the.killing.44 wrote:Hmm, well of course it does give people to aim for, the thing is I believe that the only two times it will be even thought of as an option are: when one's opponent only has battleships remaining, and someone wants an easy win (like the castles on Feudal … in fact this is what I'd really compare it to); secondly when someone is in a casual freestyle someone wishes to double turn (in this case like the City Mogul objective). I guess it isn't that bad to have the option, as long as there is the ability to eliminate the opponent(s), but I just don't see it being executed.
I don't think there is the ability to eliminate the opponents with this objective option. So in that respect it could turn out like another SchloSS. Heaven forbid, Mergatroid!
On another note, I'm just going to go down the legend:
I suggest:Battleships
- lose two
troops per round
- can bombard
any position
marked by: Ø
Changes * to -, puts the first two lines into one and the last line with "can" and the symbol immediately following a colon.
I suggest:Landing Beaches
& others marked by yellow*)
- lose 1 troop
per round
- can bombard
respectively named
landing craft
* you should make "yellow" have the same effect on it as the title/territories themselves
Changes list to alphabetical, gets rid of spaces in between letters, adds parentheses, * to -, condenses first two lines, adds "named" to craft note.
I suggest:Forts: normal
land attack
and can bombard
sea terts in
the Dardanelles
and the Narrows*
*have to specify what the Narrows are?
Changes "sea bombard". also note I'm not sure what we can or cannot use as the word for terts
I suggest:Seamines:
turn neutral
per turn
~ for those above I think you need some way to separate the blocks of text, whether by a line or just extra spacing ~All land territories for each position held (per turn autodeploy)
Not quite sure what each position is in the first place, and where is the auto-deploy put?All convoy landing ships (not L#
or MS#) for each ship held (per
turn autodeploy)
Once again, where is the auto-deploy placed? If it's on each individual convoy landing ship, I'd think:Auto-deploy on each convoy landing ship
(ships not shown as L# or MS#) per each ship held
All of this is attended to, I beleive, although in some places because of space, i have shortened your suggestions.Another graphical note, maybe you could give the impassables some depth?
Looks sweet,
Yes, the impassables are impassable for my creativity at present.