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Danish Alliance?

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Danish Alliance?

Postby CerealKill3r on Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:34 pm

I recently noticed that two players, one from Denmark, the other from Norway, were speaking what appeared to be Danish in the game chat. I really didn't think much of it until they began taking over the map without doing much damage to each other. I finally pasted there chat in a Danish to English translator and discovered the nature of their conversation, but it was too late. It turned out that they were discussing a "Peace" and alliance with each other. My question is: Is this considered a secret alliance if the pair is speaking an unknown language? By unknown, I of course mean a language foreign to the rest of the players in the game. Regardless of how others would classify this, I felt cheated.

The nature of their conversation:

Ulrikp: Hej rocco69.....lykke til mod de amerikanske styrker :-)
Rocco69: Mange takk! Lykke til du også:-)
Ulrikp: Rocco69, mens vi bekæmper hinanden, bliver de andre større og større.......det må lave om på.
Rocco69: Enig, gå ut av Venezia, så skal jeg la usa være i fred :-)
Ulrikp: "Enig, gå ut av Venezia, så skal jeg la usa være i fred :-)" ???????? ?????????
2007-01-30 19:34:23 - Rocco69: Faen! Sorry, jeg spiller 20 forskjellige brett, og har tydeligvis vært litt rask på avtrekkeren...
2007-01-30 22:52:36 - Ulrikp: I orden, jeg holder mig fra afrika

Very rough translation:

Ulrikp: Hey rocco69. happiness to against they americans strength : )
Rocco69: A lot of reply! Happiness to you too : )
Ulrikp: Rocco69, while vi combat each other , proves they others bigger and bigger. that can change.
Rocco69: Agree , walk ut ouch Venezia , so shall i la america være to peace : )
Ulrikp: " agree , walk ut ouch Venezia , so shall i la america være to peace : )"?????????????????
Rocco69: Faen! Sorry , i playing forskjellige brett , and has clearly vært literal agile at avtrekkeren.
Ulrikp: In order , i keeps me from africa
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:15 am

Fill out the official form you have a good case

Rocco69:Enig, gå ut av Venezia, så skal jeg la usa være i fred
=Agree , go out of Venice , saw do be about I allow usa be in peace

2007-02-07 00:40:16 - Rocco69: Wow, thats good! How did you learn that?

2007-02-07 00:44:09 - Ulrikp: i'm impressed

Well they speak good English here...
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Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:41 am

Hell yeah you have a legitimate beef. This is an english speaking website, and all alliances have to be announced in English, except in games organized in the foreign language chatrooms, or unless by some weird coincidence all the players that join a game all happen to speak the same foreign language. I live in the US, and I am sick and tired of seeing signs in English, and Spanish. If you are foreign, and you move here legally, or illegally (Wetbacks), then you need to learn English. If I moved to France, I would not expect signs to be in French, and English. I would expect to have to learn French, if I wanted to live comfortably in France. People that immigrate here, chose to do so, so by proxy, made the choice to learn English. If you join public games on this website, speak English. If you move here, speak English. If I move anywhere that speaks another language, I will speak that language. Even if I moved to England, I would make every effort to speak their brand of English, which is considerably different form what we speak in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
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This should not be acceptable by anyone

Postby golilox on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:22 am

Jamie wrote:Hell yeah you have a legitimate beef. This is an english speaking website, and all alliances have to be announced in English, except in games organized in the foreign language chatrooms, or unless by some weird coincidence all the players that join a game all happen to speak the same foreign language. I live in the US, and I am sick and tired of seeing signs in English, and Spanish. If you are foreign, and you move here legally, or illegally (Wetbacks), then you need to learn English. If I moved to France, I would not expect signs to be in French, and English. I would expect to have to learn French, if I wanted to live comfortably in France. People that immigrate here, chose to do so, so by proxy, made the choice to learn English. If you join public games on this website, speak English. If you move here, speak English. If I move anywhere that speaks another language, I will speak that language. Even if I moved to England, I would make every effort to speak their brand of English, which is considerably different form what we speak in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The first 4 and a half lines I agree with, everything else makes it very clear even before looking at your profile that you are from middle America.

To keep it simple, it is people like you that make the rest of the world hate america which is actually a pretty awesome place.

Did it ever accure to you that the exact same situation you are commenting on above is how america was taken away from the indians to begin with.

