Hello tournament fans. Sad news this week as Gilligan departs. A replacement is sought. If you have interest, further details are included in the newsletter.
As always, if you have any ideas or just want to help out, drop us a line.
Thanks, and enjoy!


Gilligan wrote:Hello, hola, bonjour, ciao, oi,
I've been working on the Tournament Newsletter since June 2, 2008, a little over 10 months. Now that I have more duties to fulfill elsewhere, be it real life or my tournament director duties, I no longer have the time to contribute my full capability to the newsletter.
It's been a blast working with the staff of the newsletter, thanks guys. I wish you the best of luck in the future. Amazing work is being done, keep it up.
Thanks, gracias, merci, ringraziamenti, agradece,

The results of our last poll are in.
Should a medal be given for each and every tournament won?
Yes 62%
No 26%
Yes, but only the first thirty won 11%
Total votes : 61
We have put up a new poll as well. This time the question asks: Which newsletters do you read?
Please stop by the Suggestion Thread and vote.

The newsletter needs new staff. If interested in a position below, please PM Gozar.
Currently Taking Signups -With Gilligan's departure, the newsletter is in need of someone to compile a weekly list of all the tournaments in signups. If you are organised, through and can keep to a schedule, this could be a position for you.
Fun Facts -Gilligan also leaves behind his Fun Facts column. Do you have some fun tournament facts you are interested in sharing? Experience with the tournament forums is a must.
Tournament ReviewsDo you have a passion for tournaments? Have lots of tournament organising experience? Have solid writing skill? Willing to offer a subjective opinion of some tournaments on occasion? Drop us a line.

by blacky44
Hello conquer club.
Sorry I missed last week but I hope this makes up for it. I interviewed RJBeals about his Centerscape map and this is what he said.
Q. First off thank you for your time and I voted for your map.
A. Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Q. When you heard about this contest did you get to work right away or did you have some people push you?
A. I wasn't going to enter at first. I won the Brazil contest, and the progress on that map has been stagnate. I finally decided to enter because of the manner in which the contests were held. There was a contest for members who have not had a quenched map (Central America) and a revamp for members who did have a quenched map (Centerscape). I didn’t think there were very many veteran map makers who would enter, and I am still an active member, so I did. Only 4 of us entered the comp. It turns out that I won, but at the same time had a few other (paying) graphic jobs that I took on. I contacted WidowMakers to take over the completion of the map. He added the fine touches, as well as responded to all feedback in the thread. I’m very happy with the way this map turned out.
Q. This will be your 5th map, are you excited?
A. This will be my 5th map. (Italy, Dustbowl, Iceland and Charleston). Yes, it’s always exciting for a map to be quenched.
Q. What was your inspiration behind this map?
A. The “Lord of the Rings” edition Hasbro Risk Map.
Q. When do you think it will be playable?
A. Very soon, but only Lack knows for sure.
Q. Thank you for your time.
A. No problem. Thanks for the vote.
I personally think this is a great map and cant wait to play it. To read more click here http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=75548.

The tournament newsletter started over 17 months ago, in November 2007.

Here are the tournaments that are currently taking signups. Just click the title to visit the thread.
Teams Tournaments
The James Doubles Invitational
Organizer: Kotaro
National Invitational Doubles Style Tournament
Organizer: JCKing
Organizer: Natascha
IIHF Women’s World Hockey Championship
Organizer: keiths31
LFAW and owenator’s Feudal Trips Tournament
Organizers: LFAW, owenator
The Discovery Series World At War
Organizer: barterer2002
Trippin’ Out in Africa
Organizer: Blitzaholic
Oceanic Doubles
Organizer: Jennybh
1 versus 1 Tournaments
Small Maps 1v1 Tournament
Organizer: lt.pie
DOTA 1v1 Tournament
Organizer: soccerghost
Championship Series: Draknor – Level 1
Organizer: barterer2002
One on One Knockout
Organizer: caymanmew
Kot’s April 6th Event
Organizer: Kotaro
Kot’s Random Feudal Singles
Organizer: Kotaro
Total Darkness: John Karem’s Story
Organizer: im2good4theboard
General Tournaments
The Sailorseal Cup
Organizer: sailorseal
Back to the Original Classic Tournament
Organizer: Simon Viavant
007: #2: From Russia With Love
Organizer: danalan
The Winner only takes a Little Bit
Organizer: OliverFA
I Can’t See a Thing!
Organizer: JoshyBoy
Melee Assassin
Organizer: poptartpsycho18
Speed Terminator II
Organizer: DJ Teflon
Capture the Flag
Organizer: Hopscotcher
Russian Spy (Assassin)
Organizer: DJ Teflon
NCAA Tournament – Redo!
Organizer: the.killing.44
b00060’s Classic Shapes Tournament V
Organizer: b00060
The King is Dead
Organizer: ralphcptc
This Isn’t Going to be Easy
Organizer: JoshyBoy
Formula 1 2009
Organizer: jricart
Jack: The Fun Game for Kids!
Organizer: murphy16
Tang Kai’s Random Travels
Organizer: Tang Kai
Organizer: acores2005
MACE: Most Awesome Conquering Entity
Organizer: john9blue
The Amazing Race
Organizer: caymanmew
FP’s Whip of the World
Organizer: Fireside Poet
European Football
Organizer: SNARF17WD
Old Gramps
Organizer: darkangelsguy205
geearsofwar’s Chainsaw Duel
Organizer: geearsofwar

