard for you to "except"?
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:46 pm

you guys are taking this pretty hard...i have family on here, and friends and know many other families...they dont seem to mind that people feel cheated if playing against other family members....quite frankly acting the way you are in front of your son and nephew should embarrass you...

how hard is it to accept that people feel cheated when playing against family members....

most understand that and dont do it....not because they fear being accused, but they realize it just isnt fair to the people who feel cheated...and as for the personal attacks on everyone who disagrees with you...i dont know what else to say but that you are not setting a great actually embarrased to be in the same thread as you....making fun of a guy cause hes a roofer...whats wrong with you?
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Postby Evil Semp on Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:53 pm

b.k. barunt you state the fitz should put a leash on LGSTO. The only ones who can try to control him are those of us who say stop the witch hunts.

Where were you in the discussions the LGSTO and I had on this subject? LGSTO and I don't see eye to eye on much, but he is only trying to help protect the integrity of the games. LGSTO are on opposite sides of the scale trying to keep things balanced.

It doesn't bother anyone unless they are the ones being accused. I think I am the only one who has consistantly said that there should be some evidence before any accusations are made.

I bet you sleep with a roof over your head at night!!!
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:12 pm

i missed the leash line...the reason i respect lgsto, is that i know if he disagrees with me, he will say so, and I can then accurately get feedback on my posts...

what i see is players that are angry because of E.Semp, i agree there should be some evidence....and when i see an accusation thats ridiculous i will post as much....of course...ive been wrong...dead wrong...but that happens

anyways...i was hoping to just help you both walk away from this and not let it escalate...the personal attacks are just not necessary, and im sure everyone wished it didnt resort to that....if I didnt think everyone here was an adult, that just got carried away, i wouldnt have wasted my time

but you guys have to resolve this one way or just isnt good for the site....16 year olds bickering is one thing, but this is different
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Postby billval3 on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:38 pm

I never thought twice about playing with my brothers in the same game until reading this thread. Why would we cheat? Each of us wants to win! There can be only one winner, right?

I guess terminator games would be the exception to that rule. I just thought of that now. Even then, I want to be a higher rank then my brothers. I want to have more points. Why assume I would be lax on them?

I guess I'll announce when I'm in a game with one of my brothers from now on if people really feel that strongly about it. Just to clarify: Are you guys saying we should ALSO announce it if we are playing doubles together?
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Postby Evil Semp on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:43 pm

It shouldn't be necessary when you are a doubles team. But my wife and I have been accused as being multi's in a freestyle doubles game because we took our turns right after each other when it was to our advantage.

As far as announcing in a singles game, it could bring accusations just because you are brothers.
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Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:51 pm

in doubles, it really doesnt may get accused, you may not...but as long as you both are playing, it shouldnt matter...those are just silly accusations in my opinion

as far as singles...most dont play together....and many dont think its fair...

however, if you play a bunch of games and you dont favor each other, you should be fine...but if someone thinks you are cheating, they might not like that you are run the risk of being checked out and might have to explain your actions....

for me and most its just easier to avoid them....i hope at some point there will be an arena for families to play without worry, because it is a blast...

but the way this place works now....unfortunately the risk of an accusation is there....and lets not all forget that we have the actual cheaters to thank for this
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Postby Paulus on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:31 am

In response to AlbroShlo:

Why then would YOU continue to discuss the subject if you thought it was closed? Also, it's not "except" but "accept". You can refer to my posts as "verbal diarrhea" all you want, but my posts are actually sensible responses to your foolish attempts to convince others of your absurd and hollow argument. I guess this is hard for you accept, or maybe you're just too much of an idiot to realize that your argument doesn't hold up. I will continue to debate this subject with you as long as you continue to comment on it.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:11 am

I don't mind being checked out and i don't mind explaining my actions. If someone will please look at that game they will see what a whining bitch albro shlo really is. Fitz, how long before that happens?
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Postby billval3 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:24 am

I, personally, would kill off my brother in a heartbeat! (in the game, that is) 8) Do I maybe feel a little bad when I'm about to do it? Sure, but that's not going to stop me!

We live in the same house, however, so now I'm worried about the accusation of being a multi. We both use the same wireless router and sometimes he hops on my computer to play. Any advice?
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