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Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby bigdaddyslim2 on Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:30 am

lol, allot of the same story and from chat regulars and friends from chat. Come on look at the games they don't lie, look at other players and see what ranks they play. If you look at all his games on the first page, he only played against 2 players that where equal or higher with his rank, rarely plays majors, and allot of us help other new players out on this site and don't have too take one's points too help. why not join more dubs games with them too help them learn? And last i knew even higher ranked players like to play higher ranked players too learn, so why not play more lieutenants, captains, and majors and help there games.

I also noticed he is the one that joins last on one vs one player games even against other freemiums who cant make it private which makes me think he joined allot of those from searches. If you play anyone and anybody why not start more games for anyone too join. why not give the rest of cc a chance to play you and not just the games you want to join. you rarely start your own games. Also i noticed most his few dubs games are with low ranking partners. is that if you lose its only a few points you lose. I don't know, I like david but the facts speak for themselves :?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby karel on Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:05 am

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby JoshyBoy on Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:08 pm

Well this a pointless topic as usual.

Farming is obviously a "A Very Big Issue" on CC (not!) and I don't understand why people make such a fuss over "farming". I mean, King_Herpes is probably one of the "worst" (haha) "farmers" on here but no-one's actually that bothered about him are they? No, to be totally honest, CC should either do something about it or do nothing about it and people should shut up and stop complaining.

Sorry if this offends anyone.

If it does, suck it up.

JB ;)
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby pistebasher on Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:39 pm

I've now had time to look through the game chat of a lot of DH's games to see if I'd been missing all the help he gives according to a lot of these posts. However as far as I can see, the only 'help' given during the game, seems to be comments like 'watch for traps' - 'there are lots of traps' - 'I'll answer questions at the end of the game' - and of course the one that appears in most games ' it's only cost you 7 points'

A few examples:-
Game 4735992 2009-04-23 00:25:58 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: only cost you 7
Game 4721954 2009-04-21 00:42:56 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: AND. . .only cost you 6 pts
Game 4712096 2009-04-19 18:29:35 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: . . .and all for 2/3 off. . .only 7 pts
Game 4671734 2009-04-13 21:56:08 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: AND, you only lost 7 pts -- not 20
plus in a few dozen more games that I can't be bothered to list.

The chat in game Game 4712682 is interesting too..

2009-04-19 19:09:56 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: watch for traps tho
2009-04-19 19:14:07 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: oh, in 2 other freestyle games at same time, huh?
2009-04-19 19:14:23 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: that can be tough
2009-04-19 19:24:21 - apolloguy: ya
2009-04-19 19:33:21 - apolloguy: hey afer this u wanna pay at liberia?
2009-04-19 19:39:49 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: hang on
2009-04-19 19:39:51 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: lemme see
2009-04-19 19:39:54 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: 2:30 here
2009-04-19 19:40:01 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: and a few things to do later today
2009-04-19 19:41:14 - apolloguy: 11:43 here
2009-04-19 19:44:01 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Liberia? you mean IBERIA?
2009-04-19 19:44:03 - apolloguy: yes so can u play on liberia?
2009-04-19 19:44:34 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: would like to. . but as partners, not as opponents
2009-04-19 19:44:39 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: if I lose I lose 60
2009-04-19 19:44:49 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: that is too even of a playing field
2009-04-19 19:45:01 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: at least here I know the map and traps better than most

So what's he saying there?

oh yes - watch for traps - no other help,
and when asked to play another map - it's too risky because it is too even and he might lose 60 points, - he prefers the maps where he knows the traps 'better than most'. Add that to the fact that he has joined someone on that map. probably for the first time , and he's almost guaranteed to get his seven points. Surely if someone asked you for a return game you wouldn't turn them down - or would you?

OR :idea: Of course he could pm them throughout the game with helpful comments which we don't know about, and which they take no notice of! :lol: :roll:
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby Nola_Lifer on Thu Apr 23, 2009 4:47 pm

Some people just don't have lives.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby TheBro on Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:17 pm

pistebasher you seem a little obsessed. I don't see a problem with reporting DH, but I think you should just let the hunters take it from here. It did seem suspicious, but it's pretty clear now that he just wants to play real time games.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby stahrgazer on Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:39 am

pistebasher wrote: Surely if someone asked you for a return game you wouldn't turn them down - or would you?

