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ThaHunter+axh96 Multis [busted]

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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby Bruceswar on Wed May 06, 2009 10:12 pm

16 of 16 is pretty harsh numbers... 16 games 3 players each.... 48 chances to win.. the odds are very slim he would win all 16. Lets see what the mods say.
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby e_i_pi on Thu May 07, 2009 3:50 am

zeractal wrote:
e_i_pi wrote: 50% of 1v1 games reach round 9

23 of my 27 1v1's have not reached round 9 and only 2 have lasted more than round 9. so somehow i think this statistic is rather flawed

I ran a 1v1 tournament where I took 200 sample games from every map used (~25 maps), so that's a sample size of 5000, as opposed to your 27. I think your statistic is rather flawed

The rest of your "argument" is just the usual childish drivel that comes from a sycophant.
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby zeractal on Thu May 07, 2009 10:15 am

e_i_pi wrote:zeractal wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:
50% of 1v1 games reach round 9
23 of my 27 1v1's have not reached round 9 and only 2 have lasted more than round 9. so somehow i think this statistic is rather flawed
I ran a 1v1 tournament where I took 200 sample games from every map used (~25 maps), so that's a sample size of 5000, as opposed to your 27. I think your statistic is rather flawed

idiot, im not saying your statistic is wrong as an average, but it fails to take into account the fact that different player have different strengths. my statistic is perfect for Illustrating the point im making that every player will play at a speed that suits them and the stratergy they are trying to implement

e_i_pi wrote:The rest of your "argument" is just the usual childish drivel that comes from a sycophant.

e_i_pi wrote:Thirdly, there is further evidence that you blissfully ignored first time round. Of course I know why - if you can't win an argument, just ignore what the other guy is saying.

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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby e_i_pi on Thu May 07, 2009 11:11 am

zeractal wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:zeractal wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:
50% of 1v1 games reach round 9
23 of my 27 1v1's have not reached round 9 and only 2 have lasted more than round 9. so somehow i think this statistic is rather flawed
I ran a 1v1 tournament where I took 200 sample games from every map used (~25 maps), so that's a sample size of 5000, as opposed to your 27. I think your statistic is rather flawed

idiot, im not saying your statistic is wrong as an average, but it fails to take into account the fact that different player have different strengths. my statistic is perfect for Illustrating the point im making that every player will play at a speed that suits them and the stratergy they are trying to implement

11 of you games are on notorisouly short game maps, like Doodle Earth, AoR and City Mogul, a point you conveniently failed to mention... and once again failed to address the core argument, which is:

ThaHunter wins 100% of 3p Esc FS games when axh98 is playing
ThaHunter wins 68% of 3p Esc FS games when axh98 is not playing

Obvisouly ThaHunter has trouble winning games when he hasn't got a trump up his sleeve. Try to address this next time with your immaculate logic.

Also, learn to quote.
zeractal wrote:
e_i_pi wrote:The rest of your "argument" is just the usual childish drivel that comes from a sycophant.

e_i_pi wrote:Thirdly, there is further evidence that you blissfully ignored first time round. Of course I know why - if you can't win an argument, just ignore what the other guy is saying.


Okay, not a problem, let's have a pick at your drivel...

circle_jerk wrote:you neglect to mention the clan has only existed a few weeks if that,

brownnose wrote:and we played against and with Thahunter well before that which is why we joined the clan!

douchebag wrote:if anything this shows we are the ones that know him to the point we can judge how fair a player he is.

Goebbels knew Hitler. Irrelevant
out and out f*ing liar wrote:your argument slightly damages itself with the fact AXH hasn't won any one v ones...{drivel snipped}

He's won 80 from 210. Take your bullshit elsewhere
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby zeractal on Thu May 07, 2009 11:54 am

Tonppa wrote:and 1v1 ThaHunter v axh98

5 matches, ThaHunter won them all

e_i_pi wrote:out and out f*ing liar wrote:
your argument slightly damages itself with the fact AXH hasn't won any one v ones...{drivel snipped}
He's won 80 from 210. Take your bullshit elsewhere

first things first any age groups could be reading this so use the English language correctly or not at all

secondly it was a reference to the previous comments so if you had read the argument properly it should be clear (in the context) i was reffering to the only one on ones previously stated.

e_i_pi wrote:11 of you games are on notorisouly short game maps, like Doodle Earth, AoR and City Mogul, a point you conveniently failed to mention... and once again failed to address the core argument, which is:

ThaHunter wins 100% of 3p Esc FS games when axh98 is playing
ThaHunter wins 68% of 3p Esc FS games when axh98 is not playing

