by cdman on Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:59 pm
i guess i can sort this thing out!
im possibly one of those on the mod squads list.
please just hear me out.
we are a group of romanian friends and school coleagues. if you want i'll give you guys the entire list: cdman, ataturk ender, jennisary, king_paul, mastef, revenger, xxxvictor and jardel.
if you can see we have played a big number of games between ourselfs, with different outcomes. sometimes somebody wins, and other time they lose.
if you check the ip's you will find two signature: myselfs and ataturks, because here in romania we dont have everybody internet at home and at a internet cafe the price is 1$ an hour. for you that little but for us its a lot.
so we play at my house or at ataturks house. but i dont cheat, i won my games fair and square and lost my games fair and square.
revenger, xxvictor and mastef had abandoned, they only signed up to play with us and then lost interrest.
jardel playes when he feels like it! sometimes we beg him to play the game started and he only fortifies and leaves(hes rather a pain in the but sometimes).
ataturk was kicked out of cc for a presumption of cheating. he said to me he played with a couple of hes turkish friends and i belive him(i dont know if he really cheated but hes not the type so if you can please bring him back. i miss our games because i always won over him).
i dont know if theres a secret alliance between king_paul and jardel but im sure there not multis because i speak to them everyday.
and second of all king_paul is not a multi because im working with him on a map i hope to but on cc for debate soon, we have a lot of work to do on it.
i thrust you guys to hear our case!:!: