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nkholley-secret alliance [cleared]

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nkholley-secret alliance [cleared]

Postby TruePurple on Mon May 11, 2009 3:46 pm




The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 4769224

First suspicious thing. How the game started. It went from me being the only one on team 2 for many weeks of time. To team two filling up before I could even see who I would be playing with, or with me having a chance to leave. Those 3 spots filled up in a matter of hours even I think.

Canucks71 got him/her self eliminated at warp speed by attacking with 2 or less armies till he/she had 1 spots protecting a number of his/her zones. Which makes me suspect Canucks71 too. But I suppose that could be written off as Canuck just being a unskilled player, not sure.

Ok, the game is going on, we are actually not only holding ground, but gaining it. NKholly isn't making brilliant moves, but they aren't hopelessly stupid either.

At a time when we needed Nkholly most, she makes a move so stupid, not even someone brand new to the game would have reason to make it. Instead of helping the situation out in any way, NKholly sends troops to attack a little, nothing of importance spot of Nicaragua in the tropics.

Also fails to transfer over troops that I gave NKholly from Nunavik to Ontario to protect my zone from the growing hord of Gustaf on Quebec. Or to attack that stack anywhere.

These completely irrational moves/lack of moves by NKholly sandbag us horribly. But I figure we might still have a small chance if we work hard at it.

The next round, with french canada being wide open for attack, and me in desperate need of assistance in protection from Gustaf, what does nkholy do? Sends troops over to tiny Nicaragua and keeps on wasting troops on attacking Haiti till her troops are down to 1.

Of course the real clincher is nkholly actually attacking me directly. A move that absolutely only helped the other side.

I have looked at Nkholky's games and see her win percentage and score. It doesn't make any sense for Nkholly to make moves that stupid, unless it was set up ahead of time, where Nkholly agreed to sandbag her allies in the game in exchange for something.

I wonder if Canucks71 didn't also enter into this agreement somehow.(maybe that is why the game filled so fast, they were just waiting for another person to join) But then Canucks7's win percentage is less, and Canucks71 didn't do the breathtakingly stupid stabotaging type moves that Nkholly did.
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby Gustaf Wasa on Tue May 12, 2009 3:24 pm

TruePurple wrote:I have looked at Nkholky's games and see her win percentage and score. It doesn't make any sense for Nkholly to make moves that stupid, unless it was set up ahead of time, where Nkholly agreed to sandbag her allies in the game in exchange for something.

I wonder if Canucks71 didn't also enter into this agreement somehow.

So you are actually accusing me and my two teammates of cheating by somehow bribing Nkholky to play badly. Our high-ranked team, that wins maybe 17 games out of 18, would be so afraid of four newbies that we resort to bribes to win. To one, or even two of our opponents. And they both accept the bribes without blowing the whistle.

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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby alster on Tue May 12, 2009 3:27 pm

TruePurple wrote:Accused:



The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 4769224

Well. Guess you're accusing us on Team 1 for this?

TruePurple wrote:First suspicious thing. How the game started. It went from me being the only one on team 2 for many weeks of time. To team two filling up before I could even see who I would be playing with, or with me having a chance to leave. Those 3 spots filled up in a matter of hours even I think.

I assume that the game went to the top page of open games. That's when they fill up rather quickly.

TruePurple wrote:Canucks71 got him/her self eliminated at warp speed by attacking with 2 or less armies till he/she had 1 spots protecting a number of his/her zones. Which makes me suspect Canucks71 too. But I suppose that could be written off as Canuck just being a unskilled player, not sure.

To be fair to Canucks71- we targeted him from the first move. And he didn't get much protection from his team you going after a territory instead.

TruePurple wrote:Ok, the game is going on, we are actually not only holding ground, but gaining it. NKholly isn't making brilliant moves, but they aren't hopelessly stupid either.

At a time when we needed Nkholly most, she makes a move so stupid, not even someone brand new to the game would have reason to make it. Instead of helping the situation out in any way, NKholly sends troops to attack a little, nothing of importance spot of Nicaragua in the tropics.

Also fails to transfer over troops that I gave NKholly from Nunavik to Ontario to protect my zone from the growing hord of Gustaf on Quebec. Or to attack that stack anywhere.

These completely irrational moves/lack of moves by NKholly sandbag us horribly. But I figure we might still have a small chance if we work hard at it.

The next round, with french canada being wide open for attack, and me in desperate need of assistance in protection from Gustaf, what does nkholy do? Sends troops over to tiny Nicaragua and keeps on wasting troops on attacking Haiti till her troops are down to 1.

Of course the real clincher is nkholly actually attacking me directly. A move that absolutely only helped the other side.

Dunno. Didn't check the game log. But you were able to hold that territory once to many rounds anyways due to a not so forgiving dice and a not so carefully planned attack route. But yes, your focus should have been up north. With that territory, the two teams gained the same amount of armies per round. However, did you support NKholly by posting suggestions in the game chat? If not, you can only blame yourself. That "clincher" I don't care much for though, the game was over by then.

TruePurple wrote:I have looked at Nkholky's games and see her win percentage and score. It doesn't make any sense for Nkholly to make moves that stupid, unless it was set up ahead of time, where Nkholly agreed to sandbag her allies in the game in exchange for something.

I wonder if Canucks71 didn't also enter into this agreement somehow.(maybe that is why the game filled so fast, they were just waiting for another person to join) But then Canucks7's win percentage is less, and Canucks71 didn't do the breathtakingly stupid stabotaging type moves that Nkholly did.