Obvisouly ThaHunter has trouble winning games when he hasn't got a trump up his sleeve. Try to address this next time with your immaculate logic.

two points of interst here, firstly YOU mentioned the time taken each game bringing this to the for front not me.
Secondly the game type is irrelevant as it was to show how stratergy and player effect it not map however to stop your whining....
Classic Shapes
Doodle Earth
Age Of Realms 2
Poker Club
Supermax: Prison Riot!
King Of The Mountains
Holy Roman Empire
Draknor - Level 1
City Mogul

there is a list of all the different maps under 9 rounds. NOTE IT INCLUDES SUPERMAX: PRISON RIOT THE MAP IN QUESTION

e_i_pi wrote:circle_jerk wrote:
you neglect to mention the clan has only existed a few weeks if that,
brownnose wrote:
and we played against and with Thahunter well before that which is why we joined the clan!

the clans existance is equally irrelevant as we considered him a fair player before it existed... to this end the fact there is a clan that we are in is irrelevant and there was, therefore, no need to mention the clan

P.S next time before picking a historical reference pick the right one. Goebbels was able to use propaganda to express Hitlers opinions to a wide audience, in the way Hitler wanted and intended, from this it is most evident Goebbels could judge Hitlers character and use it to stay in his favour. If Goebbels couldn't judge Hitler it would have been a lot less likely he could have mantained his position so long. now can we please get back to topic
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby cisco2001 on Thu May 07, 2009 2:10 pm

I went through a phase where I busted a lot of multis and other cheaters. Over time, I learned that cheaters share a few common traits and, as a result, they can easily be recognized.

1. They are all sloppy; some more than others. i.e. back to back sequential turns
2. They don't chat in 1 vs. 1 games; although they will chat if it's 3 or better.
3. They use the same "on-line" mannerisms. i.e. same spelling/ misspelling, sayings/ expressions and emoticons.

I looked through all of their games together and noticed the things that have already been pointed out. However, I also noticed that ThaHunter and axh96 use exactly the same type of words and emoticons when they type.

There are two that jumped out at me. I'm sure that if I spent more time; I could find even more. Again, it's one of these little things that cheaters neglect to alter and it makes it very obvious that we're dealing with one individual. I noticed that these symbols; :p and **, are used by both and in many different games. Take a look at the chat and you will see the same thing.

I agree with what has been said regarding the use of a premium account to gain points for a freemium account. I suspect that ThaHunter came to some kind of arrangement with axh96 to use his account to gain points.

The point gain from this arrangement has been rather large. If I remember correctly, almost 550 points. That's a significant amount and enough to move him to a much higher rank than he really deserves.

In my opinion, the best punishment would be a point reset for ThaHunter and eliminate the premium account from axh96. If he really is not cheating, he will get his rank back pretty quickly...especially with his high win percentage. Of course, he may not get past chef...but only time and the mods will tell. :p

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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby cisco2001 on Thu May 07, 2009 2:52 pm

ThaHunter wrote:as i tried to explain to you, i am here almost 24/7.. its very much an addiction, so i just start my turn whenever i can. idc about the fact when others start their turn as long as i am first..

As I mentioned in my previous post, cheaters are sloppy. ThaHunter's explanation for the back to back turns is, "i am here almost 24/7..." However, if you look at games that he's played without axh96; the pattern is different. He does not take his turn immediately in other games. The only time that he takes turns back to back is when he's playing axh96.

Perhaps a better explanation?
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby ThaHunter on Thu May 07, 2009 2:59 pm

i dont take turns in escalating games when w8ing for others to cash maybe? look around and you see everybody do that one, in 3v3 escalating isnt even important. but atm you are talking about my many playergames
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby cisco2001 on Thu May 07, 2009 3:22 pm

ThaHunter wrote:for once, idk what you are talking about.

they will see axh is an american that moved to the netherlands for study(check his premium payment i guess)

i played my favorite map, where he didnt knew how to play, so i foed him. but some time back he asked me to teach him the map so i tried to.(even in private games he created)
i am just playing my own game so idk what you are talking about.

ooh and read what axh said in the chat, lol..

Every time that I think that I'm done....there's a little bit more evidence. Above, ThaHunter explains that axh96 is an American that has moved to the Netherlands to study.

Also, you can't help but notice that ThaHunter has problems with English. There's nothing wrong with that and for English not being his native language; it's not too bad.

However, I would imagine that an American that has recently moved to the Netherlands would speak and write English perfectly.

