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How are the new mods doing?

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How are the new mods doing?

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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby Artimis on Thu May 07, 2009 5:31 am

I was going to vote Terrible Job, but I thought about it and realised some of them aren't THAT bad. So I opted for Not so good, question some decisions instead.

jbrettlip wrote:He did was for calling out Clapper in a few threads (after she was deleting posts), his "feud" with kiddicus, being mad about getting called the N-word (which shoudl have resulted in a harsh ban for the offender, not the victim) and being a "nuisance". 30 days is ridiculous. He doesn't flame, or call names. He also doesn't start meaningless multiple threads in the wrong forum, and if you look through his posts, he tries to help move discussion along, asking people to fill out forms in C&A and to stay on topic.

In essence, he does a better job modding in threads, than the some of the mods.He has been in live chat lately and is still being called derogatory names. CC is becoming RC (racist club). In fact, talk to your mods and see what they think of his ban. I would be surprised if they are on the smae page as you.

I'm with Kiddicus in allocating the blame for Owenshooter's punishment to Owenshooter himself. There's no love lost between us either, especially after he stalked my threads in the Strategy forum and flood filled my inbox to the point that I set up a separate folder just to accommodate his deluge of posts. This was in spite of me opening a flame thread in Flame Wars specifically to keep the flaming and thread derailment OUT of my threads in Strategy, not once did he post in it and instead continued to bait and troll in Strategy instead.

I've since heard from others about their experiences with Owenshooter and they weren't so dissimilar from my own. Given the number of players that nearly left because of Owenshooter harassing them, I would have to question the number of players we don't know about who DID LEAVE as a direct result of Owenshooters obnoxious behaviour towards them. Thus I object to you trumpeting Owenshooter as a mod in waiting, because a Mod should encourage players to get involved, NOT chase them away!
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 5:46 am

MrBenn wrote:I voted 'terrible job' just to be an ass... :shock:

i balanced you out with 'excellent job' so the result will not be distorted ; )
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby gimil on Thu May 07, 2009 6:24 am

In relation to owenshooter I do like the guy. I have nothing (personally) against him. But when push comes to shove owen is guilty for his actions and not as hard done by as he can be made out to be ;). He tries his best to tickle the line without stepping over it, which most of the time is just being intentionally annoying, trolling or baiting. (so in reality he does actually step over the line).

As for OP and hysari. I think OP has brought more organisation to the admin of CC while I haven't seen anything really of hysari yet. This could prove to me no new is good news if you want to be optimistic. ;)
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 6:27 am

gimil wrote:In relation to owenshooter I do like the guy. I have nothing (personally) against him. But when push comes to shove owen is guilty for his actions and not as hard done by as he can be made out to be ;). He tries his best to tickle the line without stepping over it, which most of the time is just being intentionally annoying, trolling or baiting. (so in reality he does actually step over the line).

As for OP and hysari. I think OP has brought more organisation to the admin of CC while I haven't seen anything really of hysari yet. This could prove to me no new is good news if you want to be optimistic. ;)

you are a dour Scotsman Gimil .. optimism does'ne suit you!
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jpcloet on Thu May 07, 2009 6:41 am

OPrime's organization and leadership of the mods has been really great.
Hyasri, while quiet is working on various things. Crossing my fingers that he's working on my approved request!
NS locks threads upon request from other mods as well. ;)

As for Owen, funny guy, but crosses the line a few too many times and refuses to listen to warnings. If he would worry about himself rather than focusing on others, he would be an asset to the forums rather than a hindrance.

The newest mod groups (The Society Mods and Clan Directors) are also doing great work, and have been for a while. :-$
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby KLOBBER on Thu May 07, 2009 8:11 am

They are doing an AWESOME job!

Removing flamer wars was a brilliant idea, and it has worked out wonderfully. This site is finally the kind that one can be proud to show others and invite them to become members, even kids, which was not the case before they mercifully put the flamers out of their misery.

The strategy that they used to take flamer wars away was also a stroke of genius -- pretending that it was just an April Fools prank, and then simply not returning it. The flamers got the wind knocked out of them and didn't even realize it until several days later! Beautiful! This is a strategy-based site, and so protecting themselves from the flamers by using such a strategy was highly appropriate, and I also find it quite fitting that it all happened on April Fools day, considering who they were dealing with. If they keep playing the CC Admin game with this high level of intelligence, they are sure to succeed where Twill failed.

It's really hilarious to see the two or three extremely loud flamers left out of 20,000+ members still whining and kvetching, over a month later, in multiple threads, not even realizing that they lost this battle a long, long time ago. Even funnier is when they get their ridiculous little threads locked down, time, after time, after time. It's not only a vast improvement to the site, but it's also a fountainhead of comic relief! :lol:

For this brilliantly played action alone, the new CC Administrators deserve a HUGE round of applause.

