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Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

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Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby xelabale on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:14 am

Rules for thread:

1 If you post in this thread you agree to allow others to insult you during this month, in this thread only.
2 Do not insult anyone who has not posted in this thread THIS MONTH. I mean it.
3 Stay within cc rules and guidelines at all times
4 Be creative and imaginative. No-one wants to read the same tired nonsense - this is NOT flame wars.
5 Keep the expletives down - it's not big and it's not clever.
6 The winner will be announced at the end of each month. I will choose the winner arbitrarily and unfairly. Suck it up cupcake.
7 The winner will receive a choice insult from me or a guest insulter.
8 Keep your salt ready in case you need to take a pinch.

For the purpose of this month and coz I can't be arsed to wait til Weds, July starts today.
So, by the rules, there's only one person at present who can be insulted.... well, what are you waiting for?
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby b.k. barunt on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:29 am

Far be it from me to take advantage of a sitting duck. However, being the opportunist that i am, i will make note of the fact that you are a big fuckhead and your face it is flat. Cheers.

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Cook b.k. barunt
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby xelabale on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:38 am

For crying out loud, there's only 8 rules, I thought you lot might be able to handle that. One post and already we're reduced to expletives, outstanding work Tourette's boy.

BK, your intellect is as a tea light is to a supernova, a frog to a princess, a gorm to a prodigy, spinal tap to led Zep. Please re-read the rules, and try again.

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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby Frigidus on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:39 am

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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby Simon Viavant on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:41 am

am not
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby xelabale on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:48 am

It seems that people cannot read the title. There are 5 words and 2 of them begin with I - is this a problem for you? Maybe Frigidus you do not understand the concept of Imaginative? Maybe you think this is an hilarious attempt at humour - look, I can do the opposite of what the OP wants me to do, how clever am I? Well, you have simply shown the rest of CC that you do not have the required subtlety and sleight of hand to be a truly great insultsmith. I think it's probably best if you move on to an intellectual discussion with a lemon and a piece of string about the existence of God, that would be much more up your street.
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby b.k. barunt on Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:54 am

xelabale wrote:Rules for thread:

5 Keep the expletives down - it's not big and it's not clever.

Ok, this is a one time offer not to be repeated - one Brief Honibaz Tutorial free of charge on how to read your own post. I do this as a social service from time to time - some altruistic souls feed the homeless, i help educate the hapless morons who stumble through life with no social skills, little recognized education, obnoxious flatulence and chronic halitosis.

Notice the emboldened part of your post. If you wished for no expletives you (or rather any person of marginal to normal intelligence) would have said "keep it clean - no expletives", or maybe "keep the expletives out". Down, which is the word you used, would indicate keeping the expletives to a minimum (which i did - only used one).

As homework for your Brief Honibaz Tutorial you will write a 500 word essay expounding on how you are now able, after receiving your Brief Honibaz Tutorial free of charge, to more fully communicate in a civilized and somewhat lucid manner.

Btw, i bonked your mum last nite and she said you wet the bed till you were 34.

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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby Skittles! on Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:00 am

xelabale wrote:For crying out loud, there's only 8 rules, I thought you lot might be able to handle that. One post and already we're reduced to expletives, outstanding work Tourette's boy.

BK, your intellect is as a tea light is to a supernova, a frog to a princess, a gorm to a prodigy, spinal tap to led Zep. Please re-read the rules, and try again.


Broke your own rule. Douchebag.
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby xelabale on Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:39 am

b.k. barunt wrote:
xelabale wrote:Rules for thread:

5 Keep the expletives down - it's not big and it's not clever.

Ok, this is a one time offer not to be repeated - one Brief Honibaz Tutorial free of charge on how to read your own post. I do this as a social service from time to time - some altruistic souls feed the homeless, i help educate the hapless morons who stumble through life with no social skills, little recognized education, obnoxious flatulence and chronic halitosis.