Here is a bit of chat that I copied from one of axh96's games:

2009-05-04 17:22:11 - axh98: i fail at this map:p but its fun
2009-05-04 17:22:32 - axh98: i try different thinggs everi time
2009-05-04 17:23:16 - axh98: asked someone for tips some days ago, but me still fail

Now, I'm not a linguistic expert, but it sure looks like axh96 has a poor understanding of English. Maybe axh96 moved to the US from a different country and then moved to Holland? I just don't know....

Since ThaHunter knows him personally; perhaps he can shed some light on this?

FYI: notice the use of ":p"
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby niMic on Thu May 07, 2009 4:21 pm

The fact that people are actually trying to defend ThaHunter here is pretty damn funny. If this doesn't end with a cheater-bust then I will have lost all faith in the mods of CC.

Comedy gold. =D>
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby riodeishere on Thu May 07, 2009 4:40 pm

However, I would imagine that an American that has recently moved to the Netherlands would speak and write English perfectly.

Here is a bit of chat that I copied from one of axh96's games:

2009-05-04 17:22:11 - axh98: i fail at this map:p but its fun
2009-05-04 17:22:32 - axh98: i try different thinggs everi time
2009-05-04 17:23:16 - axh98: asked someone for tips some days ago, but me still fail

Now, I'm not a linguistic expert, but it sure looks like axh96 has a poor understanding of English. Maybe axh96 moved to the US from a different country and then moved to Holland? I just don't know....

Since ThaHunter knows him personally; perhaps he can shed some light on this?

FYI: notice the use of ":p"

thahunter need not explain this because it seems clear to me, that i pick up my online slang off my mates. this axh98 clearly have picked up thahunters/ his peers bad habbits.

ps;as a side not, most americian i talk to online don't "speak perfect english (the queens english). i mean i don't even do it when online. i mean it pointless, in some countrys certain online terms are used alot . EG , LOL, :p and finnaly FYI.
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby riodeishere on Thu May 07, 2009 4:50 pm

this post is mainly directed to cisco2001 (nothing personal)

i understand that it would seem that the simple language checks you have run seem to indicate that thahunter is a multi with the account axh98.

but firstly

you say that in one player games they don't talk to each other , i know unless you start the conversation in 1v1, many player won't talk. this results in no talk in game chat =D>

secondly why has no-one invited axh98 to this conversation, let him talk for himself,then we can see what he's got to say for himself, oh i go do it now :roll:

maybe within 24hours he can explain :D
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby alster on Thu May 07, 2009 4:55 pm

riodeishere wrote:secondly why has no-one invited axh98 to this conversation, let him talk for himself,then we can see what he's got to say for himself, oh i go do it now :roll:

maybe within 24hours he can explain :D

Actually, I was just thinking of that. Seems a bit odd that axh98 hasn't paid a visit in this thread when "friends" of his account are. The account is active now at least setting up games. Unless he's on a forum ban it strikes me as a bit odd.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby riodeishere on Thu May 07, 2009 4:57 pm

some player only visit forums when invited, maybe nobody told him. :lol: :lol: until now
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby king sam on Thu May 07, 2009 5:09 pm

just let the waters calm and let the mods do their bidding before this thing gets locked. I didnt post on this thread until now cause it was clear that the evidence e_i_pi posted was clear cut as well as the mannerisms that cisco referred to. Its easy to spot when its more then one person, and im certain this is the case here.
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby Masli on Thu May 07, 2009 5:21 pm

AMEN to that :shock: :shock:
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby zeractal on Thu May 07, 2009 5:26 pm

I feel i should make one thing clear,
I AM NOT ONE OF AXH98'S FRIENDS! he is one of the two people on my foe list, you can mock, insult and slander AXH98 as much as you want (however do consider the younger children) so long as you don't insult Thahunter at the same time and i won't be the one defending them.

the language is a fairly weak link at first...

axh98: i fail at this map:p but its fun - common online slang

axh98: i try different thinggs everi time - probably just a typo it happens

axh98: asked someone for tips some days ago, but me still fail - can't explain why they would use me instead of I. mabye AXH98 or someone else can?
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby king sam on Thu May 07, 2009 7:27 pm

Its pretty amazing that in a Freestyle game (one that is referred Game 4820971) with 6 rounds of play and over 125 posts in the Game chat that the 2 accused are never taking turns or typing in chat & taking turns at the same time.

Its a nice cover up, there are many times where the hunter types in chat during axh's turn but there is always enough time between movements in that turn and the post in chat to have one user log in and out and back again.

with no simultaneous turn / play / chat, the huge point spread favoring one side, the mannerisms being identical, and the admittance of "knowing one another" you cant perceive this any way but a cheating account.

