Conquer Club

LFAW [Warned]

All previously decided cases. Please check here before opening a new case.

Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]


Postby btown80 on Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:02 pm

First off I am not a friend of either LFAW or Herpes. I am a neutral, if you want to call it that. But, judging by this thread, and previous reports against Herpes, that were just noted, I am allowed to express my thoughts on the situation which relate to the topic. In this case I my opinion is that it would be unjust for CC to punish LFAW for his actions where a different player has been abusing the system, and just been noted. It is relative. It is not trolling. The fact that you came in here saying how the mods will be locking this, and replying with "nice spam" is actually spam in itself. So follow your own advice and stop trolling a thread that you have nothing to add to.
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Postby Kotaro on Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:16 pm

btown80 wrote:First off I am not a friend of either LFAW or Herpes. I am a neutral, if you want to call it that. But, judging by this thread, and previous reports against Herpes, that were just noted, I am allowed to express my thoughts on the situation which relate to the topic. In this case I my opinion is that it would be unjust for CC to punish LFAW for his actions where a different player has been abusing the system, and just been noted. It is relative. It is not trolling. The fact that you came in here saying how the mods will be locking this, and replying with "nice spam" is actually spam in itself. So follow your own advice and stop trolling a thread that you have nothing to add to.

First off, I don't care? I've been a friend of LFAW's, and Herpes, and either way, it doesn't matter. This isn't a "who-you-are-friends-with" debate, it's a cheating/abuse thread.

Second, there has been no abuse by KH. KH has been accused, and cleared, but incase it every became a rule that "being better then a vast number of players at a map" is against the rules, those threads might actually have merit.

Third, it is not relative. I could dig up max's thread, and say it's relative that someone like max was perma-banned for being annoying, intentionally going around rules and being an overall scumbag, and connect Max and LFAW together. However, like your connection, it would have no relation. Why? KH was in the game that is reported, yes. Did he contribute in anyway to the cheating LFAW is accused of? No. Did he report LFAW for "cheating"? No. Did he even come into this thread before people came to troll and say "What a City Mogul cheater and what a damn farmer"? No.

And again, playing 1on1 City Mogul games, because that's what he enjoys, isn't cheating. I could make 100 singles for Feudal War, win them all, and that still wouldn't be farming. The rules on this site for farming, is intentionally playing "?" ranked indivuals, and taking advantage of the fact that they don't know how to play.

And how is it that you tell me not to post my comments, then go on to say that you are allowed to express your own thoughts. So take it as it is; it is my own thoughts that others are trolling to get a reaction from King_Herpes because of unrelated games they're upset about and need their diapers changed. And yes, it is trolling, until someone opens their own "KH is a cheater" thread.

LFAW wrote:Hmm no braincells? How much of this thread have you actually read?

I've admitted to abusing the system... ive said punish me but for gods sake if the admins are going to punish me they need to look no further then the top of the scoreboard to see who the biggest abuser is. I took 50 points, Herpes took 4000+ points using this system of 1v1 City Moguls.

He abuses the system day in day out, I did it once so get the hell out of my cheating thread Cowboyz and read the whole thread before commenting. Oh and get out of Herpes ass ffs, doesn't suit someone from a clan such as yours.


Cry more. Cheat and then whine when people call you a cheater because someone else cheats? Even if KH cheated, that doesn't justify your cheating.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Postby King_Herpes on Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:20 pm

Well there certainly is alot of teary eyes in here. I don't mean to upset my special little cc guys. There there, it's going to be okay now.

Let me just sit down and tell you a wee little story. It's a story about a King who doesn't care what anyone has to say about him on an internet game. Go grab my lighter and my ashtray, so we can get started.

Once upon a time there was a King. He followed the rules and walked the line. One day those rules changed and then everybody rejoiced around the land. They were so filled with joy because they swore that that would bring the King down. Despite the animosity the King rose up anyways without farming and put the many peons in their place. Soon after, the mighty Twilldo from above the clouds came down and struck the King with a vigilant warning of the highest order. Then followed an important but seemingly biased conversation that would change the King's game forever......

Disciplinary Measures

Sent: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:01 am
by Twill
Hello King_Herpes,

You have received a formal disciplinary warning.

Issued by: Twill


Hey Herpes,

So, it's been proposed that you've been using a bot script to automate some of your moves. Obviously this is not cool and if you were using one we'd reset your points pretty quick. So lets not catch you using one ;)

Also, you are quite adamant on gaming the scoring system through any means or loophole possible. As the conqueror, we're going to start holding you to higher expectations of good sportsmanship and be very watchful of your actions.

