Conquer Club

Issue 73: 13/05/09

Old issues and old threads regarding various newsletter things.

Moderator: Community Team

Issue 73: 13/05/09

Postby Gozar on Thu May 28, 2009 7:09 pm

Issue 73: 13/05/09



Hello tournament fans. This week we add jricart to the ranks of the newsletter staff, who will be handling the 'Currently Taking Signups' section. Welcome!
As always, if you have any ideas or just want to help out, drop us a line.

Thanks, and enjoy!


Image Newsletter Poll
Image Seeking Staff
Image Fun Facts
Image Currently Taking Signups
ImageTournament Updates
ImageComing Soon
Image The Tournament Roll of Honuor
ImageAsk the Nutts
ImageNewsletter Interviews
Image Next Issue


Our current poll is still running. This time the question asks: Which newsletters do you read?
Please stop by the Suggestion Thread and vote.


The newsletter needs new staff. If interested in a position below, please PM Gozar.

News Hound -Have a nose for news? Enjoy writing? The News Hound covers topics relevant to CC, with a focus on tournaments. If you think this is something you would like to give your time towards, please PM Gozar.


The oldest tournament in Archives is xiGAMES Doubles Tourney completed by Scarus

Here is a list of tournaments currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread. If you would like your tournament to be included, please PM jricart or Gozar or visit this thread.

ppgangster's WHITE GOLD II
Organiser: ppgangster
Taking Freemiums only
This tourney is in 4 rounds. 60 players. 6 players per game.
All games sequential, terminator
Last 3 players standing in each games go to next round.
Finale is 6 players - 4 games (only 1 game played at once) based on a point system for the winner.
Starting May 18th even if tournament fills up faster.

FoundryUpdateTournament of Champions
Organiser: Natewolfman

Organiser: 69Chevy

Trippin Out In DISC
Organiser: Blitzaholic

America: Past, Present, Future
Organiser: Jace22

Myth & Magick Tournament
Organiser: Hoagy

Organiser: acores2005

Final Fantasy Wars - FF III
Organiser: frozen_flame

10 Years Later: Fight Club
Organiser: perchorin

Organiser: sailorseal

Organiser: damjiong

Vampires VS Werewolves: Europe
Organiser: jpcloet

Organiser: snakedoctor

Conquest to World Domination
Organiser: lordmcfuzz
Play for every one of your troops' lives and fight for your territory
Each player will be given a territory on classic shapes and must attack others by playing one game per troop until you have defeated your defender. Its like a giant game of CC

Tournament "X" - 1V1 on all maps!
Organiser: Boss_oss_ss

Conquering the USA
Organiser: astronautg117

Organiser: Kenobi_BR

Where in the World: Assassinations
Organiser: Tang Kai

olkok's Ruler of Midgard I
Organiser: olkok

b00060's Classic Shapes Tournament X
Organiser: b00060

The Amazing Race II
Organiser: caymanmew

kyle's classic speed doubles tournament
Organiser: kylegraves1

Roses 2009
Organiser: Tupence

1st Annual "Triple Double" Feudal War
Organiser: beersurfer

Race to the Finish 2
Organiser: astronautg117

Black Ops Squad II
Organiser: conquerAce

The biggest winner
Organiser: caymanmew


Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter!

Isle Cruise using a 7x7 windmill setup
Organiser Name: PaulusH
Some groups already had a very short visit at the Galapagos
Planned end date: 6 September

Trippel Trappel
Organiser: PaulusH
using a 6x6 windmill setup
Our winner is : LordZack72 =D> =D>
Last game nearly finished.
Planned end date: 12 May.

Mac Dinner Date using a 5x5 windmill setup
Organiser: PaulusH
using a 5x5 windmill setup
Only one car left to visit the McDrive
Planned end date: 5 September

We Hate de Pink Cutesy Club!
Organiser: jricart
10 players in Semi-Finals

Conquistador Hispano 3: Madagascar
Organiser: jricart
4 players in Semi-Finals

Dobles Hispanos 1
Organiser: jricart
Still on Round 1

The Formula 1 2009 Tournaments!
Organiser: jricart
Australian GP: 10 Players in Semi-Finals
Malaysian GP: Round 1 almost done
Chinese GP: 4 Players in FINAL Game
Bahrain GP: Round 1 almost done
Spanish GP: Round 1 just started

The Legend of Tor Na’Mit
Organizer: Gozar
Round Twelve is still running

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.

Double Iron Bar
Organiser: PaulusH
using a 3x3 windmill setup
My earlier bar (Bar Double Dutch) burned down, so I will rebuild it in Iron :twisted:
Will be put at the create/join forum on 15 May

Tournament ideas from the mind of barterer2002
Championship Series Continues
The Mapmaker Extravaganza - Featuring 8 of CC's most prodigious mapmakers.