Please leave your racist comments to yourself.
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Re: This should not be acceptable by anyone

Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:39 am

golilox wrote:
Jamie wrote:Hell yeah you have a legitimate beef. This is an english speaking website, and all alliances have to be announced in English, except in games organized in the foreign language chatrooms, or unless by some weird coincidence all the players that join a game all happen to speak the same foreign language. I live in the US, and I am sick and tired of seeing signs in English, and Spanish. If you are foreign, and you move here legally, or illegally (Wetbacks), then you need to learn English. If I moved to France, I would not expect signs to be in French, and English. I would expect to have to learn French, if I wanted to live comfortably in France. People that immigrate here, chose to do so, so by proxy, made the choice to learn English. If you join public games on this website, speak English. If you move here, speak English. If I move anywhere that speaks another language, I will speak that language. Even if I moved to England, I would make every effort to speak their brand of English, which is considerably different form what we speak in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The first 4 and a half lines I agree with, everything else makes it very clear even before looking at your profile that you are from middle America.

To keep it simple, it is people like you that make the rest of the world hate america which is actually a pretty awesome place.

Did it ever accure to you that the exact same situation you are commenting on above is how america was taken away from the indians to begin with.

Please leave your racist comments to yourself.

*high five*

I agree.
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Re: This should not be acceptable by anyone

Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:22 pm

golilox wrote:
Jamie wrote:Hell yeah you have a legitimate beef. This is an english speaking website, and all alliances have to be announced in English, except in games organized in the foreign language chatrooms, or unless by some weird coincidence all the players that join a game all happen to speak the same foreign language. I live in the US, and I am sick and tired of seeing signs in English, and Spanish. If you are foreign, and you move here legally, or illegally (Wetbacks), then you need to learn English. If I moved to France, I would not expect signs to be in French, and English. I would expect to have to learn French, if I wanted to live comfortably in France. People that immigrate here, chose to do so, so by proxy, made the choice to learn English. If you join public games on this website, speak English. If you move here, speak English. If I move anywhere that speaks another language, I will speak that language. Even if I moved to England, I would make every effort to speak their brand of English, which is considerably different form what we speak in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The first 4 and a half lines I agree with, everything else makes it very clear even before looking at your profile that you are from middle America.

To keep it simple, it is people like you that make the rest of the world hate america which is actually a pretty awesome place.

Did it ever accure to you that the exact same situation you are commenting on above is how america was taken away from the indians to begin with.

Please leave your racist comments to yourself.

I am far from racist. How is it racist to say that you should speak the language of the country in which you live. Am I racist against myself than for saying I should speak French in France. If I am racist, then the entire planet is racist for having the gall to speak different languages. My ex-wife is Mexican. I learned a great deal of Spanish so I could speak to her Mexican relatives when they would come to visit, but they lived in Mexico, and only came here to visit, not live, and as such, I would accomodate them, by speaking some spanish, and they some broken English. My ex speaks fluent English, because she now lives here, and not in Mexico. This is an English speaking country. I think it is silly to post signs everwhere in English, and Spanish. You are just making it so Mexican immigrants don't have to learn English. I live in Sedalia, MO which has one of the largest spanish populations in the Mid West, but at my business, I have not one sign in Spanish. Maybe the only business in Sedalia to do that. None of my employees are Mexican, but my Mexican customers have never once complained about having to read everything in English. If one ever does, I will explain that the US is an English speaking country, and if I was in Mexico, I would not expect things to be in English for my benefit. As Isaid before "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" If you can't follow that, then you might as well not go anywhere where languages, and customs are different. That is not racist.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:26 pm

LETS STICK TO THE FRIGGIN SUBJECT...dude got scammed by secret alliance...............................
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Postby Midgetlover on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:32 pm

Being danish myself, i'd like to give you a complete translation of what was said in the chat. Rocco69 is speaking norwegian btw.

Ulrikp: Hi rocco69.....I wish you luck against the american forces
Rocco69: Thanks alot! I wish you luck aswell.
Ulrikp: Rocco69, while we're fighting each other, the others are getting bigger and bigger...we gotta change that.
Rocco69: I Agree, Retreat from Venezia, Then i'll leave usa alone.
Ulrikp: "I agree, retreat from venezia, then ill leave usa alone." ???????? ?????????
2007-01-30 19:34:23 - Rocco69: God damn! Sorry, i'm playing 20 different games at the moment, and i've clearly been a bit too fast with my moves.
2007-01-30 22:52:36 - Ulrikp: That's allright, i'm staying away from africa.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:42 pm

Great thank you Migetlover for the complete translation...
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Postby CerealKill3r on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:54 pm

Ok I think I submitted the complaint. I followed instructions and posted in the forum. Subject: Ulrikp & Rocco69.