So let me make this clear - any form of gaming or abusing the scoring system will result in an instant point reset for you. You've gained a lot from loopholes, you've been allowed to keep your points from them, but if you start using any tactics which are not 100% on the up and up then expect a reset, without warning. It's hardline, but we all knew it was coming ;) I personally have no intention of continuing to play cat and mouse with you over rules.

Have a good one,

The Conquer Club

Re: Disciplinary Measures

Sent: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:36 am
by Twill

King_Herpes wrote:Twill, thankyou for always being upfront with me and putting up with my humor. I also have always been very honest about how I play. Always. I have no intentions of cheating or abusing the rules that CC sets in place. I do not have any bot script and this message comes as a huge surprise. I have clickable maps which thousands of players use. I am under the impression that this is legal. Please tell me immediately if this is unexecptable and I will remove them within seconds of your response. What is a bot script and please don't say that I already know. I am not a techy person and have only downloaded clickable maps through CC's own forums. Was one of the last high ranking persons to do so back in September.

As for the loopholes, I haven't played a ? in ages Twill and I specifically ignore any team invite to play one. In which I've had many. I've quit farming new recruits weeks before the changes were issued to the community.

I sincerely hope that I'm not going to be some martyr for a brand new definiton of an abuse of the scoring system. I invite real players into my games privately and they are given the choice to join with a password. I am turned down more by players than players who actually join. I also on occasion join at the bottom of freestyle unlimited team games because the first turn can be devastating when playing with an orgainized team. I'm not the only player who uses these methods for better odds. Just look at the number two player right below me. Please communicate with me a tad more when you have the time so that you are crystal clear with what you would view as my latest loophole. Frankly, I am baffled.

I've been playing on the up and up Twill and I made that decision on my own. If you feel that I am still schemeing on ways to abuse the scoring system then I guess I'm asking for some elaboration.

I'm not being facetious with you and I'd appreciate it if you would take the time to work with me so that I'm not in the dark.

Re: Disciplinary Measures

Sent: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:36 am
by Twill

That's kinda the points mate - I don't know what loophole you're going to come up with next to get yourself more points.

Some might claim that your focus on city mogul, especially if you are actively (and selectively) inviting people to play against you would constitute an un-sportsmanlike conduct in gaining points.

Keep things kosher and you wont have to worry, it's that easy :)


Sent: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:43 am
by King_Herpes
Okay, thanks for a bit more elaboration. I assure you that I will not be "map specializing" at some abusive level. I play city mogul obviously because I enjoy that map. I'm good at it. Once again if people took the time to look they'd see that I play against all ranks from cook-field marshall. A profound number of them open speed games and open 1 vs. 1 games. I get the gist that you don't want me to invite randoms from the bottom of the forum page any longer for its looked at as skimming through the plebs. Please realize that it's hard for anybody to see that that's how it looks just because I'm so high up. Not everybody that's up in the nose bleeds wants to play that map...

The point is that I am in other games with other settings. I just won my first tournament yesterday and am in the running for a triples team tournament. I always oblige other private invites from the top of the board and am in many standard team games at the moment.

Twill wrote:Nothing personal, it just comes with the top spot. If you're doing anything that anyone thinks is not "in the true spirit of the game" - whatever they define that spirit to be - then they will call you (and us) out on it. If you don't want the scrutiny, then put out an open challenge, rotate maps and settings, leave yourself open to games. As people will say "if you're really that good then you should be able to play anyone and stay there". Everything else is going to get you flack.

That's a bunch of hullabaloo and you know it. I'm being singled out for a score reset because of who I am. Sjnap did the same thing, over and over and over, but did he recieve this warning of how to change it up when he was Conqueror? No. Did Scottland? No. So, what you are saying here is that there is a new precedent as to how the #1 guy/girl should play. The guy with Herpes in his name must play at a higher standard than any Conqueror before him. None of them were threatened with a score reset but yet all of them did one main thing to maintain their rank. That's the only way you can keep this position for any amount of time. The design of the scoring system won't allow you to get all map/setting crazy. They'd plummet in a week. There still has to be one type of thing that you do in between other games that you do well. I would expect that you'd understand that. Since you know how this game works.