Formula 1 2009 Tournaments from jricart
Formula 1 2009 Monaco GP
May 24
Players: 20
Map: Europa

Conquistador Hispano 4 from jricart
May 18
Players: 16
Map: Duck & Cover
Another tournament exclusively for the Spanish Speaking Players in Conquer Club.

Here are some recent tournament winners.

"Trippel Trappel" -LordZack72
"Trippin Out in Africa" -Blitzaholic, dividedbyzero, big whiskey
"Trippin Out in Britain" -ruben cassar, laddida, blind date
"Bring a Friend Along" -laci_mae & fwblb
"HAs April Fools Day Tourny" -dustion800
"Around All CCs Maps: Charleston" -the.killing.44
"Champions of Europe 1978" -acores2005
"The Feudal War Elite singles Prize Challenge" -Pat
"FA Cup" -killmanic
"Best Movie Ever: CC Edition II" -4red
"The Medal Heads Invitational 4" -SirSebster
"Kings of Europe" -lindax, daviedoo, downfall, seamusk
"Speed Assassin I" -GreenBaize
"ReadySteadyCook: MiniMapBlaster Part 1" -deacon432
"WorldFitz Dubs Tourney V" -Blitzaholic and BigWhiskey
"An Evolutionary Tournament II" -Taurelias
"Conquistador Hispano 2" -Turu2001
"Minimalist Tourney IV" -Frito Bandito
"TOOs and EoGEs Dubs Tourney" -iambligh & clung99
"JR's 3v3 Challenge" -ga7 / Drew483 / banana_hammocks
"Point Grabbers XII" -killmanic
"ppgangster's White Gold Tournament I" -tryboye
"HA's Arms Race Addiction" -EnricoPalazzo
"Fog of Feudal War 4" -Tammy DeLee
"As Cold As Ice" -Verbalizer
"Luck or Skill" -WPBRJ
"Waters Fury Open" -solar
"b00060s Classic Shapes Tournament V" -overlander
"b00060s Classic Shapes Tournament IV" -fairman
"b00060s Classic Shapes Tournament VI" -ppgangster
"The Medal Heads Invitational 3" -oklok
"Around All CCs Maps: Circus Maximus" -redtide
"Start Your Engines" -denominator
"1v1 Capitalism" -jangles
"LxDS Coconuts and Rum" -Blitzaholic and Big Whiskey
"Small Maps 1v1 Tournament" -b00060
"phantomzeros Canada Tournament" -neanderpaul14
"Sanctuary Tour" -killmanic
"Around All CCs Maps: ConquerMan" -Blitzaholic
"Around All CCs Maps: Doodle Earth" -HighlanderAttack
"2008 College Basketball Season" -lardass76
"Seven Continent Trips Tournament" -Prismsaber-agonzos-Terminalcase56
"The Medal Heads Invitational 2" -JOHNNYROCKET24

by David Hoekstra

Ask the Nutts. . .a Q&A column (a cross between Dear Abby and Cliff Claven)
(an explanation of what it is all about)
Members, especially new members are encouraged to send in questions to "The Nutts". The three Nutts brothers will do their best to answer the questions.

R. Nutts, PHD – doctorate English, the Official Conquer Club expert
H. Nutts, MBA – looks at the business/economic/efficient side of things
A. Nutts, BS – lesser educated of the trio, gives a layman’s viewpoint

Have a question for the Nutts? PM David Hoekstra, Gozar, or click here and post in the thread.
Q: "Should organizers be allowed to join their own tournaments?" - PaulusH

A: R. Nutt, PhD: No, pro sports organizers don’t normally play in their own events, etc. and the organizer could easily schedule themselves an easier bracket/route to victory.

H. Nutts, MBA: Yes, why not? People, this is a GAME that only costs $25 or so a year to play. Just make a rule and check the tournament bracket, etc. – or post that organizer will or will not be in the tournament. ? But let’s schedule a tournament of All Admins and ALL Farmers to see who the REAL players are. It’s not brain surgery.

A. Nutts, BS: Who cares? Show me a tournament of anal retentive farmer watchers where the loser gets kicked out of CC and I’ll pay to watch that one.


Peter Gibbons has decided to pass on his interview this week. Next week we will have an interview with owenator. All questions are submitted by readers of the newsletter.
You can submit your questions in this thread.


Interview With owenator



If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:

Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:

You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!

To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.

Editor in chief- Gozar
Graphics- Sir. Ricco/samuelc812
News Hound-blacky44
Ask the Nutts- David Hoekstra
Fun Facts-sailorseal
Currently Taking Signups-jricart
Contributors- People like you!
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Lieutenant Gozar
Posts: 2534
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:15 pm
Location: Nova Scotia (G1)

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