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alstergren-ratings blackmail. [noted]

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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby alster on Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:05 am

TruePurple wrote:Alstergren, you think 1's across the board was a reasonable rating? What about my gameplay deserved a 1? What about my playing was so unfair? As far as attitude, my complaint was against my teammate not you, and I have a right to make cheater threads when I find something suspicious. I shouldn't have to worry about anyone retaliating with bad ratings.(especially someone who wasn't even accused) No I did not deserve 1's across the board. You used 1's as leverage to force me to change my ratings.

I am not saying you behaved badly in the game alstergren, but you didn't behave excellent either. So you got the ratings you deserved, average. I did not getting the ratings I deserved from you.

Now you're discussing the specific ratings I handed out to you and not some generel abuse concept. Of all the people I played, your's 1-1-1 with the appropriate tags were one of the easiest to hand out. They were IMO well deserved in all aspects. It was a horrible game in which you behaved badly both in the game and in the forum threads connected to the game. I don't have time to analyze each and every aspect of the ratings for every single player, especially since the 2-4s are useless. And yes, the fact to you keep rating players in an obviously negative manner did not make it harder since your rating record shows a bad attitude. All in all, the rating you got was the rating you deserved the way I use the rating system. And to slap you with those ratings is my prerogative the same way it's your prerogative how you chose to rate. To whine over that is just meaningless. Spend your time playing games instead and appreciate the fact that I offered to strike the rating at a bargain price.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby ronsizzle on Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:17 am

does this seriously say blackmail?

whoever started this thread should be shot. seriously. not kidding around whatsoever.

you people need to quit crying constantly! wtf is wrong with whoever started this thread. alstergreen didnt do anything wrong. and 3.3.3. is a good rating.

i have a 4.4 but yet you dont see me running around crying wolf.

maybe c and a should go strictly to e tickets with the amount of threads started in here that are bullshit.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby alster on Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:33 am

Serbia wrote:This topic is about ratings blackmail. That is what alstergren did. He preemptively left the worst ratings possible, not based on merit, but to protect his own precious ratings from someone who he perceives, justly or unjustly, someone who gives crap ratings. Is this permissible? Like he said, if every rude player does this, then they'd end up with no ratings, or good ratings, simply based on the blackmail system. I believe this is against the spirit of the game.

Well. Yes and no. It's a misunderstanding on TruePurple's part that this is what occurred. His rating was IMO very much deserved in this case. The problem is that he's totally unaware how his actions can be perceived and that he believes that ratings somehow would be confined to very narrow premises in a single game. In reality this is not the case as people over time become rated on hundreds of games played and their general attitude.

But, in other instances, of course people (incl. myself) can dish out shitty ratings if anticipating/suspecting crap ratings coming. These instances are normally easy to spot and normally something that would render a bad rating in any event. The fact though that one would afterwards offer a clean record and/or discuss the ratings etc. couldn't really be perceived as threats or blackmail. That's just part of the informal nature of the rating system and due to the different ways people use it. For this thread though, TruePurple's experience is not such an event, itā€™s just a case of whining from a player who seems to spend more time whining than playing.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby owheelj on Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:03 am

From what I can see, Alstergren was generous in offering to remove his ratings for TruePurple. He should have rated TruePurple all 1s, or at least a 1 for attitude, *and complained about the bad ratings he received.*
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby btown80 on Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:06 pm

I, too, think the rating system is flawed. Would rather see just a positive/negative option, like ebay does it. Was your game a positive or negative experience. And then have where you can block out anyone with less than a certain positive rating.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TheBro on Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:29 pm

I hate it when people give me all 3s. I'm not an average player. I'm definitely below or above.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby Rabid bunnies on Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:16 pm

You're exactly right TheBro. I would have a tougher time judging someone to be "average" than judging them to be poor or great. It is easy to point out when someone's been a poor sport and when it comes to play... if you have reasonable doubt in terms of bad strategy, then it's not bad strategy. There are many "different" strategies but the ones that are "bad" are universal. Because of that... judging someone "poor" is very straightforward, either they are or they aren't.

Similarly, if I can't judge someone poorly, it's because they played well... you don't need to play perfect or have a perfect result to get a rating for playing the best you could.

If you rate someone above average, it's easy enough to prove by lack of characteristics that you would have seen to rate them below average.

