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owenshooter [closed]

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Re: owenshooter

Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:56 am

Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 07:38 am
From: jefjef
To: Dancing Mustard
Subject: Sticking my oar in where it isn't needed

Hi there DM,

Look man, I totally feel the need to go somewhere and to stick my oar in where it isn't needed. Y'know, like I really need to go make some unhelpful trolly comments that are of no use to anybody and which don't advance a thread in any way shape of form. I don't know why, but I simply HAVE to go flame-bait in a topic that doesn't concern me, because I feel an irresistible urge to go plaster some passive-aggressive crap on SOMETHING. Do you have any suggestions for where I could go to excise this troubling urge?

Love and admiration and grovelling deference,
jefjef (man's name, girl's avatar... I'm a gender-enigma)

Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 07:45 am
From: Dancing Mustard
To: jefjef
Subject: RE: Sticking my oar in where it isn't needed

Who the hell are you? Get off my lawn.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: owenshooter

Postby jefjef on Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:07 am

From: Dancing Mustard
To: jefjef
Subject: RE: Sticking my oar in where it isn't needed Atleast my advice is progress. FOE & IGNORE What are ya? 12?
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Re: owenshooter

Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:44 am

jefjef wrote:From: Dancing Mustard
To: jefjef
Subject: RE: Sticking my oar in where it isn't needed Atleast my advice is progress. FOE & IGNORE What are ya? 12?

Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:15 am
From: jefjef
To: Dancing Mustard
Subject: My gibbering descent into illiteracy


I appear to have lost a large quantity of my marbles and also the ability to write coherent posts. I'm trying as hard as I can, but whenever I post in public I just can't seem to form proper sentences or to spell simple words. What is wrong with me? Do you think that I ought to see a doctor? Even when I'm trying to be insulting/condescending I just come across as feeble-minded and dumb.

It's really embarrassing. I desperately want to be a CC big-shot... but people keep talking to me like I'm a total irrelevance.

Please, help me out here buddy. You're my only hope.

Yours 'grovelling like a slug writhing in my own slime'-ly,
jefjef, AKA: The Pre-op

Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:18 am
From: Dancing Mustard
To: jefjef
Subject: RE: My gibbering descent into illiteracy

Stop calling this number.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: owenshooter

Postby Skittles! on Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:51 am

jefjef wrote:From: Dancing Mustard
To: jefjef
Subject: RE: Sticking my oar in where it isn't needed Atleast my advice is progress. FOE & IGNORE What are ya? 12?

Funny you should say that. He used to profess that he was actually 12.

You are getting pwnd
KraphtOne wrote:when you sign up a new account one of the check boxes should be "do you want to foe colton24 (it is highly recommended) "
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Re: owenshooter

Postby jbrettlip on Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:43 am

I hope the fucker gets banned.
nothing wrong with a little bit of man on dog love.
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Re: owenshooter

Postby owenshooter on Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:06 am

Re: is this a joke?
Sent: Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:18 am
From: jbrettlip
To: owenshooter

owen, i just found out about you and my sister getting married. how could you do this to me?
i love you man, and i don't mean love like a friend. i am literally in love with you. tell me how
am I supposed to live without you, now that I've been lovin' you so long? how am I supposed to live
without you, how am I supposed to carry on when all that I've been livin' for is gone? you are my
world, owen. please don't run off with my sister. i love you, man.

with all my soul,
Thorthoth,"Cloaking one's C&A fetish with moral authority and righteous indignation
makes it ever so much more erotically thrilling"
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Re: owenshooter

Postby BoganGod on Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:07 am

jbrettlip wrote:I hope the fucker gets banned.

For what? Having a better hair style than you?
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Re: owenshooter

Postby Dancing Mustard on Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:04 am

Re: A big pot of beef chow-mein
Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12.20 am
From: BoganGod
To: Dancing Mustard


I saw you drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vic's. Your hair was perfect.

Anyway, as a hairy-handed gent who has run amock in Kent, and recently been overheard in Mayfair... I'd like to meet your tailor (and/or barber). Can such a meeting be facilitated, mutually.

