Moderator: Tech Team
chipv wrote:Thanks, lance. I have a ton of stuff to fix on this now. Can you give me a game number please?
ppgangster wrote:I think it has caused some issues on my case also, as I have to turn grease monkey off during my playing, because it won't allow me to distribute some troops on the map or even refresh it when others are playing!
chipv wrote:I am proposing to either rewrite or dispose of Turn Watch.
I'd like to make it more useable and faster to load by using the new Conquer Club API.
This would mean potentially losing:
Alerts on attacks, teammate's turns, other people's turns, last turn replay (the popup map), probably more stuff.
Can people let me know what they would like to be retained if there is still enough interest in this script please?
stripethegremlin wrote:I'm running 2.0.7 and the thumbnail images are not showing up.
ul.innerHTML = "<li><table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=\"miniblock\"><a href=\"" + gameid[gameno] + "&full_log=Y\"><img alt=\"X\" class=\"miniblock minimap\" width=25 height=17 title=\"Go To Game " + gameid[gameno] + "\" src=\"" + image + ".thumb.png\"></a></td><td><a style=\"padding:4px 0px\" id=\"show" + gameid[gameno] + "\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><span id=\"span" + gameid[gameno] + "\" " + update[gameno] + ">" + strikel + (player - elim) + "/" + player + "p" + round + " " + tourind + striker + "</a></td><td style=\"text-align:center\" class=\"mini\"><a style=\"padding:4px 1px 3px 0px\" href=#box><img title=\"Show Map\" id=box" + gameid[gameno] + " src=\"\"></a></td><td style=\"text-align:center\" class=\"mini\"><a style=\"padding:4px 3px\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"><span title=\"Remove\" class=\"errormsg-inline\" id=\"remove" + gameid[gameno] + "\" ><b>X</b></span></a></td></td></tr></table></li>" + html;
src=\"" + image + ".thumb.png\"
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