I don't really know much about whatever else they're doing, because I haven't had any interaction with them, but if the standard interaction with Twill can be used as a measuring stick, then I'd have to say that no interaction is by far the best!

Well done, guys! You've got my vote!

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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 8:18 am

KLOBBER wrote:They are doing an AWESOME job!

Removing flamer wars was a brilliant idea, and it has worked out wonderfully. This site is finally the kind that one can be proud to show others and invite them to become members, even kids, which was not the case before they mercifully put the flamers out of their misery.

The strategy that they used to take flamer wars away was also a stroke of genius -- pretending that it was just an April Fools prank, and then simply not returning it. The flamers got the wind knocked out of them and didn't even realize it until several days later! Beautiful! This is a strategy-based site, and so protecting themselves from the flamers by using such a strategy was highly appropriate, and I also find it quite fitting that it all happened on April Fools day, considering who they were dealing with. If they keep playing the CC Admin game with this high level of intelligence, they are sure to succeed where Twill failed.

It's really hilarious to see the two or three extremely loud flamers left out of 20,000+ members still whining and kvetching, over a month later, in multiple threads, not even realizing that they lost this battle a long, long time ago. Even funnier is when they get their ridiculous little threads locked down, time, after time, after time. It's not only a vast improvement to the site, but it's also a fountainhead of comic relief! :lol:

For this brilliantly played action alone, the new CC Administrators deserve a HUGE round of applause.

I don't really know much about whatever else they're doing, because I haven't had any interaction with them, but if the standard interaction with Twill can be used as a measuring stick, then I'd have to say that no interaction is by far the best!

Well done, guys! You've got my vote!

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

I agree with everything in this post... or at least the hidden motives *wink wink*
Bravo Klobbs, keep the cause alive brother!
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu May 07, 2009 12:24 pm

I think it's funny how this thread is supposed to be about how the mods are doing and the only thing people can comment about is Owen getting a ban and how Flame Wars got removed. Flame Wars being removed has nothing to do with new mods or any of the mods. FW deletion was an action done by Lack, (his site, his decision... move on.) Owens ban sucks yes, his posts crack me up and he knows the site well. I have seen him help out others many times in the Q & A forum plus give a point of view that many others may not have thought of. Many people that don't like Owen may just not understand him. There are plenty of people on this site that I "didn't understand" and just stayed away from until I got to know them better.

When making a post in this thread, users should evaluate the overall job of the mods, not just one case. Think about if you see mods favoring people over others, are they helpful when needed, do they themselves follow the rules, do they have an overall understanding of the site, do they use their time wisely, are their intentions good ones, are they a positive member of the community, do they respond in a timely manner, there are many things to think about.

Goodness, I have not typed that much in a post in a long time. I should stop playing with fitz. :D

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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 12:42 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:I think it's funny how this thread is supposed to be about how the mods are doing and the only thing people can comment about is Owen getting a ban and how Flame Wars got removed. Flame Wars being removed has nothing to do with new mods or any of the mods. FW deletion was an action done by Lack, (his site, his decision... move on.) Owens ban sucks yes, his posts crack me up and he knows the site well. I have seen him help out others many times in the Q & A forum plus give a point of view that many others may not have thought of. Many people that don't like Owen may just not understand him. There are plenty of people on this site that I "didn't understand" and just stayed away from until I got to know them better.

When making a post in this thread, users should evaluate the overall job of the mods, not just one case. Think about if you see mods favoring people over others, are they helpful when needed, do they themselves follow the rules, do they have an overall understanding of the site, do they use their time wisely, are their intentions good ones, are they a positive member of the community, do they respond in a timely manner, there are many things to think about.

Goodness, I have not typed that much in a post in a long time. I should stop playing with fitz. :D

ps. looking for someone to make a banner... PM me for details.

true enough angel-cakes but .. and this is the thing, the mods are the face of the site. Lack has left us, New-Twill is absent though I agree that the decision was theirs to remove Flamewars (putting Owen to one side). However, like the corporation who installed an automated phone-system, the poor bugger who we eventually get to speak to is 'guilty' for all the sins of the fat-cat who signed-off its implementation.

The other thing is that people inevitably take sides; the mods instinctively take the perspective of the site which thought highly enough to promote them, taking them into the inner sanctum of its milky bosom. Therefore their perspective is that of the Site and their judgements are biased to its collective will. They will deny that, quoting impartiality! but what they want (and probably deserve) is an easy life; the disgruntled will not give the agents of the executive an easy life. Silly and sad but so.

