the two guys in this game are allowing eachother to have huge bonuses. Green has N. America and red has S. America and Africa- yet they ONLY attack me, and all i had was australia. They don't even defend against eachother, bordering with only 2 or 3 to protect their bonuses. But against ME they border with 5's. Green just took my bonus instead of red's (who he's right next to) when i have fortified indonesia with 6 and siam with 4. Green's very first game was also in doubles with red, but red acted like he doesn't know him then LIED- saying he tried to take green's 3, but lost 10 in doing so- HE NEVER HAD 10 ON ANY BORDER WITH GREEN TO ATTACK IN THE FIRST PLACE! He never even placed armies next to green!
cheat asshole(s) is what he/they is/are.