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TruePurple Ratings Abuse [noted]

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TruePurple Ratings Abuse [noted]

Postby king sam on Sun May 31, 2009 9:17 am


The accused are suspected of:
Other: Rating Abuse

Game number(s):
Game 4769224
Game 4810380

Comments: Out of the 66 individual ratings that he has left at this time for other players:
  • 20 are equivalent to 2 stars or below
  • 31 are equivalent to 3 stars
  • 15 are above 3 stars

with the rating scale being:
  • 1 & 2 below average
  • 3 average
  • 4 & 5 above average

I find it hard to believe that out of the 22 people he has rated only the equivalent of 5 of them were above average.

Its a direct representation that he abuses the rating system by handing out more negatives then positives. And most of these derive from other users not doing what he wants them to do in game chat or him losing a game.

It is also imperative to note that when the game is not going his way he like to throw out accusations on teammates and enemies alike for cheating. And doesn't hesitate to accuse them in a C& A thread.

Reference One
Reference Two

It is also worth it to state that Game 4810380 is not yet complete but if TruePurple doesn't win the game that the most likely outcome will be further abuse of the ratings system.

I have had no interaction with the accused personally to see this first hand, and will not after he is placed on FOE but see his actions daily in the C & A thread.

I think this user needs to be WARNED about how the rating system works and advised to conduct himself in games in a more appropriate manner, that needless accusations filling the hunters time because he lost is not tolerated.

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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Serbia on Sun May 31, 2009 10:23 am

This is a joke. The ratings are intended to be:
1 = Bad, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent

If TruePurple wants to rate this way, then yeah, roughly half the players should be around 3, with the remaining split over or under 3. This is what he's doing. Who are you to tell him how to rate a player? I think what alstergren did is worse than TruePurple handing out ratings following the system guidelines as he does. Your little "quid pro quo" nonsense is a joke. "I'm going to give you bad ratings unless you leave me the ratings I want." That is acceptable? xBMKxand Gustaf Wasa are typical of kids who are so concerned with their ranks and precious ratings, quick to throw out the "noob" card, dismissive of anyone who's not in their little clique. Go play with yourselves if you care so much about ratings. Then you can all give each other 5's and feel happy and better than everyone.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Rabid bunnies on Sun May 31, 2009 10:58 am

It's one thing to rate the way you objectively view a player. It's completely different to rate based on their refusal to be manipulated, or to rate them badly for dice not succeeding, or because they had a different view of how the game should have ended than you did.

If this player rates people badly for winning or not letting him win and saying: "They could have played better" than I challenge him to show me just where they could have played better. If you ask Peter about someone's strategy and he says it's good, Paul might think it was not what he would do... would they both rate the same?

Before I give out anything below a 5... I ask what that player could have done to deserve a better rating... if they couldn't have done anything better... I lose nothing in giving them a 5.

Average games are average... but to tell someone they haven't played the best they could or to tell them they only played average when they feel they played the best they could? I'd say then that the burden of proof is on the "rater" to explain why play was only average and what the other should have done to get a better rating.

If you are going to rate people in a way that you feel right without any accountability or constructive support (saying what they did wrong or what they could have done different to get a better rating) then you cannot cry wolf about people rating you.

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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Rabid bunnies on Sun May 31, 2009 11:01 am

... furthermore...

And to accuse people of cheating for playstyles you don't like? That is also not warranted... the evidence provided by this player whenever he is losing that his opponents (and sometimes partners) are cheating is ridiculous. Then the ratings just pile on to give others a very unpleasant experience... after that experience, he doesn't like being rated in "retaliation"... please don't poke the bear hun.

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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Sun May 31, 2009 11:02 am

Serbia wrote:This is a joke. The ratings are intended to be:
1 = Bad, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent

If TruePurple wants to rate this way, then yeah, roughly half the players should be around 3, with the remaining split over or under 3. This is what he's doing. Who are you to tell him how to rate a player? I think what alstergren did is worse than TruePurple handing out ratings following the system guidelines as he does. Your little "quid pro quo" nonsense is a joke. "I'm going to give you bad ratings unless you leave me the ratings I want." That is acceptable? xBMKxand Gustaf Wasa are typical of kids who are so concerned with their ranks and precious ratings, quick to throw out the "noob" card, dismissive of anyone who's not in their little clique. Go play with yourselves if you care so much about ratings. Then you can all give each other 5's and feel happy and better than everyone.

