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Family Business - Paulus / b.k.barunt [Closed]

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Postby b.k. barunt on Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:35 am

Evidently we have 2(countem)2 wankers now who think that getting in a game with friends or family constitutes cheating. But wait . . . could it be that albro has enlisted the aid of a friend? Oh no, i'm sure he can fight his own battles. He and this wannabe rambo (letgodsortmout? gimme a freakin break you queer for GI Joe twit) have no relationship whatsoever. By the way rambo did you bother to check any of those games out or did you just write the numbers down for your bootybuddy?
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Postby Paulus on Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:41 am

In response to AlbroShlo:

There you go making an assumption again. It is interesting that you are the first person I have ever played a game with in which a friend or relative was present that actually complained about this sort of thing. I am still waiting for you to provide any proof that would make us guilty. Instead you decide rely solely on your assumption that any relatives playing in the same game together must be cheating together in some way. You absolutely refuse to consider any other reason why relatives would play in a standard game with each other. I have no problem if someone wants to suspect me of secretly conspiring with a relative in a game, but that person must also prove his case. If that person cannot prove his/her case, then his/her complaint is void just like yours is. All you do is harp on the same point without pointing to any actual evidence. I do not care if others will approve or disapprove of me playing a game with a relative or friend. There is nothing in the rules that says I can't do so and there is nothing in the rules that says I have to announce this information either. Like I said, if someone thinks I'm cheating with a friend or a relative in game, they would have to prove it. You cannot impose your own "personal" rule(s) on other players and complain if they don't go along with it. As for my honor, you have yet to prove that I play without it. Your behavior is a classic example of bad sportsmanship. Accept the defeat that you received at my hands in that game and move on. You can't do that though because you can't accept the fact that you were bested. It's interesting that Rebecca Gavin enjoys playing with us. Why can't you? Oh, that's right. You're too much of a sore loser. That's why. Lose one game against us and you go searching for any excuse you can possibly think of to make yourself look like a victim of cheating on the part of your opponents. I bet you lose sleep over any losses you've had on this site.

In response to LetGodSortThem:

It does not matter how many standard games we play against each other. I did not know it was wrong to play many games with people you enjoy competing against, or that there was a limit on how many games you could play with those you know. We don't need to set up private games and invite people we know to play, which we've done already because we wanted certain matchups. No one is twisting anyone's arm to join games that we may join. Did you ever consider that players who know each other might be more competitive against each other than against other players who are strangers?
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Postby b.k. barunt on Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:36 am

Hey albro and rambo (cute couple), here's another twist for you. Do you two get in games together? And do you announce beforehand, in the open chat, just what kind of "special relationship" you two have? Or do you follow the "don't ask don't tell" policy instituted by sexy Bill? What i'm trying to say is if you two, as special friends, can get in a game together without announcing your relationship, how is that any different? How can there not be favoritism among such as yourselves? Hell i wouldn't even think of getting in a game with my old lady. Who cuts who off when one of you lose? No - just kidding - i really don't want to know. euw.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:53 am

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Postby LetGodSortThem on Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:07 pm

Paulus wrote:In response to AlbroShlo

In response to LetGodSortThem:

It does not matter how many standard games we play against each other. I did not know it was wrong to play many games with people you enjoy competing against, or that there was a limit on how many games you could play with those you know. We don't need to set up private games and invite people we know to play, which we've done already because we wanted certain matchups. No one is twisting anyone's arm to join games that we may join. Did you ever consider that players who know each other might be more competitive against each other than against other players who are strangers?

No Its wrong what your doing, and you win more standard games with your family members than you lose...the games I listed are all standard that are non-family members expense...

Paulus wrote:No one is twisting anyone's arm to join games that we may join

That makes no sense at all...Bet if they knew, they would not join....

Why can't you give them that info. first....PRIVATE GAMES
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Postby b.k. barunt on Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:24 pm

"victories at non-family members expense" - hey numbnuts, how about the family member who lost? What is my incentive to lose games to my son and nephew? If i was that unselfish, it would not follow that i was a cheat. You are ranting about our showing favoritism, but have yet to explain how you and albro can get in games together without showing favoritism. Please explain.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:30 pm

b.k. barunt wrote:explain how you and albro can get in games together without showing favoritism. Please explain.

I have never played him? your research before flinging unfounded accusations...