Thanks for the input everyone.
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Re: This should not be acceptable by anyone

Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:30 pm

Jamie wrote:
golilox wrote:
Jamie wrote:Hell yeah you have a legitimate beef. This is an english speaking website, and all alliances have to be announced in English, except in games organized in the foreign language chatrooms, or unless by some weird coincidence all the players that join a game all happen to speak the same foreign language. I live in the US, and I am sick and tired of seeing signs in English, and Spanish. If you are foreign, and you move here legally, or illegally (Wetbacks), then you need to learn English. If I moved to France, I would not expect signs to be in French, and English. I would expect to have to learn French, if I wanted to live comfortably in France. People that immigrate here, chose to do so, so by proxy, made the choice to learn English. If you join public games on this website, speak English. If you move here, speak English. If I move anywhere that speaks another language, I will speak that language. Even if I moved to England, I would make every effort to speak their brand of English, which is considerably different form what we speak in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The first 4 and a half lines I agree with, everything else makes it very clear even before looking at your profile that you are from middle America.

To keep it simple, it is people like you that make the rest of the world hate america which is actually a pretty awesome place.

Did it ever accure to you that the exact same situation you are commenting on above is how america was taken away from the indians to begin with.

Please leave your racist comments to yourself.

I am far from racist. How is it racist to say that you should speak the language of the country in which you live. Am I racist against myself than for saying I should speak French in France. If I am racist, then the entire planet is racist for having the gall to speak different languages. My ex-wife is Mexican. I learned a great deal of Spanish so I could speak to her Mexican relatives when they would come to visit, but they lived in Mexico, and only came here to visit, not live, and as such, I would accomodate them, by speaking some spanish, and they some broken English. My ex speaks fluent English, because she now lives here, and not in Mexico. This is an English speaking country. I think it is silly to post signs everwhere in English, and Spanish. You are just making it so Mexican immigrants don't have to learn English. I live in Sedalia, MO which has one of the largest spanish populations in the Mid West, but at my business, I have not one sign in Spanish. Maybe the only business in Sedalia to do that. None of my employees are Mexican, but my Mexican customers have never once complained about having to read everything in English. If one ever does, I will explain that the US is an English speaking country, and if I was in Mexico, I would not expect things to be in English for my benefit. As Isaid before "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" If you can't follow that, then you might as well not go anywhere where languages, and customs are different. That is not racist.

How are you racist??? You stupid sack of shit... You used the word Wetback for one, you bottomfeeder... Not to mention that comments you have made in other threads have shown this.
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Re: This should not be acceptable by anyone

Postby Jamie on Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:18 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:
Jamie wrote:
golilox wrote:
Jamie wrote:Hell yeah you have a legitimate beef. This is an english speaking website, and all alliances have to be announced in English, except in games organized in the foreign language chatrooms, or unless by some weird coincidence all the players that join a game all happen to speak the same foreign language. I live in the US, and I am sick and tired of seeing signs in English, and Spanish. If you are foreign, and you move here legally, or illegally (Wetbacks), then you need to learn English. If I moved to France, I would not expect signs to be in French, and English. I would expect to have to learn French, if I wanted to live comfortably in France. People that immigrate here, chose to do so, so by proxy, made the choice to learn English. If you join public games on this website, speak English. If you move here, speak English. If I move anywhere that speaks another language, I will speak that language. Even if I moved to England, I would make every effort to speak their brand of English, which is considerably different form what we speak in the US. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The first 4 and a half lines I agree with, everything else makes it very clear even before looking at your profile that you are from middle America.

To keep it simple, it is people like you that make the rest of the world hate america which is actually a pretty awesome place.

Did it ever accure to you that the exact same situation you are commenting on above is how america was taken away from the indians to begin with.

Please leave your racist comments to yourself.