I never condoned the actions taken in the other thread about giving bad ratings and erasing them if you don't get one from that person, or even agreements like that. But in the game played with alstergren nothing was done on the winning team to deserve the ratings that they received from TruePurple. The point of this claim was to draw light on TruePurple's own misuse of the rating system, not to converse about users that you do not care for or actions they take.

I could care less about the rating of one guy, simply enough I just Foe that user and I don't have to worry about it, but if you going to raise a stink everything doesn't go your way like TruePurple has been doing then maybe you should be under the limelight as well for those actions. Which is simply what this is. In hopes to deter this sort of behavior and allow all to continue on without the drama.


If you dont agree with my views please feel free to Foe me as well.
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Gustaf Wasa on Sun May 31, 2009 11:08 am

king sam wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Other: Rating Abuse

Game number(s):
Game 4769224
Game 4810380

Comments: Out of the 66 individual ratings that he has left at this time for other players:
  • 20 are equivalent to 2 stars or below
  • 31 are equivalent to 3 stars
  • 15 are above 3 stars

with the rating scale being:
  • 1 & 2 below average
  • 3 average
  • 4 & 5 above average

I find it hard to believe that out of the 22 people he has rated only the equivalent of 5 of them were above average.

Its a direct representation that he abuses the rating system by handing out more negatives then positives. And most of these derive from other users not doing what he wants them to do in game chat or him losing a game.

It is also imperative to note that when the game is not going his way he like to throw out accusations on teammates and enemies alike for cheating. And doesn't hesitate to accuse them in a C& A thread.

Amazing stats! To think that he made a thread accusing my teammate Alstergren of abusing the rating system, when that is apparently what he does. I agree, this is a good time to simply remind TruePurple of what good sportsmanship is. I don't mind getting a bad rating if it is deserved, but when I get it simply for committing the crime of winning, then....

Rabid bunnies wrote:It's one thing to rate the way you objectively view a player. It's completely different to rate based on their refusal to be manipulated, or to rate them badly for dice not succeeding, or because they had a different view of how the game should have ended than you did.

Well said, Jasmine!

Now, TruePurple has finished eight games so far, and in that time made two threads in the Cheating & Abuse forum - one about cheating, and one about abuse. Both uncalled for, in my humble opinion. (That our team would have bribed two of his teammates! Imagine!) Also, apparently our game wasn't the only one where the chatbox filled up with complaints about how the opponents were playing. At this point, maybe there should be a decision to look at the game differently. It isn't nice to spread so many negative ratings just to spite. Spiting should be done in moderation. :mrgreen:
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Serbia on Sun May 31, 2009 11:20 am

king sam wrote:I could care less about the rating of one guy, simply enough I just Foe that user and I don't have to worry about it, but if you going to raise a stink everything doesn't go your way like TruePurple has been doing then maybe you should be under the limelight as well for those actions. Which is simply what this is. In hopes to deter this sort of behavior and allow all to continue on without the drama.


If you dont agree with my views please feel free to Foe me as well.

Before you start accusing me of anything, go check the ratings I leave. I leave 5's almost every time. You want to put me under the spotlight, go right ahead. And as far as putting you on Foe - if you have put me on foe because I don't agree with you, that's rather small of you, don't you think? I don't have a problem with people having differing opinions from me. My foe list is empty.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Sun May 31, 2009 11:22 am

Gustaf Wasa wrote:Now, TruePurple has finished eight games so far, and in that time made two threads in the Cheating & Abuse forum - one about cheating, and one about abuse. Both uncalled for, in my humble opinion. (That our team would have bribed two of his teammates! Imagine!) Also, apparently our game wasn't the only one where the chatbox filled up with complaints about how the opponents were playing. At this point, maybe there should be a decision to look at the game differently. It isn't nice to spread so many negative ratings just to spite. Spiting should be done in moderation. :mrgreen:

Correction he made 2 Cheating & Abuse forms (1 to the game he lost against you guys) & one he is currently losing as well as ratings abuse one for getting rated poorly by a player that he accused of cheating.

so 3 in his 8 game tenure, 2 being from both games he will lose

its a bad trend to accuse players when you lose that he is on, and i hope it stops
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Sun May 31, 2009 11:25 am

Serbia wrote:
king sam wrote:I could care less about the rating of one guy, simply enough I just Foe that user and I don't have to worry about it, but if you going to raise a stink everything doesn't go your way like TruePurple has been doing then maybe you should be under the limelight as well for those actions. Which is simply what this is. In hopes to deter this sort of behavior and allow all to continue on without the drama.


