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Poll ended at Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:41 am

Total votes : 21


Postby General Mayhem on Sat May 20, 2006 12:41 am

Ive only just noticed this!!

Players (and some of them good well known players!!) realise they cant win a game and turn into deadbeats thus saving them from losing points at the end!!!!!!!!!!!! So thats how they're doing so well!!

WHAT THE f*ck!!!!



Lackattack please sort it out man!!
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Postby wacicha on Sat May 20, 2006 12:55 am

you got it wrong a deadbeat is someone who does not play after round 1 if he played round and did not play the next 3 he would be a deadbeat, if he played round 2 and did not play the next 3 turns he would be kicked but he would lose the points
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Postby hairingtons on Sat May 20, 2006 7:26 am

I'll tell you what should happen:

fucking cheats should be booted (as they are) but also you should get points back from them. this is so annoying.

*runs to post a cheat*
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Postby juventino on Sat May 20, 2006 9:09 am

well... i still think you should lose some points (perhaps not first gamers to old players)

because now.. If you get bad start positions. You can just bail out that game.
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Postby fubarcivic on Sat May 20, 2006 6:48 pm

in one of my games, a doubles, my partner has blabbed out that he hates this map, without having taken a turn in two rounds... obviously, he/she is going to do their best to be deadbeats, leaving me to defend and conquer all by myself on a huge map like Montreal (so many countries).

Again, its not fair, but its the game, and I've just been burned for the last time in general/public doubles games.
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Postby Twill on Sat May 20, 2006 11:21 pm

Well, clearly we can't have deadbeats lose double points - a lot of the time deadbeats are such because they go away for the weekend and cannot finish a game etc.

If you can think of a system that punishes those who deadbeat as a strategy to skip bad deployments, but does not overly punish those who miss things because of unavoidable circumstances, please, let me know and we will work it through, but until then, the current system is the best any of us can think of.

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Postby jaydog on Sat May 20, 2006 11:39 pm

I feel that as soon as you sign up for a game you are putting your points on the table... just as everyone else is, and there fore should lose them if you deadbeat, 1st 2nd or 30th round. If you know your not going to be able to play for 3 days don't join a game, it ruins it for everyone else.
There should be some way of keepiong track of how many times a person deadbeats, and after say 3 times they get the boot, ot suffer a hundred point penalty.
nothing worse than having to wait 3 days for a deadbeat.
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Postby Jolly Roger on Sun May 21, 2006 6:04 am

I agree with Jaydog 100%. You join game - you gotta ante up
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Postby General Mayhem on Sun May 21, 2006 6:09 am

jaydog wrote:I feel that as soon as you sign up for a game you are putting your points on the table... just as everyone else is, and there fore should lose them if you deadbeat, 1st 2nd or 30th round. If you know your not going to be able to play for 3 days don't join a game, it ruins it for everyone else.
There should be some way of keepiong track of how many times a person deadbeats, and after say 3 times they get the boot, ot suffer a hundred point penalty.
nothing worse than having to wait 3 days for a deadbeat.


dont join the game if you cant stay in it.

Besides even if you do miss the weekend, that only 48hrs and 2 misses. Your back in on Monday so theyve no excuse
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Postby fubarcivic on Sun May 21, 2006 7:20 am

Seriously, if you're going to join a game you're on the hook for playing. Why should it be the other player's fault that you couldn't fulfill your commitment?!

If you start a poker game with a buy in of $20, you don't get your $20 if you happen to have to leave for whatever reason.. you forfeit. Maybe we should change the "name" of a "deadbeat" to a "forfeitter", meaning that you understand if you cannot commit to a game you then forfeit, losing the game and losing your points.

In my game 24817, my partner is quitting on me, and I'm on the hook for my points against two players. He's flat out said he's quitting...

Do you not think he should lose double points for being a shit?!
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Postby Twill on Sun May 21, 2006 11:38 am

Well, some people can't see that far in the future,

I play almost exclusively sequential games and quite a few of those with one fort.

