Conquer Club

frenchiexu [cleared]

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frenchiexu [cleared]

Postby Wrathful God on Sat May 16, 2009 4:09 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentionaly throwing a game

Game number(s):

Game 4898883


Suicided into me for four or five straight turns, refused to take any of the strongest players territories and then admitted to intentionaly throwing the game in the game chat.

2009-05-16 13:02:33 - frenchiexu: I am just trying to screw it up for you now

This is obviously against the "unwritten rules" of conquerclub.
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Re: frenchiexu

Postby a.sub on Wed May 20, 2009 1:05 am

2009-05-16 12:53:59 - Wrathful God: umm well considerin ur still tryin to get that bonus while yellow ends the game yeah i understand... ur just an idiot
2009-05-16 13:35:52 - Wrathful God: oh god how terrible! he made the strongest player try to take me out alone! you must fell so abused...
2009-05-16 13:36:24 - Wrathful God: of course you ignored him the whole time and now... well what a shame...

sounds like someone is cranky, not enough sleep?

i wanna say two things
1) yes the accusation is valid, french obviously threw the game
2) Red had a lot of sarcastic remarks and was a bit rude
so i conclude this as aggravated assault. meaning french should be punished BUT Wrath should get an INFORMAL warning to behave next time, maybe then he could avoid this.
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Re: frenchiexu

Postby king achilles on Wed May 20, 2009 3:16 am

Wrathful God: aww thanks green, suicide into me for a second time and giv it to yellow
renchiexu: You're welcome red. After killing my bonus every round you surely understand why I would do that.
Wrathful God: umm well considerin ur still tryin to get that bonus while yellow ends the game yeah i understand... ur just an idiot

You fought one another and had this relevant game chat. The way it went, he wanted to get back on you for taking away his bonus territory while you wanted him to at least do some damage to the strongest opponent. This is cleared.
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