by Teflon Kris on Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:32 am
The Speed League - Season 3 The winner of Season 3 was DJ Teflon This tournament operates on Fridays, 10.30PM BST (5.30PM EST) Speed fixtures will commence on 24 July (for 5/6 weeks) The tournament follows on from previous speed league seasons:
Trans-Atlantic Speed League &
European Speed League (with some simplifications).
It will start as soon as we have sufficient sign-ups (17+). In a more simplified format to previous seasons - the league will involve each player playing 4 casual 4-player games to start off (playing most of the other competitors). Players will play up to 5 speed matches. There will be one large division.Some commitment is required although it is not necessary to play every week. If you are interested, please read all of the details carefully before posting your interest. Players must be premium (to play speed games) and have a 97% attendance record. Speed Match Arrangements show
Speed matches will be set-up every friday for 5 consecutive weeks (6 including the final). Players available on any particular week must PM the tournament organiser between 10.00PM BST and 10.15PM BST (5.15PM EST) to state they are available, They will then be sent links to join the available games by 10.30PM BST (they will then need to join by 10.30PM BST or risk missing-out). I will aim for 4-player games as much as possible. If a player notifies the Tournament Organiser that they are available, then fails to join any games (6y 10.45PM BST) they will lose 2 points (as this causes untold problems). There will therefore be games available each week so that players do not miss out. Players unavailable will simply miss the opportunity to gain points in the league table. There should also be little turmoil waiting for players to join games - if a game does not fill, players can simply join an alternative game (games for varying numbers.of players will be set-up to ensure that there are no odd-players-out). Players will be able to play two games simultaneously on one occasion if they anticipate that they miss a week. If players wish to do so they must announce this intention when sending their PM to the tournament organiser on match day. They would then have to miss a week at some point later on.
Note As the tournament organiser, I retain the right to amend rules. If I feel that something needs changing then I have the right to do if it's fair to everybody and is in the benefit of the tournament. League Table show
Code: Select all Plyd Won 2nd 3rd Points 8(4) 4 2 19 AgentofChaos2008 7(3) 4 19 PepperJack 9(5) 6 1 17 DJ Teflon 8(4) 5 2 16 pheonixuk 8(4) 2 1 10 bkwill 7(3) 3 9 GreenBaize 5(1) 2 2 8 Jonny_Bravo92 8(4) 1 2 7 ny.scooby.doo 9(5) 2 1 6 Spartanac 9(5) 1 6 scottishleaf 4 1 2 5 reagw83 5(1) 1 3 murphy16 5(1) 2 3 doc holidy 4 1 3 padfootsm 6(2) 3 3 ChrisBeerens 6(2) 1 1 frozen_flame 5(1) 0 chrisamo
(After Week 5 & All Casual Matches) (Speed matches played in brackets)
Point Scoring show
In the 4-player casual matches: The winner will score 3 points. The runner-up will score 1 point. In 5-player speed matches: The winner will score 6 points. The runner-up will score 3 points. Third place will score 1 point. In 4-player speed matches: The winner will score 5 points. The runner-up will score 2 points. In 3-player speed matches: The winner will score 3 points. In 2-player speed matches: The winner will score 2 points.
League Final show
The top 4 players at the end of the season will undertake a final the following week (week 6). This will be Friday 28 August. The date is fixed and will only change if the casual matches are not complete. If a player is unavailable then the 5th-placed player will be able to replace him/her (and if this player is unavailable then 6th will be invited etc.)
Maps show
All maps will be geographically-based upon real places. Each week a different range of maps will be used (although some maps may be used several times). If it can be arranged, they will be selected using by a neutral, independant tournament organiser (along with spoils setting). Maps will be used in the randomly selected order which will be published here.(Although, if a match needs to be set-up for a number of players not suitable for the next map on the list then the next suitable map will be selected)
Original Map Nomination Information show
Competitors are invited to nominate preferred maps and suggest suitable more maps - along with spoils preferences - before the tournament commences. All maps nominated will feature at some point in the tournament.
