Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
jaydog wrote:I feel that as soon as you sign up for a game you are putting your points on the table... just as everyone else is, and there fore should lose them if you deadbeat, 1st 2nd or 30th round. If you know your not going to be able to play for 3 days don't join a game, it ruins it for everyone else.
There should be some way of keepiong track of how many times a person deadbeats, and after say 3 times they get the boot, ot suffer a hundred point penalty.
nothing worse than having to wait 3 days for a deadbeat.
Frigidus wrote:but now that it's become relatively popular it's suffered the usual downturn in coolness.
Grey Mouser wrote:I think that the problem is not the deadbeats but who creates them. I have noticed a high ranking player who is winning games in which there are deadbeats. He usually plays doubles in a 6 man game so thereby eliminating 1 team. I am curious to know if a repository of ip addresses could be kept of deadbeats so that players could not create acounts on another computer to win a game. Take for example: Dan_the_man 23129,23130,23132, NoFate 22844,Stresstothemax 22064, Padewale 20503, General Bismo 20503, Wreckless Idiot 19977, 19976, Discostu 18684, Balugianshadow65 19540, Ming8 23131, continent 17606, 7nationarmy 17606, chickenTaco 15032, lars_a_rus 15028, 9039 (not a deadbeat but no attacks), gotham 14976, 308 14517 & 14506, Pompy 13495, CobraCommander 22064 & 12145, Vulture 12143, Swaz CfChrismo Thomaz 89 12087, Nashor 12085 and the list goes on....
Did any of these originate from the same computer?
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