These games easily go on for a month at a time. Now, you're telling me that I can't go away for the weekend for a month? that seems a little unfair ;)
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Postby wcaclimbing on Sun May 21, 2006 4:54 pm

deadbeats should lose double points, but i dont know if they actually do
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Postby fubarcivic on Sun May 21, 2006 5:25 pm

Twill, surely you must agree with me that if my partner in a doubles game states that they want to be a deadbeat, they should lose points, if not double or even triple!!! I can't understand what kind of argument anyone can come up with in that kind of situation. I mean, yeah, you can go away for a weekend if you want, that's fine with me (I do it all the time). But if you tell me ahead of time you're going to be a deadbeat, that leaves me to fend for myself in a doubles game. Not very fair, not very classy, and most definetly not appreciated by this member. I can't surrender now since that option is gone, and I can't have another player replace my deadbeat partner.

If you disagree with my points please enlighten me. My partner has since then changed his/her mind and decided to play. But I really think this is something that should be addressed. Not playing for three turns is one thing, stating that you're gonna be a deadbeat because you don't like this map is another.

Maybe an option of having a partner replaced during a game could be something to look into... just thinking out loud!

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Postby qeee1 on Sun May 21, 2006 5:41 pm

Yes, it is unfair... and in that situation yes, they should be docked points, but there's no way to code so that you can tell between a geniune reason for not being able to play and simply doing it so as not to lose points. Therefore Lack and Twill would have to do it on a case by case basis, which would mean a lot of wasted time, especially if this case set a precedent of it working. Also as soon as that happened they'd just start covering their tracks so to speak, making it all rather pointless anyway.
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missing the point

Postby Grey Mouser on Sun May 21, 2006 10:22 pm

I think that the problem is not the deadbeats but who creates them. I have noticed a high ranking player who is winning games in which there are deadbeats. He usually plays doubles in a 6 man game so thereby eliminating 1 team. I am curious to know if a repository of ip addresses could be kept of deadbeats so that players could not create acounts on another computer to win a game. Take for example: Dan_the_man 23129,23130,23132, NoFate 22844,Stresstothemax 22064, Padewale 20503, General Bismo 20503, Wreckless Idiot 19977, 19976, Discostu 18684, Balugianshadow65 19540, Ming8 23131, continent 17606, 7nationarmy 17606, chickenTaco 15032, lars_a_rus 15028, 9039 (not a deadbeat but no attacks), gotham 14976, 308 14517 & 14506, Pompy 13495, CobraCommander 22064 & 12145, Vulture 12143, Swaz CfChrismo Thomaz 89 12087, Nashor 12085 and the list goes on....
Did any of these originate from the same computer?
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Postby Semanticprison on Mon May 22, 2006 1:46 am

You could allow a certain % of forfeits per games played before a penalty is applied. Like one freebie, then dock points for each forfeit unless enough games were completed in the interim to make the second forfeit reasonable.
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Re: missing the point

Postby Marvaddin on Sun May 28, 2006 12:26 am

Grey Mouser wrote:I think that the problem is not the deadbeats but who creates them. I have noticed a high ranking player who is winning games in which there are deadbeats. He usually plays doubles in a 6 man game so thereby eliminating 1 team. I am curious to know if a repository of ip addresses could be kept of deadbeats so that players could not create acounts on another computer to win a game. Take for example: Dan_the_man 23129,23130,23132, NoFate 22844,Stresstothemax 22064, Padewale 20503, General Bismo 20503, Wreckless Idiot 19977, 19976, Discostu 18684, Balugianshadow65 19540, Ming8 23131, continent 17606, 7nationarmy 17606, chickenTaco 15032, lars_a_rus 15028, 9039 (not a deadbeat but no attacks), gotham 14976, 308 14517 & 14506, Pompy 13495, CobraCommander 22064 & 12145, Vulture 12143, Swaz CfChrismo Thomaz 89 12087, Nashor 12085 and the list goes on....
Did any of these originate from the same computer?

Since it was a reference to me, here is your answer, Mouser, again:
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Postby Pedronicus on Mon May 29, 2006 12:50 pm

link to a post i made regarding this
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