So unfortunately it is inevitable that threads such as this will be 'derailed' by the naysayers... as a mod you are only as good as the last thread you locked! ;)

Now to quote those immortal words:

'Lock er down Nightstrike!!' ; )
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu May 07, 2009 12:49 pm

jiminski wrote:
true enough angel-cakes but .. and this is the thing, the mods are the face of the site. Lack has left us, New-Twill is absent though I agree that the decision was theirs to remove Flamewars

Lack is the only one with the power to remove that forum. He may be less out in the public these days, but it still comes down to his say. I'm sure there were many discussions in the mods forum about deleting the forum, but the final say is his. Unless he says otherwise, I still am under the impression that he is the head honcho.
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby KLOBBER on Thu May 07, 2009 12:50 pm

Um.... "Milky bosom?"
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu May 07, 2009 12:51 pm

KLOBBER wrote:Um.... "Milky bosom?"

Not for a few more weeks. :lol:
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 12:53 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:
jiminski wrote:
true enough angel-cakes but .. and this is the thing, the mods are the face of the site. Lack has left us, New-Twill is absent though I agree that the decision was theirs to remove Flamewars

Lack is the only one with the power to remove that forum. He may be less out in the public these days, but it still comes down to his say. I'm sure there were many discussions in the mods forum about deleting the forum, but the final say is his. Unless he says otherwise, I still am under the impression that he is the head honcho.

Didn't i just agree with that sweets.. and then go on to argue around it .. hehe, bloody hell! i have no chance against all that oestrogen!
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu May 07, 2009 12:56 pm

jiminski wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:
jiminski wrote:
true enough angel-cakes but .. and this is the thing, the mods are the face of the site. Lack has left us, New-Twill is absent though I agree that the decision was theirs to remove Flamewars

Lack is the only one with the power to remove that forum. He may be less out in the public these days, but it still comes down to his say. I'm sure there were many discussions in the mods forum about deleting the forum, but the final say is his. Unless he says otherwise, I still am under the impression that he is the head honcho.

Didn't i just agree with that sweets.. and then go on to argue around it .. hehe, bloody hell! i have no chance against all that oestrogen!

I blame being female and having extra hormones. Don't question it, just nod like a good boy.
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 1:09 pm

happy2seeyou wrote:
jiminski wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:
jiminski wrote:
true enough angel-cakes but .. and this is the thing, the mods are the face of the site. Lack has left us, New-Twill is absent though I agree that the decision was theirs to remove Flamewars

Lack is the only one with the power to remove that forum. He may be less out in the public these days, but it still comes down to his say. I'm sure there were many discussions in the mods forum about deleting the forum, but the final say is his. Unless he says otherwise, I still am under the impression that he is the head honcho.

Didn't i just agree with that sweets.. and then go on to argue around it .. hehe, bloody hell! i have no chance against all that oestrogen!

I blame being female and having extra hormones. Don't question it, just nod like a good boy.

I thought you may not have noticed (you being mental from all the hormones and all ;) ) but that last post was me waving a white flag timidly from behind a rock!
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby happy2seeyou on Thu May 07, 2009 1:13 pm

jiminski wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:
jiminski wrote:
happy2seeyou wrote:
jiminski wrote:
true enough angel-cakes but .. and this is the thing, the mods are the face of the site. Lack has left us, New-Twill is absent though I agree that the decision was theirs to remove Flamewars

Lack is the only one with the power to remove that forum. He may be less out in the public these days, but it still comes down to his say. I'm sure there were many discussions in the mods forum about deleting the forum, but the final say is his. Unless he says otherwise, I still am under the impression that he is the head honcho.

Didn't i just agree with that sweets.. and then go on to argue around it .. hehe, bloody hell! i have no chance against all that oestrogen!

I blame being female and having extra hormones. Don't question it, just nod like a good boy.

I thought you may not have noticed (you being mental from all the hormones and all ;) ) but that last post was me waving a white flag timidly from behind a rock!

Yeah I know.... still though, just nod. Nodding saves lives. Also, bringing me anything chocolate helps as well. I'm at the poit now where I will try to argue anything, even if you agree with me.
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby notyou2 on Thu May 07, 2009 1:24 pm

Yes....I'd like to buy an argument.............
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby jiminski on Thu May 07, 2009 1:27 pm

happy2seeyou wrote: Yeah I know.... still though, just nod. Nodding saves lives. Also, bringing me anything chocolate helps as well. I'm at the poit now where I will try to argue anything, even if you agree with me.

excellent! you are only a tanned handbag, fashioned from all your ex-lovers scrotums, away from feminine perfection! xx

*this statement was brought to you by a selection of the finest Belgian Chocolatiers, who painstakingly wrapped each syllable in Chocolate customised to the tastes of the discerning pregnant woman; the flavour changes in the mouth to account for mood swings and bloody-minded resistance to placation (all the male Chocolatiers were strangled with their own Tighty-Whiteys to ensure the recipe will not be replicated.)
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby ronsizzle on Thu May 07, 2009 1:35 pm

jbrettlip wrote:I think Lockstrike is a little overzealous. OP seems to have a more level approach. And all I have see Twill 2.0 do is ban Owen (30 days)for getting called the N-word and because he thought he was a flame wars regular invading the GD.