OR :idea: Of course he could pm them throughout the game with helpful comments which we don't know about, and which they take no notice of! :lol: :roll:

He does play return games. Back when I met DH, I was a lowly cadet willing to play a rt game on a map or two that I didn't know. We played a few like that. Occasionally we partnered up. Eventually my rank increased, my map play expanded, and I was teaching him a few maps (Galapagos and Waterloo being the most recent maps I taught him).

Yeah, David gets a little antsy about points if he loses to a low rank; don't know many who don't get a little antsy about losing big with little potential gain. Because he's antsy, he's typically choosy about map and settings, but if he likes the map and settings and has no reason to dislike a player, he'll play anyone.

I like to tease him because his teaching method usually sux, but it sux no worse than others' ideas about what "teaching" is. If asked questions, he answers them honestly, which is better than many on CC.

Bottom line... he's not a farmer, even if looking at his list of games makes it seem that way. He almost never joins pre-made games, only those arranged in callouts with whoever's around to play realtime.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:01 am

CC admin,

I read Stahr's (a friend) reply and wanted to clarify something for her and you. Pasted below. Suggestion: Once there is an Issue like this, and CC admin starts reviewing it and taking people's comments, why don't they contact Target (me) to discuss on a PM? -- and send Target a PM about them? That would seem to make a lot of sense. I heard thru the grapevine. . .and posted an early response.




thx for support on C&A about farming. I tell people I know that I am an Orchard Tenderer -- picking the low hanging fruit. But again, it comes to:
- I asked about playing Newbies:told keep to less thatn 15-25% of games (way under that)
- I do help them understand, teach some*
- but I do not TARGET new players -- they are the ones readily available and willing to play; many others will not RISK playing me

About teaching. Your point about not teaching AS WELL as you is 100% true, but:
- almost no one does it as well as you, putting you at the top of the list of teachers
- we have different motives: you out of altruism/friendship to me, me out of helping people up the learning curve. But I have no reason to help people [[clarify: as much as she does, more than minimal]] I don't know like you helped me.
- I teach more in doubles games --because I need them to understand strategies to help win the game AND FUTURE games
- just because I don't teach as thoroughly as you doesn't make me bad. If you line up ALL CC players -- especially Good players, I'll bet relatively FEW of them ever take the time to help teach an opponent ANYTHING. They are more concerned about winning, or have other priorities for their time (classes, kids, lovers, Xbox, truck-driving, etc.)
- SO, after all that is said, while on a scale of 10,000 or more players, you'd rank in the top 10, but I'd probably rank in the top 100-1000 -- still top 1-10% -- which suits me just fine.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby skaterchild3 on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:14 am

For a person who has recently played David, most of his matches come from the live chat, where you can't see rank until you get in game with them. He had no way of knowing I was a cook. Even then he was a nice enough guy and introduced me to Waterloo.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby king sam on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:53 am

skaterchild3 wrote:For a person who has recently played David, most of his matches come from the live chat, where you can't see rank until you get in game with them. He had no way of knowing I was a cook. Even then he was a nice enough guy and introduced me to Waterloo.

Actually you can click on the users name in the right column and view profile to see the rank / % wins and such, but thats besides the point.

I as I stated before have been in chat when the invitation went out for all to play not just low ranks. Therefor my conclusion was that he is not specifically targeting for his own gain.

And quite honestly I myself try to steer away from low ranks because the point differential from a loss to a win in a game with one is very substantial.

I believe he is aware of this as well, and would much rather be playing against an equivalent rank, it just so happens most the RT games he gets are with new / not as experienced users cause they got nothing to loose and are eager to learn strategy for a cheap price.

