by oaktown on Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:11 pm
I've been saying that gimil and I were kicking around an idea that we wanted to try out, and here it is.
Whereas: Division of labor in the Foundry does not address all mapmaker needs...
While the system that we currently have - staff responsible for stamps representing different stages of map development - is logical and easy to understand, it does not address the problem of maps going through long stretches of their development with little/no feedback. It is not the responsibility of the stampers to drive production of the map, nor should it be. Mapmakers would benefit from a system in which specific members of the community are committed to assisting and giving feedback on the production of specific maps.
Whereas: Division of the Foundry into multiple mini-foundries would be contentious...
The notion of breaking the Foundry into smaller, more intimate working groups has been suggested, but we feel it would lead to making the Foundry even more fractured and factious than it is now. Cries of inequity would be raised across the community.
Whereas: Novice mapmakers feel a lack of support...
A first time mapmaker with limited Foundry experience can find the Foundry experience frustrating and overwhelming. New projects are often ignored, overlooked, or harshly criticized. New mapmakers have nobody to turn to for support.
Gimil and oaktown propose the creation of a map incubation group.
A team of about eight members, with a balance of foundry regulars and those with little or no Foundry experience, will closely follow the development of a select group of three or four maps (to be determined) from start to finish. Each member will be responsible for following each map thread and leaving regular and constructive feedback. It will be the role of the members to help guide the mapmaker toward achieving their next stamp, though the job of stamping the map will remain in the hands of the CAs and Foundry Assistants. We aren't trying to replace anyone or rewrite foundry policy, just to add a support structure to the mapmaking process.
Membership will be on a volunteer basis and overseen by the incubation group founders. If a member is unable to perform his duties, a replacement will be found. The individuals making these maps will not be counted among the recognized members of this group, but will be encouraged to follow the development of the other maps in the incubator.
As this is a new idea, we aren't sure how it will go and we'll probably hit some snags along the way. An expectation is that team members will discuss the process as we go, and consider changes that could facilitate future group work. If this incubator group proves popular and successful we will encourage and assist in the creation of future groups.
If you are interested in taking part in the team please post here in this thread, and tell us in twenty words or less what you bring to the table. We will also be soliciting participation outside the Foundry. Keep in mind that gimil and I will be picking a very small group to begin with, and we will be trying to bring in a cross section of CC users that have different ranks, amount of experience, and foundry background (or lack there of).
Last edited by
oaktown on Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.