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Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

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Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [warned]

Postby pistebasher on Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:31 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Newbie farming again- prevoiusly 'Noted' in January 09

Game number(s):

Gen.LeeGettinhed's play regarding newbies was 'Noted' in January 09. All the games listed above have been joined by him since then, and are all against players who are still '?'s'. He has also joined a further 44 games against players who are still ranked as 'Private' or lower - many of whom were also '?' when the game was joined.

Think it's time for the mods to review things.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby killerpit4e on Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:44 pm

hes been tring to get games in chat (callouts)
and with him being no permi he cant pw
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:07 pm

CC admin and whoever it may concern,

I asked people supposedly in the know about playing lower level players and as long as I kept my playing "?'s" to a low % (less than 15-25%) I'd be considered playing a reasonable mix of players. Also, I clearly take the risk related to it since I lost 3 games worth ~60 pts and about 180 total within a day or so.

I'd found a few games I was good at, took down some higher ranked players and am willing to bet that my mix of opponents includes a LOT more mid-tier than Piste- implies. Me thinks Piste- doesn't understand the rules. I heard the same crap from Jeff Hardy when he was around.

Also, since I often give people advice and train them on how to play better -- and they learn to play complicated games for 7 pts instead of 20x?, several have THANKED ME. How many of CC players really take the time to talk to players and explain some things to them?, not many I'll bet. (see STDDADIO, MAD PINEAPPLES, BLOODWORK, etc.)

Amazingly, I don't know who "pistebasher" is, and I do not recall ever playing him, inviting him or seeing his ID until now. So, is he a multi- complaining?, someone I happened to pass in the standings, or someone that one of my new friends beat on a tough map.

Thank you and hopefully admin will contact me to discuss BEFORE making an arbitrary ruling. It's been relatively reasonable so far.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby pilot16 on Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:24 am

don,t understand great ratings......... =D> =D> wauw

Why complaining?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby pistebasher on Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:58 pm

Let's get a few things clear-

First I'll answer the question that you posted in the game chat of a current one of my games.

Game 4668804
2009-04-17 03:10:43 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: hey Pistebasher, who the hell are you to worry about me. . .and who's your friends?

Answer:- I'm pistebasher - I'm not worried about you, and my friends are anyone who abides by the rules and doesn't try to bend them to their own advantage.

Now to reply to your post in C&A:

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:CC admin and whoever it may concern,

I asked people supposedly in the know about playing lower level players and as long as I kept my playing "?'s" to a low % (less than 15-25%) I'd be considered playing a reasonable mix of players. Also, I clearly take the risk related to it since I lost 3 games worth ~60 pts and about 180 total within a day or so.

I'd found a few games I was good at, took down some higher ranked players and am willing to bet that my mix of opponents includes a LOT more mid-tier than Piste- implies. Me thinks Piste- doesn't understand the rules. I heard the same crap from Jeff Hardy when he was around.

Also, since I often give people advice and train them on how to play better -- and they learn to play complicated games for 7 pts instead of 20x?, several have THANKED ME. How many of CC players really take the time to talk to players and explain some things to them?, not many I'll bet. (see STDDADIO, MAD PINEAPPLES, BLOODWORK, etc.)

Amazingly, I don't know who "pistebasher" is, and I do not recall ever playing him, inviting him or seeing his ID until now. So, is he a multi- complaining?, someone I happened to pass in the standings, or someone that one of my new friends beat on a tough map.

Thank you and hopefully admin will contact me to discuss BEFORE making an arbitrary ruling. It's been relatively reasonable so far.

Let's look at a sentence at a time:

1. 'Also, I clearly take the risk related to it since I lost 3 games worth ~60 pts and about 180 total within a day or so.'

So you lost 3 out of the 55 1v1 games that you joined against privates and lower ranks - and you expect that to prove that you take a risk? That leaves you winning 52, so if you are worried about points you must have got 400 - 500 from these 52 games - easily exceeding the 180 that you lost.

2. 'my mix of opponents includes a LOT more mid-tier than Piste- implies.'

I agree - but ONLY when you include the 1v1 games that you start, and your private / speed / tournament and non 1v1 games. This still means that when you JOIN a 1v1 you invariably pick low ranks.

3. 'Also, since I often give people advice and train them on how to play better -- and they learn to play complicated games for 7 pts instead of 20x?, several have THANKED ME. How many of CC players really take the time to talk to players and explain some things to them?, not many I'll bet. (see STDDADIO, MAD PINEAPPLES, BLOODWORK, etc.)'

