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Most important positions on Classic

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Most important positions on Classic

Postby werealldevodad on Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:48 pm

In a nutshell what are the most important, key, positions in classic? I'm a newbie and i know that for each scenario the crux points change, but generally speaking i'm thinking N4, F3, E7 and A5 because of the attacking options they offer. On the other hand, of late i have seen people choosing blocking positions (again i dont really know what Im talking about), example forces on E6 A1 or any of the positions that singularily link continents or areas. To show my point i give you Game 5363123 in which waicicha choose to leave 5 troops on A1 and E6 when he could have placed 9 on E7, cutting the map in half.
Apologies again for perhaps introducing an old or obvious thread and thanks in advance for any advice.
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Re: Most important positions on Classic

Postby ManBungalow on Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:15 pm

By the looks of it, waicicha is just keeping troops in places he can use to get easy spoils next turn (next to 1s).

I don't think anyone can say which the most important regions are on that's different depending on your position.
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Re: Most important positions on Classic

Postby sinctheassasin on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:06 am

Probably all the bottleneck continent connecions are the hardes to keep
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Re: Most important positions on Classic

Postby alex951 on Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:36 pm

i'd say the winning position is the most important :D
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Re: Most important positions on Classic

Postby dhallmeyer on Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:58 pm

werealldevodad wrote:In a nutshell what are the most important, key, positions in classic? I'm a newbie and i know that for each scenario the crux points change, but generally speaking i'm thinking N4, F3, E7 and A5 because of the attacking options they offer. On the other hand, of late i have seen people choosing blocking positions (again i dont really know what Im talking about), example forces on E6 A1 or any of the positions that singularily link continents or areas. To show my point i give you Game 5363123 in which waicicha choose to leave 5 troops on A1 and E6 when he could have placed 9 on E7, cutting the map in half.
Apologies again for perhaps introducing an old or obvious thread and thanks in advance for any advice.

Your observations are mostly correct. If you're playing escalating, lots of access is important, as well as space between stacks so nobody can take you out from one pile. when you get into the later rounds it can be beneficial to protect a player so you can kill them yourself, which may explain what wac was up to.
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