well yeah climate changes are all natural, but the speed it shows now is very unatural.
if you want prove that man do their part to do it you do not need any scientist , just a simple physics book.
the fact that earth does not get fucking cold everytime when one side turns away from sun is due to the greenhouse effect (and the fact that water is a worse heat conductor than land is but that is only a small part).
the greenhouse effect is due to greenhouse gases in earths atmosphere. like CO^2 and methane ( i wonder why no one mentioned the methane yet in this topic). so poluting more greenhouse gases does strenghen the greenhouse effect which heats earth up more.
but i personally don't worry that much about CO2 than i worry about methane. 1 methane molecule strenghens the greenhouse effect about 21times more than 1 CO2 molecule does. the fact that CO2 is the main greenhouse gas is due to the fact that there is much more of it in the atmosphere than methane.
human caused polution of CO2 is due to burning fossil fuels (which we run out anyway in some decades
) ). the causing of metahne polution is due to shitting, well every human and every animal has to shit there is no way to avoid that. also plants produce methane by growing but they make it kind of good by reducing CO2 therefore. the fact that stock breeding has increased extro ordinary in the past 2 decades ( just ask you grandparents if it was usual to eat meat everytime you want it) is due to most of todays methane emmission.
another thing very important to keep in mind. one molecule of CO2 or methane need more than 1 decade to reach a level in the atmosphere where it will help the greenhouse effect , therfore you will see the effect on todays polution in more than 1 decade in the future.
and now here comes the big deal: there is huge amount of methane is hold in ice in the permafrost of siberia, so when this ice starts melting it will speed up the increase of greenhouse effect even more and there is hardly anything we can do against it.
well i don't think there is a way to stop global warming but making its process slower is needed to give nature a bit more time to get along with it , and giving humans a bit more time to invent technologys that help to get along with it.
of course this is only relevant to people that care about the future of the next generations, those people only interested in accumulating as much money as possible in their own life just ignore my post and any pro-enviroement topic.
you may noticed i did not much mentioned global warming quite much in my post , i mostly wrote about strenghening the greenhouse effect, because it is not sure how much global warming is due to the increase of the greenhouse effect. ( you need scientist for this)
well i agree with all the posts that climate is on earth is a way to much complex thing so that we are not able to make a correct analysing of it, but come on !!! in the 70th we had computers that where hardly powerfull enough to mulitply , and now we are able to built supercomputers and to addit their performance by linking them.
now i want to refer to the post about H20 beeing a greenhouse gas and 70% of earth surface is covered by H20:
well it is no problem because it is in liquid form, also H20 does not cause the greenhouse effect in those high levels of atmosphere it causes his part of the greenhouse by building clouds wich also reflect the heat back to earh, H20 is not able to accumulate on and on in the atmosphere because it combines with other H20 molecules and then gets liquid again and then it get to heavy to stay up there and falls down in liquid form (we call that rain). also the amount of H20 emmisioned into atmosphere is mostly due to the heat of earth therfore it is an effect and not a couse of the heating up. so don't be afraid of water
well at last i want to write to all those people who would like to their part to slow down the increase of the greenhouse effect
( again i am not talking about global warming , but i personally believe that this is the main reason why global warming is proceeding that fast, but i have not prove for that but i have prove for everything else i posted here)
well it is not just to use your car less often, it is also about eating less meat , and first of all forcing your goverment to take action.
to prove what i said about greenhouse effect and gases you only need to read a physics book (secondary school,) even if its is older than 30 years.
to prove what i said about the methanen stored in sibirias permafrost you need a geografics book (also secondary school) , but noone knows for sure what amount is stored there actually.
to prove that shitting produces methanen, you only need to take a deep breath after you were sitting on the toilett. to prove that stock breeding causes methanen, you only need to watch a cow for a while and you will notice they do shitting too !!!!
i don't need any scientist to prove my post at all, but it is mostly about the greenhouse effect and i believe it causes a very big part of global warming but i am not able to prove that .