All in all, think you're overreacting here. I've seen worse players out there. And I don't really see who would benefit from some kind of agreement in this game.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby TruePurple on Tue May 12, 2009 3:54 pm

I am not accusing anyone except nkholly really. In doing so it might implicate other people, But I can't comment on that. This thread isn't specific to any of the opposing team players anyway.

I can buy your explanation of stupid move combined with targeting regarding canuck, sorta. We wouldn't have needed to supplement canuck so very soon in the game if he/she hadn't attacked with less then 3 and drained a number of exposed spaces to 1's though. Which really wasn't smart moves. So I included canuck in this, just in case.

By all appearances nkholly sandbagged the game, took a intentional fall. If that is indeed the case, I wouldn't have a clue why she did it.(maybe she likes one of you or something, if it wasn't specifically arranged by 1 or more players from your team?) But not knowing her reasons, doesn't mean she didn't do exactly that.
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby niMic on Tue May 12, 2009 4:20 pm

I've played with Generals who have made terribly stupid moves. I seriously doubt a seasoned Quads team would feel the need to get some low-ranked player to throw the game. In 9/10 (or more) cases they would win without it, so it seems like a bit of a hassle to do it every time. Unless you think it was only in your game, in which you're a bit paranoid, and probably delusional. The most likely explanation is simply a bad game.
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby Gustaf Wasa on Tue May 12, 2009 4:55 pm

I think the real crime here is, I just noticed, that Alster has more medals than I do, even though he is a lowly major. Alster you crook, who did you bribe? I want name, phone number and prices. 8-)
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby alster on Tue May 12, 2009 5:08 pm

Gustaf Wasa wrote:I think the real crime here is, I just noticed, that Alster has more medals than I do, even though he is a lowly major. Alster you crook, who did you bribe? I want name, phone number and prices.

Hmmm... hadn't thought of that. Makes me rethink this whole arrangement of ours... Do I really wanna be seen in the same team with someone with so little bling-bling? I think not. And you can just forget about playing together with my other accounts as well.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby TruePurple on Wed May 13, 2009 1:54 pm

I'm not talking about some major mistake, I am talking about a set of moves/lack of moves so irrational, there is no noticeable explanation at all (except this one) When the course of action was plain, and if it wasn't to anyone that isn't blind, I made it so by discussing the very strategies needed.

Plus there is nkholly turning on me and attacking me directly. Maybe she did that because she was mad at me for saying her moves were stupid. But still, she directly attacked her own allie.
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby apb23 on Sat May 16, 2009 4:34 pm

You just said that it could have been b/c you insulted them, so, there is your reason. In order to bust someone much more evidence would be needed, as this could have been an angered inexperience, and irrational player going to work.

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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby TruePurple on Sun May 17, 2009 8:29 am

For attacking me directly maybe, but not for the moves that caused me to ask, 'what the hell?!' in the first place.

Look at her record, would you still tell me she is "inexperienced"?
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby alster on Mon May 18, 2009 12:16 pm

TruePurple wrote:For attacking me directly maybe, but not for the moves that caused me to ask, 'what the hell?!' in the first place.

Look at her record, would you still tell me she is "inexperienced"?

Obviously there is no secret alliance here as that would entail an alliance with the opponent team. However, if this guy has a record of disturbing plays (e.g. sabotaging for his own team), perhaps it would serve your cause to review the game history providing further examples. After all, a single swallow doesn't entail that the summer has arrived.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance

Postby king achilles on Wed May 20, 2009 3:23 am

If this is a recurring behavior in his team games, we will look into this further. It's pretty hard to say if nkholley had a secret alliance with the opposing team. If your team had some sort of misunderstanding or some disagreement among yourselves, most likely your team will self destruct and teammate/s will just want out of the game. This is just an assumption but most likely, this is what happened, especially of what he said in the game chat:

nkholley: I wish I was the first out of this game instead of the should read the chat from the has been harsh
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Re: nkholley-secret alliance [cleared]

Postby TruePurple on Thu May 21, 2009 3:09 pm

Nkholley said this after the fact, because of my asking, 'why did you do this, why did you do that, these moves are stupid and don't make any sense'. Plus wiredgoat stating he was going to put nkholly on ignore, her moves are so self/team destructive, just to make sure he never plays her again.

Or in other words, the chat that upset nkhollu originated from her stupid moves, rather then were the cause of them in some kind of self destructive revenge. Also, if it were revenge, she would have wanted to say so (else what good is the revenge?)

Instead she tried to justify her moves, saying things that didn't make any sense. Like she essentially said her sending troops to Hatai was her reenforcing me. And that she was worried about being eliminated when I had sent her alot of troops, which she squandered big time. But even squandering those many troops, she was still very far from needing to worry about being eliminated. Plus, how is attacking Hatai till she has no attacking armies left, going to stop her from being eliminated anyway?

She spoke of a bizarre cold dice theory, that certain areas are randomly assigned to almost always lose against. It is hard to imagine she could win that many games against well ranked players laboring under such a erroneous belief, which makes it hard to believe she really believed that.

Did you search nkhollies history for other games? What is a effective way to do so? It is time consuming to search one game at a time.

But even worse, it is hard to know how a game went down from reading it's complete logs, anyway. Is there a trick to it?
Corporal 1st Class TruePurple
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