The LA Open tournament is part of the professional tennis tour and takes place from 27 July to 2 August.
Each round will be the best of 3 sets.
This is a Doubles tournament, with 8 teams (16 players in total).
Each team must players who both have < 2000 pts and at least a two doubles medals between the players (e.g. two bronze medals or one silver).
Players should join as a team. Players joining individually will be randomly assigned partners. If an odd number of players have joined individually at the point of the tournament filling then unfortunately the last individual player joining will be s reserve.
1st in Centerscape Tournament 1st in LW's Red and Green Double Tournament! (with BagwellTheGreat) 2nd in Australian Open Tournament (with BagwellTheGreat) 2nd in Best 3 of 3 Tournament 2nd in North America Tournament
Schwournes and I are in if there's room, if not we'll be reserves please!
Important Tournament Notice
The data for ALL of my tournaments has potentially been lost. I am working to recover it but as I am away on business all of this week, there will be some delay. Sincere apologies.