If you dont agree with my views please feel free to Foe me as well.

Before you start accusing me of anything, go check the ratings I leave. I leave 5's almost every time. You want to put me under the spotlight, go right ahead. And as far as putting you on Foe - if you have put me on foe because I don't agree with you, that's rather small of you, don't you think? I don't have a problem with people having differing opinions from me. My foe list is empty.

Funny it looks very apparent that I am talking about TruePurple here and not you Serbia. Spotlight being on him for his abuse not anyone else, and simply asking to keep it on track with that and not go off on a tangent talking about users that you Serbia don't agree with.
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Serbia on Sun May 31, 2009 11:54 am

king sam wrote:Funny it looks very apparent that I am talking about TruePurple here and not you Serbia. Spotlight being on him for his abuse not anyone else, and simply asking to keep it on track with that and not go off on a tangent talking about users that you Serbia don't agree with.

Really? Because it looks to me like you are directly answering me, and directly speaking to me in your answer. The full quote is there, so everyone can read it.

You had no good reason to even start this thread except that your buddy was affected. Also, this whole thread is about talking about a user that you king sam don't agree with. ;)

king sam wrote:
Serbia wrote:This is a joke. The ratings are intended to be:
1 = Bad, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent

If TruePurple wants to rate this way, then yeah, roughly half the players should be around 3, with the remaining split over or under 3. This is what he's doing. Who are you to tell him how to rate a player? I think what alstergren did is worse than TruePurple handing out ratings following the system guidelines as he does. Your little "quid pro quo" nonsense is a joke. "I'm going to give you bad ratings unless you leave me the ratings I want." That is acceptable? xBMKxand Gustaf Wasa are typical of kids who are so concerned with their ranks and precious ratings, quick to throw out the "noob" card, dismissive of anyone who's not in their little clique. Go play with yourselves if you care so much about ratings. Then you can all give each other 5's and feel happy and better than everyone.

I never condoned the actions taken in the other thread about giving bad ratings and erasing them if you don't get one from that person, or even agreements like that. But in the game played with alstergren nothing was done on the winning team to deserve the ratings that they received from TruePurple. The point of this claim was to draw light on TruePurple's own misuse of the rating system, not to converse about users that you do not care for or actions they take.

I could care less about the rating of one guy, simply enough I just Foe that user and I don't have to worry about it, but if you going to raise a stink everything doesn't go your way like TruePurple has been doing then maybe you should be under the limelight as well for those actions. Which is simply what this is. In hopes to deter this sort of behavior and allow all to continue on without the drama.


If you dont agree with my views please feel free to Foe me as well.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Sun May 31, 2009 12:11 pm

Serbia wrote:Really? Because it looks to me like you are directly answering me, and directly speaking to me in your answer. The full quote is there, so everyone can read it.

You had no good reason to even start this thread except that your buddy was affected. Also, this whole thread is about talking about a user that you king sam don't agree with. ;)

:lol: :lol:
Whatever way it was taken the message I was trying to construe and will reiterate to you again cause you fail to miss the point is this claim is about the mis conduct both of the ratings system and game conduct of TruePurple. His record shows that he advances his tactical beliefs on others in games and when either the players dont adhere to his advances or he loses he
  • a. creates a cheating and abuse thread about them
  • b. poorly rates them

Now unless you have something to say about this matter rather then this person is buddy with this one and so forth I suggest you take it elsewhere. (Serbia I was talking to you there in that sentence)
I'm glad you were able to requote a message that was 2 lines above this post to further prove a point though. ;)

Now I had every good reason in the world to start the thread and if you go back and read my original post I say I have had no direct contact with TruePurple, just that he is accusing other players of wrong doing when he himself is guilty of it. And that if your going to throw a stone you better not be living in a glass house.

Gustaf Wasa & alstergren are not my buddies for the record, not that I have anything against them, but I just have never crossed paths with them. Do a game search and you will find this to be true, and lastly of course this claim is about a user that I don't agree with.