This is interesting because 2 of the 3 that you mention - Stddadio and Bloodwork - both set up private games for you to join, and the third - Mad pineapples - you implied was a multi in the game chat you had in Game 4461322

'2009-03-14 16:26:19 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: what other IDs do you play under?
2009-03-14 16:26:44 - Mad Pineapples: I don't, why?
2009-03-14 16:27:10 - Mad Pineapples: One of my brothers plays, but he never let me use his account so I had to make my own
2009-03-14 16:27:24 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: you play awfully well for only playing a few tims'

4. 'Amazingly, I don't know who "pistebasher" is, and I do not recall ever playing him, inviting him or seeing his ID until now. So, is he a multi- complaining?, someone I happened to pass in the standings, or someone that one of my new friends beat on a tough map.'

we have never played - correct
never invited - correct ... does this mean that you invite a lot of lower ranks to your games? see post above by 'killerpit4e'
not seen ID before - maybe not, but I've been on the site a lot longer than you
you think I'm a multi - wrong
someone you've passed in the standings - correct since you are a Colonel
lost to one of your friends - not to my knowledge


Looking at the 1v1 games which you joined since Februay this year the vast majority were against players with 1000 points or less, and as you are a Colonel I have simply brought it to the attention of the mods. Any games which you started are irrelevant since you cannot control who joins.
Let's leave it to the mods and see what they think.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby nagerous on Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:32 pm

The games are private because he uses the live chat callouts facility to meet people and make real time games. He obviously can't make the games, so the people he meets there set them up. He isn't a multi.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby king sam on Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:34 pm

He looks for games that he can play real time, he asks in chat, Ive been there before and witnessed it myself. He doesnt just ask new recruits, he asks all.

New recruits/new players happen to pony up to play games. Hes not violating any rule, he is not going out there targeting new players and new players alone to get an influx in his points.

The farming rule in my opinion was put in place to help the site, to prevent the stronger players from giving new players a bad taste in their mouth when they play and get whipped by a veteran.

He is asking for games, playing in those games, and teaching strategy in most. look at some of them and you will see.

I dont see why anyone would report another user on this site that they hadnt played/came in contact with except that they were jealous of their success. Which is what I assume to be the case here, honestly dont you have better things to do then nitpick at others successes.

If you want to raise your point average, step out of the game type that you play. 1 vs 1's are a 50% win chance no matter what, and 831 of your 892 games have been just that
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby killerpit4e on Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:34 am

i have been in chat alot to witness dave looking for games in calouts and alot of the time noobs are the ones that want to play
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby gcwca_4_life on Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:45 am

He only plays mostly real time games that are set up in the Callouts room of Live Chat. I use to do that at one time, but got into speed games a bit more. If you can't handle the fact that your just trying to be a dick, then move along. He has done nothing wrong. Hell. From time to time him and I will play a game against each other when we both are on at the same time.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again?

Postby karel on Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:51 am

gcwca_4_life wrote:He only plays mostly real time games that are set up in the Callouts room of Live Chat. I use to do that at one time, but got into speed games a bit more. If you can't handle the fact that your just trying to be a dick, then move along. He has done nothing wrong. Hell. From time to time him and I will play a game against each other when we both are on at the same time.

a-men gcwca nice point man,yes i say move on david has done nothing wrong
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:41 am

This is an interesting case.

1. Mainly lower ranks setup 1 vs 1 games.
2. How many high ranks do you see setting up 1 vs 1 games?
3. Callouts in live chat is nothing but random people. The average rank on CC is just over 1000. So what does that tell you? It tells you most will be around that score.
4. He will play anybody, but most higher ranks do not always want to play real time, so he plays whoever.
5. What is considered farming? - I mean not that I think david is, but where is the line. Surely CC said ?'s were farming, but what about playing nothing but privates, cadets, and cooks?

P.S. What do you have against David?
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby apey on Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:11 am

04:42:40 ā€¹apeyā€ŗ uhoh
04:42:40 ā€¹ronc8649ā€ŗ uhoh
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby karel on Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:18 am

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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby bigdaddyslim2 on Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:25 am

Looks like he is at it again, farmers should be abolished and thrown into a fire pit lmao :lol: who would have thought a player playing another player on a risk site :P oh and a side note i also play whoever and i have hardly ever played a ??? for a player, and it wouldn't be to honest to say you only play a certain percentage since most old new recruits would have done change rank, it doesn't figure in players for their ranks at the time of the game but their ranks at time of the check.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby apey on Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:29 am

bigdaddyslim2 wrote:Looks like he is at it again, farmers should be abolished and thrown into a fire pit lmao :lol: who would have thought a player playing another player on a risk site :P oh and a side note i also play whoever and i have hardly ever played a ??? for a player

Your kidding right?
04:42:40 ā€¹apeyā€ŗ uhoh
04:42:40 ā€¹ronc8649ā€ŗ uhoh
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby neanderpaul14 on Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:44 pm

David joined a Waterloo against me..............not exactly a good move on his part if he is a farmer
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby JCKing on Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:51 pm

I'm going to say David is not a farmer. For one again I emphasize normally people will classify n00b farming as a new recruit. With all these testimonies of people saying he's in the live chat forums asking for a real time game, and if the lower ranks are the ones wanting a real time game/ or are the ones in live chat, then that is who he plays. It's not his fault if people with low ranks want to play, and it would be rude to ask to play a game and a low rank responds, and then he's like nahhhhh your a low rank don't wanna play you. So I would suggest if you don't want him playing low ranks, why don't you get yourself in live chat and play him yourself in a real time game.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby pistebasher on Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:18 pm

Bruceswar wrote:This is an interesting case.