Here are how some of the currently ongoing tournaments are progressing. Just click the title to visit the thread. Want your tournament listed here? Use the form at the end of this letter!
The Five Elements
Organiser: Kinnison
5x5 Divisional play, Hyper Round Robin (Home advantage GUARANTEED against every combination of 3, 4, and 5-player games withing the division) over 10 weeks. Division winners advance to repeat the format in the finals.
Trippel Trappel
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 6x6 windmill setup
The first Santa singers are getting cold since they visit Santa at Artic

Planned End Date: 5 May
Mac Dinner Date
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 5x5 windmill setup
Still three cars left to visit the McDrive.
Planned end date: 10 October
Bar Double Dutch
Organiser: PaulusH
Using a 3x3 windmill setup
Whisky at candle light might not be such a good idea

The first person burned himself or was it done by somebody else

Planned End Date: 14 April
The Legend of Tor Na’Mit
Organizer: Gozar
Round Eleven is getting underway.

Here are some tournaments that noted tournament organisers are planning on running soon.
From Kinnison Five Elements Shuffle- 5 players. Home advantage across multiple 3-, 4-, and 5- player games. Each player plays 20 opponents across 5 weeks, ALL new opponents every week! Highest score of your group (whom you do NOT play against) advances to the finals, where opponents do NOT rotate.
From jpcloet Deadly Vipers Inc. - This innovative tournament will feature 8+ components that have either never been in a tournament before, or have been rarely seen. Can your skills inside and outside of the game bring you the bounty?
Isle Cruise from PaulusH on April 8, 2009
Using a 7x7 windmill setup
Plan is to visit 8 Isles with 49 people devided in groups of 7.
From keiths31:In keeping with the "Musical Chairs" theme there will be:
Musical Chairs: Mini Maps
Musical Chairs: USA Map Pack
Musical Chairs: Island Tour
Tournament ideas from the mind of barterer2002
Down and Dirty Series in April
Championship Series Continues
Formula 1 2009 Tournaments from jricart

Here are some recent tournament winners.
"European Speed Cup" -Sun Tzup
"Games Night CC Style" -dtellis
"Midkemdil Exterminator" -danryan
"keiths31's Beer Festival" -negoeien
"Round Robin USA" -harvmax
"Halloween Hallows I"-Powercrazy, Xcalibur54, neutrino51, iOccupyBlackacre
"Around All CC's Maps: The Citadel" -amazzony
"Transformers Wars III" -soundman & madmom
"Foundry Update 9.1" -Huntyr Green
"Foundry Update 8.0" -Gilligan
"Triples Champion" -nashlloyd
"Demonfork's Cookoff 1v1 Extravaganza" -Boniman
"Feudal War Assassins" -downfall
"Tupence's Eurpean Tournament" -Industrial Helix
"Psycho B's Luxembourg" -denominator
"Halloween Hallows II" -Dominator7, Spijker81, ultrafit, TheTrueNorth
"Point Grabbers XI: the Return" -MEK
"Prison Break Tournament" -Soldier4Christ
"Pass the Points 1" -SirSebster
"Hitman North America" -Joriki
"A Quick KO Round 2" -MikostheMudder
"King of Luxembourg Assassin" -Zivel
"Around All CC's Maps: Chinese Checkers" -Nate the Great
"HA's St Patricks Day Tournament" -denominator
"Championship Series: Conquer 4" -Angola
"JRs 1v1 Challenge VI" -Elijah S
"Round Robin USA 2" -phantomzero
"European Speed Cup" -Sun Tzup
"Realms 2 Challenge" -tyler197802198
"The Feudal War Man" -FATHARRY
"Qwert Bracket Tournament V" -Efreddy
"Escalating Freestyle King" -DBandit70
"8 Man Madness" -colson
"SuperBowl Redo Triples Edition" -thezepman, reptile, DBandit70
"WorldFitz Dubs Tournament III" -AAFitz and Nephilim