Ultimately, what you are telling me is that you get a lot of rotten vegetables thrown your way because you're not doing your job by reprimanding solely the #1 player. So the popular vote of the majority will per sway the new definition of a rule. Then make it a rule and make it fair. If I am the only one that will be receiving punishment for the way I maintain my rank then what about the next player and the many hovering below me? To just send me such the watered down message is preposterous. What if this information got out into the public's view? They'd have a field day with this selective treatment. People would leave in droves.

I understand the moral in what you are saying Twill and I respect you. I do and will be "switching it up". But you can't put a happy face on what you're trying to tell me like "If you can't take the heat than get out of the kitchen or we will burn you". You have to define this as a new standard if you want to uphold any sense of decency for your customers. That's all. It's not that difficult, just say we are going to start cleaning things up around here. Use me as an example if you will and we'll all come together in some mass circle of love. You can't single me out Twill for what hundreds of other people do to maintain their ranks. That's just insanity. I am blown away...

Re: Disciplinary Measures

Sent: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:53 am
by King_Herpes

King_Herpes wrote:Twill,

I want people to understand that I truly enjoy this game. Some people view me as some sort of leech on the Scoreboard. What amazes me though, is that very few of those players actually take the time to browse through my game history. They won't point out that I'm currently keeping things not just kosher, but kosher dill. Also have been for quite some time. They just have already slapped a label on me for the way I played for a period of time. Even though I was prepared for that, I would expect more from an adult. I'm now playing in tournaments, standard sequential private games with high and mid ranked friends, am now actively involved in clan games which they will be seeing a lot more of. Keep an eye on me that's just fine. Two if you'd like.

My only few goals left are to maintain the balloon longer than Blitz, receive the remainder of my medals, and least importantly try and hold the high score. If that's not fair in your eyes or the game administrators than I hate to say that I feel singled out. I don't understand why one person should be held to a higher standard of play solely because of who they are. One has to be bias when they signify that I may be actively(selectively) targeting players. The gods honest truth is that I invite the first players name that I click on at the bottom of the forum page. That's how I find people that are online. Secondly I invite people that are in active speed games and awaiting 1 vs. 1 games. It's that simple.

I'm not some systematic criminal that preys on old ladies and the sickly. That's just how many players prefer to look at me. It helps them sleep at night. It just frustrates me that I've payed for 4 premium memberships including 2 for me, 1 for my brother and 1 for a friend; but I have to now sit on the edge of my seat and wear some gaming halo over my head so that they don't vanquish all of my points/label me a cheat. To me that's absurd. When instead you can, right now, tell me what types of games that I've played recently that the administration views as a loophole to gain points and I will never play that setting of game again. Along with any others they perceive as un-sportsmanlike. Hell, I'd even do it if it were just you talking and sharing your opinions. Please talk to me like a human being and respect me as a customer that will always be a customer by not giving me some vague and subtle warning hoping to later catch me in a trap. Because that is how I feel at the moment. Like I'm being singled out and hunted.

Please give it some thought and at least act like you value my concerns.

Sent: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:52 am
From: Twill
To: King_Herpes
Hey Herpes,

I think this is something that comes with being the conqueror, every conqueror before you has gone through the scrutiny of every player who wants to be in the top spot, or thinks they should be.

People will look at your focus on City Mogul for example will say that specialization like that is an abuse of the "spirit of the game". People will look at who you play and wonder how you pick who you invite and if there is an emphasis on low ranked players, what will that mean. etc. etc.

Any time you're at the top, people will try to tear you down mate. And we have to keep an eye on you because people keep an eye on us :)

Nothing personal, it just comes with the top spot. If you're doing anything that anyone thinks is not "in the true spirit of the game" - whatever they define that spirit to be - then they will call you (and us) out on it. If you don't want the scrutiny, then put out an open challenge, rotate maps and settings, leave yourself open to games. As people will say "if you're really that good then you should be able to play anyone and stay there". Everything else is going to get you flack.

I hope that explains it better. It comes with the territory.

....And so the dawn of a new age commenced. The King started shuffeling in sequential games, quit privately inviting random players, and even joined a number of tournaments. Yayyyyyy!

I love that story.

So you see, the moral of this tale is that I am following the rules and have been all along. If that were not the case I would have already received a score reset/ban. Your combined ignorance's against me amount to nothing because you fail to see the big picture. All you see is what you choose to see but I have and still am being watched for this very same complaint that you felt it necessary to try and justify. A justification so whack you'll probably get yourself in trouble all in vain. You big goof.
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Postby btown80 on Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:37 pm

Kotaro wrote:
First off, I don't care? I've been a friend of LFAW's, and Herpes..