Good Luck DH,
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby stahrgazer on Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:57 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:CC admin,

I read Stahr's (a friend) reply and wanted to clarify something for her and you. Pasted below. Suggestion: Once there is an Issue like this, and CC admin starts reviewing it and taking people's comments, why don't they contact Target (me) to discuss on a PM? -- and send Target a PM about them? That would seem to make a lot of sense. I heard thru the grapevine. . .and posted an early response.




thx for support on C&A about farming. I tell people I know that I am an Orchard Tenderer -- picking the low hanging fruit. But again, it comes to:
- I asked about playing Newbies:told keep to less thatn 15-25% of games (way under that)
- I do help them understand, teach some*
- but I do not TARGET new players -- they are the ones readily available and willing to play; many others will not RISK playing me

About teaching. Your point about not teaching AS WELL as you is 100% true, but:
- almost no one does it as well as you, putting you at the top of the list of teachers
- we have different motives: you out of altruism/friendship to me, me out of helping people up the learning curve. But I have no reason to help people [[clarify: as much as she does, more than minimal]] I don't know like you helped me.
- I teach more in doubles games --because I need them to understand strategies to help win the game AND FUTURE games
- just because I don't teach as thoroughly as you doesn't make me bad. If you line up ALL CC players -- especially Good players, I'll bet relatively FEW of them ever take the time to help teach an opponent ANYTHING. They are more concerned about winning, or have other priorities for their time (classes, kids, lovers, Xbox, truck-driving, etc.)
- SO, after all that is said, while on a scale of 10,000 or more players, you'd rank in the top 10, but I'd probably rank in the top 100-1000 -- still top 1-10% -- which suits me just fine.

Hey, David, didn't get the pm but looking at it here, you've said what I said, simply worded it different.

One exception: I don't believe I rank in the top 10 players; I probably did rank in the top 10 of people willing to instruct by walking someone thoroughly through a map - likely what you meant but not what you said... but it's moot and past-tense since I don't play here anymore.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby JCKing on Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:52 pm

Also if he was seriously n00b farming, I would say he'd be a heck of a lot higher than colonel.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby king achilles on Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:25 am

We took some time in reviewing the games Gen.LeeGettinhed has been playing. Granted that he comes into live chat at certain times to find players he can have games with, basically most of his games are played with ranks lower than his. There are games with new accounts but we could say that they are not yet significant enough for a disciplinary measure. Even though that most of these new accounts do come back and play games regularly, personally, I could consider this as a close call and I strongly advise that he shy away from joining games with new accounts for the meantime. Be warned that if we get another report that you are again joining games with new accounts and their numbers are noteworthy, a score reset will be the next step.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby SirSebstar on Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:47 am

Though I can agree with the findings, the following argument is quite funny or so I thought
king achilles wrote:................ basically most of his games are played with ranks lower than his. ..............

I mean, how many player are higher ranked then brigadier?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

Postby MrGato on Sat May 02, 2009 5:54 pm

I think your going to see this guy reported again very soon. He is too deadly serious about the pts. Check out the chat on our game This was supposed to be a real time game, but because I got a good drop David started stalling so he could get an advantage using freestyle. Then he gets mad at me for not throwing the game and quits.

I doubt anyone his own rank would put up with this kind of bullshit. Maybe that's why he plays so many newbies.

He's going on my foe list after this game.

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

Postby pistebasher on Wed May 06, 2009 5:22 pm

Well said Mr Cato -
I see from your game where he stalled, he was obviously too engrossed in his second game of the day with 'Ulanbatar' . And he's now posting comments in his game chats to king achilles pointing out that they are not ?'s and newbies..
- but look at Ulanbatar! When DH joined the first game - although Ulanbatar was ranked and not a ? .. he had been a member for less than 4 hours!
Not a newbie? - he's just taking the **** =D>
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

Postby Timminz on Wed May 06, 2009 5:48 pm

Why are you guys comparing poor sportsmanship to newbie farming?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

Postby pistebasher on Sun May 10, 2009 5:18 pm

Ignoring the sportsmanship - or lack of it - I was merely pointing out the sarcastic comments being made in his latest games to King Achilles in the game chat - claiming that someone who had joined the site less than 4 hours previously, was not a newbie because they weren't a ?

Typical caught out schoolboy response!

Anyway enough for this thread - time it was locked.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

Postby skaterchild3 on Sun May 10, 2009 9:40 pm

Agreed and just because I've always wanted to say this:

TheProwler wrote:I love talking about myself.

Haywood Jablomie wrote:your dice are slaying me!!!
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