by David Hoekstra
Ask the Nutts. . .a Q&A column (a cross between Dear Abby and Cliff Claven)
(an explanation of what it is all about)
Members, especially new members are encouraged to send in questions to "The Nutts". The three Nutts brothers will do their best to answer the questions.
R. Nutts, PHD – doctorate English, the Official Conquer Club expert
H. Nutts, MBA – looks at the business/economic/efficient side of things
A. Nutts, BS – lesser educated of the trio, gives a layman’s viewpoint
Have a question for the Nutts? PM David Hoekstra, Gozar, or click here and post in the thread.
Q: Where did you come up with your name...are you a poker fan, by chance? -Woodruff
A: R. Nutt, PhD: This is not really a question about CC, but. . .while we are Poker fans and love to have "the nuts (the lock, perfect hand)", it's more a play on three "nuts" (crazies, idiots, etc.) trying to offer info about CC. OK?
H. Nutts, MBA: And don't forget that extra T in Nutts -- we offer just a little more insight than the regular nuts around CC.
A. Nutts, BS: Those two are full of it. Our mother Hazel married Philbert Nutts, and we're just then next generation.
Q: What type of tourney would you prefer to run? -dittoeevee8888
A: R. Nutt, PhD: I’m a purist so Classic, sequential, escalating, adjacent, no fog; with 8 per game and rounds in exponents of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), so symmetrical and even -- not lopsided in any way.
H. Nutts, MBA: I totally disagree. While there are cool maps out there, I like them large with lots of bonuses for all – not just 6. My preferences would be MAP: World 2.1, Europa, WWII Europe, etc.; sequential – but with reversing order (1-8, then 8-1) so those first don’t have advantage; I’d totally change Spoils: 1 for each card – doubled if a color set (turn in as soon as you want/need); I like chained and fog (let people hide in the mist). I’d limit to 4 people (>4 takes too darn long) – but agree with the 2,4,8,16 stuff.
A. Nutts, BS: you two really are NUTS. The NCAA Basketball tourney is THE best tourney around. Go WKU Hilltoppers! . . .oh, they were eliminated long ago. . .well then, BOWLING tournaments.