To rate someone average, you should be able to say what they should have done to get a better rating and while you're at it, you should be able to say why they're not getting a negative rating. If you can't explain what would have earned them a better rating, or your explanation is so unrealistic that it makes no sense (telling someone their strategy was bad because they didn't follow your diplomacy for instance), then that should be proof to you that they played as best they could.

If someone plays as best as they can, I give 5 stars... to not get 5 stars from me, I have to demonstrate that you are undeserving of it because I can't tell someone who had a horrible drop and lost, or someone who had horrible dice and lost, that they were simply average when it's clear they could have done the best possible to them with the dice and drop they had.

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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:45 pm

If I hadn't complained about how horribly my teammate, nkholly had played and accused nkholly of cheating- you would have probably given me 5's, right alstergren? If you claim otherwise, I will need you to make a good case to convince me.

So you either gave me all 1's to counter any rating less then 5's or what ever rating you were expecting/demanding of me (and expecting less due to the cheater thread) &/or you were giving me the bad ratings in revenge to a cheater thread that wasn't even about you.

Cheater threads are not part of how the game was played, so absolutely should not impact ratings. Expectations of what the other person might rate you have nothing to do with how that person played, so should have no impact on ratings.

If a person truly behaved badly, then they should get the ratings they deserve.They should not be able to blackmail mutual bad ratings withdrawal as to get out of the consequences for their playing. This sets a very bad precedence and destroys any point in the rating system.

Or as serbia said-

Serbia wrote:Without getting involved too deeply in the specifics of this thread, the following quote explains my issue with this.

TruePurple wrote:Lets turn this around. Lets say you alstergren were playing someone (lets call them player X) who was using bad strategy, cheating, swear words, what not. And you played marvelously. Would you find it reasonable for player X to leave you 1-1-1 as ratings, you leave 3's despite player X's horrible playing.

So player X PM's you saying he will withdraw the 1's if you withdraw the 3's rating. Would you find that fair?

Lets say everyone who behaves badly leaves 1's ratings that s/he won't withdraw unless the other person withdraws ratings that are less then the other person likes.

Ratings others is about how the person played, not meant to be used as leverage to get the ratings you want.

This topic is about ratings blackmail. That is what alstergren did. He preemptively left the worst ratings possible, not based on merit, but to protect his own precious ratings from someone who he perceives, justly or unjustly, someone who gives crap ratings. Is this permissible? Like he said, if every rude player does this, then they'd end up with no ratings, or good ratings, simply based on the blackmail system. I believe this is against the spirit of the game.

Now whether or not TruePurple is a jerk, or if alstergren was an awesome player who didn't deserve three stars, I don't care. Ratings blackmail is bad for the site. Rate your opponent as honestly and fairly as you can, and don't worry about stupid ratings from others.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby blacknight_13 on Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:39 pm

hi there:D i have one PM that i think the administrators/moderators of this site should look into, and it's short:

Sent: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:36 am
From: General Quigley
To: blacknight_13

judgmental asshole"

i think that players like this one shouldn't play for some time... :idea:
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby owenator on Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:01 pm

blacknight_13 wrote:hi there:D i have one PM that i think the administrators/moderators of this site should look into, and it's short:

Sent: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:36 am
From: General Quigley
To: blacknight_13

judgmental asshole"

i think that players like this one shouldn't play for some time... :idea:

Wrong place. You need to start a NEW thread if you wanted to notify the admins/mods about abuse.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:53 pm

TruePurple wrote:If I hadn't complained about how horribly my teammate, nkholly had played and accused nkholly of cheating- you would have probably given me 5's, right alstergren? If you claim otherwise, I will need you to make a good case to convince me.
or you were giving me the bad ratings in revenge to a cheater thread that wasn't even about you
Cheater threads are not part of how the game was played, so absolutely should not impact ratings.
If a person truly behaved badly, then they should get the ratings they deserve.

I have a few things to say about what you said above.

Your attitude rating is a direct reflection of how you carry yourself in a game. You didnt agree with moves made by your very own teammates and you immediately questioned the integrity of not only your whole team but your opponents as well with no shred of evidence except that you didnt agree with their gameplay.

I will give you a lil advice and hopefully it will stick so you dont have to learn this the hard way again, the majority of the time the more vocal you are in chat with your demands/requests/threats or any banter the less likely you will get the result that you want. You accusing your fellow teammates of misconduct could have very well been your demise and been a contributing factor to their poor play every move there after.