1. Mainly lower ranks setup 1 vs 1 games.
2. How many high ranks do you see setting up 1 vs 1 games?
3. Callouts in live chat is nothing but random people. The average rank on CC is just over 1000. So what does that tell you? It tells you most will be around that score.
4. David will play anybody, but most higher ranks do not always want to play real time, so he plays whoever.
5. What is considered farming? - I mean not that I think david is, but where is the line. Surely CC said ?'s were farming, but what about playing nothing but privates, cadets, and cooks?

P.S. What do you have against David?

Thanks Bruce for agreeing that this is interesting - unlike most of DH's friends, although I'm not sure that 'apey's' response helps - I'll respond to that next.
To answer your P.S. - I have nothing against DH, and if my suspicions are wrong then I aplogise.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby pistebasher on Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:19 pm

karel wrote:
apey wrote:Let us take a look at the creator of the thread shall we??
Don't make me start a new thread!! (this one is funny cause he didn't win)

And so the moral of the story is ppl who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones 8-)
David is not a farmer, he just plays with whatever can get :-s

Nice job apey :lol:

So you really think this helps DH....

If you are going to make comparisons - make them equally!

So you found 11 games of mine where you think I have targetted low ranks.

Ok if you check, they are 11 out of 100. However you have had to include ranks up to 'corporal', to get to 11.
If you compare ranks only up to 'private', you will see that that number falls to 3 out of 100, 1v1 games that I joined.
Doing the same comparison for DH, you will find that 67 out of 110 are 'private' or less and if you compare up to rank of 'coporal' that goes up to 92 out of the 110. Not good for your argument.

So to recap - you suggest that:
3 out of 100 by me, is the same as 67 out of 110 by DH or
11 out of 100 by me, is the same as 92 out of 110 by DH

Interesting maths..

I don't see myself in a glass house...
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby Mad Pineapples on Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:54 pm

I'm one of the people Gen.LeeGettinhed plays with. I used to be a Sergeant 1st Class so I've not always been this low. He helps you with the more complicated maps on CC. I spend quite a lot of time in Callouts too, and during the evening [GMT] when David is on, most of the other people looking for a game seem to be low ranks. He also tends to ask whoever he's arranged a game with to set the game up as he gets into them very quickly. He doesn't look around for low rank players to play games with.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby xelabale on Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:34 am

I was in callouts yesterday and he asked me - am I a noob? Gulp
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby Azgard on Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:00 pm

I played Gen.LeeGettinhed and i found him to be a good friend. i just got shot in Iraq and i turned to him for help and advice. Dh didnt farm anyone, not even me, even though im a cadet. so all that call him a farmer should read this forum to find the truth!
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby Darwins_Bane on Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:09 pm

pistebasher wrote:
karel wrote:
apey wrote:Let us take a look at the creator of the thread shall we??
Don't make me start a new thread!! (this one is funny cause he didn't win)

And so the moral of the story is ppl who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones 8-)
David is not a farmer, he just plays with whatever can get :-s

Nice job apey :lol:

So you really think this helps DH....

If you are going to make comparisons - make them equally!

So you found 11 games of mine where you think I have targetted low ranks.

Ok if you check, they are 11 out of 100. However you have had to include ranks up to 'corporal', to get to 11.
If you compare ranks only up to 'private', you will see that that number falls to 3 out of 100, 1v1 games that I joined.
Doing the same comparison for DH, you will find that 67 out of 110 are 'private' or less and if you compare up to rank of 'coporal' that goes up to 92 out of the 110. Not good for your argument.

So to recap - you suggest that:
3 out of 100 by me, is the same as 67 out of 110 by DH or
11 out of 100 by me, is the same as 92 out of 110 by DH

Interesting maths..

I don't see myself in a glass house...

The problem that a lot of ppl are having here is the fact that targetting low ranks or not....targettting low ranks isnt against the rules...its only against the rule if you target "question marks" The fact that you compare low ranks or not has nothing to do with the rule on farming. The point here for either side would seem to be moot.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby karel on Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:32 pm

Just really not sure why this is not locked?David has done nothing wrong,every game he pretty much makes is in callouts...nothing wrong with lets lock this thread's kinda pointless you think :evil:

Anyone else think so??????
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed newbie farming again? [pending]

Postby STDADDIO on Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:35 pm

i meet dave both on social and callouts. He asked me if i would like to learn new maps? I did so played with him on a number. Knowing his rank i was not worried about winning i just wanted to learn. We did this on about 5 maps over about 2 weeks. WE have played dubs together and chat alot. I did not feel i was being farmed. I got the same request from King_Herpes. After a couple of games King also asked me to play quads with him and others. I understand the problem but have not been abused by any players wanting to help me.
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