saxitoxin wrote:Woodruff - thank you for not flooding my wall with aggressive comments anymore.
I've never "flooded your wall" with anything, so please stop with your lies and bullshit.
saxitoxin wrote:In regard to your question: what "individual" are you talking about?
The individual that you claim is in their 30s. You have no way of actually knowing that is accurate.
saxitoxin wrote:The lies keep spewing out so fast it's hard to keep up with the latest fantasy. (Amusing, though, because a review of the threads is all that's necessary to show they are lies. I suppose the liars in these cases must think the mods will just side with whomever screams the loudest without doing research?)
No, we leave that tactic to you.
saxitoxin wrote:I think, though, you may have just ambled into this thread and latched onto one specific scrap and decided to run with it, so - to clarify - I only had provoked, salacious interaction with one person, the person was over 18 which I confirmed to my satisfaction and can be double-confirmed by any mod by review of the individual's payment processing method and, all that aside and most importantly, it clearly and obviously met the legal definition of hyperbole.
Your "confirming to your satisfaction" is thoroughly useless, as well as is any "review of the individual's payment processing method" unless you think a parent can't buy their child a membership online using the parent's credit card.
saxitoxin wrote:This final point is most salient because it gets to the crux of a new level in the rude, bullying on these forums: namely, accusations of disgusting crimes of turpitude if any of the bullies disagrees with you.
Yes, it is unfortunate that you've done this. It's nice to see that you're repentant though.
saxitoxin wrote:This is a long, dark spiral we're about to fall down and I hope the mods intervene before it's too late. I'm sorry you, as an older gentleman, fell in with this crowd.
No, I've definitely not fallen in with you.
saxitoxin wrote:We need enforcement of basic decency and we need it now. Ban Strife.
He's done nothing to deserve sanction.
saxitoxin wrote:This is my last post as I await the jurisprudence of the moderators in their decision about whether to or to not ban Strife.
Won't happen. And I'm betting you're lying.
saxitoxin wrote:Warmest Regards
I don't believe that for a moment.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.