Concise description:- An option in the Game Finder menu to search for games that start or end within a specific range of dates
Specifics/Details:- Don't think any more detail is needed.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:- Being able to isolate games started or finished within a certain time period will be very helpful in determining which games count for DoomYoshi's official monthly challenges and any other official challenges the Community Team (formerly the Entertainment Team) wishes to run.
An example, to show how and why this would be helpfulLet's say I create game 14000001, a 12-player game with weird settings (Hive, trench, no forts, no round limit, say), and then later create game 14000050, a bot game, the bot game will start long before the 12-player game, even though it was created much later.[/list]
Now, let's say I run an official challenge that starts after game 14000050 has been created.
Since game 14000050 started before the challenge start date, it won't count.
However, my current method for finding challenge games is by game number, so not only am I not going to count game 14000050, but I'm not going to count any games that came before it - including game 14000001, which is (let's say) still waiting for players when the challenge starts.
Thus, I have missed an eligible game because it was created before an ineligible game.
Now, if I could see all the games that started on or after the challenge start date, I wouldn't even need to bother with the game numbers - I could just ask Game Finder to get me a list of all games that started on or after the challenge start date, and that list would include game 14000001, but not game 14000050.