Since you filled the chat up with your moans about all parties in the game except yourself I think it was warranted to get a below average rating on the attitude portion. The other, I dont know I wasnt a witness to your strategy or gameplay and reading the log will only give you so much.

I have quoted below where you accused the other team, since you have forgotten
Game 4769224 Chat wrote:2009-05-12 02:37:48 - TruePurple: I thought so enough to make a thread about it. We shall see what the mods say
2009-05-12 02:38:50 - TruePurple: nkholly holly's win precentage and games suggest a good player. But these mistakes are of the type that not even someone brand new to the game would do.
2009-05-12 02:39:41 - TruePurple: P.S. nkhollys profile leads to a homepage that shows a older women. So she.
2009-05-12 02:47:02 - TruePurple: Either secret alliance, or major senility.

You bringing up accusations on other players in games that you do not win does not:
  • bode well for the Cheating & Abuse system
  • shows poor sportsmanship on your part
  • is bad attitude and will get you a rating of 3.6

You have been in 9 games, won 7, lost 1 and are about to lose another. In both those losses you have accused other members of cheating. Guess what? No one wins them all, and with a whopping 8 games under your belt I imagine you will lose more as you play more. This does not mean to create an accusation on every game you lose. Its a bad trend of bad form.

Behavior that continues on like this will result in poor ratings of yourself and in my opinion in at least the attitude section it is totally justified. No one likes being called a cheater, and especially rated as average or slightly below in all categories as you have done to the users who beat you because you couldn't prove that they cheated to beat you.

So my opinion is yes you should be WARNED that the kind of behavior that you are exhibiting at this early stage of CC is not good and will only lead down a road that you dont want to venture down. Choose to ignore my suggestion or anyone elses if you so wish, but IMO its in your best interest to realize this is a game that others
  • enjoy until being called a CHEAT
  • will have different strategies then you
  • aren't always as savvy as their rank/win % suggest

King Sam
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby owenator on Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:00 pm

king sam wrote:
TruePurple wrote:If I hadn't complained about how horribly my teammate, nkholly had played and accused nkholly of cheating- you would have probably given me 5's, right alstergren? If you claim otherwise, I will need you to make a good case to convince me.
or you were giving me the bad ratings in revenge to a cheater thread that wasn't even about you
Cheater threads are not part of how the game was played, so absolutely should not impact ratings.
If a person truly behaved badly, then they should get the ratings they deserve.

I have a few things to say about what you said above.

Your attitude rating is a direct reflection of how you carry yourself in a game. You didnt agree with moves made by your very own teammates and you immediately questioned the integrity of not only your whole team but your opponents as well with no shred of evidence except that you didnt agree with their gameplay.

I will give you a lil advice and hopefully it will stick so you dont have to learn this the hard way again, the majority of the time the more vocal you are in chat with your demands/requests/threats or any banter the less likely you will get the result that you want. You accusing your fellow teammates of misconduct could have very well been your demise and been a contributing factor to their poor play every move there after.

Since you filled the chat up with your moans about all parties in the game except yourself I think it was warranted to get a below average rating on the attitude portion. The other, I dont know I wasnt a witness to your strategy or gameplay and reading the log will only give you so much.

I have quoted below where you accused the other team, since you have forgotten
Game 4769224 Chat wrote:2009-05-12 02:37:48 - TruePurple: I thought so enough to make a thread about it. We shall see what the mods say
2009-05-12 02:38:50 - TruePurple: nkholly holly's win precentage and games suggest a good player. But these mistakes are of the type that not even someone brand new to the game would do.
2009-05-12 02:39:41 - TruePurple: P.S. nkhollys profile leads to a homepage that shows a older women. So she.
2009-05-12 02:47:02 - TruePurple: Either secret alliance, or major senility.

You bringing up accusations on other players in games that you do not win does not:
  • bode well for the Cheating & Abuse system
  • shows poor sportsmanship on your part
  • is bad attitude and will get you a rating of 3.6

You have been in 9 games, won 7, lost 1 and are about to lose another. In both those losses you have accused other members of cheating. Guess what? No one wins them all, and with a whopping 8 games under your belt I imagine you will lose more as you play more. This does not mean to create an accusation on every game you lose. Its a bad trend of bad form.

