Optimus Prime wrote:Might I point out that not all moderation activity takes place in the public eye. There are many discussions, projects, and other work that takes place in places that the public do not have the access to view. This thread is intended for the collection of insightful and worthwhile questions, not for persistent backhanded remarks regarding jennifermarie's public moderation practices.
One person asked the question already, repeating it over and over is unnecessary.
Regards, OP
May I humbly ask what your public moderation practices are?
If you feel you do not wish to respond to this genuine and heartfelt question, may I ask...as an alternative....whether you are as frugal with your words in real life as you are in the sample of your games I checked out, where the vast majority of your input consisted of "gl all' and 'gg' and very little else...
thank you