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jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)[cleared]

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jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)[cleared]

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:17 am

Be sure before you accuse someone!


Culs De Sac

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Severe collusion/deception/idiocy

Game number(s):

the first two players were with Culs and I, in that order, in a speed Feudal Game...jammyjames missed two turns then PM-ed Culs that he was back...I attacked Culs then jjstanbury came in from behind and wiped the deploy but never placed it and timed out..."jammyjames" then came thru and wiped out jjstansbury and got his cash ...
Bacd luck you may say but no...I'd been PM-ed by jjstansbury that he and jammyjames had been playing at school and both had been banned by school authorities after Jammyjames had sworn on game chat...
I'd suspected they'd been weird multis as they'd already said they were same school (but different teams) but accepted jjstansbury assertion that they'd been kicked so deployed to take the game as they "dead-beated"
Lo and behold jammy james comes back from the dead and keeps playing thru troops not placed to defend....and wins for himself and Culs...
Fair enuff??? No: they really had both been barred by school authorities but jammyjames had "supposedly" PM-ed Culs B4 being schol-kicked and Culs resurrec ted and came back for his team-mate...
Later, after the game is over, Culs PM-ed me saying he'd "forgot" to declare that he was playing for his off-line team-mate...
So what's the crime???
Pls get these snivelling cretins off-line during their school hours..
Maybe a warning to jammyjames for "swearing" if it costs him and opponents the chance to complete games...
and maybe...just maybe...a kick in the arse for Culs for "forgetting"...
I've played a few games with him and trust his word but the fact is he stole points too easily...I stated in game chat that after losing a doubles with him yesterday I went against him so as not to jinx him...but this game was just Bullshit...and they get points for crap...
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:35 am

sorry for the addendum..
I'd also recv'd the PM from MY schoolboy partner 2 stating they'd both been school-kicked 2 mins B4 Culs' schoolboy partner posted wondering what had happenned??? If they'd both been booted at the same time surely "jammyjames" whoever he was at the time would have known...
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby Mad Pineapples on Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:38 am

Jammyjames actually PMed me saying he was being prevented by a filter from getting onto the site and he couldn't take his turn in a Feudal speed game. He asked me to take his turns for him, but I was also in a couple of speed games myself so obviously I couldn't do it. I assume he then asked Culs de Sac to play as he didn't want to deadbeat the game. I don't think jammyjames is in the wrong here, though I guess someone should have said what was taking place.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby Masli on Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:03 am


* Players are allowed to account-sit for others as long as they are not opponents within the game. When sitting for a player, you need to post who you are and how long you will be sitting for the player so that other players in the game are aware of who they are actually playing.
* Being on another player's account for ANY reason other than taking turns when they are in danger of missing a turn is not allowed. Abuse of this privilege can be considered account sharing and could result in a Bust for both accounts.

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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:28 am

Be sure before you accuse someone! This forum is not for simply complaining about losing a game... If you had won would you have posted this? jammy has been accused of multi recently & CLEARED........... He is not a multi......... & Culs de Sac is from the USA & his pard in that game? What is the crime? Forgetting to announce in chat who is moving for who.......... He may have forgotten at the time but did inform you as you stated..... So what is it you want? C C to enforce his schools restrictions & set game play times? :roll:........................................................ignore taht, take my turns please. lol by jammyjames
on Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:27 am
And this was posted on pineaples wall...........
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:00 am

Read Masli's post..
.you will inform when you are sitting another player's game...not you will inform 3 turns later and esp not you will inform 3 turns later...
Also. as stated, play for both schoolkids ws stopped but AFTER that Culs, in the guise of his former team-mate asked what had happenned to nmy team-mate...
Does this sound like "forgetfullness"???
Don't think so...
Lose a lot and don't complain..shiite happens...let this sort of crap happen and you demean the work of the pps who set this site up...
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby jefjef on Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:06 am

