Conquer Club

TO; League of Majors [Winner: endar1077]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby Lindax on Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:48 am

Yehaaa! I won a game: Game 4715428

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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby Natewolfman on Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:10 pm

3 games still ongoing
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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby endar1077 on Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:36 am

I couldn't find the standings on first page... am I just being blind?
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:35 am

Game 13 coming out soon
Player 1, Serve 7

killmanic - 4
Timminz - 8

DimnjacarStef - 6
negoeien - 6

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 3

Jackofalltrades - 5
knighthawk - 7
pearl harbor

InsomniaRed - 4
DBandit70 - 8

Lindax - 3
hwhrhett - 9
New World

dittoeevee8888 - 7
BaldAdonis - 5

Bigragooch - 7
Darin44 - 5
Circus Maximus
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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby Lindax on Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:35 am

Lindax won Game 4773427


PS: Nate, there is an "E" missing in the word FREMIUM in your sig ;)
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Thu May 21, 2009 7:42 pm

Game 14 coming out soon
Player 2, Serve 7

killmanic - 4
Timminz - 9
US Senate

DimnjacarStef - 6
negoeien - 7

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 4
City Mogul

Jackofalltrades - 6
knighthawk - 7

InsomniaRed - 5
DBandit70 - 8

Lindax - 4
hwhrhett - 9
poker club

dittoeevee8888 - 7
BaldAdonis - 6
Circus Maximus

Bigragooch - 8
Darin44 - 5
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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby Lindax on Sat May 23, 2009 11:32 am

Lindax won Game 4933421

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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:05 pm

Game 15 coming out soon
Player 1, Serve 8

killmanic - 4
Timminz - 10 (Game Point)

DimnjacarStef - 6
negoeien - 8

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 5

Jackofalltrades - 7
knighthawk - 7

InsomniaRed - 5
DBandit70 - 9
San Francisco

Lindax - 5
hwhrhett - 9

dittoeevee8888 - 8
BaldAdonis - 6
Classic Art

Bigragooch - 8
Darin44 - 6
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:39 am

Game 16 coming out soon
Player 2, Serve 8

killmanic - 5
Timminz - 10 (Game Point)
world 2.1

DimnjacarStef - 6
negoeien - 9
arms race

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 6

Jackofalltrades - 8
knighthawk - 7

InsomniaRed - 5
DBandit70 - 10 (game point)
Texan wars

Lindax - 5
hwhrhett - 10 (game point)

dittoeevee8888 - 8
BaldAdonis - 7
Rail USA

Bigragooch - 9
Darin44 - 6
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:35 am

Game 17 coming out soon
Player 1, Serve 9

We have out first 2 players advance, and 3 games have 1 player at the winning point.

killmanic - 6
Timminz - 10 (Game Point)

DimnjacarStef - 6
negoeien - 10 (Game Point)

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 7
Greater China

Jackofalltrades - 9
knighthawk - 7
8 thoughts

Game 5 - DBandit70

Game 6 - hwhrhett

dittoeevee8888 - 8
BaldAdonis - 8
Caribbean Islands

Bigragooch - 10 (Game Point)
Darin44 - 6
Age of Merchants
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Timminz on Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:13 pm

Natewolfman wrote:killmanic - 6
Timminz - 10 (Game Point)

Yay! I'm done the first round.

Will I be allowed to modify my map list before the next round begins?
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:45 am

Game 18 coming out soon
Player 2, Serve 9

We are close to fniished with round 1! only 3 games remain, 2 of which are on the game point and the other is only 2 points away

Game 1 - Timminz

DimnjacarStef - 7
negoeien - 10 (Game Point)

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 8
New World

Jackofalltrades - 10 (Game Point)
knighthawk - 7
egypt nubia

Game 5 - DBandit70

Game 6 - hwhrhett

Game 7 - dittoeevee8888

Game 8 - Bigragooch
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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby endar1077 on Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:50 pm

Ready for the next game, Nate. We're 9-9, so I guess we'll likely be going overtime. Let's get them rolling.
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:23 am