Map List show
Here is the list (nominated maps in bold): 1. Iberia (5-player matches) 2. British Isles (4/5-player matches) 3. Ancient Greece (4/5-player matches) 4. WWII Western Front (4/5-player matches) 5. WWII Iwo Jama (2/3/4/5-player matches) 6. Alexander's Empire (4/5-player matches) 7. WWI Ottoman Empire (4/5-player matches) 8. Europe (3/4/5-player matches) 9. New World (2/3/4/5-player matches) 10, Imperium Romanium (2/3/4/5-player matches) 11. Battle of Actium (5-player matches) 12. Texan Wars (5-player matches) 13. Peloponnesian War (2/3/4/5-player matches) 14. San Francisco (4/5-player matches) 15. USA (3/4/5-player matches) US Senate (5-player matches) France (4/5-player matches) USSR (4/5-player matches) Scotland (4/5-player matches) Italy (4/5-player matches) Mongol Empire (4/5-player matches) Middle East (4/5-player matches) Land & Sea (5-player matches) Canada (4/5-player matches) Charleston (5-player matches) Carribean Islands (4/5-player matches) Great Lakes (4/5-player matches) North America (5-player matches) South America (4/5-player matches) Montreal (4/5-player matches) Holy Roman Empire (4/5-player matches)Speed Matches Only: 16. Duck & Cover (2/3/4-player matches) 17. USA West (2/3-player matches) 18. Wales (2/3/4-player matches) 19. Egypt Nubia (2/3/4-player matches) Portugal (2/3/4-player matches) Haiti (2/3/4-player matches) Netherlands (3/4-player matches) Egypt Lower (2/3/4-player matches) Egypt Upper (2/3/4-player matches) Ireland (2/3/4-player matches) If the following maps go BETA: 20. WWII Poland (2/3/4/5-player matches) 21. Gilgamesh (4/5-player matches) 22. England (4/5-player matches) 23. Route 66 (2/3/4/5-player matches) 24. World Cities (4/5-player matches) Golfe du St Laurent (4/5-player matches) Central America (4/5-player matches)
Maps randomly selected for casual games: show
Code: Select all Here are your random numbers: 4 6 13 2 2 11 15 6 15 9 6 1 6 7 15 2 2 6 6 Timestamp: 2009-07-23 00:17:51 UTC
)Therefore Match 1 will be on Map 4, Match 2 on Map 6 etc.) Match numbers with escalating settings: Code: Select all Here are your random numbers: 11 8 12 17 6 5 Timestamp: 2009-07-23 01:24:46 UTC
Maps randomly selected for speed games (up to 25 matches): show
Code: Select all Here are your random numbers: 10 17 11 6 4 12 8 13 6 13 2 19 5 5 14 7 12 12 14 Timestamp: 2009-07-23 00:22:33 UTC
)Therefore Match 1 will be on Map 10, Match 2 on Map 17 etc.) The 2nd game created each week will have escalating settings. For speed games, maps 20 to 24 will be used immediately if they go BETA.
Settings show
Terminator (to help those working towards terminator medals and share points out a little) Sequential (as that is fair to all players) Most games will be Flat Rate - However, each week at least one escalating game will be offerred. All 5-player speed games will be escalating to prevent long games. Casual games will be a mix of flat rate and escalating. Adjacent (to minimise the advantage of players going first) Fog of War (to make matches interesting and tactical)
Cup Competition show
At the end of the season, there will again be a cup competiton (like the European Speed Cup and the Trans-Atlantic Speed Cup ). It will again be a knock-out (bracket) formula with additional players invited to enter.
Joining Casual Matches show
Players will be informed when they have a match and will have 24 hours to join. If they fail to do so then they will be ejected from the match which will be re-set with one fewer player.
Casual Build-Up Matches show
The position of players after 21 rounds will determine the league points awarded. Any player that has eliminated an opponent scores 1 point (per elimination). Players remaining each score 1 point. This does not apply to speed matches.
Winning Matches show
Winners of each match are expected to PM the Tournament Organiser.
Reserves show
If a player drops-out part-way through the tournament then we will simply continue without them - results from games involving such a player will still stand.
Partnerships / Regular opponents show
Players must inform the tournament organiser if they have a regular partner or opponent that is also featuring in the tournament. The organizer can then ensure these players do not play together to avoid any potential claims of foul play by other players. If reports of suspected foul play are made and the players in question have not declared that they are regular partners / opponents then they will be both be ejected from the tournament without question or the need for irrefutable evidence.
Some of the other Tournaments by DJ Teflon show
Click on the links for details (tournaments currently taking sign-ups are on the left of each section, on-going tournaments in the middle and completed tournaments on the right):Speed Tournaments: Friday Tournaments: One-Day Saturday Tournaments:'Evolving Storyline' Terminator Tournaments: Russian Spy Assassin Tournaments: Nationality-Based Tournaments: Short Terminator Tournaments: Liverpool FC European Campaigns: Medal Heads Tournaments St.Patrick's Day Map Tournaments:
Last edited by
Teflon Kris on Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:09 am, edited 99 times in total.