Behavior that continues on like this will result in poor ratings of yourself and in my opinion in at least the attitude section it is totally justified. No one likes being called a cheater, and especially rated as average or slightly below in all categories as you have done to the users who beat you because you couldn't prove that they cheated to beat you.

So my opinion is yes you should be WARNED that the kind of behavior that you are exhibiting at this early stage of CC is not good and will only lead down a road that you dont want to venture down. Choose to ignore my suggestion or anyone elses if you so wish, but IMO its in your best interest to realize this is a game that others
  • enjoy until being called a CHEAT
  • will have different strategies then you
  • aren't always as savvy as their rank/win % suggest

King Sam

And I thought *I* argued well. King Sam, well done! =D>
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:19 pm

owenator wrote:Wrong place.

Your one to talk.

Owenator, sam, I request you desist breaking the rules by continuing with your assaults of false off-topic allegations.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:35 pm

TruePurple wrote:Owenator, sam, I request you desist breaking the rules by continuing with your assaults of false off-topic allegations.

:lol: :lol:

This is an open forum designed to peak the interest of other users perception of a given situation.

While I wasn't addressing the topic of alstergren doing "ratings blackmail" (if there is such a thing) I was responding to a post that you made in here.

Very well with in my rights.

I suggest you venture to the community guidelines and read carefully so that you can understand the rules that you suspect everyone but yourself violates.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby owenator on Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:39 am

king sam wrote:
TruePurple wrote:Owenator, sam, I request you desist breaking the rules by continuing with your assaults of false off-topic allegations.

:lol: :lol:

This is an open forum designed to peak the interest of other users perception of a given situation.

While I wasn't addressing the topic of alstergren doing "ratings blackmail" (if there is such a thing) I was responding to a post that you made in here.

Very well with in my rights.

I suggest you venture to the community guidelines and read carefully so that you can understand the rules that you suspect everyone but yourself violates.

what he said. Like you, we have a right to make a stand to give our opinion on this. Otherwise it wouldn't be an open forum. It's obviously that our opinion is that a player was accused without more concrete evidence. It goes both ways. And if anything, you are just as much to 'blame'. I've provide my examples at what *you* have done in game chat. We're here to assist overall, and to make the job of the investigators a bit more easier. No need to burden them with things that are trivial over ONE game, especially when they have potentially hundreds of cases to go through. And remember, they're VOLUNTEERING their own time to do this work.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby alster on Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:50 am

TruePurple wrote:If I hadn't complained about how horribly my teammate, nkholly had played and accused nkholly of cheating- you would have probably given me 5's, right alstergren? If you claim otherwise, I will need you to make a good case to convince me.

So you either gave me all 1's to counter any rating less then 5's or what ever rating you were expecting/demanding of me (and expecting less due to the cheater thread) &/or you were giving me the bad ratings in revenge to a cheater thread that wasn't even about you.

Cheater threads are not part of how the game was played, so absolutely should not impact ratings. Expectations of what the other person might rate you have nothing to do with how that person played, so should have no impact on ratings.

If a person truly behaved badly, then they should get the ratings they deserve.They should not be able to blackmail mutual bad ratings withdrawal as to get out of the consequences for their playing. This sets a very bad precedence and destroys any point in the rating system.

Had you been a regular player, e.g. not whining in the game chat, not throwing out ridiculous accusations (in the chat and in the C&A forum), not being a pain in the ass in general, I would probably not have rated you at all. I see no need to rate someone I played with once and that game was just a regular game. But you behaved pretty bad and that warranted you a 1-1-1 rating with negative tags. And no, you didnā€™t exactly display chivalry or an ability to play an enjoyable team game either, so thereā€™s no need trying to pick apart the numbers here.

Of course forum posts relating to the game etc. have an impact on the rating. Stating the opposite would be like claiming, ā€œOh, yeah, I might have sent you 25 messages telling you what a dick you were for not playing real time with me, but thatā€™s outside the game, you canā€™t rate me for being an ass when sending messages!ā€

You got the rating I believed you deserved. Had there been a possibility to hand out a worse rating, I would have done that. And if you found that my rather generous offer to strike a clean sheet amounted to a threat, well, go cry to your mom. You obviously didnā€™t deserve the generous deal you got and you were not in any way forced to accept it. Suck up the fact that you were viewed unfavorably, slapped with a bad rating, learn from it and spend your energy playing games instead of wasting your energy whining in the forums.