This week we had the chance to talk with banana_hammocks, an all-time top tournament winner. All the questions in the interview are based off input from newsletter readers. Check in next week for another tournament interview, when we talk to negoeien, another top tournament winner. You can submit your question in this thread.
Now, on with the Interview!
Q: Hello, banana_hammocks.
A: Hello Everyone
Q:What makes you interview worthy?
A: I’m in the top 10 all time tournament winners, as well as having organized a few tournaments myself. Plus have been credited with the idea of being able to join different teams (the join team 2 links)
Q:How did you find this website?
A: simtom, who I knew from another website, suggested I play a few games on here and I have been hooked ever since.
Q: Why did you join CC?
A: I’m a big fan of a certain similar board game and enjoy strategy games greatly.
Q:Why did you start to play tournaments?
A:My doubles partner at the time suggested we join a tournament, and I thought why not! The second tournament I joined had a premium prize so I couldn’t resist and fortunately won!
Q:What made you want to start running tournaments?
A: Purely selfishly…I was doing really well in a tournament then the organiser disappeared, so I thought how hard could it be? So took over the tournament and saw it through to completion. I would urge other people to do this as a nice way to get into organising. Admittedly I proceeded to randomly put myself up against 2 players who knew each other outside the game and get swiftly taken out!
Q: How long have you been organizing tournaments?
A:Since July 2007 but not at a fast rate!
Q:What tournament did you first run?
A:My first tournament I took over was CCC (I can’t remember what it stands for!), but I only took over half way through. The first tournament that I ran from start to finish was The Quick and Simple Tournament...Which was quick and simple to run.
Q: Where did you come up with your tournament ideas?
A: I entirely recycle (steal) my ideas from other people. All of my tournaments have been the idea of someone who didn’t follow through on a good idea. The only exception is maybe the quick and simple tournaments which were based on being easy to understand and run.
Q: Who do you look to for inspiration when organizing your tournaments?
A:Generally I look through the abandoned tournament forum and look for good ideas there, then PM the original organiser to check they are ok with me using it.
Q: Describe the experience of your first tournament ran, and first played in.
A:The first I ran was really enjoyable…I was already helping out as much as I could, posting results etc, to try and make the organisers job easy.
My most memorable tournament was my second one (and my first win), Autoload’s non-premium tournament, the players in it were really chatty and it was great fun all round, plus I won a years premium (thanks once again autoload)
Q:Tell us about your overall tournament experience from when you first joined a tournament to the present day. How has it changed for you? Is it a better experience than before? Worse?
A:I found that generally the quality and inventiveness of the tournaments has become much better. My personal experience has nearly always been good, I went through a short patch where I had joined too many tournaments and found myself just going through the motions, kind of hoping to be knocked out.
Q: How many tournaments have you run already, and do you have a goal in mind for how many you want to run in total before you "retire"? How many are you running right now?
A:I’ve run 6 to date and another is ongoing. I’ve got no real aims, I would generally like to have a tournament running at all times (when I’m not busy), I may have more free time next year so we will see if there is an explosion of Banana run tournaments. I’d like to get up to at least 5 quick and simples and 5 friends close, enemies closer.
Q:What tournaments have you organized?
A:CCC – top two players from each game go through.
Quick and Simple Tournament 1-3 - 36 players…win two 6 player games to become champion
All Holds Bar - massive tournament with 6 player games and winners progressing
Friends Close, Enemies Closer 1 and 2 – My favourite
Left4Dead’s 1v1 Tournament (Private Clan Tournament)
Q:Friends close, enemies closer was such a great original concept, can we expect more of this kind of tourneys in the future?
A:I can’t claim the idea, I stole it off a tournament I joined, which was subsequently abandoned by dicemaster42. But I love the idea. I played in a similar version with triples but it was not quite as good (in my opinion) as it was too drawn out and didn’t have the same tension. I like the fact that you can still get through even if you have lost your first two games.
Q:What is your favourite tournament you have run?
A:Definitely Friends Close, Enemies Closer 1
Q: What is your favorite tournament you’ve played in? Why?
A:I would say there were 2
Autoload’s non-premium tournament…It was a simple idea, but the players were all so friendly
Quick and Painless Tournament – Dramatic ending…after 6/8 games I was leading by 1 point over longboreder (given there were 40+ points on offer per game, this was unheard of) I then got taken out of the 7th game early, thus thinking it was all over, before managing to chain 7 kills on world 2.1 in the 9th round to win the tournament.
Q:Do you prefer to run or enter tournaments?
A: I prefer to enter tournaments
Q: Is there a specific type of format that you tend to gravitate towards? Why? Is there a format that is your favourite? What about other peoples' tournaments?
