The big news is EARTH Division, finishing TEN games since the last score update, and gaining an unofficial champion as a result. EnricoPalazzo is the apparent champion of the Earth Division, and will advance.
The other divisions are all still open to competition, even WATER. They are the most likely to seal the deal next, however... The Chosen's lead is becoming close to a mathematical lock.
Sometime this week, I hope to find the time to check the results of every game to date, and make the scores as they stand official. I've found MINOR discrepancies, and corrected them... usually, it was a matter of noting a game was finished, taking it out of the game counts, but failing to record the scores.
The Verification is competing with several other things for my time, including trying to pre-schedule 5E Shuffle so I can set it for sign-ups. This is turning out to be much more of a chore than i expected, and I can't come up with a way to automate the excel sheets fully yet. *sigh* Add about 4 things that have nothing to do with CC happening, and 3 or 4 more I SHOULD be doing... well, I'm busy, we'll leave it at that.