And as for family members who lost, somebody has to...don't blame me for your incompetence...
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Postby Paulus on Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:44 pm

There is no incentive for family members to show favoritism to one another because it puts them at risk for losing points, and because we are all very competitive towards each other, which is something you refuse to consider. Who the hell wants to lose points and lose bragging rights over a family member or friend? I certainly don't play this game to be a lose, especially towards a family member.
It is not wrong to play games with family or friends without announcing our relationship at the start of a game. The fact that we play games together does not mean that we cheat simply because we are related. You need to prove this first before throwing your own accusation out there. Just because we've played some games where one of us won does not mean that we cheated. How can you be so sure that we cheated? How do know that it wasn't strategy, positioning, or a lack of strategy on the part of the other player(s) that caused a particular result in any of those games? The answer is that you DON'T know. And because you don't know, you can't take a position either way. So, I would advise you to shut your mouth until you do know. :-$
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:53 pm

You play your way and I'll play mine...However the "cats out of the bag" and more CC'rs know of your relationship now...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...
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Postby Paulus on Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:07 pm

Yes, I will continue to play my way because there is nothing wrong or illegal about it. I don't care if more members here are aware that I play games with other family members because people will continue to play games with us because we play a fair and clean game.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:07 pm

Well put LetGodSortThem , the cat is out of the bag. I suppose i could just pop in on all the games with family members and let the same cat out each time. I don't think Paulus would mind since it's not a secret..........right Paulus?

Or maybe you do have a problem with that, now try to be honest with yourself Paulus, i know it's hard seeing as you have obviously been twisting truths a long time.

Well there it is then, if it is no secret then i will just let each player in each game you play with a family member know what's up. Problem solved.

Oh and b.k.barunt LetGodSortThem is right you should do some research before you make an ass of yourself. It's really quite embarasing for the rest of us, you know trying to act like you're not a loser when we know you are. As far as this facination you have with homosexual behavior all i can say is there are people you can talk to who will except you for who you really are. It doesn't matter what your family thinks Rich.
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Postby Paulus on Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:31 pm

No, wouldn't mind too much if you were to come into each game I play with a family member because it doesn't matter. You know why? It doesn't matter because we don't cheat. That's why. The only reason why it would annoy me a little would be because you would be trying to enforce your own personal rule on others out of resentment alone. I suppose you wouldn't mind if I were to go into each game you play with someone you've played with before to announce this fact in order to make others aware that you may be inclined to show favoritism to a particular player.

You are upset because you think me and my uncle cheated in the game in question. Why do you think this? You only think this because we are related. I seriously doubt that you would have accused either one of us of cheating had we not been related or if you had not known we were related.

I have not been twisting the truth, Albro. You are simply upset because I have made you look like a fool by making your argument invalid. The fact is that you are in too deep and you can't get out. You are drowning in your own stupidity.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:33 pm

Albro i find it embarrasing that you can't spell (embarasing). If you're going to use words to put people down, maybe you should consult a dictionary first. It really looks sad. Rambo i'm glad you've accomplished your mission in life - what will you do now? To avoid whiners such as yourself in the future i will make it a point to announce at the beginning of the game if my son or nephew is in the game, but please answer the question that you have yet to answer - WHAT ABOUT FRIENDS? I have some friends, such as Rebecca, that i have made on this site. Should i announce these too? How about people that i have partnered with on the site? Shall i avoid them in singles games. I think basically that this game is far too important to both of you. Get a life.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:22 am

Now your just being an ass...Check your post first before you get picky about spelling and punctuation It's embarrassing... and It's not i but I...geesh

b.k. barunt wrote:Albro i find it embarrasing that you can't spell (embarasing). If you're going to use words to put people down, maybe you should consult a dictionary first. It really looks sad. Rambo i'm glad you've accomplished your mission in life - what will you do now? To avoid whiners such as yourself in the future i will make it a point to announce at the beginning of the game if my son or nephew is in the game, but please answer the question that you have yet to answer - WHAT ABOUT FRIENDS? I have some friends, such as Rebecca, that i have made on this site. Should i announce these too? How about people that i have partnered with on the site? Shall i avoid them in singles games. I think basically that this game is far too important to both of you. Get a life.

