Tisha wrote:my map isn't going to temp people into secret alliances.. please stop
if they are going to do it, it is not because of my map. I have played artic a few times and had never had the problem you are talking about. I have the bonuses of 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5... there are plenty of small bonuses to go around
You don't seem to understand it , hm ?
The map is always the basis for such strife..that and a bunch of clueless players / openly supporting players.
If you can detect such a flaw in the map and remedy it, then one basis for such despicable game play is taken away (because we cannot control clueless players, can we ?).
And if it is a VERY SIMPLE change to implement, then why not support it ?
Look at the map again:
You are in a field with 8 players; WHERE will you think they will start ?
I help you: The small bonuszones in the mapcorner: 1) MesoAmerica 2) caribbean 3) California 4) North-West 5) Great Basin 6) Plateau
So these players fight for it over these places..2(of the 8. ) have to find a place elsewhere (or they fight it out immediately in one of the above 6).
So let's say you are one of the unlucky ones but have a slight majority of 3 terr in the PLains.
That means you''ll have to conquer 6 more terr. and defend the SIX borders before the first bonus of 7 troops kicks in.
Let's assume that you can take ONE territory of 3 adversary troops at a turn..so this will take you AT LEAST (bad dices, inpour of other troops) 6 turns.
Now let's see how far the player going for Great Basin will get:
he has 2 out of 3 for the beginning; takes the other left over in the first turn; after the 6th turn he has accumulated already 5x2 = 10 more troops.
Possibly he has already manoeuvred into Plateau (+1), but it is OB-VI-OUS that he has already more troops at his border than the one toiling in the PLains.
Next to him we'll find the mesoamerican player; he took 2 turns to get it and so he accumulated at least 4x3 = 12 extra troops which would have brought him into Southwest at a majority before the plains is covered by the unlucky player..
The same for the caribean player: 5x 2 = 10 and by turn 6 already fistdeep in South east..
Look, trust me, split the PLAINS in half and game play WILL improve.
Technically there never should be huge differences between the largest and smallest territories if there are too few small territories for everybody..
Everyone (from the first to the 8th player!!)should have equal opportunity to win the map..
By having a map that is sure to favour a few players (choice of small bonuszone aside a medium bonuszone) against the other players (no small bonuszone left..only wide open space of large bonuszones ) you'll violate that requirement for having a good balanced map.
Put it this way; what was your reason to have these small zones (plateau ?!? Basin !?) on one hand and the Indians of the plains or subarctic combined in a very VERY large area on the other hand ?
Similar race ? language ? DNA ?
Split the PLAINS ( and possibly also Arctic or Sub-Arctic)
Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli.