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CC News Interview -- jennifermarie [Closed]

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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby Fruitcake on Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:27 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:Might I point out that not all moderation activity takes place in the public eye. There are many discussions, projects, and other work that takes place in places that the public do not have the access to view. This thread is intended for the collection of insightful and worthwhile questions, not for persistent backhanded remarks regarding jennifermarie's public moderation practices.

One person asked the question already, repeating it over and over is unnecessary.

Regards, OP

May I humbly ask what your public moderation practices are?

If you feel you do not wish to respond to this genuine and heartfelt question, may I an alternative....whether you are as frugal with your words in real life as you are in the sample of your games I checked out, where the vast majority of your input consisted of "gl all' and 'gg' and very little else...

thank you

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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby Kotaro on Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:51 pm

Do you find it disgusting how many perverted people are on CC?
Lakad Matataaag!
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TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby RjBeals on Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:33 pm

As of today, what is your fav movie, fav song, fav food, and fav tv show. ?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby cowboyz on Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:45 pm

What do you feel is your most significant achievement on CC?
Why be a mod here and not on another web site?
Do you find your duties here as a mod on CC to be overly burdensome?
Is all the time you spend here as a mod on CC taking away from other more important things?
How do you balance your time as a CC mod and your personal time?
Have you ever been in a boat accident?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:39 pm

Do you ever feel picked on in this site?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby cowboyz on Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:24 pm

Do you like milk?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby lt.pie on Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:14 am

OK jennifermarie....You have just won your heat against Clapper011 in the "CC Moderator's Mud Wrestling Championships" and now face the powerful Andy dufresne in the final...

What tactics are you going to use to defeat him?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby owenshooter on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:00 am

jennifer, are you proud that your thread has garnered more pages and responses than the following mods, which may have seemed to be more popular:

lindax - 2 responses
gimil - 2 pages
natewolfman - 2 pages
lancehoch - 13 responses
james vasquez - 6 responses
gilligan - 2 pages
mr. benn - 7 responses

not to mention out posting/paging these features:

CC News Trivia Competition - 6 responses
CC News Summer Graphics Competition - 2 pages

your thoughts and responses on being seemingly more popular than all the supposedly "popular" mods should be very interesting... thanks for your time...-0

p.s.-i left out SEVERAL tournament threads you beat, because it has now been moved
to it's own sub forum...
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby Dancing Mustard on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:20 am

What do you feel that your most significant moderating achievement to date has been?

What exactly is it that you bring to the table behind the scenes here at CC? (please, no shit puns in response to this one. That's one thing that CC doesn't need its moderators to provide more of)

Do you think that in order to function well as rulers, it is important that rulers have previously been ruled?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby lt.pie on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:49 am

Which of the following 2 options do you have most of in your wardrobe...

Leather "n" lace
satin "n' silk ?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby Dancing Mustard on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:54 am

Man, f*ck that namby-pamby vanilla shit, let's get straight to the point. Jennifer, how many pieces of PVC bondage attire do you own?

Or alternatively; Hey Jennifer, I hear that you're a girl and that you're also on the internet, please say something vaguely flirtatious so that I can go and interfere with myself over it.

Seriously guys, can you please just grow up and quit with the lame sleazy "hi jen, say stuff about mud-wrestling and your panties, *drool*" posts. They're not funny, they're not going to make anybody laugh, they're not going to make women like you... they're just crass, vulgar and embarrassing.
Wayne wrote:Wow, with a voice like that Dancing Mustard must get all the babes!

Garth wrote:Yeah, I bet he's totally studly and buff.
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby n00blet on Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:19 pm

Dancing Mustard wrote:Man, f*ck that namby-pamby vanilla shit, let's get straight to the point. Jennifer, how many pieces of PVC bondage attire do you own?

Or alternatively; Hey Jennifer, I hear that you're a girl and that you're also on the internet, please say something vaguely flirtatious so that I can go and interfere with myself over it.

Seriously guys, can you please just grow up and quit with the lame sleazy "hi jen, say stuff about mud-wrestling and your panties, *drool*" posts. They're not funny, they're not going to make anybody laugh, they're not going to make women like you... they're just crass, vulgar and embarrassing.
Too bad there isn't a :bitchslap: smiley
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby samuelc812 on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:21 pm

Only 2 more days to get your questions in, let's try to keep this thread on topic and a bit more sensible please. I don't mind the funny questions but there is no need to poke fun at others questions, just ask your questions and move on hey ;)

Kind Regards,
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby cowboyz on Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:32 pm

What is your stance on people who are lactose intolerant?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby owenshooter on Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:38 pm

how did you feel after your latest bit of public moderation?

Subject: kkk clan
jennifermarie wrote:Because the clan is based on racism, and racism of any sort is not tolerated on CC

were you tempted at all to use the new rules that pertain to Bigotry and give the user a short ban, as this was an egregious abuse of those rules. or do you think simply locking the thread was enough? good job..-0
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby Optimus Prime on Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:43 pm

owenshooter wrote:how did you feel after your latest bit of public moderation?

Subject: kkk clan
jennifermarie wrote:Because the clan is based on racism, and racism of any sort is not tolerated on CC

were you tempted at all to use the new rules that pertain to Bigotry and give the user a short ban, as this was an egregious abuse of those rules. or do you think simply locking the thread was enough? good job..-0

The situation was handled as per the new guidelines for major offenses or infractions, owenshooter. Please leave it at that. The user did not have any previous infractions of this manner so they received a warning stating that the next offense will result in an extended forum ban.

This thread is not a place for questioning the actions of moderators either presently or in the past.
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby owenshooter on Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:03 pm

Optimus Prime wrote:This thread is not a place for questioning the actions of moderators either presently or in the past.

i didn't question her actions. i said she did a good job. why don't you guys give us the questions that you think are ok to ask, since even valid questions are deemed inappropriate?..-0
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby cowboyz on Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:45 pm

Do you list your CC Mod experience on job resume's, like Optimus Prime does?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby flexmaster33 on Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:50 pm

Gozar wrote:
jbrettlip wrote:Can I get some naked pics?

Let's keep it appropriate.

thank you's no wonder there are so few women that play some respect gentlemen.

My question...

What prompted you to become involved in a moderator role?
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Re: CC News Interview -- jennifermarie

Postby samuelc812 on Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:50 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Optimus Prime wrote:This thread is not a place for questioning the actions of moderators either presently or in the past.

i didn't question her actions. i said she did a good job. why don't you guys give us the questions that you think are ok to ask, since even valid questions are deemed inappropriate?..-0

I think it mostly comes down to common sense, but unfortunately common sense doesn't seem to be that common on this site.

Thankyou to all who posted their questions for jennifermarie, she will answer your questions in the 12th issue ;)

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