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[Abandoned] - Colisevm

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[Abandoned] - Colisevm

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:36 am

Mod Note:Abandoned - If resurrected, this one must be checked again.

Map title: Colisevm (Arena for Gladiators)
Map maker: PepeAtila
Number of territories= 52 (22+14+10+5+1)
No continents, 4 rings and the center.


Players will start each one in just one 'Helmet' area.

Movements inside each ring are only one way...
clockwise (outer and 3rd rings)
anti-clockwise (2nd and 4th rings)

'Scutum' areas protect the 'Helmet' ... start with 9 or 7 neutral troops, so if you want to eliminate a player, you have to broke the 'Scutum' behing his 'Helmet'.

Movements to change ring (between rings)
crossing the red puddles in both directions, or from outer to inner as arrow shows.

'Gladius' and 'Medius' areas are bonus areas.
Also might be bonus area the 'Scutum' but you would need to have a 'gladius'.
Helmet area is autodeploy.

Click image to enlarge.

version 22 .... changing grandstand...
Click image to enlarge.

show: others 22

show: other 19 20 and 21

show: Other 19 and 18

show: version 17

show: version 16_2

I think is going the idea, perhaps some discussion about graphics (that it is difficult to agree), also a development a little 3D and we will also discuss about some changes in the neutral drop. Really I took some ideas from each participant ... some I changed, some I will try to change in next step. Thank you =D>
Here is where the bulk of a maps development takes place. Gameplay and graphics will undergo discussion at this point to ensure that:
o Gameplay is balanced
o Graphics are of a suitable foundry standard.

well, once Gp is earned
To earn your graphics stamp you must comply to the following conditions:
1) Image must present itself as clear and legible.
2) Both large and small maps athetics must be to a presentable foundry standard and must also satisfy the community at large.
3) Cartographers must, where possible, reduce any disadvantage that can be caused to a colorblind individual.
4) All map makers are expected to take all graphical comments into consideration and must either accepted them or give sound reasoning as to why not to take paticular advice.

show: version 1

show: version 2

show: VERSION 3

show: version 4

show: map 5_1

show: version 5_2

show: map 6

show: map 7

show: version 8

show: version 9 to 12

show: v13

show: v14 the draft

show: version 14 to 15

show: version 15
Last edited by PepeAtila on Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:32 am, edited 83 times in total.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby jsholty4690 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:44 am

I have two questions:
1. How do would you move from one ring to another?
2. Is this going to be like the Circus Maximus, where you attack in one direction only?

Overall I think you did a good job with this map. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:55 am

jsholty4690 wrote:I have two questions:
1. How do would you move from one ring to another?
2. Is this going to be like the Circus Maximus, where you attack in one direction only?

Overall I think you did a good job with this map. Keep up the good work.

1. To see it graphically is like if you are walking in the first ring you go to the right (I mean as the clock) while you are walking forward you can change the ring, When you change the ring you begin to walk in the other direction.

2. The main difference is that you have not to go all arround, you can change the ring and return to your position, but separately each ring works similarly to Circus Maximus. From one ring to the other you can attack in both directions. For example you can attack from "unus" to "commodus" and viceversa

.- The main idea is that in every position (except "medius") you have a front part and a back part.
Last edited by PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby acores2005 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:15 am

Interesting idea!

Click image to enlarge.

show: winner
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby Hoagy on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:46 am

Nice idea. It'll go well with the Circvs Maximvs map.

I see yov've got Comodvs, but where is Maximvs Decimvs Meridivs?
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby thenobodies80 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:58 am

Hi PepeAtila!

Happy to see here! Welcome to the Foundry! :D

The comparison with Circus Maximus is obvious.
However it seems that your idea solves a problem that Andy had undergone in the early stages of the developement of that map.

AndyDufresne wrote:Many people know where I stand on 'Hokey Pokey' maps, where everyone moves in the same direction. Why not say instead of everyone moving counterclockwise, but using the example above, have the middle one move clockwise? You could change direction easier then, but doing so might make the whole notion of going in a certain direction for a long time a mute point, which is the base idea for a map. Perhaps if you added you can only change directions in the turning area or some other region, then that would keep the base you wanted, without having the Hokey Pokey rule.


and this is a good thing ;)
But i can't understand why Gladiators have to go around...
With Circus Maximus was a reasonable choice;a chariot race, in which the first man who completed 7 laps was the winner and he received the honors of the great Rome.
With a map about gladiators i imagine something more chaotic
i can't imagine a group of man running around with a gladio in their hands like in a toon. ;)
Said that, the visul arrows system doesn't work so well, remeber that all the information needed to play the map has to be understandable on the map itself. Now i see caesar can attack augustus but this doesn't mean that augustus can attack tiberius; maybe a text should help with this and about the possibility to change the ring (now absent on the map).
The change of ring is possible only turning right? I can't understand if the you mean that i can attack forward and right or forward, right and diagonally forward.
Finally, What are the territories? You 're going to drawn something like this:

In this case you have to consider the space required for circles and for army numbers (888).
Or maybe you're going to develope something like this:

In this case you have to draw the borders, if not is very difficult to understand what attack what, specially on change of directions.

