by Chao on Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:22 am
Ok, thanks. Is there any way the feedback he left can be deleted? I don't want people thinking I'm some kinda crazy lunatic... And I don't want them seeing what DownWithKevin was typing...
EDIT: I have reason to believe that Wangster007 is not actually a multi. We are all RL friends, and I think that DWK/CP framed him. We have all been to Wangster007's house before. Yes, I know Isuppose and I left bad comments for ChindianPower and Wangster007, but DWK was the one who told us about it in the first place. Apparently, one day, while we were at Wang's house, DWK and a group of people logged on to CC wile the rest of us were downstairs.
EDIT2: Ok, apparently, it was only DWK do did the framing. I am pretty sure Lardo is another account created by DWK/CP, and tejasvsrinivasan's password somehow leaked to DWK.
In any case:
DWK/CP/Lardo are multis.
Wangster007 and tejasvsrinivasan are innocent.
This is what I personally believe, according to my own opinions and testimony of my friends, although the final decision is based on the admins.