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Ryall55 [noted]

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Ryall55 [noted]

Postby timmy1 on Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:05 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Throwing games and de-ranking intentionally

Game number(s):

Game 5173741
Game 5174108

Comments: He invited me to beat him as he moved his huge stack (that could have completely wiped me out) aside. He did the same in another game. Ryall55 also admitted to deranking in a game with me. This is complete abuse of the system and is clearly foul play.
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Re: Ryall55

Postby Ryall55 on Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:20 pm

If I was trying to points dump why would I play games at 2,3,4 points a time?

I think its unfair winning 100 points from a 1v1 game. I really do. I play for fun and I play the best to test myself. I was trying to be kind but if thats such an abuse of the system then by all means make this clear...

I have lost 2 games 'intentionally' resulting in 6 points loss and offered to lose 'intenionally' a further game which was against Timmy1 in which I won 100 pts. :P

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Re: Ryall55

Postby timmy1 on Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:37 pm

It's an unwritten rule not to throw games:

Forgetting the whole deranking question for now, It is bad form and against the rules to intentionally give someone else a game. As a cc player, I don't want to have to always be looking over my shoulder for people like that because they throw the whole system out of whack and make it much less enjoyable. I just want it to stop, nothing more or less.

And in terms of deranking, if points were much of a concern to you, why not just always play to the best of your ability? It would all even out.
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Re: Ryall55

Postby #1_stunna on Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:43 pm

dont forget the 5 or 6 games against KP
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Re: Ryall55

Postby karelpietertje on Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:06 pm

#1_stunna wrote:dont forget the 5 or 6 games against KP

I played 4 games against him today, I beat him fair and square in those.
it wasn't like the games against those other highranks where he first beat them and then gave the game away. Nor did he intentionally play under his skill.

anyway on-topic: if I would dump points I wouldn't play games against top 100 players, nor would I take a 100 points like against timmy1. When point dumping, I would usually avoid any points I would get :lol:
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Re: Ryall55

Postby Ryall55 on Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:27 am

timmy1 wrote:It's an unwritten rule not to throw games:

Forgetting the whole deranking question for now, It is bad form and against the rules to intentionally give someone else a game. As a cc player, I don't want to have to always be looking over my shoulder for people like that because they throw the whole system out of whack and make it much less enjoyable. I just want it to stop, nothing more or less.

And in terms of deranking, if points were much of a concern to you, why not just always play to the best of your ability? It would all even out.

I always play to the best of my ability. I refer back to my last post :P I try to win every game I am in. I have lost 2 games and offered to lose another because of the 100 points thing.

As for my games against KP, if you check we even argued about my dice as I thought for once I had him beaten. Still haven't forgiven him for the 98v30v95 with 35 left over :P

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Re: Ryall55

Postby king sam on Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:30 pm

timmy did the right thing, there's obvious abuse that is propositioned to him in the Feudal game reference. And he has listed this here in hopes to get you a WARNING that behavior like this will not be tolerated,and to check his 6 for any reference to this against him in the future.
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Re: Ryall55

Postby king achilles on Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:25 am

Based from those two games mentioned:

Game 5173741
Game 5174108

It appears you were not playing to win these games. You even mentioned:
Ryall55 wrote:I have lost 2 games 'intentionally' resulting in 6 points loss and offered to lose 'intenionally' a further game which was against Timmy1 in which I won 100 pts. :P

If you play for fun, then stop worrying about how much points will be gained or lost by you or by the other player. Winning or losing games is not for bargaining. Let this report serve as a warning for you NOT to do this again and play the game as competitively as possible. You do know that this goes to your record for future reference, whether this is just a faze or not.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: Ryall55 [noted]

Postby king sam on Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:09 am

phase King A, phase... love you though
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