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Family Business - Paulus / b.k.barunt [Closed]

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Family Business - Paulus / b.k.barunt [Closed]

Postby AlbroShlo on Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:52 am

Subject line: cheaters never prosper

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Paulus and b.k.barunt

Game number: 203143 , 189432 , 189230 , 175173 , 174147, 147159 , 139540 , 137685 and 136318 (my game with them)

Comments: It would appear these two are related and continually join doubles games on opposing teams. They also join in standard games together. In my game with them it seemed even except they would always make sure i was in last place for men and countries. This looks very suspicious to me could someone please investigate.

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False Accusation and Undeserved Negative Feedback

Postby Paulus on Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:06 pm

Game#: 136318 (Standard, Sequential, Flat Rate, Unlimited)

I have recently been accused of having had a secret alliance with b.k. barunt by AlbroShlo. After I defeated him in the game in question, AlbroShlo proceeded to post negative feedback for me and b.k. barunt. I am quite upset about this because AlbroShlo's claim against me and b.k. barunt is completely false, which makes the negative feedback left for us undeserved. Here is what AlbroShlo's negative feedback for me said:

"Plays with family members in the same game and does not announce this at the beginning. Specificaly his uncle b.k. barunt. Look at Paulus' games and you will see these two have been joining doubles games on different teams as well as playing in the same standard games on muliple occasions. I have allready filed a Secret Alliance form."

1. AlbroShlo is apprently upset that me and b.k. barunt did not announce our relation to each other at the start of the game. Well, the last time I checked, there is NO requirement for opposing players that are related to each other to announce this at the start of a game. It seems that AlbroShlo thinks that if two or more players are related, a secret alliance will automatically follow. This, of course, is not true. Any intelligent human being would know this. So, the first sentence of AlbroShlo's negative for me is invalid because he tries to accuse us of breaking a rule that does not exist and never has.

2. AlbroShlo then tries to support his claim of a secret alliance between me and b.k. barunt against him by referring to the fact that I have played a number of games with my uncle either as a teammate, a standard opponent, or a doubles opponent. This means information holds no weight for AlbroShlo's claim against me and b.k. barunt. Having played games either against my uncle or with him as a teammate do not make us guilty of having had a secret alliance in any particular game. There must be evidence of a secret alliance and AlbroShlo has yet to point to any evidence that would prove us guilty of a secret alliance in the game in question or any other games in which me and b.k. barunt participated. I play games with b.k. barunt frequently because I enjoy playing against him or with him as a teammate in the form of a doubles game or triples game. Not once have we ever been accused of having a secret alliance in any games in which we both participated.

3. I also find it interesting that AlbroShlo waited until AFTER he had been eliminated to ask b.k. barunt and I if we knew each other. This leads me to believe that AlbroShlo was trying to gather any shred of information he could twist in a way that would allow him to accuse us of cheating in the hopes that it would make his defeat in this particular game a result of dishonorable/illegitimate gameplay.

4. I am also surprised that AlbroShlo has given himself so much to credit to think that the game lasted 17 rounds longer once it was reduced to me, b.k. barunt, and AlbroShlo simply because of AlbroShlo's skill. It is highly unlikely that any game with only 3 players remaining would last 17 more rounds longer if a secret alliance existed against one of the remaining players. The game lated 17 rounds longer because no secret alliance existed in the first place.

5. I am also upset that AlbroShlo decided to post negative feedback for me and b.k. barunt before any investigation into the matter had begun. It is as if AlbroShlo has made himself the judge and the jury when he has yet to "prove" us guilty of any wrongdoing whatsoever. If AlbroShlo has any honor, we would wait until an investigation into the matter has been completed and a verdict made before deciding to post any feedback.

6. AlbroShlo has also posted a thread in this forum. In his post, he refers to a number of games in which b.k. barunt and I participated in, but none of them show any signs whatsoever of there having been a secret alliance. In fact, one of the game numbers he refers to is game in which neither one of us played in. Once again, AlbroShlo fails to show any evidence on wrongdoing by either me or b.k. barunt in any game we've ever played in with each other.

I believe that basis for AlbroShlo's accusation is incredibly weak, especially since I think that I have made the points he uses to support his claim to be invalid in the content of this post and that he has yet to provide and actual evidence. I also believe that AlbroShlo is behaving like an elementary school boy who is upset after having lost a game and has convinced himself that he lost because others cheated. AlbroShlo even stated to another player in a game(130414) separate from the one in question, that I cheated. He is trying to ruin my reputation among other members of the site without suitable information and before any investigation has been made into the matter. Apparently, AlbroShlo thinks I am guilty until proven innocent, when it is actually innocent until proven guilty. This is a classless move and he should refrain from spewing forth such resentful comments in a game chat entirely separate from the game in question and keep his ridiculous slander and meaningless accusations in the appropriate forum. AlbroShlo also needs to accept the fact that he lost this particular game because he was bested. It seems to me that his pride exists in great excess to the point that it has transformed into arrogance. AlbroShlo's immaturity has led him to cry like a baby because he got spanked in our game.

I sincerely ask that other members of this site take a look at the game in question (136318), as well as the games referred to by AlbroShlo in his post in this forum and then, after having thoroughly looked through and considered all the information and the cases made by us both, post your opinion of this here. Thank you.

- Paulus
Last edited by Paulus on Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jamie on Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:12 pm

If you feel like you have a feedback that needs to be removed, you have to tell wicked about it
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Postby b.k. barunt on Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:14 am

This may at first glance appear to be uncivilized of me, but i have to say albro that you are a whining little beyatch. You got your panties in a wad because you lost, and deep down (if you go that deep) you know that you aren't really that good of a player. You're one who pays a lot more attention to aquiring rank than to playing an interesting and challenging game. Yes i play with my nephew frequently, and if i'm not partnering with him in a doubles game that he and i are in, it's because i'm partnering with my son hookshotwillaby. But now, alas, thanks to you my son will realize that unbeknownst to him, paulus and i were secretly manipulating the game. You incredible whining moron. Yes i play with my son and nephew - my brother and i had them playing risk before they were toilet trained and i have another nephew on the site who will probably come after your sorry arse and cost you some more games. Yes i play with family members and friends, and my son and nephew were both taught the meaning of honor and fair play before they learned risk or any other game. When we play together we take pleasure in the competition with each other and anyone else in the game. What you have accused us of is inexcusable. Anyone who cares to look at that game will see how pathetic you really are. Your loss is a classic case study in what not to do. Paulus and i (at the beginning of your end) were attacking each other for at least 2 rounds without even touching you. Instead of gleefully counting your blessings and building up men, you attacked BOTH OF US IN THE SAME ROUND! You ignorant twit! You had the game at that point and were considerably stronger than either of us, but you were scared to wait long enough - maybe one more round - to take us both out. You're the kind of whining sissy who wouldn't have the balls to do this kind of thing on the street and off line, and doing it here only draws attention to the type of whining faggot that you really are. So have a coke and a smile and shut the **** up.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:30 am

I replied to baby albro's accusation at some length (and i must confess that my response was not as civilized as my nephew's) in baby albro's thread in this forum, so i won't bother repeating myself here. I will say however that in paulus' family, which is old New Orleans, honor is stressed above all else - hell, his father's hero and idol is Robert E. Lee - need i say more? An accusation such as this, here where we live, would be met with a certain, violent answer - but in albro's case a bitch slap would be the only appropriate response.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:41 am

1.Well, the last time I checked, there is NO requirement for opposing
players that are related to each other to announce this at the start of
a game. It seems that AlbroShlo thinks that if two or more players are
related, a secret alliance will automatically follow. This, of course,
is not true. Any intelligent human being would know this.
Albro's Response - There is no rule stating this, true. There should be
however. My problem was that you never made any mention of a
relationship untill after i was out of the game. Just your luck, i
checked the game again.