It wouldn't make much sense to make a claim about a person doing nothing wrong, although it happens alot in here. TruePurple is a new player that has a promising future on here, but he needs to be reminded how to be a good sport and not take advantage of the rating system.

I have given the facts on his behavior and they speak for themselves, along with the pointless cheating threads he has made on every user he has lost to.

All that's left now is the mods to look at his actions and deem if it is worthy of a friendly reminder to be courteous to others, not cry multi after every loss, and rate players fairly or not.

If you have anything further to add to the discussion Serbia then I welcome it, but if it is just more of your personal vendetta to get back at users you do not care for (Gustaf Wasa & alstergren ) then take it elsewhere.

Feel free to contact me via PM if you so wish.

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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby alster on Sun May 31, 2009 12:29 pm

king sam wrote:Whatever way it was taken the message I was trying to construe and will reiterate to you again cause you fail to miss the point is this claim is about the mis conduct both of the ratings system and game conduct of TruePurple. His record shows that he advances his tactical beliefs on others in games and when either the players dont adhere to his advances or he loses he
  • a. creates a cheating and abuse thread about them
  • b. poorly rates them

This pretty much sums up the opinion I've gotten from TruePurple. I find his behavior strange, childish and right-out stupid. But, that's just my personal opinion. Do I think he's abusing the rating system? No, not really. The whole point about the rating system is to avoid threads like these invoking moderation and/or flaming. If he consequently hands out bad ratings, it will come back and bite him in the ass (foe lists, receiving bad ratings himself etc etc). But his ratings is his prerogative. Think this should be closed with no action taken.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby owenator on Sun May 31, 2009 1:38 pm - This link is TruePurple's accusation of alstergren

Game 4810380

Game chat:

2009-05-11 23:12:15 - TruePurple: Why are you targeting me bigpotatoes?
2009-05-15 03:56:22 - Desda: omg, seriously TruePurple, try to have fun at this game, because fun is what this is about (you're not actually at war)
2009-05-24 17:40:19 - bigpotatoes: hey zombie, thanks for putting that link in here. i had no idea i had been accused of secret alliance or cheating
2009-05-24 17:46:54 - bigpotatoes: hey true purple, whats with the accusations??!!
2009-05-25 18:51:45 - TruePurple: You attacked me more then once bigpotatoes, It is not like this situation is anymore win then the other. But whatever.

The relevance? Honestly, this player is a manipulator of: game chat, forum, players, etc. And most obviously, ratings. His prior accusation of alstergren was not only unwarranted but unnecessary. As someone stated, having a bad rating should be considered and worn as a 'badge of honour'. It is ridiculous to say that we're all without faults, but this isn't about us...this is about a player who ruins the game experience through his shady alliances, and accusations of being attacked in-game. His rating of Gustaf Wasa was absolutely unfair - it was done in my opinion, only because he was told to "chill out". I do believe without a doubt TruePurple will and should get a warning and this will prevent him from being a bully in game.

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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby TruePurple on Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:28 pm

I have made ratings according to the best source of information I have, the guidelines for the rating systems themselves. I even made a thread asking about anything further people would like to add regarding ratings/guidelines I should use for ratings, I got nothing for answer except for a mod saying 'its a highly personal decision'.(where were you ratings judgmental people then?)

You guys would give 5's unless the person makes you angry, then you give 1's? That is a lame way to vote IMO. And voting in a way better then that is not cheating.

Any cheater threads I have made, were made for specific (and good, at least in the case of nkholly & alstergren- big potatoe's thread is more of a toss up, maybe a mistake, maybe not) reasons stated in the individual reports.. I actually made a thread asking about how to tell if someone is cheating as well. The only reply I got was a mod saying, 'well report it and we will tell you'. So I was just following mod instructions. You want me warned for following mod instructions?

BTW I made a idea suggesting a alternative for the current rating system that would help with such issues awhile back- Changing the way ratings describe themselves/list But in the mean time, I have to use what is there to the best of my ability & knowledge.
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:05 pm

TruePurple wrote:I have made ratings according to the best source of information I have, the guidelines for the rating systems themselves.

You guys would give 5's unless the person makes you angry, then you give 1's? That is a lame way to vote IMO. And voting in a way better then that is not cheating.