I am far from racist. How is it racist to say that you should speak the language of the country in which you live. Am I racist against myself than for saying I should speak French in France. If I am racist, then the entire planet is racist for having the gall to speak different languages. My ex-wife is Mexican. I learned a great deal of Spanish so I could speak to her Mexican relatives when they would come to visit, but they lived in Mexico, and only came here to visit, not live, and as such, I would accomodate them, by speaking some spanish, and they some broken English. My ex speaks fluent English, because she now lives here, and not in Mexico. This is an English speaking country. I think it is silly to post signs everwhere in English, and Spanish. You are just making it so Mexican immigrants don't have to learn English. I live in Sedalia, MO which has one of the largest spanish populations in the Mid West, but at my business, I have not one sign in Spanish. Maybe the only business in Sedalia to do that. None of my employees are Mexican, but my Mexican customers have never once complained about having to read everything in English. If one ever does, I will explain that the US is an English speaking country, and if I was in Mexico, I would not expect things to be in English for my benefit. As Isaid before "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" If you can't follow that, then you might as well not go anywhere where languages, and customs are different. That is not racist.

How are you racist??? You stupid sack of shit... You used the word Wetback for one, you bottomfeeder... Not to mention that comments you have made in other threads have shown this.

Um, I used the word wetback in it's proper form, (referring to the Mexicans that enter the US illegally by crossing the Rio Grande) Such people do not deserve respectful titles. I was not referring to all Mexicans, as most of the ones in the US are here legally. I don't have a problem with those, so long as they don't expect me to speak Spanish to them. I have never made a racist comment in any other threads, seeing as homosexuals are not a race. Those people have chosen a certain sexual preference, and since a person is responsible for the choices they make, I don't like them for it. That doesn't make me racist, that would make me hmmm, homophobic isn't the right word, as that is a fear of homosexuals. Whatever word describes a dislike of them would be the word I am. Anyway, seeing as how I was once married to a Mexican woman, and the fact I have several close black friends, and have even been on a date with a black girl, I fail to see in what way I am racist.
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Re: This should not be acceptable by anyone

Postby viking thunder on Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:14 pm

Jamie wrote:I fail to see in what way I am racist.

you missed the class in high school where they explained.

Any "OTHER" race can have any holidays, any slang words, and any anything they want and it is fine, if a white person does anything even remotely near the possibility that someone of another race may be inconvenienced, they are racist.

you are in america, deal with it, because political correctness means it will never change.
Ever get the feeling you have 200 men with tanks and rockets, and they are getting their asses kicked by a neanderthal with a stick???

It is called auto attack!
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Postby juventino on Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:49 am

Jamie. I just do a short intervention and I havent read it all. I was thought USA didnt have a language. We in Sweden have Swedish as our official language but you in USA only have English as de facto language. So Spanish or Italian or anything should work fine in US.

But now we are coming away from this topic.

A while ago I spoke about a language rule. Perhaps it is needed now.
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Postby Jamie on Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:54 am

juventino wrote:Jamie. I just do a short intervention and I havent read it all. I was thought USA didnt have a language. We in Sweden have Swedish as our official language but you in USA only have English as de facto language. So Spanish or Italian or anything should work fine in US.

But now we are coming away from this topic.

A while ago I spoke about a language rule. Perhaps it is needed now.

WOW, weird comment. English has been the official language in the US for centuries. Over 99% of the country speaks English, although different variations of it (accents, and slang). Around 96% speak it as a first, and primary language. If you speak Spanish, and no English, and you live here, you are screwed. Most of the Spanish speaking citizens in the US, KNOW some if not alot of English, they just don't do it unless they have to. I have never met anyone here who speak Italian, or even knows Italian. I can't imagine moving to another country, and refusing to speak that countries language.
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Postby perchorin on Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:07 pm

Jamie wrote:
juventino wrote:Jamie. I just do a short intervention and I havent read it all. I was thought USA didnt have a language. We in Sweden have Swedish as our official language but you in USA only have English as de facto language. So Spanish or Italian or anything should work fine in US.

But now we are coming away from this topic.

A while ago I spoke about a language rule. Perhaps it is needed now.