Werewolves of London,
BoganGod xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: owenshooter

Postby Fruitcake on Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:14 am

Re: hats
Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 14.02 pm
From: Dancing Mustard
To: Fruitcake


As you can see by my avatar, I am in need of a hat, this sun is seriously burning me up.
Yours meltingly


Just pop down to my tailors DM, tell them to stick it my account. Meanwhile I suggest a 2 million sunblock cream or you are going to have a real bad day.

Due to current economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off
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Re: owenshooter

Postby owenshooter on Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:28 am

Re: your trip to mexico
Sent: Tue Jul 07, 2009 14.02 pm
From: Fruitcake
To: Owen

Hola, mi amigo! read in the bandit forum that you are tripping the day fantastic down to the land of mexico and deep into the soul of zihuatanejo! sounds absolutely fantastic and a touch orgasmic, i must say. now, with all those trappings of social niceties out the way, let me get down to the crux of the matter and move this along. i do know how thoroughly annoyed you become with my long winded, meandering and tangendental communiques. my dearest owen, would it be possible for you to handle playing a bit of pharmacist for me, upon your mexican adventure? the list is simple, should be easy to procure at any local pharmacy or taco stand, and i am prepared to wire you the money before you depart. the list is as follows:

2 - 120 count bottles of viagra (this is for a friend)
6 - 24 count boxes of valium (they help me sleep)
4 - 1 liter bottles of liquid cocaine (good enough for elvis and p. diddy, good enough for me)
2 - 64 count bottles of requip (for my restless leg syndrome)
5 - trial boxes of Tramiprosate (i fear the onset of alzheimers is near)
1 - bushel of marijuana (my peepers aren't quite what they used to be)

i thank you kindly for the time and effort this will require on your part. however, doing a good deed for a senior citizen is it's own reward, and you lad, are securing your place in heaven. thanks again! and may the tail winds always be at your back and the bossoms on your face.


p.s.-if you see andy in a tree out there, pelt him...
Thorthoth,"Cloaking one's C&A fetish with moral authority and righteous indignation
makes it ever so much more erotically thrilling"
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Re: owenshooter

Postby a.sub on Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:28 pm

hey owen its my turn!
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Re: owenshooter

Postby jbrettlip on Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:49 pm

From: Twill
To: Lack
BCC: jbrettlip
12:45 July 7, 2009
Re: Conquer club

Howdy, Lack! It is me, Twill. I am bcc jbrettlip on this pm since as you remember he used to say I was a worthless addition to team CC. I wanted you to know, that out in the real world, when I give a snarky smart ass answer, something odd happens. I usually get punched right in the face!! It sure is different than when I ruled the CC forums. I don't think I like it much. I got punched 47 times yesterday alone!!! The real world is pretty tough...

In related news, can I have my job back PLEASE??????? I promise to not tell anyone that hyasari was made up just to take out FW, and also won't tell anyone that the dice are rigged. Cmon, remember the MILLIONS of dollars I singlehandedly saved CC by doing whatever it is I claimed credit for. PLEASE give me my job back.

Tired of being punched,

PS I will ban Owenshooter for no real reason and we can sit around and laugh about how funny that is, just like old times.
nothing wrong with a little bit of man on dog love.
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Re: owenshooter

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:52 pm

Topic locked for now to prevent further spam. :)

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Re: owenshooter

Postby king achilles on Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:52 am

By this time, I would expect that the concerned individual has put the other person in his foes list. Being that this has been reported, I also hope that owenshooter would no longer attempt to send any pm's to bjc23 for any reason at all as it is clear that bjc23 does not want any communication from him about anything. Owen, if bjc23 does not follow the steps below, take it upon yourself not to communicate with him then. Further attempts to communicate with him, well, means you are at fault the next time around.

While it is not a standard feature to have anyone on your Foe list blocked from sending you a PM, it is possible with the use of the new "filter system" that has been added to your Inbox. This will allow you to automatically delete messages from players you wish to have no contact from.

Follow these steps:

1. Go to Inbox and then click on the tab labeled: Rules, Folders & Settings
2. In the dropdown menu underneath "Add a New Rule" select "Sender" and hit "Next"
3. Once again in the dropdown, select "is foe" and hit "Next"
4. Lastly, select "Delete Message" from the dropdown and hit "Add Rule"

This will make it so that any messages you receive from a person on your Foe list are automatically deleted when they arrive.

Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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