Any cheater threads I have made, were made for specific (and good, at least in the case of nkholly & alstergren- big potatoe's thread is more of a toss up, maybe a mistake, maybe not) reasons stated in the individual reports.. I actually made a thread asking about how to tell if someone is cheating as well. The only reply I got was a mod saying, 'well report it and we will tell you'. So I was just following mod instructions. You want me warned for following mod instructions?

A. Rating a player that you have accused of cheating that gets cleared and then beats you in my opinion does not warrant a "just average" 3 star rating. Gustaf Wasa is the only player I see that is left that you rated from the game and from the looks of it you rated him average in every category because it was vindication(IMO) on your part for him telling you that your claim against him and his teammates was silly.
Unless you have a better reason for him being "just average" in the game, which if he does then what is that saying about your Fairplay/Gameplay/Attitude?

B. Both threads you made came from losses that you encountered. Their was not one shred of evidence in either one to even get them NOTED, the reason they were created was cause you needed an excuse for losing, and others CHEATING was your best option. Because other players don't head your advice no matter how persuasive you can be, or play with a different strategy then you then you assume their is collusion going on. That's not a good reason, and I think common sense has to come into play at a certain point on when to ask a mod or not if a user is cheating. If it is your prerogative to cry wolf at every game you lose then your voice will go deaf with every thread you create accusing innocent players of cheating.

People dont like being in false accusations that hold no merit.

King Sam
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Gustaf Wasa on Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:55 pm

Serbia wrote:This is a joke. The ratings are intended to be:
1 = Bad, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent

If TruePurple wants to rate this way, then yeah, roughly half the players should be around 3, with the remaining split over or under 3. This is what he's doing. Who are you to tell him how to rate a player? I think what alstergren did is worse than TruePurple handing out ratings following the system guidelines as he does. Your little "quid pro quo" nonsense is a joke. "I'm going to give you bad ratings unless you leave me the ratings I want." That is acceptable? xBMKxand Gustaf Wasa are typical of kids who are so concerned with their ranks and precious ratings, quick to throw out the "noob" card, dismissive of anyone who's not in their little clique. Go play with yourselves if you care so much about ratings. Then you can all give each other 5's and feel happy and better than everyone.

Excuse me, I am a kid now? And before I even posted in this thread? Serbia, you seem to have some agenda here, this is not the first thread you go after me and my teammates; what's the matter, we beat your multi? :roll:
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby TruePurple on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:15 pm

I would have likely rated him 3's in any regard. If you notice in my record, have given 3's(or less) to people who I have won against as well, so your claim it was done in revenge rings very hallow. I am rating people the best I can, you may not brow beat me into changing my methods to suit you, sam.

Nkholly did do some terribly bad moves which deserved the cheating thread. Moves so bad that coupled with her record, the only other explanation besides foul play was temporary insanity, stroke or what not. Our other teammate wired goat agreed to the point of putting her on ignore. He voiced more anger at her then even I did, in team chat.(I don't know that the language he used was appropriate, but what ever) Since she was my own teammate and the game wasn't even over yet, your concept of it being revenge for losing is so much crap.

The thread regarding bigpotatoes was maybe a mistake, if I had gotten some help regarding determining when something is foul, I might have not made it. I only had the advice of the mod who did reply to my request regarding guidelines to post if you find something suspicious, which I did.

The cheater thread against Alstergren- He friggin admitted to it! Notice how I have not posted complaints against anyone else who has given me bad ratings, even though I felt they were undeserved.

This thread is a joke, There is no real accusation here, it is just alot of hot air so that you may tear me down. Which is a bit like flaming me. You. sam & owenator, continue to attack & flame me with your insults and hot air, I just hope a mod steps in soon.

If you guys want to talk about how people should rate, then fine. Make a friggin thread for it! Contribute to my idea or someone elses idea for changes in how ratings work! This is not the place to discuss rating methods!
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby alster on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:23 pm

TruePurple wrote:The cheater thread against Alstergren- He friggin admitted to it! Notice how I have not posted complaints against anyone else who has given me bad ratings, even though I felt they were undeserved.

Admitted to what? Giving you a bad rating? :D
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby TruePurple on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:28 pm

To blackmail, to saying "I will withdraw my bad rating if you withdraw your average one". I would say this is going off-topic, but I don't think this thread has a topic other then attacking me. This thread it's self is inappropriate IMO, so It doesn't really matter. Anyway this is just a short clarification.
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:07 pm

TruePurple wrote:The cheater thread against Alstergren- He friggin admitted to it! Notice how I have not posted complaints against anyone else who has given me bad ratings, even though I felt they were undeserved.

