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Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times [Warned]

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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby Commander62890 on Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:19 am

yep, that line was awesome.

anyway... I definitely agree with Timminz on this one, sry Artimis.

"The difference is that no one self-identifies, as dipshits, fools, morons, retards, spastics, or thickos."

You shouldn't be calling someone gay as an insult. It's really permeated our society, so it feels like second nature to do it, and I certainly won't object when my friends do it to each other (all in good fun). But, in reality, it's equivalent to using someone's race as an insult. If you think that's okay, than go ahead, use both. But, I don't understand how anyone could think that one is okay and the other is not. Maybe a little off topic, but whatever.

Soooo yeah, sweetpea is a noob, overly emotional, annoying, not so bright, and almost certainly gay, but dysonsphere shouldn't have used his sexual orientation as an insult.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby 4myGod on Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:00 am

Timminz wrote:
Artimis wrote:
Timminz wrote:Using "gay" as a derogatory term is similar to saying you got "jewed". Using a term that describes a specific group (like gays, or Jews) while implying something negative, is bigoted, and quite unnecessary when there are so many other colourful insults you can use without being politically correct.

By that reasoning we can include; Dipshits, Fools, Idiots, Morons, Retards, Spastics and Thickos. All of which are generic negative terms for a group of individuals with low intellect. This could be considered bigoted against the mentally feeble under a strict interpretation of the new guidelines.

The difference is that no one self-identifies, as dipshits, fools, morons, retards, spastics, or thickos.

I'm a professional retard, so I take offense when using the term Retard as a negative term.

No, but in all seriousness... So, "fudge packer" and "butt-pirate" are acceptable terms to use instead of "gay"... because no one self-identifies themselves as those terms.

Perhaps also "fag"... because that is a negative term to gays, they probably wouldn't refer to themselves as that.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby Woodruff on Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:00 am

4myGod wrote:
Timminz wrote:
Artimis wrote:
Timminz wrote:Using "gay" as a derogatory term is similar to saying you got "jewed". Using a term that describes a specific group (like gays, or Jews) while implying something negative, is bigoted, and quite unnecessary when there are so many other colourful insults you can use without being politically correct.

By that reasoning we can include; Dipshits, Fools, Idiots, Morons, Retards, Spastics and Thickos. All of which are generic negative terms for a group of individuals with low intellect. This could be considered bigoted against the mentally feeble under a strict interpretation of the new guidelines.

The difference is that no one self-identifies, as dipshits, fools, morons, retards, spastics, or thickos.

I'm a professional retard, so I take offense when using the term Retard as a negative term.
No, but in all seriousness... So, "fudge packer" and "butt-pirate" are acceptable terms to use instead of "gay"... because no one self-identifies themselves as those terms.
Perhaps also "fag"... because that is a negative term to gays, they probably wouldn't refer to themselves as that.

You seem to have thoroughly misunderstood the whole "self-identifies with" reference.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby 4myGod on Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:17 am

Woodruff wrote:
4myGod wrote:
Timminz wrote:
Artimis wrote:
Timminz wrote:Using "gay" as a derogatory term is similar to saying you got "jewed". Using a term that describes a specific group (like gays, or Jews) while implying something negative, is bigoted, and quite unnecessary when there are so many other colourful insults you can use without being politically correct.

By that reasoning we can include; Dipshits, Fools, Idiots, Morons, Retards, Spastics and Thickos. All of which are generic negative terms for a group of individuals with low intellect. This could be considered bigoted against the mentally feeble under a strict interpretation of the new guidelines.

The difference is that no one self-identifies, as dipshits, fools, morons, retards, spastics, or thickos.

I'm a professional retard, so I take offense when using the term Retard as a negative term.
No, but in all seriousness... So, "fudge packer" and "butt-pirate" are acceptable terms to use instead of "gay"... because no one self-identifies themselves as those terms.
Perhaps also "fag"... because that is a negative term to gays, they probably wouldn't refer to themselves as that.

You seem to have thoroughly misunderstood the whole "self-identifies with" reference.

Obviously... From what I understand, "dipshits, fools, idiots, morons, retards, spastics" are all not bigoted against the mentally handicap because they do not self-identify themselves using these terms, correct?

If that is the case then "butt-pirate" and "fudge packer" are also not bigoted against gays because they also do not self-identify themselves using these terms.

Maybe it's late and I didn't read something, and I am out of place here. If that is the case please quote to me this "reference" that I am misunderstanding, and explain it.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby TheBro on Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:42 pm

Stop being so gay..