WOW, weird comment. English has been the official language in the US for centuries. Over 99% of the country speaks English, although different variations of it (accents, and slang). Around 96% speak it as a first, and primary language. If you speak Spanish, and no English, and you live here, you are screwed. Most of the Spanish speaking citizens in the US, KNOW some if not alot of English, they just don't do it unless they have to. I have never met anyone here who speak Italian, or even knows Italian. I can't imagine moving to another country, and refusing to speak that countries language.

where do you get your statistics? could you post a link or something?
And by the way, the US doesn't have an "official language" in the legal sense, hence past attempts by various conservatives to introduce constitutional amendments to that effect.
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Postby Jamie on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:32 pm

perchorin wrote:
Jamie wrote:
juventino wrote:Jamie. I just do a short intervention and I havent read it all. I was thought USA didnt have a language. We in Sweden have Swedish as our official language but you in USA only have English as de facto language. So Spanish or Italian or anything should work fine in US.

But now we are coming away from this topic.

A while ago I spoke about a language rule. Perhaps it is needed now.

WOW, weird comment. English has been the official language in the US for centuries. Over 99% of the country speaks English, although different variations of it (accents, and slang). Around 96% speak it as a first, and primary language. If you speak Spanish, and no English, and you live here, you are screwed. Most of the Spanish speaking citizens in the US, KNOW some if not alot of English, they just don't do it unless they have to. I have never met anyone here who speak Italian, or even knows Italian. I can't imagine moving to another country, and refusing to speak that countries language.

where do you get your statistics? could you post a link or something?
And by the way, the US doesn't have an "official language" in the legal sense, hence past attempts by various conservatives to introduce constitutional amendments to that effect.

All right, I'm sick of this. Now we are arguing over whether or not the US is an English speaking country. That is retarded. How bout we argue over whether or not the French speak French, or if the pyramids are in Egypt. I'll bet I could find somebody to argue with me on whether or not ice is cold to the human touch. The US is an English speaking country, and has been for a few hundred years, and will continue to be so for a few hundred more. You don't need a damn amendment that says a language is an official language. The language of a country is whatever the majority of the people who live there speak. That is not an opinion, that is a cold hard fact. I love English, but I won't force it on others in their country, or their websites. If you don't live here, there is no point you can make concerning this. I do live in the US, and have every minute of my life. I can tell you with certainty that I have met only ONE person in my whole life that lives in the US, and didn't know enough English to have a basic conversation with, and that person was a man who had just come up from Mexico 2 months before. So no more stupid threads about the US not being an English speaking country, or asking for post to prove the fact. W espeak English here in the US, I live here, I work here, I have been all over the US from coast to coast, and I can tell you that every state in the US speaks English, as a primary language by the overwhelming majority of their populations
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Postby viking thunder on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:35 pm

hey perch, whassup??

yes, you are correct, there is no official language of the united states. a few states have them, the country as a whole does not. on the other hand, english has been used in the majority of all government and business transactions for the entire history of the country, so tradition lends us to calling english our language.

And jamie, best statistic I could find said 87% of people in the USA speak english, I do not know where you got your 99% number, anyone who lives here should know that isn't true, I run into people who do not speak english every day!
Last edited by viking thunder on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ever get the feeling you have 200 men with tanks and rockets, and they are getting their asses kicked by a neanderthal with a stick???

It is called auto attack!
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Postby viking thunder on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:40 pm

Jamie wrote: I have been all over the US from coast to coast, and I can tell you that every state in the US speaks English, as a primary language by the overwhelming majority of their populations

Been to texas or california?? I'm not sure your statement would hold true there.

I don't know where you live, but I see mexicans and south americans every day here going about there lives, and many of them do not speak english.if you get out of your bubble and look, perhaps you will notice.
Ever get the feeling you have 200 men with tanks and rockets, and they are getting their asses kicked by a neanderthal with a stick???

It is called auto attack!
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:47 pm

I live in a college town... We have a HUGE number of malaysians, middle easterners, south americans, and even those from eastern Europe... Many of them speak little to no english. *shrug*

However, Jamie, where I disagree with you is that THIS SITE IS NOT AMERICAN... It may be North American, but it is not the USA... Therefore, don't act like it is...

If Lack wanted the main language here to be French, then it could be, or Portugese, or fucking Swahili... The point is that you made a bad point that was untrue.
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Postby viking thunder on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:50 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:I live in a college town... We have a HUGE number of malaysians, middle easterners, south americans, and even those from eastern Europe... Many of them speak little to no english. *shrug*

However, Jamie, where I disagree with you is that THIS SITE IS NOT AMERICAN... It may be North American, but it is not the USA... Therefore, don't act like it is...