Account sit

Sent: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:21 pm
by jammyjames
Hello mate, im going away on holdiay for a week starting on sunday, just wandering if you or one of your trusted buddies can babysit my account for the next week, preferably one of your better ranked or skilled buddies :)
would be very appreciative,
James............................................................................................. Just to let the world know I have been asked to ACCOUNT SIT next week.. I probably won't be the one doing it but will find someone too...... & in case they forget to type in chat who they are it would still not be grounds for a MULTI accusation or secret diplomacy.....
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby jammyjames on Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:34 am

haha, man i love this whole complaint thing, so far im on 2... lol

djpatrick, i think you're just pissed that me and culs beat you..

let me explain the whole thing, i go to the same college as jjstanbury, as with the majority of the clan nexxus. an ip check will prove this, ( not sure if they have a dynamic ip though). anyway point aside, our college network has a filter set on it, any swear words or rude material is instantaniously blocked, in this case, i said the phrase 'no shit' following, both i and jjstanbury could not access the game to take our turns, i got my turns covered. hence being able to continue the game, to further prove this, jjstanbury's turn would have frozen, in the round of which i said the comment, feel free to check the timings within the game.

and one more thing, i accidentally swear in one of my games, only the word 'shit' and you feel the i should be warned about foul language, get a grip....

There is only one thing wrong that has been done, and that would be the not writing that culs was playing for me, we cant always remember to do this everytime, especially if we have not covered someone in so long...

and to the first part djpatrick, about me PM-ing culs to say i was back, i typed it in game chat in the team window, i think the mods could vouch for me on this one.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby KoE_Sirius on Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:09 pm

Try using this link first Game 5232014.
Best see what the Multi Hunters say.It was a team game so I dont think they did anything wrong.
I mean the first accusation was for Secret Diplomacy.Where can you go from there ?
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby jammyjames on Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:36 pm

DJPatrick wrote:jammyjames had "supposedly" PM-ed Culs B4 being schol-kicked and Culs resurrec ted and came back for his team-mate...

only just noticed that part, if the mods would be kind enough to have a look at culs private messages then they would see this is infact the case :)
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby jammyjames on Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:42 pm

no need i have it myself.

* Delete message
* Quote message


Sent: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:21 am
From: jammyjames
To: Culs De Sac
im locked out of our game, a filter cut in, password is ******* (copy and paste it) take my turns, wo we dont lose!

Winner of Trans-Atlantic Speed Tournament!!!
Funniest ever game, everyone lost 100 points - Game 4661728

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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby BoganGod on Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:44 pm

So your suggesting that 1person has purchased 3 premium accounts......... DJ even for an aussie this is not that bright mate, jeez bro. I don't know jammyjames and jj stanbury, but culs I have played with a lot. He is skillful enough that if he was a multi his score would be a hell of a lot higher than it is right now.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby king sam on Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:55 pm

boy this is confusing, but as I see it the offense here is that jammyjames sitter did not come forth and dictate in chat that he was account sitting for him, which is my understanding more of a courtesy rather then a SHALL be done.

As long as the sitter didn't access other parts of the site besides taking turns I think there is no violation of the account sitting guidelines that Masli was kind enough to quote above.

But I may have totally missed the reasoning behind this claim as it is hard to follow. May I suggest being more clear and concise about a report next time you file one. Other then that I believe there was no foul play in this game, a few missed turns, some alleged PM's floating around, and an account sitter who forgot to proclaim his presence in chat, but that's it.

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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:08 pm

Whoa Bogan you mullet molester...I too have played Culs enough times to trust him to Kill (usually me) honorably - the only complaint against him is that he didn't declare his ressurection from the dead until his assumed persona had come back and wiped me...

As to jammyjames and his "swearing" : he says his school policy blocks them if swearing on games - supposedly he knew this when he swore {just after} my partner started attacking Culs, yet in the less than 20 seconds before both school accounts were frozen, jammy had the ability to ask Culs (still playing) at the time to take over for him b4 being frozen out?
I don't think so...more like a calculated ploy to stop the loss by using his ability to have his schoolmate/opponent eliminated mid-turn, knowing his partner was still on line and could come back in his place...i.e. no swearing wld have been two on one against him but his actions resulted in just me playing a secretly-switched opponent...