A: Generally I like to go in for tournaments with small leagues where it matters where you place rather than just get points for winning, so you can over turn most luck.
Q:Are you selective about which types of tournaments you join or do you join just about everything you can fit into your personal game load? If you are selective, do you look for certain styles or organizers?
A:For me the organiser is not a massive draw, it is more down to the idea involved. I love playing in a new organisers tournament with a great idea, (plus I always know that if they do drop out I can take over the idea)!
Q:What would be your dream tournament if someone were to offer to run it for you so that you just had to show up and play? Or, have you already participated in your dream tournament?
A:For me the dream tournament is one I have been in; autoloads non-premium tournament. I wish I had the finances to be able to justify donating premium to a random person. If there is anyone out there who is willing to donate the prize I would be more than willing to run the tournament.
Q: Do you find it easier to choose tournament settings yourself, or to let the players customize them?
A:I like to go for a happy medium, I give a limited choice, like in Friends Close, where I give the players a choice of 8 maps on a first come first served basis
Q: Overall, are you playing a lot in tournaments? If not, then why and where do you find your games to play?
A:Roughly 2/3’s of my games have been tournament games. I find they are more interesting than normal games, as have more edge.
Q: How excited where you with your first CC win?
A:I feel my comment in the game expressed it fairly well “gg all woo my first win!!” I was delighted!
Q:How do you win so many tournaments?
A: I would say enter a lot, be skillful and most importantly be lucky! But keep a good variety so that you keep fresh.
Q:What was it like winning a tournament of sailorseal's?
A: It was great! I have a soft spot for them since winning one and being in the final of the next!
Q:Will your teammates benefit from your "tourney wins magnet" super powers?
A:Lets hope so…We are into the final of Euro-Wars and down to the 7th game of 7 with the scores 3 all
Q: What is your most disappointing tournament loss to date?
A:Probably Amazzony’s Heroes of Might and Magic Tournament I started so well then just tailed off towards the end.
Q: In your mind, what makes a successful tournament?
A:Letting people know what is going on, something I have learnt from doing a fair bit of waitering is that as long as people know what is going on and being updated they will be happy.
Q: What do you consider to be the most successful tournaments you've seen run?
A:The FEUDAL WAR (as it should be played) TOURNAMENT, The Chosen kept everyone informed every day as well as getting people to join the correct games.
Q:Have you ever been disappointed in a tournament you have run? What about one you entered?
A:So far I don’t think I’ve had any problems with the tournaments I’ve run. As for ones I’ve entered I must agree with Gilligan and say Battle of Emperors, it was abandoned at the semi final stages.
Q: What makes a successful organizer?
A: Someone who is willing to do that little bit extra, it doesn’t take much extra but just a little, such as sending auto join links rather than just game numbers.
Q: How do you attract players to your tournament, and what aspect (besides a reward of a premium prize or something like that) of a tournament do you think appeals to a lot of players and why?
A: I feel the first thing is the title of the tournament, remember to Capitalise in the right places, make the first post look organised and professional. Then it is down to the idea, and patience to let it fill up.
Q: Is there anything in particular that you dislike about tournament organizing?
A: Nothing….It used to be sending messages to everyone individually but thankfully that time has gone.
Q: For you, what is the best part of being a tournament organizer?
A: Seeing something through from start to finish and seeing people enjoy themselves
Q: What mistakes do you see tournament organizers make the most?
A: Assuming too much of people, it is far better to over explain or help out than to under explain. Again it is down to putting in a little more effort at the beginning to save a lot of effort later. For example by putting in auto-join links.
Q: With experience comes the wisdom of knowing what mistakes you've made in the past so you can avoid them in the future. What mistakes have you made in your tournaments that you are sure to avoid in future tournaments?
A: I have sent messages out without the passwords in, before the mass sending. I could have saved myself half an hour by just taking 10 seconds to double check. I now double and sometimes triple check everything.
Q:What is your opinion on organizer neutrality? Should organizers be allowed to place themselves against their own clanmates in tournaments? Should organizers be allowed to join their own tournaments at all?
A: It would be easy for a tournament organiser to rig tournaments, however I think it would be very easy to spot if it happened too often. I have joined all of my tournaments so far, and intend to do so in the future, I believe that at present there is no problem of organiser neutrality. I can’t think of too many people who have won their own tournaments, the only person I can think of is Gozar off the top of my head.
Q: Do you use a "schedule" for updating your tournaments, or do you just wait until they need an update?