Now thats embarrassing.................................................LMFAO
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:04 am

Ohmygoodness rambo did i forget to capitalize my i? Now you have another mission to give your life meaning - get people on the site to capitalize their i's. They may not pay attention to you at first, but with your talent for incessant whining you may get some to capitulate. lol.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:07 am

If your going to call somebody on spelling...try to get the word right...I don't really care if you don't cap your Is, however don't correct someone else's spelling if you don't know how to spell the same word....and you sure like to call people names...real least Paulus is for the most part sensible and reasonable in his response...every time you post it is to attack or call names...oh I'm so
Last edited by LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:12 am

Still have not received an answer to my original question - WHAT ABOUT FRIENDS? Why are you avoiding this question? Is it because your initial complaint was so petty and asinine? Is it ok to play in a game with friends without announcing it to any whining types like yourselves who might be present? Why are you dodging me on this one? And whatever happened to babyalbro? Mr. "i can fight my own battles" seems to have designated you as his mouthpiece (oops, another veiled reference).
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:22 am have those? Didn't think it relative enough unless you play most of your games with the same people...however you do what you want because It wont effect me one bit...

And what do you have to say about your incorrect correction...noticed you want to forget that snafu.............

b.k. barunt wrote:Albro i find it embarrasing that you can't spell (embarasing). If you're going to use words to put people down, maybe you should consult a dictionary first. It really looks sad.

Anyway I've wasted enough time on you...
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Ban them from joining standard games together

Postby austex on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:05 am

Paulus, you said it yourself....

"Sure, it may be natural for family members to show some favoritism"

Check out Game 175171

Before you're eliminated in the 12th round, you and your family member B.K. only attacked each other a TOTAL of 3 times. Now that should be enough proof of family favoritism for the moderators.

I could care less if you play doubles together, but you should be banned from playing standard games together.
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Re: Ban them from joining standard games together

Postby Star_BuRiT on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:43 am

this must be the best thread for a long long time.. keep the arguments going guys,.,... i'm really enjoying it.. lov ya... hahaha
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:45 am

And, as opposed to you guys having your faggot pissing contest, why not just ask the Mods or Lack if it is okay?

There ya go, geniuses... It isn't up to ANY OF YOU to set the rules, or to even argue about them. it is only for you to ABIDE by them... So ask the mods, ask Lack, let them judge, and shut up about it.
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Postby Paulus on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:19 pm

In response to austex:

It is also natural for family members to be more competitive with each other. This is a fact you obviously refuse to consider. We play doubles games when we want to play as a team and standard games when we want to compete against each other. If we ever do decide to form an alliance, we announce it as was done in game 71339. I guess you missed that game as you were searching through my game history.

And as for game 175171, you are dead wrong. No favoritism was shown on the part of either myself or my uncle. Apparently, you only looked at the number of times me and b.k. barunt attacked each other and not and the lands we attacked and where we attacked from. If you did look at this, you decided not to mention or consider it before laying down your accusation against me and my uncle of showing favoritism. If you had been involved in that game, you would have easily seen that me and b.k. barunt were on opposite ends on the map and were separated from the areas in which we were campaigning by lands held by the other players. Now why would I try andf go all the way across the map to attack a distant opponent when I am more directly threatened by other players trying to fight me for control of my area? So much for your "proof", austex.

It seems that you have some personal dislike towards me. Why else would you go through the trouble of searching through my past games and then decide to consider and only mention information that supports your hollow accusation while discarding information that invalidates your accusation against us?
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:28 pm

Man your trying way too hard............
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Postby Paulus on Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:35 pm

In response to Anarkistsdream:

First, I have been abiding by the rules and I have decided to defense myself against accusations that say I cheated. I am not trying to create or modify and rules. I am simply making a case for myself and my uncle that we did not break any rules.

Of course, it is not up to us to set the rules, and we weren't debating, or calling into question, any existing rules. We were simply debating a rule proposed by AlbroShlo and others in this thread regarding relatives and friends playing in standard games with one another. Also, the moderators are aware of the original issue that kicked this thread off and should be currently investigating the matter.

We, as members of this site, have every right to discuss and debate what we want so long as it is in the proper forum. You can always decide to not look at posts in this thread if you do not like them. No one here is forcing you to post in this thread or even read any of the posts here. You seem only interested in insulting us for debating a reasonable issue. Perhaps you are the one who shut up. :-$
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Postby b.k. barunt on Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:49 pm

Umm . . . i believe that should be [you're] trying way too hard rambo, "your" implies ownership, while you're is the shortened form for you are. And yes, some people consider accusations by whining piss ants like yourself to be a pain in the arse. You seem to have taken over for your significant other who started the whole thing. Do you usually do this for him? Maybe you should let him fight his own battles and grow a pair, or would that offset the dynamics of your relationship?
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