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Woofinder[Busted], matt_powles [Closed]

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Woofinder[Busted], matt_powles [Closed]

Postby ZackSucks on Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:26 pm

the two guys in this game are allowing eachother to have huge bonuses. Green has N. America and red has S. America and Africa- yet they ONLY attack me, and all i had was australia. They don't even defend against eachother, bordering with only 2 or 3 to protect their bonuses. But against ME they border with 5's. Green just took my bonus instead of red's (who he's right next to) when i have fortified indonesia with 6 and siam with 4. Green's very first game was also in doubles with red, but red acted like he doesn't know him then LIED- saying he tried to take green's 3, but lost 10 in doing so- HE NEVER HAD 10 ON ANY BORDER WITH GREEN TO ATTACK IN THE FIRST PLACE! He never even placed armies next to green!

cheat asshole(s) is what he/they is/are.
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Postby Fieryo on Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:37 pm

i feel your pain. in a 3 person game, every now and then 2 people will gang up on 1 and it SUCKS. But i don't think they're cheating or engaging in a secret alliance. An alliance yes, but not an illegal one. My advice, try your best then put them on your ignore list.
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Postby wicked on Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:38 pm

Can you please fill out the form (stickied at the top of this forum)? And don't forget to change your topic title also. Thanks.
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Postby Zackismet on Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:23 pm

Sorry, that's my brother- he's showing me the game right now that he's talking about. I'll fix it up. There doesn't seem to be much evidence against them, but he showed me the logs and told me what the set-up's been like on the map. If he's not lying, then they're obviously in a secret alliance or a multi.

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Woofinder, matt_powles- secret alliance/multi

Postby Zackismet on Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:35 pm

These are suspected multis/secret alliance:


So here goes the story according to my brother- on his first turn in the game, Woo obtained S. Ameria and Tim was making good progress on Australia. Woo tried to direct matt twords my brother, a common tactic, saying he was more of a threat. Woo then let Matt have N. America by moving all his men out of it, and progressed all of those men twords Tim in Australia. On matt's turn (later, once red owned both Africa AND S. America) Matt took america, left his borders empty against Woo, but fortified heavily against my brother, also placing his men in an attack position to Australia. At this point, Woo owns Europe, Africa, AND S. America, but still leave his borders completely open, save only 2 armies, to attack from Matt, but he doesn't attack! Instead, Matt placed his 9 on Siberia and proceeded to take Tim's mere +2 bonus away and NOT red's +10.

Considering this is Matt's 2nd game with Woo, and his first game ever was a doubles game with him, I think there may be more to it that just a secret alliance.

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Postby ZackSucks on Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:10 pm

so i've got like 2 hours left before that bastard wins, can someone kick him/them out of that game please?
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Postby Teya on Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:24 pm

unfortunatly, even if people are busted as multi's, they get to complete the games they are in.
And alot of the time with secret alliances you are told to just add them to your ignore list.
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Postby khazalid on Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:16 pm

they are friends, i played against them in a doubles match. mr david wain knows them apparently. tsk tsk
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Postby sully800 on Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:58 pm

Woofinder is busted with Baby Jessica and eatlotsofsausage.

matt_powles is pending with eatlotsofburgers (that name makes me even more suspicious of the original case!)

Reading the description of the game certainly makes it seem like there was at least a secret alliance between the two. As always, I would add negative feedback for a case like that since there is nothing more we can do to prove it happened.
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