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Mr Scorpio / Racism with Forums [Closed]

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Mr Scorpio / Racism with Forums [Closed]

Postby owenshooter on Wed May 20, 2009 7:27 am

Mr Scorpio

The accused are suspected of: Racism with Forums

Link to Thread: Subject: How to spot a Muslim

Comments: thread was quickly locked and edited by Clapper and rightly so. in her own words:
clapper011 wrote:that is just wrong. locked! that is racism and bigotry in one of the worst senses.

this tasteless thread is clearly a violation of the Community Guidelines, and this user should be given a forum ban, as CC continually states that racism is in no way tolerated on the site. it is time to take this issue seriously, as it is slowly getting out of hand, and CC is becoming a very hostile place for people of different colours, creeds, etc... the guidelines are clear on this matter:

Subject: Community Guidelines
Community Guidelines wrote:
  • In no circumstances is bigotry allowed.
    • Bigotry includes racism, aggressive homophobia, religion bashing or wishing violence on any minority group.
    • Bigotry takes into account historic events, emotional baggage and generally accepted associations with a term, phrase or intent - posting "White Power" in a thread has a history and is bigoted, posting "Green Power" makes you an environmentalist.

it is wonderful that clapper locked and edited this thread. it would be more wonderful if CC started to truly punish racist actions on the site. a member can be openly racist and continually spew racist rhetoric with very little repercussion other than a 24 hour ban. however, if the same member point dumps, that action is worthy of a suspension.
Subject: IvoryCoast Ninja [Forum Vacation] - 24 hour ban for pm abuse/racims
Subject: IvoryCoast Ninja [Suspended] - suspension for point dumping
racims is allegedly not tolerated on this site, however in my experience with the site, very little is ever done to curb it. thanks...-0
Thorthoth,"Cloaking one's C&A fetish with moral authority and righteous indignation
makes it ever so much more erotically thrilling"
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Re: Mr Scorpio / Racism with Forums

Postby lancehoch on Wed May 20, 2009 8:01 am

owen, you know that clapper already dealt with that situation. Thread locked.
Sergeant lancehoch
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