Considering the map on the whole and the following guidelines i think we are talking more about a good idea, than a properly draft.
To be considered a Working Draft a project must be more than just an idea; a Draft should have a clear thematic focus, a plan for how the gameplay will work, and a basic image which should include:

1. Territory Labels - temporary names or numbers will suffice, and are always open to change.
2. Borders/Paths/Impassables - it should be made clear where territories do/do not connect.
3. Bonus Areas - where combinations/groups of territories will award a bonus, this should be indicated on the map.
4. Legend - speculative bonus values and explanations of any attack rules or gameplay features.

Draft images should not be larger than 630x600px (small image) or 840x800px (large image).

However i like what you're trying to develope :) , it something like a Circus Maximus evolution.
Looking forward your next update.

thenobodies80 :)
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby techno660 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:45 am

so how many territories can you attack from one ring to the other, for example how many territories in the outer ring can ulnus attack? just one or like the 2 surrounding it?
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby Suzy1 on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:41 pm

For a first draft, I really like the look of this map. I enjoy playing Circus Maximus and this is similar. Once your Legend is posted, there should be no confusion as to how the map plays. Good job, Best of luck with it!
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby fire_dragon on Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:49 pm

Maybe instead of being able to switch directions at any point, you might want to think of having only one entrance into each section and maybe 2 on the outer section. This was you can achieve your borders, and each ring could be your territory bonus.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:15 pm

Thank you to everybody. I will try to answer as soon as possible... I will work on it now
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:35 pm

Hoagy wrote:Nice idea. It'll go well with the Circvs Maximvs map.

I see yov've got Comodvs, but where is Maximvs Decimvs Meridivs?

I just used Emperors, and from them only the Ivlivs-Clavdivs, Flavivs and some from Antoninvs dinasties, also I included Septimvs Severvs ... So after 211 there is none.
That is a good idea, because Maximus was born in Hispania and very close to my city... perhaps I can include also some gladiator's names.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:11 pm

thenobodies80 wrote:Hi PepeAtila!
Happy to see here! Welcome to the Foundry! :D

you are the main guilty that I am here :lol:

thenobodies80 wrote:The comparison with Circus Maximus is obvious.
However it seems that your idea solves a problem that Andy had undergone in the early stages of the developement of that map.

After I read your post I think this is the main problem to understand this map. You shouldn't think that is like Circus Maximus... where I did never play :) ... yet.

It is true that I also use the circular movement, but using the change of direction in every ring the main efect on the movement is not to go arround, it is more like zig-zag. I made a first draft dividing the Colosseum in regions, then I realized that some places in the second ring can be attacked for too many places. So how to reduce it? ... moving counterclockwise and move clockwise, it is something very common to think in round places.
thenobodies80 wrote:But i can't understand why Gladiators have to go around...

With a map about gladiators i imagine something more chaotic
i can't imagine a group of man running around with a gladio in their hands like in a toon. ;)

Believe me, it is not like this. Gladiators donā€™t go around... just they go frontly ā€¦ and in every point they can change the direction changing the ringā€¦they have more freedom of movements than it looks like, but you should forget the idea that this is like Circus Maximusā€¦ fully different.
thenobodies80 wrote:Said that, the visul arrows system doesn't work so well, remeber that all the information needed to play the map has to be understandable on the map itself. Now i see caesar can attack augustus but this doesn't mean that augustus can attack tiberius; maybe a text should help with this and about the possibility to change the ring (now absent on the map).
I take note to write that I wrote in the first post on the map ...

thenobodies80 wrote:The change of ring is possible only turning right? I can't understand if the you mean that i can attack forward and right or forward, right and diagonally forward.
Just imagine you are a Gladiator placed in some name on the map ... where are you looking ? normally you have 3 places to go ... the ring diagonally right, the ring diagonally left and always forward. This movement looks like Circus Maximus, but the next movement is different if you changed the ring.
thenobodies80 wrote:Finally, What are the territories? You 're going to drawn something like this:

In this case you have to consider the space required for circles and for army numbers (888).
Or maybe you're going to develope something like this:

In this case you have to draw the borders, if not is very difficult to understand what attack what, specially on change of directions.

Each name is a territory. I would develop the places for troops. About the lines to divide territories I did, but I have to do it again.
thenobodies80 wrote:Considering the map on the whole and the following guidelines i think we are talking more about a good idea, than a properly draft.
To be considered a Working Draft a project must be more than just an idea; a Draft should have a clear thematic focus, a plan for how the gameplay will work, and a basic image which should include:

1. Territory Labels - temporary names or numbers will suffice, and are always open to change.
2. Borders/Paths/Impassables - it should be made clear where territories do/do not connect.
3. Bonus Areas - where combinations/groups of territories will award a bonus, this should be indicated on the map.
4. Legend - speculative bonus values and explanations of any attack rules or gameplay features.