Game 19 coming out soon
Player 1, Serve 10

Game 1 - Timminz

DimnjacarStef - 8
negoeien - 10 (Game Point)
Middle East

Easy n Dirty - 9
endar1077 - 9

Jackofalltrades - 10 (Game Point)
knighthawk - 8
treasures of galapogos

Game 5 - DBandit70

Game 6 - hwhrhett

Game 7 - dittoeevee8888

Game 8 - Bigragooch
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Re: TO; League of Majors (Round 1)

Postby Jackofalltrades on Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:41 pm

nate. i'm going to have to retire from this tourney. it has been well organized and honestly i'd like to continue but...there are things in life that must be placed before this. cheers and best of luck to knighthawk. ggs mate.
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Re: TO; League of Majors (FULL)

Postby Natewolfman on Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:33 am

only 1 game remains! if easy wins it he is the last to advance, if endar does then they will go into overtime!

Game 20 coming out soon
Player 2, Serve 10

Game 1 - Timminz

Game 2 - negoeien

Easy n Dirty - 10 (game point)
endar1077 - 9

Game 4 - knighthawk

Game 5 - DBandit70

Game 6 - hwhrhett

Game 7 - dittoeevee8888

Game 8 - Bigragooch
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Re: TO; League of Majors [New TO: amazzony - Page 7]

Postby Lindax on Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:00 pm

amazzony has rescued this tournament with permission from Natewolfman.

She will use this thread for updates etc.

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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:12 pm

Thanks, Lindax!

As I haven't had a chance to talk to Nate myself then I need to restore the situation from his updates and through played games. I don't know how long it will take or how much time I'll give to it today as I'm quite tired but I'll do my best to get this thing back on track. If anybody knows how far the games are, I'd appreciate the info (is round 1 over and moved on to round 2 or not?).
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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:39 pm

Alright, I understood Nate's last update, will go from there. Round 2 beginning very soon :)

Edit. Oh well, it seems that last pair needs to finish round 1, I'll get to it right away:
    Easy n Dirty 10
    endar1077 9

Edit2. I've used to determine who goes first in round 2 and here are the results:
Pair 1: negoeien starts, Timminz goes second.
Pair 2: Easy n Dirty or endar1077 goes first, knighthawk second.
Pair 3: DBandit70 begins, hwhrhett is second.
Pair 4: Bigragooch first, dittoeevee8888 gets second serve.
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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:19 am

Most people who advanced to round 2 have sent me a very positive answer - they agree to play as many games needed to catch up with other leagues (some leagues have already finished, some close to finishing). Unless there's somebody against it, we'll play 4 games at once until it's possible, after that lower number of games according to every pairs' needs. Our last Round 1 pair is playing their games really fast so we can hope for round 2 to begin within a week.
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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:53 pm

endar1077 has advanced with score of 13:11 over Easy n Dirty to quarterfinals. That will let us to start with next round. As I posted to previous thread, 4 games will be played at once. If anybody has any objections then PM me and we can change the number of games if there's a really good reason :) First games coming soon!
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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:05 pm

Quarter Finals: Latest standings
  1. Pair
    Timminz - 0
    negoeien - 0
  2. Pair
    endar1077 - 0
    knighthawk - 0
  3. Pair
    DBandit70 - 0
    hwhrhett - 0
  4. Pair
    dittoeevee8888 - 0
    Bigragooch - 0
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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:13 am

Quarterfinals: Latest standings
  1. Pair
    Timminz - 1
    negoeien - 1
  2. Pair
    endar1077 - 0
    knighthawk - 0
  3. Pair
    DBandit70 - 3
    hwhrhett - 1
  4. Pair
    dittoeevee8888 - 0
    Bigragooch - 0
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
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UPDATE - TO; League of Majors

Postby amazzony on Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:50 am

Quarterfinals: Latest standings
  1. Pair
    Timminz - 3
    negoeien - 2
  2. Pair
    endar1077 - 0
    knighthawk - 0
  3. Pair
    DBandit70 - 3
    hwhrhett - 2
  4. Pair
    dittoeevee8888 - 0
    Bigragooch - 0
"Thou shalt accept thy dice rolls as the will of the Gods" (Church of Gaming)
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Re: TO; League of Majors [New TO: amazzony - Page 7]

Postby knighthawk on Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:06 pm

i'm sorry i didn't realize how many more rounds we still had to go so i'd like to just drop out of this tourney
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