In related news, I don't think I am going to be a premium member much longer.

here is the problem with owen brett! he stalked my threads, he followed me everywhere. he threw mud at my name no matter which forum it was. and yet you still think twill banned him for me calling him a nigger.

i have news for you bpb kids who dont get it. i apologized for that over 20 times. if an apology isnt enough, then you can all go kill yourselves as far as im concerned.

owen was banned for sticking his big nose into everything i was doing, and not letting that drop. just like you arent letting it drop. your third rate clan has no right to bash twill. the entire cc community is sick of hearing about this. one little racist comment, which i was penalized for, you cant let go.

you guys hang onto it. oh, i get it, you guys like playing the victim. owen was guilty of trolling, abusing me verbally in a lot of different forums. and falsely spreading news that jesus was black. jesus is white. i have seen pictures.

owen also made a thread in c and a that had nothing to do with him. it concerned me and jeff hardy. or fred viii.

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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby fwblb on Thu May 07, 2009 2:01 pm

ronc8649 wrote: and yet you still think twill banned him for me calling him a nigger.

you are truly disgusting. i hope you get a month. you don't get it. and there is no apology for what you did. racism is ignorance, period. the N-word is not something you drop at a black member of the community and simply say sorry and it is dropped. i am absolutely disgusted by your post.
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby Bones2484 on Thu May 07, 2009 2:02 pm

Well, that was quick.

lackattack wrote:Hyasri is no longer Community Manager of Conquer Club. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

To fill in the gap, AndyDufresne has been promoted to Chief Moderator and Optimus Prime has been promoted to Operations Manager.

The Operations Manager position encompasses all the responsibilities of the Volunteer Coordinator, with the addition of developing the activities & services we offer the community and setting moderation & abuse policies.

The Chief Moderator is the public face of Conquer Club. He is the final authority on implementing our rules & policies and is ultimately responsible for community relations.

Congrats and good luck to the two of them!
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby kiddicus maximus on Thu May 07, 2009 5:29 pm

fwblb wrote:you are truly disgusting. i hope you get a month. you don't get it. and there is no apology for what you did. racism is ignorance, period. the N-word is not something you drop at a black member of the community and simply say sorry and it is dropped. i am absolutely disgusted by your post.

I am amused by the fact that you're disgusted by racism.

Hi, you live in America, the single most racist (against people of African descent, at least) country in the entire world. I actually happen to know Ronc, and he is far from racist in real life. What he said was meant to get a rise, and right or wrong, a rise it got. That whole clan is still up in arms over some silly remark made nearly a month ago on a nameless, faceless internet site intended for demolishing competition.

I don't agree with the sentiment, I don't agree with the execution... but a heartfelt apology was made and its time to move on...

to AndyDufrense!!! and Optimus Prime! Congrats for the promotions gents, hope you don't find the task too daunting...

The mods are doing fine. When they are doing their job well, you won't hear from them... unless you're one of the rabble who takes joy in being the center of internet attention. Keep multis out, keep responding to complaints, and keep order. We can ask no more of them. We can demand no less of them.
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby Timminz on Thu May 07, 2009 5:33 pm

kiddicus maximus wrote:I am amused by the fact that you're disgusted by racism.

Are you equally amused by other forms of bigotry?
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby kiddicus maximus on Thu May 07, 2009 5:37 pm

Timminz wrote:
kiddicus maximus wrote:I am amused by the fact that you're disgusted by racism.

Seriously? That's disgusting. Are you equally amused by other forms of bigotry?

I'm not amused by racism, bigotry, or intolerance in any way, shape or form. Actually, the act thereof angers me...

I am amused when people get "disgusted" by a word, phrase or quip. Really? Disgusted? Over-react much? I feel the world is becoming too politically correct. People need to have thick skin, reality isn't quite so nice.

Anyway, try to stay on topic Timminz. I know you dislike my opinions, but the ability to exercise self-control is a great strength.
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Re: How are the new mods doing?

Postby Timminz on Thu May 07, 2009 5:41 pm

kiddicus maximus wrote:
kiddicus maximus wrote:I am amused by the fact that you're disgusted by racism.
Anyway, try to stay on topic Timminz.

I am ever so sorry for attempting to derail this thread. :roll:
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