- Total Players: No predefined number. All players who sign before July 3rd will take part in the tournament.
- Players per game: 8.
- Map: Random map with player choosen settings. Each player selects his settings when joining (this time I am also allowing FoW and Freestyle) but not his map, as map will be random.
Simultaneous games:
You will be playing 8 simultaneous games. Sorry freemium players, this time only premium players are allowed, because hosting a tournament with freemium players takes a lot of time and I am already hosting one. For this reason I want this tournament to have less workload so my previous projects don't suffer because of this new one.
Each player will be awarded a certain number of points per game depending on his position in that game:

Or to say in other words, each player will get as many points as eliminations he survives in the game.
In maps with objective, if a player wins, then all the losing players that are still alive get eliminated at once. For example, in a map with 3 remaining players, if one of them gets the objective, he gets 7 points and the other two remaining players get 5 points each.
If players get eliminated the same turn, the last player to be eliminated is still considered to "survive" the other one. This means that the winning player can choose the best order to eliminate his opponents.
Players per round:
8 players in final round, 16 in semi finals, 32 in quarters, etc.
The first round will be special because it needs to fit all players who signed.
Progressing to the next phase:
After all games are finished, the four players with most points will progress to the next phase. Tie breakers will be decided by:
- The player with highest overall score in all the tournament (except during the first phase).
- The player with lowest CC score at the moment of joining (players with higher score are expected to win more points).
- In the unlikely case that there is still a tie, a tie breaker game will be created.
Winning the tournament:
The player with the most points after the final 8 games will be the tournament winner. The same tie breaker criteria will be applied if needed.
Assigning groups:
Players will be assigned to groups depending on their skill.
For the first round, no reserves needed. If a player fails to join a game, another game will be created without him, and he will be awarded 0 points for that game.
For the second and next rounds, if a player fails to join the first game, reserves will be taken from the best qualified players that did not pass the previous round. If a player fails to join second and following games, then a new game without him will be created and he will get 0 points.
How to join:
Post in this thread stating:
- Name
- Score
- Standard / Terminator
- Escalating / Flat rate / No spoils
- Unlimited / Chained /Adjacent
- No FoW / FoW
- Sequential / Freestyle
Sorry, this time only premium players.