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rating abuse - thedriver [cleared]

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rating abuse - thedriver [cleared]

Postby juventino on Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:15 pm



The accused are suspected of:
Rating abuse

Game number(s):
Game 5103173
Game 5039484
Game 5103111
Game 4984715

and many many more.

Gives everyone (well... not everyone.....) a 5-5-5 rating. Even deadbeats. No chat. No nothing and they all get 5's.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby Darwins_Bane on Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:20 pm

juventino wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:
Rating abuse

Game number(s):
Game 5103173
Game 5039484
Game 5103111
Game 4984715

and many many more.

Gives everyone (well... not everyone.....) a 5-5-5 rating. Even deadbeats. No chat. No nothing and they all get 5's.

You already tried this once. It's going to go nowhere. It's like getting angry at someone because they're to nice. It just doesn't work.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby juventino on Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:22 pm

Darwins_Bane wrote:
juventino wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:
Rating abuse

Game number(s):
Game 5103173
Game 5039484
Game 5103111
Game 4984715

and many many more.

Gives everyone (well... not everyone.....) a 5-5-5 rating. Even deadbeats. No chat. No nothing and they all get 5's.

You already tried this once. It's going to go nowhere. It's like getting angry at someone because they're to nice. It just doesn't work.

I actually just want to see if it is ok or not. I dont think it can be allowed to just give everyone 5's.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby alster on Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:46 pm

juventino wrote:I actually just want to see if it is ok or not. I dont think it can be allowed to just give everyone 5's.

You really don't like people, do you? :D
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby juventino on Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:55 pm

alstergren wrote:
juventino wrote:I actually just want to see if it is ok or not. I dont think it can be allowed to just give everyone 5's.

You really don't like people, do you? :D

Haha.. going down in flames.... =)
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby juventino on Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:58 pm

juventino wrote:
alstergren wrote:
juventino wrote:I actually just want to see if it is ok or not. I dont think it can be allowed to just give everyone 5's.

You really don't like people, do you? :D

Haha.. going down in flames.... =)

But i actually want to see the verdict here.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby tiddler on Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:15 pm

There's no way to police this...

It's difficult to remember how each player played especially when you're playing 20-30-40-50 plus games..
Personally if the game or person doesn't jump out at me I normally give them a good rating. It's only if I remember a bad / deadbeat / poor player I give them the appropiate rating.

This maybe the wrong way to do things, but I'm sure the deadbeat/annoying players will get discovered quickly anyway.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby niMic on Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:46 pm

The ratings system has changed since it was made. Or rather, the community has changed it. Even though originally it was probably meant as a system where 3 is the average, 1 is terrible and 5 is truly, truly excellent, it's different now. Trying to pretend it hasn't changed is pointless. Even though this means that 4 is pretty bad, 3 is terrible and 2 is almost impossible, it still works as a system of rating people. Of course, if he literally gives everyone 5-5-5 regardless of their behavior, what I just said might not have anything to do with the case and I could be ranting.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby jefjef on Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:59 pm

juventino wrote:Accused:


Gives everyone (well... not everyone.....) a 5-5-5 rating. Even deadbeats. No chat. No nothing and they all get 5's.

He gives everyone (well... not everyone....) Ya kinda like said it all in that line...................... 3 stars to ya!
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby e_i_pi on Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:55 am

I agree that this can be construed as abuse of the system, but unfortunately when the new ratings system was implemented, no counter-measures were put in place to limit or discourage this behaviour. Ultimately, the reason the problem exists, and the reason why players can't be punished for ratng in this way, is that it is a poor design. It would be like blaming a train driver for a train crash, when it was a fault with the manufacture of the train.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby apb23 on Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:01 pm

Juventino...I have a suggestion for you...instead of using your anger to report people for ratings abuse, post something in Q & A. I mean really, you are making no friends by doing this. You'll response will be that you are not angry, but you've been on this site long enough to know that you are being vindictive and could of done this in a polite and easy way by posting the question: What constitutes abuse of the ratings system in the Q & A thread.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby juventino on Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:51 pm

apb23 wrote:Juventino...I have a suggestion for you...instead of using your anger to report people for ratings abuse, post something in Q & A. I mean really, you are making no friends by doing this. You'll response will be that you are not angry, but you've been on this site long enough to know that you are being vindictive and could of done this in a polite and easy way by posting the question: What constitutes abuse of the ratings system in the Q & A thread.

I dont think that would help so much. I prefer to go direct to the source.
And i agree it seems vendictive but i could be even more "vendictivier" and for example report everyone who rates a 1 in fair play without breaking a rt or taking double turns or such. I have read it is not ok to give people a 1 only because they takes 5 min between turn (and i agree to this, it is not worth a 1 rating)

Why do i think this is abusive? (to give everyone a 5 rating)

I think that people tend to give high ratings in order not to get bad ratings themself. High ratings leads to more high ratings. People tend to rate people with a 3.2 rating harder then if they have 4.9. Only based on the rating they have.

