Conquer Club

The Five Elements [Winner: EnricoPalazzo]

Tournaments completed in 2009.

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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Sun May 10, 2009 10:52 pm

Okay, 40 games left to run.

The big news is EARTH Division, finishing TEN games since the last score update, and gaining an unofficial champion as a result. EnricoPalazzo is the apparent champion of the Earth Division, and will advance.

The other divisions are all still open to competition, even WATER. They are the most likely to seal the deal next, however... The Chosen's lead is becoming close to a mathematical lock.

Sometime this week, I hope to find the time to check the results of every game to date, and make the scores as they stand official. I've found MINOR discrepancies, and corrected them... usually, it was a matter of noting a game was finished, taking it out of the game counts, but failing to record the scores.

The Verification is competing with several other things for my time, including trying to pre-schedule 5E Shuffle so I can set it for sign-ups. This is turning out to be much more of a chore than i expected, and I can't come up with a way to automate the excel sheets fully yet. *sigh* Add about 4 things that have nothing to do with CC happening, and 3 or 4 more I SHOULD be doing... well, I'm busy, we'll leave it at that. ;)
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby topper on Sun May 10, 2009 11:28 pm

Game 460754
is complete
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby topper on Sun May 10, 2009 11:29 pm

Game 4802459
is complete
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby wolfpack0530 on Mon May 11, 2009 11:30 am

wolfpack wins 5E - PLASMA - Round 10 - 3:Simon Viavant
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby topper on Tue May 12, 2009 3:45 pm

Game 4755317
is complete
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby slickstick on Wed May 13, 2009 8:41 am

Game 4802274
won by slickstick
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby wolfpack0530 on Wed May 13, 2009 11:43 am

wolfpack wins 5E - PLASMA - Round 9 - 4:Simon Viavant
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Re: 5E: Scoring / Progress

Postby Kinnison on Wed May 13, 2009 7:24 pm

Scores Updated.

Still with only one divisional champion, we're down to 26 games to run.

Already decided, Earth is down to one game remaining... fittingly, everyone's playing in it. ;)

Air is in a 2-way race for the finals... Water is as well, although that race is ALMOST locked in with a winner. With 3 first-place finishes, Hacx5nine can surpass The Chosen's CURRENT score... by one. Not much room for error, or the current leader scoring, there. :/

Plasma has finally closed to an EFFECTIVE 2-player race. There IS an outside mathematical chance of the third-place challenger taking the lead.

Fire is trying for a 5-way finish, I swear. they've closed the gap, so the entire division is within 9 points, with 9 games remaining!

Scheduling for 5E Shuffle is progressing, I hope to be able to announce that tournament and verify finalists in this one shortly.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby wolfpack0530 on Wed May 13, 2009 7:38 pm

wolfpack wins 5E - PLASMA - Round 8 - 5:Simon Viavant
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby topper on Thu May 14, 2009 5:03 pm

Game 4755312
is complete
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Thu May 14, 2009 11:40 pm

Well, I hadn't planned another score update tonight.

But, as I was checking EVERY score *whew* (found a couple of unrecorded games, and ONE one-point error), I noticed a few more games complete...

So, we have official results, double-checked and all. ;) With not one, but TWO division winners determined. Congratulations to EnricoPalazzo of Earth Division and The Chosen of Water Division!

Hmm, Earth and Water, opposites... A superstitious fellow, unlike myself, might wonder if this means anything. *tosses some salt over his shoulder*

Play on, I say! 22 games remaining, and it looks like at least 2 of our remaining divisions might require all of em!
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Mon May 18, 2009 9:17 pm

Down to THIRTEEN games remaining... Three divisions STILL undecided.

Excel Scoresheet now with added page for the upcoming finals.

SEE! The precise advance scheduling for the finals...

THRILL! To the fact that I can't seed them yet...

IGNORE! The moderately useless attempt at drama in this post! :lol:
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Wed May 20, 2009 4:09 pm

Two big pieces of news:

First, the trivia and progress...
Down to 10 games: 2 divisions WAY too close to call. One Decided, One ALMOST certain, although it's still possible to end up in a tie.

Tie... great. Hmmm. Didn't plan for those. *thinks fast* Okay, plan developed. Here's hoping I don't have to implement it, Since it wasn't advertised beforehand.

Big News One: Those reading the trivia should have noticed I gave updates for FOUR divisions, and only mentioned ONE champion. I just received a PM from The Chosen, advising that he will shortly be departing CC, and will be unable to continue.

WATER DIVISION IS OPEN AGAIN. Second place in water division, a hotly contested spot with ONE game remaining, will advance. in fact, given it's in a 5-player game, a 3-way tie at 59 is at least a possibility.

Big News Two: Tiebreaker procedures.
2-way tie:
1> Given that this tournament was made to AVOID the 1v1 format, 3 3-player games will be created. Each will contain the 2 tied players, and one of the other three division contestants. The home settings of the NON-contending players will rule, so no one has a home advantage (in theory). Best score in the three games advances.
2> If STILL tied, fine. 3 1v1 matches will be played, on the maps and settings of the Tournament Organizer's choice. NO map to match those of either contending player. The SETTINGS for the three games will be:
a: Seq, No spoils, Unlimited, FOG
b: Seq, Flat Rate, Chained, SUNNY
c: Seq, Escalating, Adjacent, *FOG SETTING TBD
Game c will be Foggy if the majority of players in the initial division was Foggy, REGARDLESS OF THE SETTINGS OF THE TWO CONTENDERS.

n-way tie, N>2: Play 3 3-player games, one of each home; or 4 4-player games, one on each home, or 5 5-player games, one on each home. Highest score advances. In case of tie, apply appropriate tiebreaker rules to ONLY THE HIGHEST SCORES. WIN OR GO HOME, FOLKS.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Sat May 23, 2009 1:30 pm

More games finished! Only SEVEN games remaining.

Air is in a two-way race, about as close as it can get. One point lead, two games remaining, with 6 at stake.

Earth is still back in the clubhouse, having a beer, and watching the remaining matches in HD. ;)

Fire is closing it down a bit. 2 games to go... A clear leader, but still the possibility for as much as a 3-way tie.

Plasma is something like Fire, only worse. A CLEAR leader. If he gets shut out in the remaining two games, AND his only challenger WINS the game he's in, we have a tie for first.

Water, is... both decided and open. We have a champion, but he will NOT be advancing, having notified me of his need to withdraw from the tournament. So Water is now in a frantic race for second, which could also generate a 2-way tie.
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Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Tue May 26, 2009 7:16 pm

Latest Updates...

Down to 4 Games. Air division and Fire division are still being contested.

Plasma division has an unofficial winner. wolfpack0530 would appear to have the win after topper got eliminated from the final game in the division.

The Chosen has won the now-finished Water Division, but, as noted before, has stated he will be leaving CC. Hacx5nine now has the right to advance to the finals.

EnricoPalazzo is advancing from Earth Division.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Fri May 29, 2009 12:02 pm

Latest Updates...

TWO games to go. One of those nearly done. Fire division is still being contested, with no eliminations in the final 5-player game.

Air division has an unofficial winner. jgazaille and DBandit70 are tied in score... but DBandit is eliminated from the final game, and jgazaille will pull 3 points out of it... 4 if he can somehow win the game.

EnricoPalazzo is advancing from Earth Division.

Plasma Division is finished, the results are official: wolfpack0530 is the champion!

Water Division was won by The Chosen, but is leaving CC. As such, Hacx5nine will advance to the finals.

Note to all players advancing to the finals (will be reiterated in PM after Fire Division is decided): You may change you map and settings for the finals, if you wish. PM or post in the thread.

After Fire division is decided, I'll put the 5 Finalists into, post the finals schedule, and we can begin.

At that time, more or less, I'll also open up/post Five Elements Shuffle. You're all invited. It will run on a much more compressed schedule, with a game load of approximately 11 per week/division (7 or 8 per player), to run in 5 weeks per round. Well, the STARTS will run in 5 weeks. The results take a bit longer. ;)
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby plurple on Fri May 29, 2009 2:17 pm

put me down for that please
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:18 am

Tentative Champion in the hard-fought Fire division is Dimnjacarstef.

The last game is ongoing, and I'll check the math later today, but I don't see a way for Dazoot to successfully tie or pass Dimnjacarstef any more.

More on this this afternoon, after some sleep.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby geigerm on Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:00 am

Congrats to DimnjacarStef for the win--Fire division was tough, that's for sure.

And Kinnison, thanks for running an excellent tourney. Fun concept, very well organized. I'll be in if/when you decide to do another one.
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby plurple on Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:13 pm

yes fire was tough i will still win the last game though. as i said put me down for the new one.
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Re: The Five Elements [full] UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:21 pm

The Finals... Have... BEGUN!

Good Luck to all!
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements - FINALS UNDERWAY

Postby wolfpack0530 on Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:41 pm

wolfpack wins 5E-Finals-r1-4-jgazaille

Im comin for ya Hax5nine :mrgreen:
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Re: The Five Elements - FINALS UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:58 pm

Finals round 3 mailed out.

7 games down, scores are close. As befits a bunch of Division Champions, everyone has won at least one game already. ;)

3 of the 5 have already won a game on their home map. (Not really a fair stat, with only 1 game finished on many maps...)

<pirate> Play on, me hearties! Arrrr... </pirate>
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements - wk 4 FINALS UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:11 pm

Finals round 4 games are out to all players.

Scores still close. "but how can you say that when the leader has a 50% edge on last place?" Puh-leeeeze. 50% over last place is 4 points. That's a single 5-player game. I think I'm justified in calling it close. ;)

QOL Update: I moved the page for the finals games in the excel spreadsheet to the FRONT of the workbook.

I hope you're all having as much fun playing it as I am running it.

We'll also see if I feel that way next week, since 5E Shuffle starts tomorrow, and it's gonna make this one look EASY, from my perspective.

Game on!
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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Re: The Five Elements - wk 5 FINALS UNDERWAY

Postby Kinnison on Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:27 am

Week 5 finals made and mailed out.

3 players tied for first, and a six-point gap between them and last... just over a quarter of the way done... (16/60 finished)

Okay, I'm still having fun. (see last weeks' comments)

5ES was a BEAR to get started... 4 players dropped between signup and the first round going out... but it's running now. How I'll feel when it comes time to enter scores in the scoresheet... that's another matter. 25 players shuffling every week will make for a LOT of double-checking to make sure it all gets in there right.
Currently Running Tourneys: -none-
Tourney Winner: "You're Eliminated" III; Keep It Simple Quads - Team Generation One
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