If Lack wanted the main language here to be French, then it could be, or Portugese, or fucking Swahili... The point is that you made a bad point that was untrue.

I must agree, the only government that makes rules around CC is lack.

Although I find it upsetting for a person to make an alliance in another language, only lack can say whether or not it is cheating. I am sure he will pop in with his two cents when he gets a chance.
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Postby Jamie on Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:51 pm

viking thunder wrote:
Jamie wrote: I have been all over the US from coast to coast, and I can tell you that every state in the US speaks English, as a primary language by the overwhelming majority of their populations

Been to texas or california?? I'm not sure your statement would hold true there.

I don't know where you live, but I see mexicans and south americans every day here going about there lives, and many of them do not speak english.if you get out of your bubble and look, perhaps you will notice.

You've lost your damn mind. Yes I've been to those states. They speak English there. Do most native Mexicans speak English to eachother, no, but they still know it, most do anyway, and they speak it to me, and other English speaking people, though with a heavy accent. I've bben to Chinatown in San Francisco. They speak a bunch of different languages there, but to Americans, they speak English. Whoever said 87% speak English, perhaps, but that is a rough estimite that includes illegal immigrants. My numbers include only those who are legal citizens, who partipated in the 2000 US census. I live in Sedalia, MO which has a HUGE hispanic populace. There are stores that cater only to hispanics here. I deal with thease peopleeveryday, and all but one can speak rudimentary English. In Texas, the Mexicans that are there legally speak English. You have to know quite a bit of English just to pass the citizenship test. That 87% fifure includes the roughly 3 million or so Mexicans who crossed the border illegally, and inhabit mostly Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona. Use some common sense before posting a stupid thread.
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Postby viking thunder on Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:06 pm

Jamie wrote:

You've lost your damn mind. Yes I've been to those states. They speak English there. Do most native Mexicans speak spanish to eachother, no, but they still know it, most do anyway, and they speak it to me, and other English speaking people, though with a heavy accent. I've bben to Chinatown in San Francisco. They speak a bunch of different languages there, but to Americans, they speak English. Whoever said 87% speak English, perhaps, but that is a rough estimite that includes illegal immigrants. My numbers include only those who are legal citizens, who partipated in the 2000 US census. I live in Sedalia, MO which has a HUGE hispanic populace. There are stores that cater only to hispanics here. I deal with thease peopleeveryday, and all but one can speak rudimentary English. In Texas, the Mexicans that are there legally speak English. You have to know quite a bit of English just to pass the citizenship test. That 87% fifure includes the roughly 3 million or so Mexicans who crossed the border illegally, and inhabit mostly Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona. Use some common sense before posting a stupid thread.

first off, according to the 2000 census there were 12 million illegal aliens in the usa. and those are just the ones who filled it out, the actual number has to be much much higher than that. and the number grows by a couple of million a year.

I work selling commercial cleaning chemicals to resteraunts, hospitals, hotels, and other large establishments. I can tell you EVERY DAY I meet ten people who cannot say hello in english. I can only guess that Sedalia is better of than St. louis because if you go to the latin american grocery here, there can be 20 people there and you will be lucky if one can make an english sentence.

And just so you know, most of your "Mexicans", aren't mexican. they are from central and south america.

and just so you know, the US census from 2000 shows 5% of the population speaks no english, and that is not counting the illegals who did not fill it out.
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Postby gav88111 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:10 pm

I'm not taking sides here, but I feel it must be pointed out that the founding father of our great Conquer Club, lackattack, actually resides in Canada. I suspect there is a distinct possibility that he may even be Canadian...In Canada, being a multicultural country, we actually have two official languages, English and French...If you've never met anyone in the whole US of A that doesn't speak english, then might I suggest you get out of the house more often.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:37 pm

I primarily speak English and I live in Quebec, we have something here called a sign law, and we have sign police who enforce the rules...

French letters on signs must be bigger than English letters

Whats wrong with that? NOTHING... damn it you can still put English words as well...Hey my kid can read two languages at 9 now...

But people still complain. and won't comply..thus allowing sign police to exist

My point It's a smaller world now multiculturalism is a fact of life and If we can do it, albeit slowly...

So lets agree all points are valid and time will adjust attitudes...

And I have yet to encounter any language based bias yet...In 20 years..
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