Here i will post a list of questions and the answers i have to them.
then you guys will copy the questions and change the answers to whatever fits the description of you.
then you add another question at the end of you post and whoever is the next to post uses your questions.
1. Boy or girl? Boy
2. How cold is it where you live? 50-60F
3. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Neon orange
4. how much wood can a woodchuck chuck? Not a lot.
5. What was the most recent movie you have seen? I dont remember
6. what is your favorite food? Everything
7. how many friends do you have? Not many
8. What is better, CC or breathing? Breathing
9. When was the last time you took a break from playing risk on CC? 1 hour ago.
10. , , or ?