I stopped reading after this partial sentence, because once we read this, we know that the rest of your post is complete bias bullshit. You came in accused LFAW and all his friends of coming and trolling the report, and diverting the subject, when in reality, it looks as though its Herpes and his friends doing the trolling.
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Postby LFAW on Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:40 pm

Kotaro wrote:First off, I don't care? I've been a friend of LFAW's, and Herpes, and either way, it doesn't matter. This isn't a "who-you-are-friends-with" debate, it's a cheating/abuse thread.

Second, there has been no abuse by KH. KH has been accused, and cleared, but incase it every became a rule that "being better then a vast number of players at a map" is against the rules, those threads might actually have merit.

Third, it is not relative. I could dig up max's thread, and say it's relative that someone like max was perma-banned for being annoying, intentionally going around rules and being an overall scumbag, and connect Max and LFAW together. However, like your connection, it would have no relation. Why? KH was in the game that is reported, yes. Did he contribute in anyway to the cheating LFAW is accused of? No. Did he report LFAW for "cheating"? No. Did he even come into this thread before people came to troll and say "What a City Mogul cheater and what a damn farmer"? No.

And again, playing 1on1 City Mogul games, because that's what he enjoys, isn't cheating. I could make 100 singles for Feudal War, win them all, and that still wouldn't be farming. The rules on this site for farming, is intentionally playing "?" ranked indivuals, and taking advantage of the fact that they don't know how to play.

And how is it that you tell me not to post my comments, then go on to say that you are allowed to express your own thoughts. So take it as it is; it is my own thoughts that others are trolling to get a reaction from King_Herpes because of unrelated games they're upset about and need their diapers changed. And yes, it is trolling, until someone opens their own "KH is a cheater" thread.

Kotaro man you do come out with a load of crap... Lmao look at the bloody scoreboard, it is broken. Any game that allows such an unassailable gap in the scoreboard is ridiculous. How can any player hope to climb that high? KP is trying his hardest but as admitted by Herpes himself, hes not going to get there, why because of this map that allows a virtually unbeaten record for anyone that decides to specialise in it. It then becomes unbeatable when the people that know how to play it are foed and double turns are allowed. Its just farming and a huge abuse of the game system.

Kotaro wrote:
LFAW wrote:Hmm no braincells? How much of this thread have you actually read?

I've admitted to abusing the system... ive said punish me but for gods sake if the admins are going to punish me they need to look no further then the top of the scoreboard to see who the biggest abuser is. I took 50 points, Herpes took 4000+ points using this system of 1v1 City Moguls.

He abuses the system day in day out, I did it once so get the hell out of my cheating thread Cowboyz and read the whole thread before commenting. Oh and get out of Herpes ass ffs, doesn't suit someone from a clan such as yours.


Cry more. Cheat and then whine when people call you a cheater because someone else cheats? Even if KH cheated, that doesn't justify your cheating.

:-s when did I ever say it did? when did I whine? when did I cry?

I've had enough of the select blindness on this site. Go read the thread Kotaro and stop trolling.
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Postby Kotaro on Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:00 pm

btown80 wrote:I stopped reading after this partial sentence, because once we read this, we know that the rest of your post is complete bias bullshit. You came in accused LFAW and all his friends of coming and trolling the report, and diverting the subject, when in reality, it looks as though its Herpes and his friends doing the trolling.

Uh, duh, I diverted the subject from "waaaah, KH is a cheater cause he knows how to play a map", to "This is a C&A thread about LFAW, not KH". Crazy how diverting the subject back to the OP's post, is considered trolling.

LFAW wrote:Kotaro man you do come out with a load of crap... Lmao look at the bloody scoreboard, it is broken. Any game that allows such an unassailable gap in the scoreboard is ridiculous. How can any player hope to climb that high? KP is trying his hardest but as admitted by Herpes himself, hes not going to get there, why because of this map that allows a virtually unbeaten record for anyone that decides to specialise in it. It then becomes unbeatable when the people that know how to play it are foed and double turns are allowed. Its just farming and a huge abuse of the game system.

Thank you, I pride myself with surrounding myself with crap. Then again, we don't really play together anymore, so I suppose that has changed.