I will not address anything about my ratings in here since this is the wrong forum.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby bigpete007 on Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:33 pm

As long as everyone takes their turn within the time allowed, doesn't swear or act like a jerk in the chat, they get 5's from me. As far as I am concerned if they turn up and play the game within all the rules, then they are playing the game properly and get scored accordingly. If they do something bad, they get rated accordingly. Same with the tags. If they are friendly and chatty they get suitable tags, if they at least reply to my usual "Hi, good luck" sort of message then they don't get a 'silent' rating.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby apb23 on Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:36 pm

bigpete007 wrote:As long as everyone takes their turn within the time allowed, doesn't swear or act like a jerk in the chat, they get 5's from me. As far as I am concerned if they turn up and play the game within all the rules, then they are playing the game properly and get scored accordingly. If they do something bad, they get rated accordingly. Same with the tags. If they are friendly and chatty they get suitable tags, if they at least reply to my usual "Hi, good luck" sort of message then they don't get a 'silent' rating.

I understand and somewhat agree w/ what you are saying, but its like committing a crime. If I rob a store I will go to jail, but if I give it money than I will be loved by them (I know its a really bad analogy, lol, just nothing better that i could think of). Right now, the driver is giving them money, so he is fine. Also, if you really think that your questions about rating abuse should be straight at the source, then PM king achilles or lancehoch for your questions. They probably would give better answers than any of us.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby BoganGod on Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:25 am

Clear case of raings abuse or extreme lazyness
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby king achilles on Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:24 am

Use some common sense and realize that good and positive things are always encouraged and allowed. As what the Ratings Page states: To encourage good sportsmanship, members can rate other members they have played with. ... tructions5

Do you encourage good sportsmanship when you give out negative ratings, especially if the game in reference does not support it? We can always validate your poor ratings if we can see something from the game in reference that could, somehow, justify it. If the recipient has an argument about the ratings he received, he can try to settle it with the player involved. However, if the member frequently gives out illogical ratings which discourages good sportsmanship and makes the ratings system as more of a destructive tool, we step in warn them not to go that path. But I do agree that handing out high ratings to deadbeats is not right. Is there a significant number of these kind of ratings?

juventino, if you do not understand or refuse to understand how to use the ratings system, then you don't have to rate anyone. I'll gladly take away this burden for you. Nobody is forcing anyone to use it. Then let us get on with our lives.
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Re: rating abuse - thedriver

Postby juventino on Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:36 pm

king achilles wrote:Use some common sense and realize that good and positive things are always encouraged and allowed. As what the Ratings Page states: To encourage good sportsmanship, members can rate other members they have played with. ... tructions5

Do you encourage good sportsmanship when you give out negative ratings, especially if the game in reference does not support it? We can always validate your poor ratings if we can see something from the game in reference that could, somehow, justify it. If the recipient has an argument about the ratings he received, he can try to settle it with the player involved. However, if the member frequently gives out illogical ratings which discourages good sportsmanship and makes the ratings system as more of a destructive tool, we step in warn them not to go that path.

juventino, if you do not understand or refuse to understand how to use the ratings system, then you don't have to rate anyone. I'll gladly take away this burden for you. Nobody is forcing anyone to use it. Then let us get on with our lives.

I will address your first statement even if i wrote early on that this has nothing to do with my previous case. I was hoping we could see the cases as individual cases. You showed me now that I was hoping to much from you.

I cant see how goodsportmanship is encouraged by giving out silly ratings. a 5-5-5 rating for someone who didnt even take one turn? I have learned that only stuff in the game is rateble. I dont agree but if this is the ruling of the court and the appeal court (king_achilles in both cases) then i will not make anymore problem with this. But i do think the ruling is and was wrong, if someone pm's me to "start my turn dude" or writes on my wall that "I am stupid". I dont think this is a very bad offence so i will not start a thread about this in order to get a "pm abuse". I have rated the people accordningly. Alas this was not allowed.

I think this behavior have been more "sportmanshipier" then hangning out the people in the forum. I dont think they deserve it but i do think they deserve a 3-1-1 rating or worse.

But this case was not about this and you did surprise me that you didnt address my questions in this thread.
a 5-5-5 rating for people who deadbeats from the start. Is not an abuse?

As a last request. Please dont make threats of removing my "possibilities to rate". My possibilites to rate should be view by my ratings and not by my actions in the forum. You should remember the case of apb23 vs. juventino where it was ruled that only ingame actions should be rateble. Hense we can make an analogy and say only ratings should affect ratings and not things outside the ratingsarena.
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