Draft images should not be larger than 630x600px (small image) or 840x800px (large image).

1. Territory Labels ... 45.
2. Except some locations I think it is clear where and where not you can attack, even when it needs a little adjust.
3. The bonus areas are marked with shields (you can count 10 of them)
4. I think it is the only think I didn't close because I wanted to know how people can understand it

thenobodies80 wrote:However i like what you're trying to develope :) , it something like a Circus Maximus evolution.

This is like to say that all the maps with territories are like a "Classic shapes evolution"

Really, thank you very much for your comments and of course for your help...

your friend Pepe.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:22 pm

techno660 wrote:so how many territories can you attack from one ring to the other, for example how many territories in the outer ring can ulnus attack? just one or like the 2 surrounding it?

From "Unus" you can attack "Due", "Commodvs" and "Quartus" ... and you can attack to "Uno" from "Duodecim", "Commodvs" and "Quartus"

Suzy1 wrote:For a first draft, I really like the look of this map. I enjoy playing Circus Maximus and this is similar. Once your Legend is posted, there should be no confusion as to how the map plays. Good job, Best of luck with it!

:D Well it is clear that it is also an Arena, ... I use the movement to make possible that from/to "Unus" only can attack/be attacked by 3 places and not from/to 7 places that are arround ...
I know I should write the Legend ... Thank you very much ... I hope/think people can really enjoy playing this map ... I would find the way to make it crystal clear ...

fire_dragon wrote:Maybe instead of being able to switch directions at any point, you might want to think of having only one entrance into each section and maybe 2 on the outer section. This was you can achieve your borders, and each ring could be your territory bonus.

Yes I had some similar idea before, even I made shadow and wet, to make possible to divide in continents, but the idea to close the places (as an spiral) it would looks like very artificial.
So I decide that it is better bonus when you "find" some weapon on the Arena (the shields).
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby hip-hop-opotamus on Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:08 pm

By looking at it I figured you could only move between rings by using those emblems, and those would be worth bonus to hold (just an idea), but i do like the thought of just moving between them ... except if you wanted to attack behind you all you would have to do was move out one ring and then move forward into the space that was behind you at first, i thought it might be too easy to get around having to go in one direction ... overall I like it, it seems more fun than most maps, you should keep it up sorry about the massive post, hip-hop-opotamus
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby callybear on Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:09 am

jsholty4690 wrote:I have two questions:
1. How do would you move from one ring to another?
2. Is this going to be like the Circus Maximus, where you attack in one direction only?

Overall I think you did a good job with this map. Keep up the good work.

i think it'd be a good tourny map
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 1)

Postby PepeAtila on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:18 pm

hip-hop-opotamus wrote:By looking at it I figured you could only move between rings by using those emblems, and those would be worth bonus to hold (just an idea), but i do like the thought of just moving between them ... except if you wanted to attack behind you all you would have to do was move out one ring and then move forward into the space that was behind you at first, i thought it might be too easy to get around having to go in one direction ... overall I like it, it seems more fun than most maps, you should keep it up sorry about the massive post, hip-hop-opotamus

It is good idea to keep these emblems to move between rings but this could limited too much the movements. I didn't explain clearly, and I think in 3rd version is clearer. About the post I would like to have more, it helps me a lot.
Thank you very much everybody.
Following the sense of movement you just attack diagonally to change the ring.
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby Jakes1 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:41 pm

it looks as though you put a lot of thought inti this one...personally , i am not good at these types of maps...but i am sure there are many who would like this one...keep up the good work :)
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby roadhawg on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:53 pm

looks good but i dont know diddly but i would play it as long as its not the Circus Max dont care for that game good luck
honk roadhawg
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby RipRock on Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:33 pm

I like it
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby PepeAtila on Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:10 pm

Jakes1 wrote:it looks as though you put a lot of thought inti this one...personally , i am not good at these types of maps...but i am sure there are many who would like this one...keep up the good work :)

:) you made me to remember my feelings when I was in front of a new map. Thank you very much, I realize that this map can looks difficult to understand, but I hope we are going to play this map (as team) ... so it is like any other but the borders between the territories were reduced like if a person were in this place. Because you cannot attack behind you if you don't turn arround :) ... I repeat my thanks for all of you
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby leolou2 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:11 pm

Hey PepeAtila you have went way far from poker do you still play that , I think you have a good map going so best of luck on it . =D> :lol: :D
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby spore08 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:57 pm

iam drunk good job
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby jean-yves on Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:19 am

Hi pepe,
Nice map.
a little bit complicated to understand but after very interresting
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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby JJ41375 on Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:56 am

Looks like a great idea. My only comment would be there are 10 auto-deploys of +1, so unless there 2 or 5 players, or some are neutral to start, there may be an advantage to a player(s).

Other than that I would love to see this map and be able to play it.

Good luck.

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Re: Arena for Gladiators (pag 3)

Postby Lucarilover240 on Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:47 pm

Hmm... Looks like an interesting concept. Looks kind of complex, something I probably wouldn't play very often, but I think a lot of other players might enjoy it.
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