2. There must be evidence of a secret alliance and AlbroShlo has yet to
point to any evidence that would prove us guilty of a secret alliance
in the game in question or any other games in which me and b.k. barunt
Albro's Response - Just like a multi to say 'ya can't prove it'. Well
it's not my job to prove it. I posted here bc you are a suspected multi
which I'm pretty sure is what this thread is for, isn't it......

3. I also find it interesting that AlbroShlo waited until AFTER he had
been eliminated to ask b.k. barunt and I if we knew each other. This
leads me to believe that AlbroShlo was trying to gather any shred of
information he could twist in a way that would allow him to accuse us
of cheating in the hopes that it would make his defeat in this
particular game a result of dishonorable/illegitimate gameplay.
Albro's response - I accused you of cheating after i was eliminated,
true. Hmmmmmmmm......but there is also the fact that You did not refer
to him as your uncle till this point. Funny you waited till i was
eliminated to talk to b.k.barunt in a familiar way. Why didn't you call
him your uncle or vice versa at the beginning. Guess you forgot eh,
yeah that must be it, silly twat!

4. I am also surprised that AlbroShlo has given himself so much to
credit to think that the game lasted 17 rounds longer once it was
reduced to me, b.k. barunt, and AlbroShlo simply because of AlbroShlo's
skill. It is highly unlikely that any game with only 3 players
remaining would last 17 more rounds longer if a secret alliance existed
against one of the remaining players. The game lated 17 rounds longer
because no secret alliance existed in the first place.
Albro's Response - I give myself no more credit than i deserve. I have
been as high as # 56 in the placements and i have also lost my share of
games and made plenty of mistakes. I don't remember saying it was my
skill that made the game last. What does that have to do with the issue
at hand anyway. If the game had gone quicker you two would be ganging
me more often and i would have exposed your dirty little secret

5. I am also upset that AlbroShlo decided to post negative feedback
for me and b.k. barunt before any investigation into the matter had
begun. It is as if AlbroShlo has made himself the judge and the jury
when he has yet to "prove" us guilty of any wrongdoing whatsoever. If
AlbroShlo has any honor, we would wait until an investigation into the
matter has been completed and a verdict made before deciding to post
any feedback.
Albro's Response - I feel more and more like i'm talking to a defense
lawyer, or a politician. Like i said this forum is for 'suspected'
multi's. As far as the feedback is concerned, i'm not taking it off so
other's have no idea what is going on. If you are found innocent then i
will remove the feedback.

Paulus - AlbroShlo also needs to accept the fact that he lost this
particular game because he was bested. It seems to me that his pride
exists in great excess to the point that it has transformed into
arrogance. AlbroShlo's immaturity has led him to cry like a baby
because he got spanked in our game.
Albro's Response - Pride and arrogance? lets remember who the Yankee is
here. And cry like a baby? i made a factual complaint. Crying like a
baby would be posting a massive response like you did hoping the amount
of words you type could somehow resolve you of wrongdoing.
I too hope people read this and see you two for what you really are. Or
3 or 4 or however many people are in your family. Don't forget
Last edited by AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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So yer a tough guy eh !!

Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:58 am

B.K.BARUNT - Yes i play with my son and nephew - my brother and i had them playing risk before they were toilet trained and i have another nephew on the site who will probably come after your sorry arse and cost you some more games. Yes i play with family members and friends, and my son and nephew were both taught the meaning of honor and fair play before they learned risk or any other game.

Albro's response - You sir are a complete and utter moron! You teach them to be fair do you, and have honor was that it. You mean like getting other family members to go after me in other games. You are a hypocrite to the extreme.

My accusation is inexusable is it? Yes i should be a woman like you and not say anything is that it. Just let you manipulate CC.

B.K.BARUNT - I replied to baby albro's accusation at some length (and i must confess that my response was not as civilized as my nephew's) in baby albro's thread in this forum, so i won't bother repeating myself here. I will say however that in paulus' family, which is old New Orleans, honor is stressed above all else - hell, his father's hero and idol is Robert E. Lee - need i say more? An accusation such as this, here where we live, would be met with a certain, violent answer - but in albro's case a bitch slap would be the only appropriate response.

Albro's Response - Oh well i didn't know about the Robert E. Lee thing that totally changes things. What is this a Disney movie?

If you want to "bitch slap" me than feel free. No REALLY i wish you would try. I've been a roofer for 14 years and have been studying martial arts for 22 years. Do you really think i would be scared of a decrepid old sack of shit like you? I'll tell you what come to Nova Scotia and i will be more than glad to accomadate you, you can even bring the whole family if you like. ROTFLMAO!!!
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Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:31 am

So rude of me. Yeah yer right i shouldn't attack the whole country, but i'd sure as hell go a round or 2 with these jokers.
Last edited by AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where?

Postby Anarkistsdream on Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:36 am

AlbroShlo wrote:So rude of me. I forgot that you guys are from USA so you probably don't even know where Nova Scotia is. It's on the Eastern side of Canada. That's the big country above you where all the peacefull intelligent people live.

Hey cocksucker, don't attack a country, just attack the people.
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Postby Rebecca Gavin on Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:52 am

I have played with Paulus on many occassions. In fact, one might even suggest we have a bit of an on-going rivalry against the team of B.K.Barunt and Hookshotwillaby. The games are extremely entertaining and the results go both ways. I am fully aware of the relationships that exist between Paulus and our great"adversaries" and it has never affected the gameplay in the least.(Except for some rather entertaining and highly amusing "trash" talk!) To suggest that these folks are conspiring is ludicrous to say the least!
As well, I'd like it to be noted that, as a proud Canadian myself, I am truly offended and embarrassed that another Canadian would resort to such a low and demeaning standard towards another. This, regardless of nationality! I shouldn't need to remind you what makes our country a very unique and great place is the acceptance of others' opinions and beliefs. The way you insulted my friends in New Orleans, insults me!
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Postby b.k. barunt on Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:51 pm

The sad part about this whole thing is that most players will not take the time to look at the game in question. Like i said, albro's premature power play at a crucial time is what cost him the game. His assertion that the game went on with me, him and Paulus for 17 rounds so that we could cover up the alliance is a real hoot. We went to all that trouble, and then when Paulus whips me i make a comment like "you whupped your poor old uncle" in the open game chat. Like i didn't think he would check back to see who won? Albro you are not only a whining faggot, you are a stupid whining faggot. You are not only a stupid whining faggot, you are expecting the same stupidity from other CC members in thinking that they won't see you for what you are. And the fact that mummy and daddy gave you karate lessons does not impress me in the least. You're still a little bitch who comes up with a pathetic litany of tears because he can't stand to lose.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:56 pm

You can call names real good. No please, don't call me a faggot. At least homosexuals are honest for the most part. If they can be honest about that, what's left. And the truth is b.k.barunt that both my parents are dead. I learned martial arts from my fathers brother who has 14 schools in the maritimes by the way. Being alone i learned to fight my own battles. This is something i thought someone as old as you would have learned by now. Judging by your gameplay i would say you can't do anything on your own including removing your head from your KY scented ass.

What is that a picture of anyway your Butt-Plug?
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:00 pm

54849 regestard players, but some people feel they have to play with the same people(family)...I don't get it...Sounds pretty dull to me...Why don't people sit down and play the "REAL" board game, much more fun...

But then I guess It's pretty easy to play the same people over and over...

I bet the loser of these "STANDARD" games with b.k. barunt and hookshotwillaby (Paulus's cousin) or Paulus never saw them coming...

Don't bother to reply with one of your long-winded vulgar responses (Way too much time on some peoples hands)

Just adding the bunch of you too my ignore...
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Postby Paulus on Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:19 pm

1. Albro's Response - "There is no rule stating this, true. There should be
however. My problem was that you never made any mention of a
relationship untill after i was out of the game. Just your luck, i
checked the game again."
Paulus - It does not matter whether you "think" there should be a rule about this. What matters is that there is NO rule that states that two or more people in game who have family relations should announce this at the start of a game, or at any point for that matter. Therefore, you cannot use this point to support your claim of cheating against me and my uncle. This point of yours in INVALID. You cannot hold others accountable for a rule that does not exist except in your own personal world.