How can any player hope to climb that high? Learn to play the map, i don't know. Get the map taken off? Or wait, best idea yet. Complain! And complain. And then cheat, and in the thread, complain! And then, when you've shown yourself to be a complete ass, a troll, and a flamer, and get foe'd, complain some more!

I'm glad we could come to a solution.

LFAW wrote::-s when did I ever say it did? when did I whine? when did I cry?

LFAW wrote:He abuses the system day in day out, I did it once so get the hell out of my cheating thread....


LFAW: I admit to cheating but waaaaaah, someone else cheated too, waaaaah I cheat but it you should be nice to me since KH cheats IMO too waaaaaah.
Kotaro: Here's your bottle of warm milk LFAW, it's okay, big bad KH won't torment you anymore.
LFAW: Oh, and that evil Cowboy called me out, waaaah get him out of my publicly posted thread. He's a meanie waaaaah *poops in diaper*
Kotaro: Sorry LFAW, I'm out of adult diapers.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Postby a.sub on Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:56 pm

someone needs a hug ...
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Postby apb23 on Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:36 pm

This is a bit ridiculous. LFAW SIMPLY JOINED A NEWBS GAME, AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE FACT THAT IT WAS MULTI TO GAIN POINTS!!!! He did not cheat. But we can not jump to huge conclusions (I know i just did, but I'm just saying) when we don't know who Brian Lack was busted with. I highly doubt that it was one of LFAW's friends, but if it is, then this thread may be more than just flames and b.s.
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Postby King_Herpes on Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:54 pm

apb23 wrote:This is a bit ridiculous. LFAW SIMPLY JOINED A NEWBS GAME, AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE FACT THAT IT WAS MULTI TO GAIN POINTS!!!! He did not cheat. But we can not jump to huge conclusions (I know i just did, but I'm just saying) when we don't know who Brian Lack was busted with. I highly doubt that it was one of LFAW's friends, but if it is, then this thread may be more than just flames and b.s.

Exactly how sober have you been while reading this thread? There's been multiple people confirming that very claim. It's max. Nobody's going to back peddle from that now either or they'd look like a goon. Not only are they friends but they are friends until the end.
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Postby king sam on Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:51 pm

King_Herpes wrote:
apb23 wrote:This is a bit ridiculous. LFAW SIMPLY JOINED A NEWBS GAME, AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE FACT THAT IT WAS MULTI TO GAIN POINTS!!!! He did not cheat. But we can not jump to huge conclusions (I know i just did, but I'm just saying) when we don't know who Brian Lack was busted with. I highly doubt that it was one of LFAW's friends, but if it is, then this thread may be more than just flames and b.s.

Exactly how sober have you been while reading this thread? There's been multiple people confirming that very claim. It's max. Nobody's going to back peddle from that now either or they'd look like a goon. Not only are they friends but they are friends until the end.

:lol: x 3
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Postby LFAW on Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:12 am

and yet again I stick by the claim that I didn't know the multis identity until the game had finished.
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Postby King_Herpes on Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:22 am

LFAW wrote:and yet again I stick by the claim that I didn't know the multis identity until the game had finished.


Then show us where you made this claim before.

And explain why you haven't disclosed that information for us.

I think somebody is feeling a little guilty.
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Postby LFAW on Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:08 am

Please note: game chat when Brian Lack told us. The game was over when he said that.

I also wish for the admins to read the team chat in that game.

I had no multi set up, I joined a game with a multi because if it worked properly (which it did) meant an easy win.

That is the claim Herpes read it about 15x in the past 7 pages.

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Postby King_Herpes on Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:18 am

But you never told us it was max. And if you knew then why didn't you mention it? I didn't know until I put the flags together and he himself basically confirmed it for us through his puppet master jarett. If you knew before that which from what you're saying is the case, then why didn't you actually state that. I'll tell you what I'm getting at. You didn't say anything about it because you knew it is extremely suspicious that the two of you are friends outside of cc and max has a history of scheming and fudging up.

Also, please don't call me names. I get very bad diarrhea and indigestion when I'm upset.
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Postby LFAW on Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:40 am

I needed to mention it once it had been said in game chat?

I'm sorry i'll repost it next time lmao
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Postby king achilles on Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:05 am

Locked until a decision is made.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Postby lancehoch on Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:36 am

LFAW has been Warned for abusing the new system of kicking multis out of a game. This thread will remain locked since people cannot seem to remain on topic.
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