Conquer Club

The Five Elements - Shuffle [Winner: danryan]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Five Elements - SHUFFLE (5ES) - 23/25 -1/4 reserves

Postby Kinnison on Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:40 pm

plurple wrote:i am amazed didnt the first one fill up realy quick.

Yes, it did. So either people don't like the compressed schedule (unlikely), or the "shuffle" (never playing your direct competitors, new opponents weekly). Pity, I thought it was such a NEAT idea. Needing only 2, I'm REASONABLY certain we will fill up before the month is out and this vanishes, so don't give up hope yet, folks.
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Re: Five Elements - SHUFFLE (5ES) - 23/25 -1/4 reserves

Postby cletus on Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:45 am

sign me in. plz

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Re: Five Elements - SHUFFLE (5ES) - 23/25 -1/4 reserves

Postby Barry Zuckerkorn on Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:50 am

arms race, seq., chained, sunny, esc.
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Re: Five Elements - SHUFFLE (5ES) - 23/25 -1/4 reserves

Postby Kinnison on Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:56 am

Barry Zuckerkorn and cletus are in.

Still looking for reserves.

Headed to work now, will try to get tournament privledges shortly. PMing to clarify one map and one fort setting.

First games expected Thursday the 2nd of July...
(as noted in the initial post, games will be every Thursday. there is a SMALL chance of having them out before then)
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: Five Elements SHUFFLE (5ES) - [FULL] Need reserves

Postby plurple on Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:28 am

can i change my settings from fog to no fog please thanks.
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:38 pm

Maps verified, all settings that needed to be corrected, corrected.

I'll be requesting tourney privs for this immediately, but I'm working heel-and-toe shifts from now until Wednesday. I'll use that day to set the schedule with if I don't get a chance before then. Expect games to be mailed out in this tournament Thursday.

Good luck to all, and thanks in advance for playing!
Last edited by Kinnison on Sat Nov 14, 2009 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:18 pm

Okay, ALL week 1 games created and mailed out... Took longer than for 5E, but not as long as I feared it might, with almost twice the game load to make (55/week instead of 30).

Good Luck to everyone, have some fun!
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:35 pm

Okay, a few hiccups getting started.

3 people haven't read their mail yet, that's holding up 24 games from starting. ;)

1 player is out of town, will join his games on Sunday.

And one person has to drop due to computer issues, I'm advertising for a reserve now.. if all the other games fill before I get one, I'll step in and play.

So stay frosty, folks, games should start shortly.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby angola on Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:21 pm

I'll reserve.
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:43 pm

angola wrote:I'll reserve.

What settings? I have an IMMEDIATE opening, replacing DJ Teflon. I just need to remake two games to your settings... will mail you the rest of the games immediately.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby angola on Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:45 pm

Kinnison wrote:
angola wrote:I'll reserve.

What settings? I have an IMMEDIATE opening, replacing DJ Teflon. I just need to remake two games to your settings... will mail you the rest of the games immediately.

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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:55 pm

angola wrote:
Kinnison wrote:
angola wrote:I'll reserve.

What settings? I have an IMMEDIATE opening, replacing DJ Teflon. I just need to remake two games to your settings... will mail you the rest of the games immediately.

Midgard, sequential, escalating, chained, sunny

got 'em. 2 new games going out in about 10 minutes, once I update the charts. thanks!

EDIT: new games are out now. they added a new feature at some time for TOs... cletus, Hacx5nine, disregard the bit about dropping games, I was able to kill them, since they hadn't started yet. Just join the new ones, please. ;)
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:07 pm

Okay, this is getting rough. I'm now scrambling for players.

Right now, 4 people have not joined games.

1 of those has mailed me, saying He's out of town, and should join tomorrow. that's cool.

1 has mailed me, saying he's lost his premium, and won't be renewing until fall.

2 seem to have gone idle from the site, deadbeating all games 3 weeks and 1 week ago, respectively.

So I'm currently seeking a MINIMUM of 2 reserves (and myself) and possibly as many as five. (spares)

Sorry for this delay... the first tournament i ran didn't have this problem at the start, and, in fact, only used one reserve... So i wasn't EXPECTING this. In addition to public posts, I'm sending out some specific PMs...
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Darin44 on Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:20 am

i'll reserve

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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:34 am

Darin44 wrote:i'll reserve

WWII Western Front flat,chain,foggy

Accepted as reserve, and activated. I'll send your games out in about 10-15 minutes. ;)
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Quack. on Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:09 am

I'll be a reserve - if you still need more -Q
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Kinnison on Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:49 am

Quack. wrote:I'll be a reserve - if you still need more -Q

As a reserve, yes. As an IMMEDIATE reserve... well, 8 hours ago, yes... But right now I just need reserves against future problems... I'll put you on the list... map and settings?
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - LF reserves

Postby Hoagy on Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:06 am

I'll sign up as a reserve.

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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby RoOkAz on Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:17 pm

RoOkAz won 5192016
You are the best feudal partner EVER. If you need the best player to team up with is the man.
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby dragon dor on Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:30 am

Game 5192012 Dragon win
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby Kinnison on Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:04 am

The source of the problem delaying the last R1 games from starting has been located. If everyone would PLEASE check your foe lists, and remove, for the length of the tournament, anyone IN the tournament... Thank you.

<edit> All Round 1 games are started... only a week late. ;)

Scores updated for the 7 games finished so far... and I've begun to see just how ODD the scoreboard is going to look.

R2 will be sent out, but not until late tonight, CST. Call it about... 4-5 hours from now, likely.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby Kinnison on Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:41 pm

Round 2 Created and sent out... and I beat local midnight. :lol:

7 games completed from the first round. Score updates will probably be weekly until the 5 weeks of games are made, then as constantly as i can until the division winners are determined. I will update more often if I can.

For those who were in the Five Elements, remember this tournament does NOT use the same scoring system. Games are worth quite a bit more, so don't try to compare the two scoring charts.

For all players, remember: The higher you rank in a game, the more you benefit. It's not a linear system. One victory in a 3-player game is worth more than 2 second place finishes in the same size game.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby Kinnison on Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:16 am

Hopscotcher is dropping from the tournament effective the beginning of round 2.

I have reserves, but need to get the game settings from Quack. (mail sent).

Culs De Sac, YoursFalsey, badlouie, AtreidesHouse: Two of the games I just sent you will have ceased to exist by the time you read this. New games, and a new player, are coming in the immediate future. I hope to have us up to speed within 24 hours.

Hopscotcher WILL continue to play the week one games, so the reserve who replaces him will not be entering with a huge score deficit. He's just a bit over-commited on tournaments, and doesn't feel he can do this one justice.

IF ANYONE ELSE feels that this tournament will place them under too much game pressure... PLEASE: Let me know NOW, and do NOT join your round two games, or drop them if they haven't started yet.

I'd much rather find out that way than because you had to deadbeat out of 10 or more of them in a week or so.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby RoOkAz on Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:00 pm

RoOkAz wins Game 5192017
You are the best feudal partner EVER. If you need the best player to team up with is the man.
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Re: The Five Elements Shuffle(5ES) - [3/4] reserves

Postby Kinnison on Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:11 am

No response from Quack., who HAS received the PM. Dropped from the Reserve list. dittoeevee8888 activated for the missing slot.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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