Notice the emboldened part of your post. If you wished for no expletives you (or rather any person of marginal to normal intelligence) would have said "keep it clean - no expletives", or maybe "keep the expletives out". Down, which is the word you used, would indicate keeping the expletives to a minimum (which i did - only used one).

As homework for your Brief Honibaz Tutorial you will write a 500 word essay expounding on how you are now able, after receiving your Brief Honibaz Tutorial free of charge, to more fully communicate in a civilized and somewhat lucid manner.

Btw, i bonked your mum last nite and she said you wet the bed till you were 34.


Whilst carefully honing the definitions and refining the criteria of this highly important and soon to be controversial thread over the last few months, whilst testing it in beta on an inferior forum elsewhere on teh interwebz, whilst conducting a live-test experiment in real life at my cousin's Bar Mitsvah, it became crystal clear that an average of less than one expletive per post was essential to keep the total to an acceptable level. Obviously the initial post cannot be counted in this for obvious sample integrity reasons, obviously, thus leaving the sample at size = 1 - your post. Thus you broke the rules. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SUCH A PIG-FOR-BRAINS THING DELIBERATELY TO DERAIL MY THREAD ONE - YES ONE - POST IN. :o :o :o :o

Carry on...
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby SultanOfSurreal on Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:46 am

Frigidus wrote:YOU A GAY FAG!

this was a terrible impression of bk, he's not nearly that eloquent
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby DAZMCFC on Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:59 am

xelabale wrote:
b.k. barunt wrote:
xelabale wrote:Rules for thread:

5 Keep the expletives down - it's not big and it's not clever.

Ok, this is a one time offer not to be repeated - one Brief Honibaz Tutorial free of charge on how to read your own post. I do this as a social service from time to time - some altruistic souls feed the homeless, i help educate the hapless morons who stumble through life with no social skills, little recognized education, obnoxious flatulence and chronic halitosis.

Notice the emboldened part of your post. If you wished for no expletives you (or rather any person of marginal to normal intelligence) would have said "keep it clean - no expletives", or maybe "keep the expletives out". Down, which is the word you used, would indicate keeping the expletives to a minimum (which i did - only used one).

As homework for your Brief Honibaz Tutorial you will write a 500 word essay expounding on how you are now able, after receiving your Brief Honibaz Tutorial free of charge, to more fully communicate in a civilized and somewhat lucid manner.

Btw, i bonked your mum last nite and she said you wet the bed till you were 34.


Whilst carefully honing the definitions and refining the criteria of this highly important and soon to be controversial thread over the last few months, whilst testing it in beta on an inferior forum elsewhere on teh interwebz, whilst conducting a live-test experiment in real life at my cousin's Bar Mitsvah, it became crystal clear that an average of less than one expletive per post was essential to keep the total to an acceptable level. Obviously the initial post cannot be counted in this for obvious sample integrity reasons, obviously, thus leaving the sample at size = 1 - your post. Thus you broke the rules. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SUCH A PIG-FOR-BRAINS THING DELIBERATELY TO DERAIL MY THREAD ONE - YES ONE - POST IN. :o :o :o :o

Carry on...

see what you've done now BK. she's having a hissy fit. just because you called her a fuckhead. now if she is a fuckhead, she could join our fuckhead game. ;)
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby xelabale on Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:16 pm

A hissy fit? Shouldn't you be surfing the net looking for pictures of Ronaldo to pop one out to? Frankly I don't want to know what you and BK do in your free time - disgusting what you two get up to with a twister board and a bottle of olive oil, I've heard. Why don't you run along to your Multi-millionaires failground, buy some expensive tosh, play with it for 9 months then put it on the scrapheap with everything else potentially beautiful that you've managed to ruin.
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Re: Imaginative Insults competition - July edition

Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:47 pm

While I understand the humor of this topic, we removed Flame Wars for a reason, sorry to say.

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