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Owenator - I dont believe in improbable coincidence[cleared]

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Re: Owenator ... I dont believe in improbable coincidence

Postby Thezzaruz on Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:13 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:1)there is a pattern that occurs when he starts a 4 or 5 man feudal map

True. It's a quite random assortment of opponents with about the expected number of newbies.

army of nobunaga wrote:2) this pattern doesnt exist with any random subset of ppl I randomly checked before I created this thread

Seems like you made some poor assumptions that led you to some incorrect conclusions. When looking at other relevant games created by other players the same pattern does in fact exist.

army of nobunaga wrote:All I fucking ask was a statistical lopsided join rate be looked into.

What you think is lopsidedness actually has some very simple and logical explanations.

Lastly I hope that achilles and the rest of the mods take a moment and reconsider the farming rule (not that it should be completely scrapped but some definitions might need to be looked at) and the effects of the site enforced restrictions on newbies.
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Re: Owenator ... I dont believe in improbable coincidence

Postby Kotaro on Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:18 pm

HardAttack, your style of arguing by starting and telling everyone to grow up is pretty boring and ineffective, especially when you don't know what you're talking about.

army of nobunaga doesn't report because he believes there is cheating, he posts because he's a sore loser, simple as that.

army of nobunaga wrote:and ps
kotoro if you are ever anything other than a flippint forum pissant troll, ill be damned that day son.

and ps
army of nubububuag, i can purposely mispell names too.

It'd be nice if you reported someone if you had proof, and not just everytime you lose and have a temper tantrum.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Owenator - I dont believe in improbable coincidence[cleared]

Postby maimerofmen on Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:25 pm

Iwonagain, is on my list of players who need to be watched or avoided. Seems like this is one of those guys who has nothing better to do all day than to cheat at a game with no money incentive. I do not believe in coincidences and I do not believe what this guys is pushing in his games.
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Re: Owenator - I dont believe in improbable coincidence[cleared]

Postby Mr_Adams on Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:39 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:and ps
kotoro if you are ever anything other than a flippint forum pissant troll, ill be damned that day son.

I actualy find this comment rather comical when we consider the fact that Kotaro is a more logical forward thinking individual than nobunaga seems to be.
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Re: Owenator - I dont believe in improbable coincidence[cleared]

Postby IwonAgain on Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:51 pm

OMFG. Maimerofmen, bring this bull shit on. Please have anyone owenator or king achilles or whoever the f*ck moderates this or wants to check my record out. I cant believe you are posting that im cheating people for nothing to gain. YES, please see how often I play. Check who I play - multiple people, higher and lower ranks. Go spend some time getting better and improving your 25% winning record rather than trashing others.

DEAR MODERATOR: Please investigate me. and post reply here when Im clear.

Maimerofmen asked me where I got my "program". My reply, www.howtocheatmaimerofmenoutofconquercl ...
He obviously has no sense of humor, yet insists that his losing (which is no suprise due to his 25% winning percentage) is due to me cheating and not the fact he sucks.

Awaiting reply and investigation.

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Re: Owenator - I dont believe in improbable coincidence[cleared]

Postby IwonAgain on Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:07 pm

maimerofmen wrote:Iwonagain, is on my list of players who need to be watched or avoided. Seems like this is one of those guys who has nothing better to do all day than to cheat at a game with no money incentive. I do not believe in coincidences and I do not believe what this guys is pushing in his games.

See my other response. You seem to complain alot when you lose (75% btw) and Im not the first person you accuse or cheating, or saying great program youve got, or the program loves you.
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