What I want to know is why are people saying red should get a warning? Benefiting from a thrown game is the biggest bag of donkey shit I have ever heard. I play every game to win, and I'm assuming red does too, what the hell is he supposed to do, try to lose?!
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby king sam on Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:49 pm

Everyone is nuking this to death.

sweetypie526 should obviously get a WARNING as I said in an original post for intentionally throwing a game.

king sam wrote:Game 5071893

The true crime is and case can be made for sweetypie526 deliberately throwing a game.

And while dysonsphere was very colorful in his chatter, as per the guidelines I think he might have skirted the insensitive nature to a class/type of people and more then likely will get told not to do this again in a form of a WARNING. Seeing as it can obviously be viewed as bigoted or not by soo many of you in here should suffice in the justification to receive/give a WARNING not to repeat this performance.

Good Luck,
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby 4myGod on Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:37 pm

TheBro wrote:Stop being so gay..

What I want to know is why are people saying red should get a warning? Benefiting from a thrown game is the biggest bag of donkey shit I have ever heard. I play every game to win, and I'm assuming red does too, what the hell is he supposed to do, try to lose?!

The rules state that a person can't throw a game and another person can't intentionally benefit from a thrown game...

2009-06-12 14:45:40 - Lloyd Braun: do what you wanna do blue
2009-06-12 14:45:49 - Lloyd Braun: if you hate green that much then sure, give me the game

He should have responded with "I am sorry blue, but throwing a game is against the rules, and if I accept your offer I too would be breaking the rules."
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby Commander62890 on Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:45 pm

Well I'm sure he wasn't aware of that rule... which I suppose is not a good excuse, but you've got to admit, it's probably not that well known.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby e_i_pi on Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:14 pm

4myGod wrote:
TheBro wrote:Stop being so gay..

What I want to know is why are people saying red should get a warning? Benefiting from a thrown game is the biggest bag of donkey shit I have ever heard. I play every game to win, and I'm assuming red does too, what the hell is he supposed to do, try to lose?!

The rules state that a person can't throw a game and another person can't intentionally benefit from a thrown game...

2009-06-12 14:45:40 - Lloyd Braun: do what you wanna do blue
2009-06-12 14:45:49 - Lloyd Braun: if you hate green that much then sure, give me the game

He should have responded with "I am sorry blue, but throwing a game is against the rules, and if I accept your offer I too would be breaking the rules."

The rule re: "benefitting from a thrown game" is in regards to people that points dump, not from a scenario like this. Red is the only party in this game that can claim to be innocent of any breach of the rules.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby 4myGod on Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:33 pm

e_i_pi wrote:
4myGod wrote:
TheBro wrote:Stop being so gay..

What I want to know is why are people saying red should get a warning? Benefiting from a thrown game is the biggest bag of donkey shit I have ever heard. I play every game to win, and I'm assuming red does too, what the hell is he supposed to do, try to lose?!

The rules state that a person can't throw a game and another person can't intentionally benefit from a thrown game...

2009-06-12 14:45:40 - Lloyd Braun: do what you wanna do blue
2009-06-12 14:45:49 - Lloyd Braun: if you hate green that much then sure, give me the game

He should have responded with "I am sorry blue, but throwing a game is against the rules, and if I accept your offer I too would be breaking the rules."

The rule re: "benefitting from a thrown game" is in regards to people that points dump, not from a scenario like this. Red is the only party in this game that can claim to be innocent of any breach of the rules.

I think then that the rule should be reworded to make it sound more like point dumping. As it is now, benefitting from a thrown game would be anyone who gets a win (points), deliberately, from someone else throwing a game.

This would mean someone who makes a deal in game to win and allow the other person to throw a game, they would have breached the rules.

I don't know exactly what point dumping is, but the way it's worded now isn't sufficient, if they don't really mean what they said.

I don't think red should have accepted the thrown game. Yeah, I understand, "why do you turn down a free win?" Well, I just think red should have told blue to play out the game, rather than endorse the idea to throw the game by accepting that deal.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby king sam on Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:19 pm

4myGod wrote:I think then that the rule should be reworded to make it sound more like point dumping. As it is now, benefitting from a thrown game would be anyone who gets a win (points), deliberately, from someone else throwing a game.

This would mean someone who makes a deal in game to win and allow the other person to throw a game, they would have breached the rules.

I don't know exactly what point dumping is, but the way it's worded now isn't sufficient, if they don't really mean what they said.

I don't think red should have accepted the thrown game. Yeah, I understand, "why do you turn down a free win?" Well, I just think red should have told blue to play out the game, rather than endorse the idea to throw the game by accepting that deal.