A: I try to update them at least once a week, but generally it is whenever I have time. So far I have not had to organise too complex a tournament.
Q:Should “question marks” be allowed to join tournaments?
A: Yes, absolutely, we were all question marks once. The chances are if they have found their way onto the forums they will stick around.
Q:Do you feel it is better to give a bye to players whose opponents deadbeats the tournament, or to use a reserve?
A: I always try to use reserves in the early stages of the tournament, but may use bye’s in he later rounds.
Q: If you could change one thing about Conquer Club in general, what would it be?
A: REMOVE THE DOUBLE TURN’S IN FREESTYLE….Simply make starting your turn count as taking your turn. So that you cannot take your turn in the last hour, then wait for your time to run out and start again with all bonuses intact and no way for the opposition to react.
Q: If there was something that the Conquer Club administrators could implement into the game to make tournaments easier to manage, what would it be? Similarly, is there anything you would like to see taken away from Conquer Club to make running tournaments easier?
A: I think great strides have been made recently, with the introduction of team links, auto join tags and mass messaging.
Q: Is there anything that you would recommend to encourage new tournament organizers?
A: Just go for it. Perhaps start out simple, go for a quick and simple format.
Q: List your top 5 biggest tournament headache's to this point
A: 1 forgetting to send out passwords
2 soundout9 disappearing half way through a jointly organised tournament
3 sending individual messages before mass messaging.
Q:How much time does CC take from your day?
A: Generally about an hour or so in the morning and another in the evening…unless I’m trying to do work then it will be all day.
Q:Are you a member of any clans or usergroups?
A: I’m part of the Left4Dead clan and the tournament organisers forum.
Q:What do you think of your clan?
A: It is a great clan, formed by Natewolfman and mainly containing highly ranked tournament players. I've really enjoyed being part of the clan and being able to join team tournaments with players I know
Q:Who are you?
A: I am 22 years old, in my final year of an Economics Degree. I learnt to juggle with flaming torches while studying for my A-levels. I have appeared in the national newspaper of Barbados. I have met hundreds of celebrities through working as an events waiter, ranging from the Queen and the Princes to Beyonce and 50 cent. I have been insulted by Keith Duffy while at the height of his fame with Boyzone. My favourite tipple is mount gay rum and coke and my favourite band is Flight of the Conchords
Q: Why did you pick the name banana_hammocks?
A: I had been watching scrubs and JD says when he doesn’t know what to say he says banana hammocks, I was trying to create a username for another game and decided to use that. I only later found out what banana hammocks were, I always wondered why people always were saying that I had a funny username.
Q:WHERE ON EARTH did you get that avatar?
A: I think it is from the peanut butter jelly time song. (search for dancing banana)
Q:Are you as happy as your avatar? Always?
A: Yes, I am a very happy person generally. I have had a great life so far and am hoping it will continue for a good long while!
Q:Did you ever beat ala_warz in a 1v1?
A: I’ve beaten him many times on the board game! ( Ala_Warz is my younger brother)
Q:Was mafia the most inconsistent nw player ever(as in 1v1, team ffa difference)?
A: Quite possibly. NW stands for Norse Wars, a map playable online on Age of Mythology. I used to moderate a website that ran a ladder for it, and was my first real foray into online gaming.
Q:Where are you from?
A: I’m from South East London but am at University in the Midlands
Q:Favourite play colour?
A: No real preference but I do like starting first!
Q:Favourite and least favourite map?
A: Favourite is world 2.1, you are never out of it and need to use good diplomacy and timing in large games. Least favourite is doodle earth dunno why i just never get lucky. (I think I am about +500 for world 2.1 and -500 for doodle earth!)
Q:Favourite settings?
A: 6 player, world 2.1, freestyle, flat rate, unlimited, no fog
Q:Freestyle or sequential?
A: I prefer freestyle, however I don’t have enough time for it at the moment and it can be abused.
Q: Any tournaments planned for the future? What are they?
A: I have a large complex tournament planned but don’t know when I will have time to start it. I think it will be unique and original, however I do not know how well it will work out. The aim is to have a football (soccer) league but each game not counting for a match but a goal, if the win is achieved before the 10th round or so. Making it possible to have results ranging from 0-0 to 2-2 to 5-0
Q:How does it feel to be interviewed?
A: It has been an honour
Q: Any parting shots?
A: A large shot of Sambuca please.
Q: Thank you for your time.
A: No problem! See you all in a tournament soon!

Interview With negoeien

If you want your tournament included in a future issue, please PM Gozar using this form:
Tournament Name: (with link)
Organiser Name:
Brief description or update:
Rough estimate of percent complete/signed up:
You can also write articles to submit for publishing, I can't keep this running by myself, I need YOUR help!
To subscribe/ unsubscribe for the tournament newsletter, visit this thread.
Editor in chief- Gozar
Recruiting Editor/Fun Facts- Gilligan
Graphics- Sir. Ricco/samuelc812
News Hound-blacky44
Ask the Nutts- David Hoekstra
Contributors- People like you!