I'm starting to agree with some other comments here, IMO you're beginning to be rather abusive and the way you rate (see the other thread) is seemingly not a way that exactly enhances peoplesā€™ enjoyability of this site.

So my opinion is yes you should be WARNED that the kind of behavior that you are exhibiting at this early stage of CC is not good and will only lead down a road that you dont want to venture down.

I concur.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:46 pm

community guidelines wrote:Off topic posts are posts which de-rail a topic either directly or indirectly, at any point.

If the main point of your post is about something other than what the OP intended, it's not on topic, even if you did post about how you agree with the OP.
Whether or not your post is the first to take a thread off topic is irrelevant: Off topic is off topic.
Just because everyone in the thread doesn't mind it going off topic does not mean that it's okey doky.

By all measures your posts are radically off topic and a clear violation of the community guidelines. Your false accusations of things I have not done, regarding other games/threads, have nothing to do with the topic of this thread. The topic is about what alstergren has, in least in part, admitted to doing. And to a further extent, whether it is a correct/allowable thing to do. I say allowing that kind of ratings blackmail is a very slippery slop which would make the ratings so very meaningless. I am clearly not alone in this opinion.

Another issue on topic is whether I deserved a 1-1-1 rating in the first place, which would go to whether that rating was specifically given for the purposes of ratings blackmail, or whether it was a after thought. To that extent discussing how I behaved in that game, is on topic.

alstergren wrote: But you behaved pretty bad and that warranted you a 1-1-1 rating with negative tags.

Because I made a cheaters thread on nkholly? That has nothing to do with how I played the game. Otherwise what bad behavior do you refer to? The only think you might find traction on is my complaining about how badly she played, which would go to attitude. Otherwise it is just revenge for my cheater thread and/or fuel for your ratings blackmail. Neither are valid methods of rating someone.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby alster on Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:08 pm

TruePurple wrote:Another issue on topic is whether I deserved a 1-1-1 rating in the first place, which would go to whether that rating was specifically given for the purposes of ratings blackmail, or whether it was a after thought. To that extent discussing how I behaved in that game, is on topic.

:D Well, amuse me. What rating and what tags would you give yourself and why?
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:19 pm

Ok fine, I will humor you:
My fairness was average. (nothing really fair or unfair about how I played)-

I thought I played well, with good skill, so I think my gameplay deserved a 4, But a 3 would be reasonable too.

To say my teammate played so terribly poor is just a matter of fact, something I should be allowed to say, just that I probably could/should have said it a bit better. So probably a 2 for attitude. But it should be noted that wiredgoat said it worse then me in teamchat.(which is why I gave him a 2 for attitude, I didn't do 1 because I sympathized with him) As far as making a cheater thread of it, I had good reason. (not that making a cheater thread should effect game rating)

I moved quick enough as I usually do, so I deserved the quick tag. Which is also more reason to give me a good rating for gameplay, (or would quickness be fairness?)

Whether you guys moved fast or not, I can't remember for sure. I think I was just too upset with nkholly and the like to notice. You guys taking unnecessary offense against my thread against nkholly didn't really endear me to trying to find specific good things you did well either. But If I had remembered something good, it would have effected your rating.
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby cisco2001 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:58 pm

There is no argument that can be made, by either party, that will solve this particular thread. As we all know, ratings are purely subjective and wide open to interpretation.

In this instance, no rules were broken and it appears that there was an effort made be Alstergren to offer a compromise on ratings.

This game is about preemptive moves, diplomacy and positioning. The rating system, is in a way, an extension of the game itself. That being said, a player's behavior and actions on the board will parallel the ratings he leaves and receives.

In this instance, Alstergren made a preemptive move that protected him from TruePurple, IMO, it was the smart thing to do as he, in fact, received a rather low rating. I get the feeling that TruePurple started this thread not because he was offended by "blackmail' but because he was outfoxed.

When you boil this down, it's simply a matter of character and who is held in the highest regard by the community. I can't imagine that a complaint of this nature will garner much respect or popularity for TruePurple. It's obvious by his ratings, chat, accusations and general combativeness that he's more interested in conflict than game play.

I can't imagine that there will any clear resolve on this matter from the moderators. However, justice may come in the form of public opinion and based on what I've read so far....well, let's just say I won't be playing doubles with TruePurple any time soon.