Okay, so there is no multi accounts involved (first time I've ever filled one of these forms)
No bad language or I'd tell the little private school wanker what I really think of his dipshit tactics...
I'm asking the moderators to check the timings for his posts against game play asking what happened to the "other" jj and his posts asking Culs to fill in...
Culs has already PM-ed me explaining he didn't know they were playing with each other at the same school and I accept that; he may not have known he was being used
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby owenator on Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:12 pm

DJ, I 'know' you and played in several games with you. jammyjames is under my clan and I do have to preserve his honour and integrity and certainly all of our members do carry that quality. Culs, I've played against a couple of times and I'm pretty sure that The Legion would only allow the same - players who uphold honour, pride, and integrity when they play the game. I know you were upset but I think this was simply because of a gross misunderstanding of the situation. His explanation, certainly does provide justification of what happened in the game.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:41 pm

Okay, Owenator...
I'll just foe the little fiend on your say so but suggest you check the integrity of your accolytes a bit more stringently
as to Culs, he's a self-admitted pr**k but an honorable
How to I "unsubmit" this thread...
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby BoganGod on Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:53 pm

DJPatrick wrote:Okay, Owenator...
I'll just foe the little fiend on your say so but suggest you check the integrity of your accolytes a bit more stringently
as to Culs, he's a self-admitted pr**k but an honorable
How to I "unsubmit" this thread...

To close thread just post in subject title, close please! If anything maybe secret diplomacy but thing was a case of bad communication, possibly poor etiquette not rule breaking. I know you don't go off half cocked or whinge about nothing, you are an aussie not a pom after all. Shall we just write it off as a misunderstanding then? :) :?: :roll: :D
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby Culs De Sac on Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:27 pm

First of I would like to say that I neither cheat, nor would spend the money and time to be a multi..However, I will admit that I Forgot to state that I was taking JammyJames turns.I normally don't account sit for individuals, not to mention this was an instantaneous spur of the moment action. .I was involved in my own speed game along with the Doubles match that we had together so I would just log on and take the turn and then log off to continue my own game...I had no clue that JammyJames and JJ were in the same location and were both blocked by the filter...My apologies to DJ and everyone for any misunderstanding.

Like I previously mentioned, My only "wrong-doing" if it is considered such is that I didn't announce the substitution for JammyJames.

Check the log, check my games, do as you please and you will see the same..


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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac) - [CLOSE PLS]

Postby DJPatrick on Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:33 am

maybe my orig post was a bit jumbled due to pissed-offedness...
Boils down to jammyjames using known "outside" protocols" (ie his schools close down games policy) to get my partner stopped then secretly switching identities with his own partner to continue after he too had been closed-down...
I understand that this sort of integrity issue is outside the scope of CC-moderators and there's little they can do about such smartass teenies but pls...consider this guy as just being the proverbial piece of doggie-doo...
NO misunderstanding...maybe just a bit too much insight into the mind of this cretin...
I've foed him...
I've made my peace with his schoolmate partner but will not play again...
I've smoked the peace pipe with that pr...K (self-admitted) Culs and will gladly play again...
that was my 15secs (or so) of fame...hope to not meet here again...chz all
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac) - [CLOSE PLS]

Postby owenator on Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:44 am

DJPatrick wrote:maybe my orig post was a bit jumbled due to pissed-offedness...
Boils down to jammyjames using known "outside" protocols" (ie his schools close down games policy) to get my partner stopped then secretly switching identities with his own partner to continue after he too had been closed-down...
I understand that this sort of integrity issue is outside the scope of CC-moderators and there's little they can do about such smartass teenies but pls...consider this guy as just being the proverbial piece of doggie-doo...
NO misunderstanding...maybe just a bit too much insight into the mind of this cretin...
I've foed him...
I've made my peace with his schoolmate partner but will not play again...
I've smoked the peace pipe with that pr...K (self-admitted) Culs and will gladly play again...
that was my 15secs (or so) of fame...hope to not meet here again...chz all

Indeed....foeing someone would be the best solution in your case. However, I think jammyjames would purposely not join in your games anyways. I know, there may be a lot of people supporting the accused players and it may certainly seem like everyone is 'against' you....but that's not truly the case. I just had to make that point DJ. I enjoyed our games together and I still will. I understand that you're still upset about the situation, and it's not my place to tell you NOT to be. I know that you trust me well enough to know that honour and integrity is easily recognizable when my name is mentioned. Thus, I appreciate your understanding of the situation. Honestly, I believe it was a misunderstanding and I know that you're a better man to simply move on with it. I think you can send a pm to king achilles advising you'd like to withdraw your original accusation.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby DJPatrick on Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:25 am

Owen, Owen...
I had already posted that I was prepared to walk away from this but I can't let it end on being informed, yet again, that there was a "mis-understanding"...

