by ZawBanjito on Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:49 am
I see what you're saying. There's definately a history of early games with Paul Wall and Bobby where Mike Jones and Suke Killer in particular are surrendering quickly. Paul Wall and Bobby appear to definately be separate people, evidenced by game 1390 at least.
Suke Killer appears to be associated with Bobby the same way Mike Jones is associated with Paul Wall. That is to say, they play together, with Bobby and Paul Wall appearing to be dominant, the other two having a history of quick surrender.
Mike Suke is often associated with these pairing... I think the name "Suke Killer" itself indicates that Bobby and Mike Suke have a real-life connection. By connection also is craigcar78, whose current high ranking is largely a result of three-way games with Bobby and Mike Suke. This doesn't implicate either Suke or craigcar in anything; I think it's evidence of a group of friends. Mike Jones and Suke Killer may just be more casual players.
It warrants the question, though. There may have been some gaming of the system. At the very least you should get an explanation as to the nature and habits of Mike Jones.