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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:37 pm

The most hilarious statement of your post is your use of the word "outfoxed", as though there was great cunning involved, as though it wasn't the case that any idiot could manage to leave a bad rating in anticipation of a bad rating then PM that person for mutual withdrawal.

I would also add, if I was as petty minded as alstergren clearly is, I would have left 1's in both anticipation of bad ratings and as revenge for the crap they gave me in regards to a cheater thread that wasn't even specifically about them, but I did not. I left ratings similar to the type my record shows I leave everyone. Ratings based on 3 being average. So I would say I was the bigger person in this example at least.

So cisco, if someone behaved horribly in a game, cheating and what not. Maybe cursing up a storm, calling everyone 'noobs' for no reason. What ever. They are clearly playing badly anyway. Would you call them leaving 1's for everyone else a smart & valid "preemptive move"? A good way to "outfox" those other players who would be foolish enough to level 1 ratings (or even 3 ratings or 4 ratings), in return?

You don't see at all how detrimental it is to the ratings system, to allow players to use bad ratings as leverage to get ratings they don't like removed? Especially to specifically leave bad ratings for this purpose? (and who can truly determine the reasons people do most things, it would be unreasonable to ask mods to do so, so the line needs to be drawn else where, like at no ratings blackmail at all.)

If this is deemed permissible by mods, then that would be the green flag for everyone to do it, everyone who has read this thread anyway. And that is a fair number of people. Then as they do it, (or do it more, how ever the case might be) others will copy them. This will snowball if allowed.
Last edited by TruePurple on Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby cisco2001 on Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:14 am

According to TruePurple:

Alstergren felt that TruePurple (TP) was going to leave him a below par rating. Before that could happen, Alstergren left TP all 1's with the intent of using that as a future bargaining chip against TP.

In fact, TP did give Alstergren below average ratings and Alstergren offered to remove his low ratings if TP did the same for him.

Now, TP is hurt and upset that Altergren would do such an ugly and calculating thing. He wanted to leave Alstergren low ratings and receive high ratings himself. Even though TP was rude, a bully, a sore loser, played poorly and falsely accused another player; ALL in the same game! He believes that he should receive a higher rating than a player that beat him silly and was polite in the process?

This has prompted TP to open a thread in this forum because he believes that this type of behavior may become rampant and lead to the demise of CC.

Well, I'm not sure if this will become an epidemic. In a previous post, TP said that this thread, in itself, may motivate players to follow Alstergren's example.

Maybe we should consider removing the entire cheating&abuse forum as it may motivate players to cheat?

What TP continues to ignore or simply refuses to recognize; is that he brings this on himself. Just like the heat he's catching in this and other threads. He's deliberately causing trouble and instigating conflict. If you look at his ratings, read his chat and look at the comments he's made, it's obvious that he is abrasive and rude.

In his very short history on this site, he's stirred up more trouble than players that have been here for years. As far as I'm concerned, TP contributes nothing to this site. Unless, negativity can be considered a contribution and he should at least be warned to stop causing trouble. Maybe something a bit harsher might be in order?
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:15 am

Alstergren, so you claim the reason you left me 1's was because I made a cheater thread against nkholly, and not specifically as leverage for removing less then 5 rating. But as was recently pointed out, you put a cheater thread against me for a hell of alot less reason. So assuming that is true, then your just being a hypocrite.

Anyway, that is the problem with ratings blackmail, we have to take your word for it. Even though it is clear you had motivation to specifically leave me bad ratings in order to use your blackmail.

cisco2001 wrote:In fact, TP did give Alstergren below average ratings

I gave him a average rating, both by the standard of the site itself and my own personal standard for rating people.

cisco2001 wrote: rude

I might have spoke of nkhollys suspiciously bad playing in terms worse then I should have. But that really is a minor complaint. My other teammate said much worse.(as well as putting nkholly on ignore)

cisco2001 wrote: a bully

Are you just throwing out names for the hell of it? There's absolutely no justification for saying I "bullied" anyone.

cisco2001 wrote: a sore loser

People make cheater threads all the time, that doesn't make them "sore losers".

cisco2001 wrote: played poorly

I played with reasonable to good skill, what moves did I make that you find so bad? I doubt any, you seem to like throwing baseless accusations around.

cisco2001 wrote: falsely accused

Your the one falsely accusing. I had very good reason to make that cheater thread.

cisco2001 wrote: He believes that he should receive a higher rating than [alestergreen]

You turn off your brain when writing this post? At no point did I Isuggest that I should have gotten or otherwise expected a rating higher then the one I gave Alstergrens. So your just making things up. I do expect that to not be rated for the purpose of coercing me to withdraw my own ratings.

cisco2001 wrote: a player that beat him silly and was polite in the process?