Common sense has to come in play at some point. And I think its pretty clear that he
(Lloyd Braun) didn't intentionally benefit from someone throwing a game, it wasn't/is excessive abuse on that point and he wasn't asking for or manipulating a player to throw a game in his direction.

In a 3 player game a case can be made the majority of the time for someone benefiting from another player making dumb moves. It happens.

While sweetypie526 obviously (look at chat & gameplay) threw the game in the other players direction
(Lloyd Braun) that wasnt his fault. sweetypie526 was upset and in a quarrel with dysonsphere and decided to break the rules and throw the game to anyone but him.

Lloyd Braun never asked for it and actually told sweetypie526 to "do what you want to do".

Not abuse on his side, it is abuse on sweetypie526 for throwing a game and on dysonsphere for using a lil too colorful language which can/has been viewed as bigotry.

Both those players should get WARNING's for their respective offenses that they committed.

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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times [Warned]

Postby lancehoch on Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:43 pm

dysonsphere has been Warned for his homophobic language.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times [Warned]

Postby Woodruff on Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:55 pm

lancehoch wrote:dysonsphere has been Warned for his homophobic language.

Good. But what about sweetypie? His offense is at least as bad.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times [Warned]

Postby dysonsphere on Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:51 am

Woodruff wrote:
lancehoch wrote:dysonsphere has been Warned for his homophobic language.

Good. But what about sweetypie? His offense is at least as bad.

You are quite right, he should also get warned and I have asked the same question.

From now on when faced with someone who's a total vagina I shall ensure I do not under any circumstances state they have a preference sexually for people of the same gender although in a non-threatening and wholly supportive way I may make an enquiry regarding that. I also may ask if their heart stopped beating during childbirth resulting in a reduced blood and oxygen flow to their brain's and if they are getting the nursing care they deserve and which the government should be providing. At all times I shall remain their friend and confidant... almost as if they are playing a game with the Samaritans.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times

Postby TheBro on Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:58 pm

4myGod wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:
4myGod wrote:
TheBro wrote:Stop being so gay..

What I want to know is why are people saying red should get a warning? Benefiting from a thrown game is the biggest bag of donkey shit I have ever heard. I play every game to win, and I'm assuming red does too, what the hell is he supposed to do, try to lose?!

The rules state that a person can't throw a game and another person can't intentionally benefit from a thrown game...

2009-06-12 14:45:40 - Lloyd Braun: do what you wanna do blue
2009-06-12 14:45:49 - Lloyd Braun: if you hate green that much then sure, give me the game

He should have responded with "I am sorry blue, but throwing a game is against the rules, and if I accept your offer I too would be breaking the rules."

The rule re: "benefitting from a thrown game" is in regards to people that points dump, not from a scenario like this. Red is the only party in this game that can claim to be innocent of any breach of the rules.

I think then that the rule should be reworded to make it sound more like point dumping. As it is now, benefitting from a thrown game would be anyone who gets a win (points), deliberately, from someone else throwing a game.

This would mean someone who makes a deal in game to win and allow the other person to throw a game, they would have breached the rules.

I don't know exactly what point dumping is, but the way it's worded now isn't sufficient, if they don't really mean what they said.

I don't think red should have accepted the thrown game. Yeah, I understand, "why do you turn down a free win?" Well, I just think red should have told blue to play out the game, rather than endorse the idea to throw the game by accepting that deal.

His words are irrelevant. I can ask every opponent I play to throw the game, if they do I can only assume I wouldn't be guilty of anything other than trying to win. The rule does need to be reworded, and blue needs to be warned for throwing the game.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times [Warned]

Postby lancehoch on Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:08 pm

sweetypie526 has been Warned for throwing a game.
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Re: Game 5071893 sweetpea got called gay 1000 times [Warned]

Postby Sir Kick-some on Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:45 pm

You are quite right, he should also get warned and I have asked the same question.

From now on when faced with someone who's a total vagina I shall ensure I do not under any circumstances state they have a preference sexually for people of the same gender although in a non-threatening and wholly supportive way I may make an enquiry regarding that. I also may ask if their heart stopped beating during childbirth resulting in a reduced blood and oxygen flow to their brain's and if they are getting the nursing care they deserve and which the government should be providing. At all times I shall remain their friend and confidant... almost as if they are playing a game with the Samaritans.

Top Laugh, me and the guys in our Guardroom in Germany, also read game text, really cheered us up, whilst stagging on through the night........

Maybe the term ''Pillow Biter'' or ''Uphill Gardner'' might be a more apt term :lol:
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