Qwert brings up some interesting points. Lets look at them:
Im retired from Making map,and im retired from posting in Map foundry,because process become to long and many thing become very iritating.
I'm sorry to hear that Qwert. You've had some good maps. But as everyone knows, the Foundry goes through cycles of cartographers, and as some of our veterans start to retire, some great new blood starts to step up, as evident in some of our recent BETA and soon-to-be-BETA maps. So as we say farewell, we can still say hello to new faces.

Some thing what whas anoing,is that CA can do many things,like Creating Classic Art map totaly closed for all regular foundry posters,and product is much low in graphic,and these map not spend 6 month in hard work.And what is most worse 6 people get medal for that,totaly not right to all other map makers who are kick for 6 moth in executing sugestions for improving a map. Any mine attempt to get some explanation,how its these possible that these Elite Map MAkers(half is CA) can create map against all rules in Foundry process,i get sarcastic answers. If rules is not same for all,then its normal,that some people have some kind of privileges in creating a map,and that many new map makers,will be ignored,and will not get support.
This point is really a moot point, but I'll address it anyways for clarification. As we've long discussed Qwert, you (and others) are perhaps forgetting some of the, hm,
various legal reasons behind why the original Classic was taken down and replaced. And then why, after some discussion about Classic: Shapes, that a new alternative might be nice. Because of a specific time frame, a very, very, very short time frame, we found a small group of Foundry Regulars/Cartographers, that were available at the time, to work speed style to come up with an alternative choice. Had others been available, we surely would have had others join in. Because of the pressure on this group, to succeed essentially in the face failure speeding towards them on a freight train, we awarded special medals to the individuals involved. I don't see something like this ever happening again. Sometimes unique circumstances require unique procedures. I think this is understandable.
OFcourse you can be headiness,and maybe can manage to move your map up, but for that you will need to spend very large period in map foundry,and to have great patience,to repeat all explanation,more time,to people finaly accept yours explanations.
Some of the great keys to mapmaking: endurance, patience and vision = all breed success. Cartographers who lack endurance may start off with a great flurry of activity, updates, and show a lot of promise, but if they lack the time commitment or the commitment to periodic updates to keep activity and people commenting in their map topic, it may well be destined to fall to the way side.
Those who lack patience may get frustrated with other commenters that come into the topic new. As we all know, many people do not read every post in a topic, so when people come in to comment, they are often commenting on the latest update---which can be good, when new things are being tried out and shown, and also bad, when old things that have been rehashed have been brought up again. The trick is patience---in addition to keeping a good "First post" with a list of fixes and the pages they are on, and the suggestions that were noted but were not taken into the map. The cartographer can do a lot to increase their patience.
And for the last one, vision---cartographers that lack the great idea to grip an audience, and how everything will play out in their map topic---directing feedback on specific issues or concerns, etc, may also not have what it takes to see a map all the way through.
All of this sounds daunting---and frightening, and perhaps even disheartening. A lot of ideas to fail, that is the nature of the Foundry that we have created. But those ideas that do succeed really go on to have great success and are met with fantastic enthusiasim. One piece of advice that more new cartographers should follow? --- Partner up with someone. A great example of this recently is thenobodies80 and pikkio. They recently finished Castle Lands and Oceania. We've had other great pairings in the past, Coleman and Gimil, Gimil and Edbeard, Yeti_C and Widowmakers, Mibi and Coleman---and quite a few more.
MAny time i give opinions and sugestions,but 95% of mine sugestions,whas ignored and rejected,and i stop posted in other map topic. If mine sugestions is rejected(and im a so kind of map maker),what is chance that yours not foundry regulars,be acepted?
Any way im quit with Map foundry,so these is mine last post opinion abouth Foundry process.
Qwert brings up an interesting point here. His exaggeration is noted---however, not every suggestion someone has for a map either: A. Fits within the cartographer's vision, or B. Adds significance to the map, C. May be more personal preference.
In regards to A, someone may indeed have a great amazing idea for a map, say adding a wall of neutrals on a map about the Great Wall of China...however, if the cartographer is just looking to make a standard World Domination map, they may not see the addition of neutrals as a good thing.
In regards to B, a suggestion may not add anything of significance to a map. Say we have a map about World Governments. Say there are some Aliens located in space as well. Someone may suggest that, hey, if you conquer and hold the Aliens, that could be a great Objective and way to win the game. But sometimes adding objectives, just for the sake of adding them, or other features such as reseting neutrals, strange bonus structures, etc, may not really add anything to the map and game experience, other than unnecessary clutter.
In regards to C, this is probably what people encounter the most in the Foundry when suggestions are made: the user is suggesting something that would be preferable to them. This may involve say the color of a zone region, where one user may think it looks better with a slight lavender tone, while the cartographer may prefer a pale blue, and someone else a vibrant yellow. The trick of the cartographer is to sift through all the personal preferences, and see if they can find middle ground that most everyone enjoys---including themselves.
Whewphfta. Just letting everyone know that the C.A.'s and I are indeed listening to all this, as are the rest of the Foundry regulars.
We all like you people outside the Foundry, but we'd much rather have you in here looking out with us, than out looking in on us. 