It is easy to beat someone's team when 1 team member does stupid moves and another does suicidal ones. And if we are counting what is said in thread, Alstergren was not polite.

cisco2001 wrote:TP said that this thread, in itself, may motivate players to follow Alstergren's example.

If Alstergren is told this is acceptable behavior by mods, it is perfectly reasonable that others seeing this will start or increase the usage of leaving bad ratings themselves as a tool to get others to withdraw their ratings.

This will not lead to the collapse of the site of course, that is just more fantasy by you. But it will mean ratings will become considerable more worthless then they already are.
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby owenator on Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:27 am

TruePurple wrote:Alstergren, so you claim the reason you left me 1's was because I made a cheater thread against nkholly, and not specifically as leverage for removing less then 5 rating. But as was recently pointed out, you put a cheater thread against me for a hell of alot less reason. So assuming that is true, then your just being a hypocrite.

Anyway, that is the problem with ratings blackmail, we have to take your word for it. Even though it is clear you had motivation to specifically leave me bad ratings in order to use your blackmail.

cisco2001 wrote:In fact, TP did give Alstergren below average ratings

I gave him a average rating, both by the standard of the site itself and my own personal standard for rating people.

cisco2001 wrote: rude

I might have spoke of nkhollys suspiciously bad playing in terms worse then I should have. But that really is a minor complaint. My other teammate said much worse.(as well as putting nkholly on ignore)

cisco2001 wrote: a bully

Are you just throwing out names for the hell of it? There's absolutely no justification for saying I "bullied" anyone.

cisco2001 wrote: a sore loser

People make cheater threads all the time, that doesn't make them "sore losers".

cisco2001 wrote: played poorly

I played with reasonable to good skill, what moves did I make that you find so bad? I doubt any, you seem to like throwing baseless accusations around.

cisco2001 wrote: falsely accused

Your the one falsely accusing. I had very good reason to make that cheater thread.

cisco2001 wrote: He believes that he should receive a higher rating than [alestergreen]

You turn off your brain when writing this post? At no point did I Isuggest that I should have gotten or otherwise expected a rating higher then the one I gave Alstergrens. So your just making things up. I do expect that to not be rated for the purpose of coercing me to withdraw my own ratings.

cisco2001 wrote: a player that beat him silly and was polite in the process?

It is easy to beat someone's team when 1 team member does stupid moves and another does suicidal ones. And if we are counting what is said in thread, Alstergren was not polite.

cisco2001 wrote:TP said that this thread, in itself, may motivate players to follow Alstergren's example.

If Alstergren is told this is acceptable behavior by mods, it is perfectly reasonable that others seeing this will start or increase the usage of leaving bad ratings themselves as a tool to get others to withdraw their ratings.

This will not lead to the collapse of the site of course, that is just more fantasy by you. But it will mean ratings will become considerable more worthless then they already are.

FALSE. Seriously? Dude, get over yourself. Are you going to tell people to shut off their brains if and tell them FALSE, if they think you're being silly? Let it go. Get over yourself. Go ahead rate me 1's for all I care. Trust me, it WON'T hurt my feelings, and I won't put up a post implying someone was dastardly unfair and they should be reported for abuse. Hmmm....sounds a bit childish doesn't it? :shock:
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Re: alstergren-ratings blackmail.

Postby TruePurple on Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:45 am

Brains are already off, I want them turned on. Then people will hopefully stop posting stupid balonie shit.

The issue was not alstergreen leaving me unjustified ratings of 1's, but of him using that as leverage to get me to withdraw my ratings. That you apparently still don't understand that with several pages of discussion and repeating myself shows that your brain is indeed "off". That or your just trying to cause trouble for the fun of it. I prefer to be optimistic and assume the former.

Also, whats with all the whole quotings of posts? I did it once, only because the post was so good. And it was reasonably short. But it is so stupid to quote so much whole-piece so regularly. Especially when the post your quoting is right above yours.
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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