Putting journo's hat on...The Facts...

Jammyjames opponent had already just been eliminated...
jammyjames actions, whether intentional or not ( and I believe so but just the facts...)
jammyjames' actions alone were solely responsible for having my partner frozen out of the game and jammy james knew that this was the case when it happenned
He also knew that his own actions alone had frozen himself out of the game but called for someone else to stand in for him...

The above are the facts (Not "mis-understanding") of what occurred...

Given this I don't know how anyone can offer support for his supposed integrity...

The above bad sportsmanship is apparently outside the CC scope for investigation and I too Owen have and will enjoy the Feudal games but the main reason that I have already PM-ed the mods to have this closed is the only "apparent" wrong doer here is Culs de Sac.

I think Culs was also a victim of jammyjames' "misunderstandings" as he was never informed by your honorable accolyte of integrity what had happenned or that one of the other players had been frozen because of something jammyjames had said/done...
Mis-understanding? I think not

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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby chemefreak on Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:27 pm

owenator wrote:DJ, I 'know' you and played in several games with you. jammyjames is under my clan and I do have to preserve his honour and integrity and certainly all of our members do carry that quality. Culs, I've played against a couple of times and I'm pretty sure that The Legion would only allow the same - players who uphold honour, pride, and integrity when they play the game. I know you were upset but I think this was simply because of a gross misunderstanding of the situation. His explanation, certainly does provide justification of what happened in the game.

Culs is a stand up guy. Forgetting to announce that you are playing for your partner in a team game is not a crime. The fact that he pm'd you later to say he was sorry is pretty funny. Not exactly the MO of a cheater.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby colton24 on Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:00 pm

DJPatrick wrote:Be sure before you accuse someone!


Culs De Sac

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Severe collusion/deception/idiocy

Game number(s):

the first two players were with Culs and I, in that order, in a speed Feudal Game...jammyjames missed two turns then PM-ed Culs that he was back...I attacked Culs then jjstanbury came in from behind and wiped the deploy but never placed it and timed out..."jammyjames" then came thru and wiped out jjstansbury and got his cash ...
Bacd luck you may say but no...I'd been PM-ed by jjstansbury that he and jammyjames had been playing at school and both had been banned by school authorities after Jammyjames had sworn on game chat...
I'd suspected they'd been weird multis as they'd already said they were same school (but different teams) but accepted jjstansbury assertion that they'd been kicked so deployed to take the game as they "dead-beated"
Lo and behold jammy james comes back from the dead and keeps playing thru troops not placed to defend....and wins for himself and Culs...
Fair enuff??? No: they really had both been barred by school authorities but jammyjames had "supposedly" PM-ed Culs B4 being schol-kicked and Culs resurrec ted and came back for his team-mate...
Later, after the game is over, Culs PM-ed me saying he'd "forgot" to declare that he was playing for his off-line team-mate...
So what's the crime???
Pls get these snivelling cretins off-line during their school hours..
Maybe a warning to jammyjames for "swearing" if it costs him and opponents the chance to complete games...
and maybe...just maybe...a kick in the arse for Culs for "forgetting"...
I've played a few games with him and trust his word but the fact is he stole points too easily...I stated in game chat that after losing a doubles with him yesterday I went against him so as not to jinx him...but this game was just Bullshit...and they get points for crap...

who in the hell would be in school still in july?
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby king achilles on Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:45 am

Next time, for the account sitter, please do declare yourself on time to avoid things like this happening again.

Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: jammyjames & jj stanbury (with Culs De Sac)

Postby pacman572 on Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:52 pm

colton24 wrote:who in the hell would be in school still in july?

People in the UK perhaps? ;)
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