Conquer Club

pwnge, maadclever, sangbum, imkingofkorea multis [BUSTED]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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pwnge, maadclever, sangbum, imkingofkorea multis [BUSTED]

Postby dunca122 on Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:53 pm

Suspect users: maadclever and pwnge

Game number:

Comments: 2007-01-21 23:39:10 - ericisshort: kind of funny how yellow and blue both miss two turns and come back at the same time, and both play at the same time.
2007-01-21 23:41:47 - dunca122: yea that does seem kind of funny
2007-01-21 23:43:02 - dunca122: and they never attack or anything at the same time they both start their turns then yellow will attack and do his turn and after he is done blue goes almost like its the same person
2007-01-21 23:43:27 - ericisshort: and they are playing in another game together.
2007-01-21 23:46:08 - ericisshort: exactly.
2007-01-21 23:46:33 - ericisshort: I think this warrants a post to the cheating/abuse forum
2007-01-21 23:48:05 - ericisshort: anything to say in your defense guy(s)?

They always would play at the same time miss the same amount of turns and everytime they played they would both start thir turn then pwnge would play his turn while maadclever would "wait" then maadclever would play his turn after pwnge finished his

Dunca122 (wesley)
Private dunca122
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further proof

Postby dunca122 on Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:20 pm

If you look at whe they both join conquerclub it was only a few days apart then look at their completed games. They have played with each other in every doubles match they played. They even played together in osme single matches.
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Postby Master Bush on Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:28 pm

pwnge, maadclever, sangbum and imkingofkorea have been BUSTED as multis.
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"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Postby mrmist on Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:07 am

What happens after someone is busted as "both" pwnge and maadclever
continued to play in my game after this thread.
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Postby sully800 on Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:50 pm

Once they are busted they can't join any new games but they can finish any games they currently have running. That's unfair to you I know, but that's the way the system works for now. I don't know how it should be fixed but if you have a suggestion I would post it on the suggestion board :wink:
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