2. Albro's Response - "Just like a multi to say 'ya can't prove it'. Well
it's not my job to prove it. I posted here bc you are a suspected multi
which I'm pretty sure is what this thread is for, isn't it......"

Paulus - Well, maybe you don't personally have to prove that I am guilty before making an accusation, but I still have to be proven guilty by someone, whether it is a moderator or another member of the site. If a person did not have to be proven guilty, people like yourself would be able to throw out false accusations all over the place whenever they wanted to without any evidence or solid argument to back up their claim.

3. Albro's response - I accused you of cheating after i was eliminated,
true. Hmmmmmmmm......but there is also the fact that You did not refer
to him as your uncle till this point. Funny you waited till i was
eliminated to talk to b.k.barunt in a familiar way. Why didn't you call
him your uncle or vice versa at the beginning. Guess you forgot eh,
yeah that must be it, silly twat!"

Paulus - So what if I didn't refer to him as my uncle, or vice-verse, until after the game. It is irrelevant to the game, Albro. I did not feel any need to let everyone know that he was my uncle because it does not matter and because there is absolutely nothing in the rule that requires for anyone to do so. Stop trying to hold me accountable for your personal rule that does not exist anywhere in the site rules, Albro.

4. Albro's Response - "I give myself no more credit than i deserve. I have been as high as # 56 in the placements and i have also lost my share of games and made plenty of mistakes. I don't remember saying it was my skill that made the game last. What does that have to do with the issue
at hand anyway. If the game had gone quicker you two would be ganging
me more often and i would have exposed your dirty little secret

Paulus - Apparently you are giving yourself more credit than you deserve by claiming that you lost because you think me and b.k. barunt cheated. What made the game last was the skill of those involved in the game itself. If we had cheated, the game would have ended for you much sooner than it did. Bt, of course, we did not cheat and so it lasted longer.

5. Albro's Response - "I feel more and more like i'm talking to a defense
lawyer, or a politician. Like i said this forum is for 'suspected'
multi's. As far as the feedback is concerned, i'm not taking it off so
other's have no idea what is going on. If you are found innocent then i
will remove the feedback."

Paulus - If this forum is for those suspected of being multis or having cheated, then it must mean that you simply "suspect" us of cheating. Of course, you obviously believe with all certainty that we cheated or else you wouldn't have said this in a separate game chat(130414):

"007-02-05 17:28:08 - AlbroShlo: not this game. another world game where i caught Paulus cheating and reported him. Needless to say Paulus won that game with help from b.k.barunt. Game # 136318 was my game with them. Lookat game history for the two of them and you'll see what i mean
2007-02-05 17:29:54 - AlbroShlo: Not doing so well in this one eh Paulus. Guess you can't win unless you have help. lmao"

You sound quite convinced of our guilt, Albro. Also, you could have posted your issue with us here to let people know what is going on without leaving negative feedback. It is redundant and completely unnecessary.

* Your argument against us is extremely weak, Albro, because you try to support it wityh invalid points that prove nothing in the way of cheating. Why couldn't you have said "good game" at the end of the game in question instead of resorting to this? You are very immature, Albro, and you need to grow up and accept your loss in that game like a man instead of claiming that your loss was a result of cheating, which it was not.
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Postby Paulus on Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:31 pm

This is in response to LetGodSortThem:

I don't just play with the same people. You would know that if you looked through my past games. Sure, I like to play a percentage of my games with family members, friends, or other people I've become acquainted with on the site, but I also play a large number of games with others as well. You might not get it because you may not have any family or friends on the site to play with. I find it enjoyable in a way that is different when playing against complete strangers. I suppose you want to file a cheating report against us now? Pointing to games like that does not prove anything. I also can't understand why you are placing me on your ignore list. I am simply defending myself against a serious accusation in this forum. You would probably want to do the same if someone wrongly accused you of cheating. I don't see how defending myself could earn me a spot on your ignore list, especially when I have never behaved inappropriately towards you.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:50 pm

I do not think people should play "Standard" games with a friend or family member when there are others oblivious to the relationship...