Good Luck though, the ruling will hopefully be done sooner then later

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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby cisco2001 on Thu May 07, 2009 8:57 pm

zeractal wrote:I feel i should make one thing clear,
I AM NOT ONE OF AXH98'S FRIENDS! he is one of the two people on my foe list, you can mock, insult and slander AXH98 as much as you want (however do consider the younger children) so long as you don't insult Thahunter at the same time and i won't be the one defending them.

the language is a fairly weak link at first...

axh98: i fail at this map:p but its fun - common online slang

axh98: i try different thinggs everi time - probably just a typo it happens

axh98: asked someone for tips some days ago, but me still fail - can't explain why they would use me instead of I. mabye AXH98 or someone else can?

I'm sorry but there is no rational explanation. This is not a case of "on-line" slang. This is a case of ThaHunter assuming axh's identity. I've played a lot more games than axh and my writing abilities have not been altered or affected. However, I did go back and check axh's early games and his English was excellent.

Finally, once you look at ThaHunters writing and compare it to axh; you see that they are exactly the same. Even the symbols they use are identical. They've played 16 games together so I sincerely doubt that axh just picked yup ThaHunters mannerisms. If that were the case, axh would change his writing style to reflect the hundreds of players that he's played with.

I respect that you are defending your friend. However, you can't be blinded to the fact that the evidence against him is overwhelming and, so far, he has not been able to provide an adequate explanation.
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby axh98 on Fri May 08, 2009 7:28 am

hey my dear 'friends?' and haters! aka people who only see what they want to see.
as far as i know non of my ingame friends have posted in this topic, so idk who said it and why? Maybe e_i_pi can learn me how to quote /sarcasme
i dont know what this is all about, but i am allowed to play the way i want to, isnt it? its all about having fun, doing what you love most

about the 1v1 yes i asked Thahunter to help me, and i added him on msn. why would i speak to him in gamechat if we can chat on msn about how to play?

as far as my language concers, non of you ever used msn emoticons etc? i bet all americans have to speak perfect english to be seen as a real person. and i bet nobody ever makes a spellingmistake

i have no idea what more i have to say to all of this, let the mods judge.
if i get banned its a big mistake, but its just a game
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby e_i_pi on Fri May 08, 2009 7:56 am

cisco2001 wrote:Now, I'm not a linguistic expert, but it sure looks like axh96 has a poor understanding of English

What on earth are you talking about cisco? I thought all Americans spoke English this well...

A) The "Classic Homer Simpson"
axh98 wrote:Maybe e_i_pi can learn me how to quote /sarcasme

B) The "Bastard child of Non Sequitur and Russian Reversal"
axh98 wrote:i dont know what this is all about, but i am allowed to play the way i want to, isnt it?

C) The "Babelfish for Grammar, Winging it for Spelling Double Whammy"
axh98 wrote:as far as my language concers, non of you ever used msn emoticons etc?

...and my personal favourite,
D) The "Despite being American, I reference/consider Americans to be a different people to myself"
axh98 wrote:i bet all americans have to speak perfect english to be seen as a real person.

Now, for a comparison, here are lucid posts from 2008, in the thread See lost territory in Fog of War
axh98 wrote:I'm not a premium member; I've only been playing the normal freestyle games. With rounds lasting up to an entire 24h, how much attention can I really pay? Furthermore, if you believe I should be paying attention, then why hell is there a log in the first place?

axh98 wrote:I'm pretty sure when the Germans had control over Europe and were starting to lose battles to the Allied Powers, they were able to tell what cities they lost. Thats a not a feature of life folks, thats a fact. Bringing that back to Conquer Club, its a board game for crying out loud. I should be able to see in the log what I just lost! If I played with a few friend back at home I sure would be able to, why the hell not in here?

Unless this guy suffered some serious brain damage, then got remedial classes in English grammar from Babelfish, I'd say you can be pretty certain his account has been hijacked...
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby Megadeth666 on Fri May 08, 2009 7:58 am

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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby axh98 on Fri May 08, 2009 8:37 am

e_i_pi, fucking newb. you think you are funny with every thing you say? talking bullshit about everything anybody says.

and whats the problem with the way of writing? its not hard to be serious if you really want to but why should i be serious with the crappy posts you make? and with every foolish comment you add to them?
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby cisco2001 on Fri May 08, 2009 8:57 am

e_i_pi is only pointing out that your writing abilities are different than they used to be. Maybe you've been in Holland so long that you've forgotten English? However, it's pretty obvious that ThaHunter is using this account.

This gets better and better. I'm hoping that the mods take their time with this. The entertainment value is incredible.

Hey axh, what part of the country are you from?
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Re: ThaHunter+axh96 Multis

Postby Megadeth666 on Fri May 08, 2009 9:27 am

Megadeth666 wrote:Image
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