This thread is a joke, There is no real accusation here, it is just alot of hot air so that you may tear me down. Which is a bit like flaming me. You. sam & owenator, continue to attack & flame me with your insults and hot air, I just hope a mod steps in soon.

If you guys want to talk about how people should rate, then fine. Make a friggin thread for it! Contribute to my idea or someone elses idea for changes in how ratings work! This is not the place to discuss rating methods!

A. I would like to see where he openly admitted it, cause in game chat or the thread you made against him he didn't.

B. This thread is a joke to you cause its about you and the methods that you have used to rate other players with, UNJUSTLY i might add. Which is a logical complaint and every thread in here that I have posted has given proof to back up my reasoning and has answered questions/qualms of other users that have voiced their opinions in here. All within the rights of the Forum rules, once again I would like to direct you to the community guidelines and ask you again to read them head them and understand them, because you are put on the spot here or don't agree with another users views or gameplay doesn't make them cheating or violating rules. There has not been any flame/flame baiting done towards you from me or owenator up to this point. Learn to quit accusing others of being in the wrong please, its getting old.

C. This thread was made in regard to your lackluster performance of rating other users. The majority of your ratings handed out are below par, and in the past this has been more then enough to constitute for a WARNING that you are not following the guidelines of the rating system. Yes the rating system is flawed but that sort of talk is off topic to this thread, you can choose to continue on that topic in the sugs & bugs forum where you have already created a suggestion for it.

Now as a deterrent to not "flame" you anymore I am done saying my peace, my first thread that held the accusation of your rating abuse holds enough evidence to warrant my actions/posts in this forum and can speak for me for the rest of the time that it is active until ruled upon. Thank you

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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby alster on Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:15 pm

Well, admittedly I did perhaps not express myself in a great way when pm:ing him. So fine, he get’s upset for that. Problem is, he’s not capable of reading/taking in posts. I’ve wasted too much time already on this and it’s obvious that he’s not susceptible to accept that he may have done anything wrong or misunderstood anything (whether the guidelines, perception of people etc.). He’s beyond reasoning and I believe that you’ve just wasted another post. I’m a bit hesitant, but perhaps he should be warned after all. Looking at his rating history. It seems to be a pretty nasty theme there despite the low game count. But that’s for the mods I guess, he won’t change.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby Serbia on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:11 pm

Gustaf Wasa wrote:
Serbia wrote:This is a joke. The ratings are intended to be:
1 = Bad, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Above Average, 5 = Excellent

If TruePurple wants to rate this way, then yeah, roughly half the players should be around 3, with the remaining split over or under 3. This is what he's doing. Who are you to tell him how to rate a player? I think what alstergren did is worse than TruePurple handing out ratings following the system guidelines as he does. Your little "quid pro quo" nonsense is a joke. "I'm going to give you bad ratings unless you leave me the ratings I want." That is acceptable? xBMKxand Gustaf Wasa are typical of kids who are so concerned with their ranks and precious ratings, quick to throw out the "noob" card, dismissive of anyone who's not in their little clique. Go play with yourselves if you care so much about ratings. Then you can all give each other 5's and feel happy and better than everyone.

Excuse me, I am a kid now? And before I even posted in this thread? Serbia, you seem to have some agenda here, this is not the first thread you go after me and my teammates; what's the matter, we beat your multi? :roll:

Yes, you beat my multi. I'm offended. Please send cash. Thank you.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby karel on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:44 pm

Can't believe you people are spazzing out over ratings...who really gives a flying shit about ratings,we all know the whole system is who cares,just foe them and be done with it
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby btown80 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:17 pm

It wouldn't hurt to look into Truepurple being a multi. Anyone want to make a post?

At any rate, after reading through this thread and the other one involving TruePurple, I am definitely foeing him. Just looking through the games, he is more unpleasant to play with than myself lol :lol:
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Re: TruePurple Ratings Abuse

Postby king sam on Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:09 pm

btown80 wrote:It wouldn't hurt to look into Truepurple being a multi. Anyone want to make a post?

At any rate, after reading through this thread and the other one involving TruePurple, I am definitely foeing him. Just looking through the games, he is more unpleasant to play with than myself lol :lol:

He was already accused and cleared.
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