I do not buy that there is no favoritism in these standard games....

Why add to ignore...I don't know how many other family members play here with you..

Like I said It's only natural for you to favor them....

But thats just my opinion...
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Postby Paulus on Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:54 pm

You're entitled to your opinion, but I hope that you do not assume that family members will show favoritism to each other here because assumptions are not enough. You really don't know with any certainty that we show each other favoritism. We follow the rules just like anyone else and will announce any alliance with each other in a game. Sure, it may be natural for family members to show some favoritism, but it is also natural for family members to be more competitive with each other. Nevertheless, we play fairly and with honor and they are other members who would agree.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:13 pm

"but I hope that you do not assume that family members will show favoritism to each other here because assumptions are not enough."

"Sure, it may be natural for family members to show some favoritism"

There it is in your own words Paulus. Do you even know what you are saying?

Given the choice i feel you would attack a non-family member before someone you knew. It's only natural......

The fact that you think other players should just trust in the fact that everything is on the up and up makes me wonder if you're even from this planet.
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Postby Paulus on Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:22 pm

It's nice to see you have selective reading, Albro. I also said that it's natural for family members to be more competitive with each other and that we all play fairly according to the rules. Nice try, Albro. There still needs to be proof that any cheating has taken place. You cannot simply "assume" that two or more people will cheat in a given game because they are related. You can't seem to get that concept through your thick skull.
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Promises Promises

Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:00 pm

just like you can't get it through your thick skull that it is ludicrous to expect people to believe that you would not favor each other.

this i expect is why you never announce it, i looked at the games and you didn't announce it once. is this posibly bc you know damn well that people will not approve and treat you as allianced players? If you are as honorable as you claim that would be the proper course of action wouldn't it?

But of course you wouldn't do that, that would ruin the whole plan wouldn't it.
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Postby kanooget on Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:17 pm

well.... this AlbroShlo seems like a whining panty waste to me. this is the kind of person that makes me lose all hope in humanity. i mean, the fact that he knows he was #62 or whatever just proves the point that this poor man has no life. and what does you taking power-ranger lessons mean anything about playing risk? i fear you are utterly confused. this is a game, risk. this is not saturday morning cartoons. now, this is a common mistake among the lower-minded but one that must be looked into. we need to get to the bottom of this. you are not very good at risk. i know this is hard for you but the truth is dificult. It may be to your advantage to stop watching power rangers and take a course in risk. Or, better yet, take a course in growing some balls. I know that may be intimidating for you but there comes a point in every mans life where he has to grow some balls. I have pity on you, it is infortuante that your parents have evidently castrated you from a young age. but do not give up. just keep the immature whining and panty wadding and you should do just fine.
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Postby LetGodSortThem on Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:26 pm

kanooget wrote:well.... this AlbroShlo...BLA BLA BLA

Whats it to you?...oh yeah you play with Paulus's cousin hookshotwillaby...

lol...this is great another too add to my ignore list

P.S. with a score like yours You need the lessons...
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ignore yourself

Postby hookshotwillaby on Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:49 pm

i love this guy popping in here thinking we all actually care a lick that hes putting us in his ignore list. like being able to play with him is some sort of hollywood who's who. haha get over yourself man. all i have to say is thanks for the add. thats one less whiner i have to deal with running into when looking for a great game.
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Postby AlbroShlo on Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:59 pm

Yep yet another in the family. Don't forget Rebecca Gavin as well. Funny the people posting replies backing up these jokers are all other friends or family. I guess the weak have to gather in numbers to survive. It shows in their gameplay most of all lol.

As far as your obscure attempt at a response kanooget i really can't remember back to elementary school or i would know how to respond. Your user name should be changed to kannigit as in silly kannigit.

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Postby LetGodSortThem on Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:02 pm

Don't care what you think...You guys play too many standard games together...If you guys want to play together, set up your own Private game and invite players who know you or play team...NOT STANDARD

Call me a *ucker not a sucker
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